12,782 research outputs found

    Recent advances in multiobjective convex semi-infinite optimization

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    This paper reviews the existing literature on multiobjective (or vector) semi-infinite optimization problems, which are defined by finitely many convex objective functions of finitely many variables whose feasible sets are described by infinitely many convex constraints. The paper shows several applications of this type of optimization problems and presents a state-of-the-art review of its methods and theoretical developments (in particular, optimality, duality, and stability)

    Multi-Objective Supervised Learning

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    Copyright © 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. The final publication is available at link.springer.comBook title: Multiobjective Problem Solving from NatureExtended version of the 2006 workshop paper presented at the Workshop on Multiobjective Problem-Solving from Nature, 9th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN IX), Reykjavik, Iceland, 9-13 September 2006; see: http://hdl.handle.net/10871/11785This chapter sets out a number of the popular areas in multiobjective supervised learning. It gives empirical examples of model complexity optimization and competing error terms, and presents the recent advances in multi-class receiver operating characteristic analysis enabled by multiobjective optimization. It concludes by highlighting some specific areas of interest/concern when dealing with multiobjective supervised learning problems, and sets out future areas of potential research

    Multiobjective Optimization of Non-Smooth PDE-Constrained Problems

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    Multiobjective optimization plays an increasingly important role in modern applications, where several criteria are often of equal importance. The task in multiobjective optimization and multiobjective optimal control is therefore to compute the set of optimal compromises (the Pareto set) between the conflicting objectives. The advances in algorithms and the increasing interest in Pareto-optimal solutions have led to a wide range of new applications related to optimal and feedback control - potentially with non-smoothness both on the level of the objectives or in the system dynamics. This results in new challenges such as dealing with expensive models (e.g., governed by partial differential equations (PDEs)) and developing dedicated algorithms handling the non-smoothness. Since in contrast to single-objective optimization, the Pareto set generally consists of an infinite number of solutions, the computational effort can quickly become challenging, which is particularly problematic when the objectives are costly to evaluate or when a solution has to be presented very quickly. This article gives an overview of recent developments in the field of multiobjective optimization of non-smooth PDE-constrained problems. In particular we report on the advances achieved within Project 2 "Multiobjective Optimization of Non-Smooth PDE-Constrained Problems - Switches, State Constraints and Model Order Reduction" of the DFG Priority Programm 1962 "Non-smooth and Complementarity-based Distributed Parameter Systems: Simulation and Hierarchical Optimization"

    Enhanced genetic algorithm-based fuzzy multiobjective strategy to multiproduct batch plant design

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    This paper addresses the problem of the optimal design of batch plants with imprecise demands in product amounts. The design of such plants necessary involves how equipment may be utilized, which means that plant scheduling and production must constitute a basic part of the design problem. Rather than resorting to a traditional probabilistic approach for modeling the imprecision on product demands, this work proposes an alternative treatment by using fuzzy concepts. The design problem is tackled by introducing a new approach based on a multiobjective genetic algorithm, combined wit the fuzzy set theory for computing the objectives as fuzzy quantities. The problem takes into account simultaneous maximization of the fuzzy net present value and of two other performance criteria, i.e. the production delay/advance and a flexibility index. The delay/advance objective is computed by comparing the fuzzy production time for the products to a given fuzzy time horizon, and the flexibility index represents the additional fuzzy production that the plant would be able to produce. The multiobjective optimization provides the Pareto's front which is a set of scenarios that are helpful for guiding the decision's maker in its final choices. About the solution procedure, a genetic algorithm was implemented since it is particularly well-suited to take into account the arithmetic of fuzzy numbers. Furthermore because a genetic algorithm is working on populations of potential solutions, this type of procedure is well adapted for multiobjective optimization

    Set-based Multiobjective Fitness Landscapes: A Preliminary Study

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    Fitness landscape analysis aims to understand the geometry of a given optimization problem in order to design more efficient search algorithms. However, there is a very little knowledge on the landscape of multiobjective problems. In this work, following a recent proposal by Zitzler et al. (2010), we consider multiobjective optimization as a set problem. Then, we give a general definition of set-based multiobjective fitness landscapes. An experimental set-based fitness landscape analysis is conducted on the multiobjective NK-landscapes with objective correlation. The aim is to adapt and to enhance the comprehensive design of set-based multiobjective search approaches, motivated by an a priori analysis of the corresponding set problem properties

    Variance-constrained multiobjective control and filtering for nonlinear stochastic systems: A survey

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    The multiobjective control and filtering problems for nonlinear stochastic systems with variance constraints are surveyed. First, the concepts of nonlinear stochastic systems are recalled along with the introduction of some recent advances. Then, the covariance control theory, which serves as a practical method for multi-objective control design as well as a foundation for linear system theory, is reviewed comprehensively. The multiple design requirements frequently applied in engineering practice for the use of evaluating system performances are introduced, including robustness, reliability, and dissipativity. Several design techniques suitable for the multi-objective variance-constrained control and filtering problems for nonlinear stochastic systems are discussed. In particular, as a special case for the multi-objective design problems, the mixed H 2 / H ∞ control and filtering problems are reviewed in great detail. Subsequently, some latest results on the variance-constrained multi-objective control and filtering problems for the nonlinear stochastic systems are summarized. Finally, conclusions are drawn, and several possible future research directions are pointed out

    Hybridization of multi-objective deterministic particle swarm with derivative-free local searches

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    The paper presents a multi-objective derivative-free and deterministic global/local hybrid algorithm for the efficient and effective solution of simulation-based design optimization (SBDO) problems. The objective is to show how the hybridization of two multi-objective derivative-free global and local algorithms achieves better performance than the separate use of the two algorithms in solving specific SBDO problems for hull-form design. The proposed method belongs to the class of memetic algorithms, where the global exploration capability of multi-objective deterministic particle swarm optimization is enriched by exploiting the local search accuracy of a derivative-free multi-objective line-search method. To the authors best knowledge, studies are still limited on memetic, multi-objective, deterministic, derivative-free, and evolutionary algorithms for an effective and efficient solution of SBDO for hull-form design. The proposed formulation manages global and local searches based on the hypervolume metric. The hybridization scheme uses two parameters to control the local search activation and the number of function calls used by the local algorithm. The most promising values of these parameters were identified using forty analytical tests representative of the SBDO problem of interest. The resulting hybrid algorithm was finally applied to two SBDO problems for hull-form design. For both analytical tests and SBDO problems, the hybrid method achieves better performance than its global and local counterparts

    Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Driven by Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

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    Recently, increasing works have proposed to drive evolutionary algorithms using machine learning models. Usually, the performance of such model based evolutionary algorithms is highly dependent on the training qualities of the adopted models. Since it usually requires a certain amount of data (i.e. the candidate solutions generated by the algorithms) for model training, the performance deteriorates rapidly with the increase of the problem scales, due to the curse of dimensionality. To address this issue, we propose a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm driven by the generative adversarial networks (GANs). At each generation of the proposed algorithm, the parent solutions are first classified into real and fake samples to train the GANs; then the offspring solutions are sampled by the trained GANs. Thanks to the powerful generative ability of the GANs, our proposed algorithm is capable of generating promising offspring solutions in high-dimensional decision space with limited training data. The proposed algorithm is tested on 10 benchmark problems with up to 200 decision variables. Experimental results on these test problems demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm

    Meta-heuristic algorithms in car engine design: a literature survey

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    Meta-heuristic algorithms are often inspired by natural phenomena, including the evolution of species in Darwinian natural selection theory, ant behaviors in biology, flock behaviors of some birds, and annealing in metallurgy. Due to their great potential in solving difficult optimization problems, meta-heuristic algorithms have found their way into automobile engine design. There are different optimization problems arising in different areas of car engine management including calibration, control system, fault diagnosis, and modeling. In this paper we review the state-of-the-art applications of different meta-heuristic algorithms in engine management systems. The review covers a wide range of research, including the application of meta-heuristic algorithms in engine calibration, optimizing engine control systems, engine fault diagnosis, and optimizing different parts of engines and modeling. The meta-heuristic algorithms reviewed in this paper include evolutionary algorithms, evolution strategy, evolutionary programming, genetic programming, differential evolution, estimation of distribution algorithm, ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, memetic algorithms, and artificial immune system