1,813 research outputs found

    Recognizing clique graphs of directed edge path graphs

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    AbstractDirected edge path graphs are the intersection graphs of directed paths in a directed tree, viewed as sets of edges. They were studied by Monma and Wei (J. Comb. Theory B 41 (1986) 141–181) who also gave a polynomial time recognition algorithm. In this work, we show that the clique graphs of these graphs are exactly the two sections of the same kind of path families, and give a polynomial time recognition algorithm for them

    Recognizing clique graphs of directed edge path graphs

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    Directed edge path graphs are the intersection graphs of directed paths in a directed tree, viewed as sets of edges. They were studied by Monma and Wei (J. Comb. Theory B 41 (1986) 141-181) who also gave a polynomial time recognition algorithm. In this work, we show that the clique graphs of these graphs are exactly the two sections of the same kind of path families, and give a polynomial time recognition algorithm for them.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Recognizing clique graphs of directed edge path graphs

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    Directed edge path graphs are the intersection graphs of directed paths in a directed tree, viewed as sets of edges. They were studied by Monma and Wei (J. Comb. Theory B 41 (1986) 141-181) who also gave a polynomial time recognition algorithm. In this work, we show that the clique graphs of these graphs are exactly the two sections of the same kind of path families, and give a polynomial time recognition algorithm for them.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    On semi-transitive orientability of split graphs

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    A directed graph is semi-transitive if and only if it is acyclic and for any directed path u 1 → u 2 → ⋯ → u t , t ≥ 2 , either there is no edge from u 1 to u t or all edges u i → u j exist for 1 ≤ i < j ≤ t . An undirected graph is semi-transitive if it admits a semi-transitive orientation. Recognizing semi-transitive orientability of a graph is an NP-complete problem. A split graph is a graph in which the vertices can be partitioned into a clique and an independent set. Semi-transitive orientability of split graphs was recently studied in a series of papers in the literature. The main result in this paper is proving that recognition of semi-transitive orientability of split graphs can be done in a polynomial time

    On some special classes of contact B0B_0-VPG graphs

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    A graph GG is a B0B_0-VPG graph if one can associate a path on a rectangular grid with each vertex such that two vertices are adjacent if and only if the corresponding paths intersect at at least one grid-point. A graph GG is a contact B0B_0-VPG graph if it is a B0B_0-VPG graph admitting a representation with no two paths crossing and no two paths sharing an edge of the grid. In this paper, we present a minimal forbidden induced subgraph characterisation of contact B0B_0-VPG graphs within four special graph classes: chordal graphs, tree-cographs, P4P_4-tidy graphs and P5P_5-free graphs. Moreover, we present a polynomial-time algorithm for recognising chordal contact B0B_0-VPG graphs.Comment: 34 pages, 15 figure

    On a class of intersection graphs

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    Given a directed graph D = (V,A) we define its intersection graph I(D) = (A,E) to be the graph having A as a node-set and two nodes of I(D) are adjacent if their corresponding arcs share a common node that is the tail of at least one of these arcs. We call these graphs facility location graphs since they arise from the classical uncapacitated facility location problem. In this paper we show that facility location graphs are hard to recognize and they are easy to recognize when the graph is triangle-free. We also determine the complexity of the vertex coloring, the stable set and the facility location problems on that class
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