718 research outputs found

    Realistic performance measurement for body-centric spatial modulation links

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    Spatial Modulation is a new transmission mode which increases spectral efficiency by employing information-driven transmit antenna selection. This performance is realized at a reduced hardware complexity and cost because only a single radio-frequency transmit chain is necessary. A measurement campaign is performed to assess the characteristics of spatial modulation over a body-centric communication channel, transmitting from a walking person with textile antennas integrated into the front and back sections of a garment, towards a base-station in realistic conditions. In the transmitted frames, additional spatial multiplexing as well as space-time coded data blocks are included. The off-body communication link is analyzed for line-of-sight as well as non line-of-sight radio wave propagation, comparing the characteristics of the different transmission modes under equal propagation conditions and for an equal channel capacity of 2 bit/s/Hz

    Pattern Diversity Characterization of Reconfigurable Antenna Arrays for Next Generation Wireless Systems

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    The use of multi-antenna technology in wireless radio communications has attracted tremendous attention due to its potential to increase data rates without requiring additional bandwidth and transmission power. This has been driven by the burgeoning demand for high data rates and the need for instantaneous and ubiquitous access to information. It is therefore no surprise that current and future generation wireless standards such as LTE and WiMAX have adopted the use of adaptive multi-antenna systems also known as adaptive Multiple Input and Multiple Output (MIMO) as their de facto transmission technology. In this thesis work, we focus on the design of a smart wireless antenna system, and the study of relevant techniques that enable us to reap the benefits of their deployment in small wireless devices with MIMO capability. Specifically, we employ a new class of adaptive antenna systems known as Reconfigurable Antenna Systems (RAS) for portable devices. These antennas are capable of dynamically changing their electrical and radiation characteristics to suit the conditions of the wireless channel. The changing radiation patterns lead to pattern diversity gains that improve system performance. This is in contrast to conventional non-reconfigurable arrays which depend on signal processing techniques such as antenna grouping and beamforming to achieve performance gains. However, despite the demonstrable system-level performance benefits of RAS in adaptive MIMO, few of these antennas have been adopted and integrated in state-of-the-art wireless standards. Their usage has been partly inhibited by the prohibitive costs of implementation and operation in a real wireless infrastructure. As part of this thesis research effort we attempt to integrate these new antennas into a cost-effective real wireless MIMO testbed for use in current generation technologies. The solution integration is carried-out through the use of readily available software-defined radio frameworks. We first design, analyze and characterize the pattern diversity in RAS antenna arrays that resonate at frequencies suitable for 4G applications. We then study the benefits of pattern diversity obtained from RAS arrays over conventional space diversity approaches such as antenna grouping and beamforming. This dissertation also presents low-complexity adaptive physical layer models and algorithms to exploit the benefits of RAS array integration in MIMO wireless systems. We implement these algorithms in software-defined radio frameworks, experimentally test, and benchmark them against other established approaches in literature. And finally, integrate and test these RAS array design prototypes as part of the MIMO wireless system that leverages a state-of-the-art wireless base station and mobile terminals.Ph.D., Electrical Engineering -- Drexel University, 201

    Técnicas de pré-codificação para sistemas multicelulares coordenados

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    Doutoramento em TelecomunicaçõesCoordenação Multicélula é um tópico de investigação em rápido crescimento e uma solução promissora para controlar a interferência entre células em sistemas celulares, melhorando a equidade do sistema e aumentando a sua capacidade. Esta tecnologia já está em estudo no LTEAdvanced sob o conceito de coordenação multiponto (COMP). Existem várias abordagens sobre coordenação multicélula, dependendo da quantidade e do tipo de informação partilhada pelas estações base, através da rede de suporte (backhaul network), e do local onde essa informação é processada, i.e., numa unidade de processamento central ou de uma forma distribuída em cada estação base. Nesta tese, são propostas técnicas de pré-codificação e alocação de potência considerando várias estratégias: centralizada, todo o processamento é feito na unidade de processamento central; semidistribuída, neste caso apenas parte do processamento é executado na unidade de processamento central, nomeadamente a potência alocada a cada utilizador servido por cada estação base; e distribuída em que o processamento é feito localmente em cada estação base. Os esquemas propostos são projectados em duas fases: primeiro são propostas soluções de pré-codificação para mitigar ou eliminar a interferência entre células, de seguida o sistema é melhorado através do desenvolvimento de vários esquemas de alocação de potência. São propostas três esquemas de alocação de potência centralizada condicionada a cada estação base e com diferentes relações entre desempenho e complexidade. São também derivados esquemas de alocação distribuídos, assumindo que um sistema multicelular pode ser visto como a sobreposição de vários sistemas com uma única célula. Com base neste conceito foi definido uma taxa de erro média virtual para cada um desses sistemas de célula única que compõem o sistema multicelular, permitindo assim projectar esquemas de alocação de potência completamente distribuídos. Todos os esquemas propostos foram avaliados em cenários realistas, bastante próximos dos considerados no LTE. Os resultados mostram que os esquemas propostos são eficientes a remover a interferência entre células e que o desempenho das técnicas de alocação de potência propostas é claramente superior ao caso de não alocação de potência. O desempenho dos sistemas completamente distribuídos é inferior aos baseados num processamento centralizado, mas em contrapartida podem ser usados em sistemas em que a rede de suporte não permita a troca de grandes quantidades de informação.Multicell coordination is a promising solution for cellular wireless systems to mitigate inter-cell interference, improving system fairness and increasing capacity and thus is already under study in LTE-A under the coordinated multipoint (CoMP) concept. There are several coordinated transmission approaches depending on the amount of information shared by the transmitters through the backhaul network and where the processing takes place i.e. in a central processing unit or in a distributed way on each base station. In this thesis, we propose joint precoding and power allocation techniques considering different strategies: Full-centralized, where all the processing takes place at the central unit; Semi-distributed, in this case only some process related with power allocation is done at the central unit; and Fulldistributed, where all the processing is done locally at each base station. The methods are designed in two phases: first the inter-cell interference is removed by applying a set of centralized or distributed precoding vectors; then the system is further optimized by centralized or distributed power allocation schemes. Three centralized power allocation algorithms with per-BS power constraint and different complexity tradeoffs are proposed. Also distributed power allocation schemes are proposed by considering the multicell system as superposition of single cell systems, where we define the average virtual bit error rate (BER) of interference-free single cell system, allowing us to compute the power allocation coefficients in a distributed manner at each BS. All proposed schemes are evaluated in realistic scenarios considering LTE specifications. The numerical evaluations show that the proposed schemes are efficient in removing inter-cell interference and improve system performance comparing to equal power allocation. Furthermore, fulldistributed schemes can be used when the amounts of information to be exchanged over the backhaul is restricted, although system performance is slightly degraded from semi-distributed and full-centralized schemes, but the complexity is considerably lower. Besides that for high degrees of freedom distributed schemes show similar behaviour to centralized ones

    MIMO Systems

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    In recent years, it was realized that the MIMO communication systems seems to be inevitable in accelerated evolution of high data rates applications due to their potential to dramatically increase the spectral efficiency and simultaneously sending individual information to the corresponding users in wireless systems. This book, intends to provide highlights of the current research topics in the field of MIMO system, to offer a snapshot of the recent advances and major issues faced today by the researchers in the MIMO related areas. The book is written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world to cover the fundamental principles and main advanced topics on high data rates wireless communications systems over MIMO channels. Moreover, the book has the advantage of providing a collection of applications that are completely independent and self-contained; thus, the interested reader can choose any chapter and skip to another without losing continuity

    Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Communications Systems Using Reconfigurable Antennas

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    RÉSUMÉ Depuis les années 1990, l'utilisation des systèmes de communications sans-fil à entrées multiples-sorties multiples (MIMO) a été introduit pour fournir des transmissions fiables à grande vitesse. Cette thèse porte sur l'application et l’étude des systèmes MIMO avec des antennes reconfigurables, qui sont ajustable électroniquement pour produire différents diagrammes de rayonnement d'un seul élément d'antenne et ainsi offrir une diversité de diagrammes de rayonnement. En particulier, nous étudions le comportement de la capacité de canal des systèmes MIMO à sélection de diagrammes de rayonnement (PS-MIMO), et nous proposons aussi des algorithmes de sélection du diagramme de rayonnement atteignant la capacité maximale. Tout d'abord, nous étudions l'application des antennes reconfigurables dans l'estimation des statistiques spatiales à long terme de canaux spatiaux avec grappes de multi-trajets (cluster). Nous proposons un estimateur de spectre de type Capon et une technique d'adaptation de la covariance (COMET) pour estimer conjointement l'angle moyen et l’étalement angulaire de la grappe spatiale avec des antennes reconfigurables. En second lieu, sur la base des statistiques à long terme du canal MIMO, nous proposons des algorithmes de sélection de diagramme de rayonnement MIMO (SPS-MIMO) pour atteindre la capacité maximale de canal ergodique. L'analyse de la maximisation de la capacité ergodique du système SPS-MIMO indique que le modèle statistique de sélection fournit des gains supplémentaires en améliorant la puissance du signal reçu et en décorrélant les signaux reçus avec différents diagrammes de rayonnement directionnels. Troisièmement, nous nous concentrons sur le modèle de sélection instantanée des diagrammes de rayonnement MIMO (IPS-MIMO) basé sur des informations instantanées d'état de canal (CSI) afin de maximiser la capacité instantanée pour chaque réalisation de canal. Nous démontrons que l’ordre de diversité des systèmes MIMO peut être multipliée par le nombre de diagrammes de rayonnement avec sélection de diagramme instantanée. Afin d'évaluer la capacité moyenne de l'IPS-MIMO, nous proposons un nouvel algorithme qui permet d’approximer étroitement la moyenne de la valeur maximale de la capacité du canal MIMO avec des trajets arbitrairement corrélés. Nous proposons également un algorithme pour sélectionner instantanément les diagrammes de rayonnement pour atteindre la capacité moyenne. En outre, sur la base d'une simple expression en forme fermée de la capacité coefficient de corrélation, nous sommes en mesure de proposer un algorithme de sélection de sous-ensemble de diagrammes qui offre un compromis entre performances et la complexité de l’algorithme de sélection. En conclusion, des gains de performance importants peuvent être obtenus grâce à la combinaison de l'utilisation d’antennes reconfigurables et de systèmes MIMO avec soit des algorithmes de sélection de diagramme de rayonnement statistique ou instantanée. La capacité des systèmes PS-MIMO à améliorer les performances du système, y compris la capacité et de l'ordre de la diversité, est démontrée par l'analyse théorique et des simulations numériques.----------ABSTRACT Since the 1990s, the use of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems has been introduced to modern wireless communications to provide reliable transmission at high data rates. This thesis focuses on the application of MIMO systems with reconfigurable antennas, which are electronically tunable to produce a number of radiation patterns at a single antenna element and provide pattern diversity. In particular, we investigate the capacity performance of the pattern selection MIMO (PS-MIMO) systems, and we also present maximum capacity achieving algorithms for radiation pattern selection. First, we investigate the application of reconfigurable antennas in estimating long term spatial statistics of spatial clustered channels. We propose a Capon-like spectrum estimator and a covariance matching technique (COMET) to jointly estimate the mean angle and the angular spread of the spatial cluster with reconfigurable antennas. Second, based on the long term statistics of the MIMO channel, we propose statistical pattern selection MIMO (SPS-MIMO) algorithms to achieve maximum ergodic channel capacity. Analysis of the ergodic capacity maximization of the SPS-MIMO indicates that the statistical pattern selection provides additional gains by enhancing received signal power and decorrelating received signals with different directional radiation patterns. Third, we focus on the instantaneous pattern selection MIMO (IPS-MIMO) based on instantaneous channel state information (CSI) in order to maximize the instantaneous capacity for every channel realization. We prove that the diversity order of MIMO systems can be multiplied by the number of radiation patterns with instantaneous pattern selection. In order to evaluate the mean capacity of the IPS-MIMO, we propose a novel algorithm which closely approximates the mean of the maximum of the channel capacity of arbitrarily correlated MIMO channels. We also propose an algorithm for instantaneously selecting radiation patterns to achieve the mean capacity. In addition, based on a simple closed-form approximation to the capacity correlation coefficient, we are able to propose a subset pattern selection algorithm which enables the trade-off between performances and complexity. In conclusion, important extra gains can be obtained as a result of combining the use of reconfigurable antennas and MIMO systems with either statistical or instantaneous radiation pattern selection. The capability of the PS-MIMO to improve system performances, including capacity and diversity order, is demonstrated through theoretical analysis and numerical simulations

    Measurement, modelling and performance evaluation of the MIMO radio channel

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