5,959 research outputs found

    Big data analytics tools for improving the decision-making process in agrifood supply chain

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    Introduzione: Nell'interesse di garantire una sicurezza alimentare a lungo termine di fronte a circostanze mutevoli, ù necessario comprendere e considerare gli aspetti ambientali, sociali ed economici del processo di produzione. Inoltre, a causa della globalizzazione, sono stati sollevati i problemi delle lunghe filiere agroalimentari, l'asimmetria informativa, la contraffazione, la difficoltà di tracciare e rintracciare l'origine dei prodotti e le numerose questioni correlate quali il benessere dei consumatori e i costi sanitari. Le tecnologie emergenti guidano verso il raggiungimento di nuovi approcci socioeconomici in quanto consentono al governo e ai singoli produttori agricoli di raccogliere ed analizzare una quantità sempre crescente di dati ambientali, agronomici, logistici e danno la possibilità ai consumatori ed alle autorità di controllo della qualità di accedere a tutte le informazioni necessarie in breve tempo e facilmente. Obiettivo: L'oggetto della ricerca riguarda lo studio delle modalità di miglioramento del processo produttivo attraverso la riduzione dell'asimmetria informativa, rendendola disponibile alle parti interessate in un tempo ragionevole, analizzando i dati sui processi produttivi, considerando l'impatto ambientale della produzione in termini di ecologia, economia, sicurezza alimentare e qualità di cibo, costruendo delle opportunità per le parti interessate nel prendere decisioni informate, oltre che semplificare il controllo della qualità, della contraffazione e delle frodi. Pertanto, l'obiettivo di questo lavoro ù quello di studiare le attuali catene di approvvigionamento, identificare le loro debolezze e necessità, analizzare le tecnologie emergenti, le loro caratteristiche e gli impatti sulle catene di approvvigionamento e fornire utili raccomandazioni all'industria, ai governi e ai policy maker.Introduction: In the interest of ensuring long-term food security and safety in the face of changing circumstances, it is interesting and necessary to understand and to take into consideration the environmental, social and economic aspects of food and beverage production in relation to the consumers’ demand. Besides, due to the globalization, the problems of long supply chains, information asymmetry, counterfeiting, difficulty for tracing and tracking back the origin of the products and numerous related issues have been raised such as consumers’ well-being and healthcare costs. Emerging technologies drive to achieve new socio-economic approaches as they enable government and individual agricultural producers to collect and analyze an ever-increasing amount of environmental, agronomic, logistic data, and they give the possibility to the consumers and quality control authorities to get access to all necessary information in a short notice and easily. Aim: The object of the research essentially concerns the study of the ways for improving the production process through reducing the information asymmetry, making it available for interested parties in a reasonable time, analyzing the data about production processes considering the environmental impact of production in terms of ecology, economy, food safety and food quality and build the opportunity for stakeholders to make informed decisions, as well as simplifying the control of the quality, counterfeiting and fraud. Therefore, the aim of this work is to study current supply chains, to identify their weaknesses and necessities, to investigate the emerging technologies, their characteristics and the impacts on supply chains, and to provide with the useful recommendations the industry, governments and policymakers

    Blockchain For Food: Making Sense of Technology and the Impact on Biofortified Seeds

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    The global food system is under pressure and is in the early stages of a major transition towards more transparency, circularity, and personalisation. In the coming decades, there is an increasing need for more food production with fewer resources. Thus, increasing crop yields and nutritional value per crop is arguably an important factor in this global food transition. Biofortification can play an important role in feeding the world. Biofortified seeds create produce with increased nutritional values, mainly minerals and vitamins, while using the same or less resources as non-biofortified variants. However, a farmer cannot distinguish a biofortified seed from a regular seed. Due to the invisible nature of the enhanced seeds, counterfeit products are common, limiting wide-scale adoption of biofortified crops. Fraudulent seeds pose a major obstacle in the adoption of biofortified crops. A system that could guarantee the origin of the biofortified seeds is therefore required to ensure widespread adoption. This trust-ensuring immutable proof for the biofortified seeds, can be provided via blockchain technology

    Sustainable Development Report: Blockchain, the Web3 & the SDGs

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    This is an output paper of the applied research that was conducted between July 2018 - October 2019 funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and conducted by the Research Institute for Cryptoeconomics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and RCE Vienna (Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development).Series: Working Paper Series / Institute for Cryptoeconomics / Interdisciplinary Researc

    Sustainable Development Report: Blockchain, the Web3 & the SDGs

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    This is an output paper of the applied research that was conducted between July 2018 - October 2019 funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and conducted by the Research Institute for Cryptoeconomics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business and RCE Vienna (Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development).Series: Working Paper Series / Institute for Cryptoeconomics / Interdisciplinary Researc

    Supply chain traceability using blockchain

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    Mestrado em GestĂŁo MBARastreabilidade Ă© a capacidade de rastrear a origem, a histĂłria e a distribuição de produtos numa cadeia logĂ­stica. Para implementar rastreabilidade completa, Ă© crucial estabelecer uma cadeia de custĂłdia, normalmente definida como uma sequĂȘncia de procedimentos que valida a propriedade e o controle de produtos ao longo da cadeia de logĂ­stica. No mercado atual globalizado, as cadeias de logĂ­stica podem abranger um grande nĂșmero de paĂ­ses e fronteiras e exigir a interoperabilidade de numerosas organizaçÔes. Esta vastidĂŁo e complexidade impacta a competitividade dos negĂłcios e dificulta a segurança, e a transparĂȘncia da cadeia de logĂ­stica. A implementação da rastreabilidade Ă© fundamental para que as organizaçÔes possam posteriormente demonstrar a rastreabilidade, proveniĂȘncia e integridade e conformidade do produto. A tecnologia Blockchain, com os seus atributos de descentralização, transparĂȘncia e imutabilidade, tem sido apontada como destinada a revolucionar vĂĄrios setores, com aplicação ao gerenciamento de cadeias de logĂ­stica. O presente estudo começa pela revisĂŁo da literatura publicada para encontrar aspetos que influenciam o problema e segue a Metodologia de Pesquisa de Projeto para analisar os requisitos e propor uma solução para um sistema de gestĂŁo de cadeia de logĂ­stica com melhor rastreabilidade. Os resultados da tese sĂŁo artefactos de arquitetura, incluindo um contracto inteligente para Ethereum e um sistema de autenticação baseado em certificados, que permitem a implementação de um sistema de cadeia de logĂ­stica suportado em Ethereum Blockchain que providencia aos seus utilizadores e ao consumidor final, as funcionalidades de proveniĂȘncia, rastreabilidade e cadeia de custĂłdia.Traceability is the ability to trace the origin, processing history, and the distribution of products in a Supply chain. In order to implement a complete traceability system, it is crucial to establish a chain of custody. Chain of Custody is typically defined as a sequence of procedures that validates the ownership and control of products along the supply chain. In the current global marketplace supply chains can span a huge number of countries and require interoperation of a multitude of organizations. This vastness of supply chains impacts business competitiveness since it adds complexity and can difficult securing traceability, chain of custody and transparency. In this work it is proposed a complete approach for organizations to be able to demonstrate traceability, provenance (proof of origin) and product integrity and compliance. Blockchain technology with its attributes of decentralization, transparency and immutability has been touted to revolutionize several industries, and most recently has been proposed for supply chain management (SCM). The present study reviews the published literature to find the aspects that influence the problem and then follows the Design Science Research Methodology to analyze the requirements and propose a solution to a more complete traceability in SCMs. The results of this thesis were architectural artifacts, including an Ethereum SC (Smart Contract) and a certificate-based authentication system. These deliverables would allow implementation of a supply chain system over the Ethereum Blockchain that can provide decentralized and trustful assurance of the provenance, chain of custody and traceability functionalities for the participants and consumers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    RFID in the warehouse:a literature analysis (1995-2010) of its applications, benefits, challenges and future trends

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has been identified as a crucial technology for the modern 21st century knowledge-based economy. Some businesses have realised benefits of RFID adoption through improvements in operational efficiency, additional cost savings, and opportunities for higher revenues. RFID research in warehousing operations has been less prominent than in other application domains. To investigate how RFID technology has had an impact in warehousing, a comprehensive analysis of research findings available from articles through leading scientific article databases has been conducted. Articles from years 1995 to 2010 have been reviewed and analysed with respect to warehouse operations, RFID application domains, benefits achieved and obstacles encountered. Four discussion topics are presented covering RFID in warehousing focusing on its applications, perceived benefits, obstacles to its adoption and future trends. This is aimed at elucidating the current state of RFID in the warehouse and providing insights for researchers to establish new research agendas and for practitioners to consider and assess the adoption of RFID in warehousing functions

    Understanding the perceptions of traceability systems in the cocoa supply chain :a case of Ghana

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    DBA ThesisMarkets for agricultural commodities are characterised by high volumes of homogeneous goods, low unit value and high information asymmetries. As a result, transparency systems, such as traceability, are increasingly required in the international food commodity trade as producers and traders make efforts to differentiate their goods on the basis of quality. In its simplest terms, traceability refers to the ability to trace and track the sources of food and food inputs in supply chains. Researchers and supply chain participants, specifically in the cocoa sector of Ghana, have different perceptions of traceability systems. To explore this issue, a qualitative multiple case study research design was used to understand actors’ perception of traceability systems in Ghana’s cocoa supply chain. Behavioural theories, technology and innovation diffusion theories, and decision-making theories were used as the theoretical frameworks to examine the differences in perception of traceability systems in the Ghana cocoa supply chain. A semi-structured interview guide was used to study 14 cases of farmers, middlemen, cocoa processors and regulators in the cocoa sector of Ghana. The research found differences in the perception of traceability systems among the different segments of the supply chain with respect to meanings of the term ‘traceability’, its perceived usefulness, actors’ intention to adopt systems and motivations to implement traceability systems. The study found that the extra income in the form of traceability premiums, and the relationships that result from implementing traceability systems, are the two most important motivation factors. Based on these results, the study has contributed to agribusiness policy and literature

    Food Traceability Information Modeling and Data Exchange and GIS Based Farm Traceability Model Design and Application

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    This thesis investigates the concept of electronic food traceability throughout the supply chain, with an emphasis on Traceable Resource Unit (TRU) identification, data management, and information exchange technologies from farm to fork. To accomplish these tasks, a UML (Unified Modeling Language) was used to create a product centric data model for managing TRU traceability data throughout the chain. After this step XML (Extensible Markup Language) schema was created using the UML model as a model foundation. The schema was used for the validation of XML files, which was written as an example of traceability information exchange and record keeping within and between supply chain parties. The model was able to represent production lots/batches and their sub components. The composition of a certain end product is then represented through modeling all its previous materials along with their intermediate relations. By registering all relations between each TRU, a method of tracking the composition of the end product was achieved. The second part of the thesis investigates the use of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) for creating a farm based traceability system. The system was able to visually identify and record each activity at the farm level, therefore enhancing upstream supply chain traceability

    Multi Agent Systems in Logistics: A Literature and State-of-the-art Review

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    Based on a literature survey, we aim to answer our main question: ñ€ƓHow should we plan and execute logistics in supply chains that aim to meet todayñ€ℱs requirements, and how can we support such planning and execution using IT?ñ€ Todayñ€ℱs requirements in supply chains include inter-organizational collaboration and more responsive and tailored supply to meet specific demand. Enterprise systems fall short in meeting these requirements The focus of planning and execution systems should move towards an inter-enterprise and event-driven mode. Inter-organizational systems may support planning going from supporting information exchange and henceforth enable synchronized planning within the organizations towards the capability to do network planning based on available information throughout the network. We provide a framework for planning systems, constituting a rich landscape of possible configurations, where the centralized and fully decentralized approaches are two extremes. We define and discuss agent based systems and in particular multi agent systems (MAS). We emphasize the issue of the role of MAS coordination architectures, and then explain that transportation is, next to production, an important domain in which MAS can and actually are applied. However, implementation is not widespread and some implementation issues are explored. In this manner, we conclude that planning problems in transportation have characteristics that comply with the specific capabilities of agent systems. In particular, these systems are capable to deal with inter-organizational and event-driven planning settings, hence meeting todayñ€ℱs requirements in supply chain planning and execution.supply chain;MAS;multi agent systems

    Reverse logistics

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    This paper gives an overview of scientific literature that describes and discusses cases of reverse logistics activities in practice. Over sixty case studies are considered. Based on these studies we are able to indicate critical factors for the practice of reverse logistics. In addition we compare practice with theoretical models and point out research opportunities in the field
