502 research outputs found

    Spinoza y el Spinozismo en la Ilustración Occidental: los últimos giros de la controversia

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    This article seeks to outline the main elements in the historiographical controversy over the significance of ‘Spinozism’ as an eighteenth-century Enlightenment category and the validity or otherwise of the concept of ‘Radical Enlightenment’ as well as the relationship between these two categories. Defining ‘Radical Enlightenment’ as the philosophical rejection of religious authority combined with a democratic tending system of social and political thought, and as a partly clandestine tradition that evolved in opposition to the moderate mainstream Enlightenment, it seeks to sketch in the main features both of the ‘negative critique’ broadly opposing this way of understanding the Western Enlightenment and the ‘positive critique’ that accepts this classification in broad outline.En el presente artículo se aspira a resumir los principales elementos de la controversia historiográfica acerca del significado de “Spinozismo” como categoría de la Ilustración del siglo XVIII y de la validez o no del concepto de “Ilustración Radical”, así como la relación entre ambas categorías. Al definir la “Ilustración Radical” como el rechazo filosófico de la autoridad religiosa, en combinación con un sistema de pensamiento social y político que propende a la democracia, y como una tradición en parte clandestina desarrollada en oposición a la corriente principal de la Ilustración, más moderada, el texto pretende bosquejar en sus rasgos distintivos tanto la “crítica negativa”, fuertemente opuesta a ese modo de entender la Ilustración Occidental, como la “crítica positiva”, que la acepta ampliamente

    Neoliberal Reason and the Displacement of Politics

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    Review of William Davies, The Limits of Neoliberalism. A rich and lucid account of the social conventions and discourses that underpin neoliberalism. Replete with lessons for the analysis of parliamentary politics and the university in contemporary Aotearoa New Zealand. &nbsp

    The Regulation of Cryptocurrencies: Between a Currency and a Financial Product

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    Cryptocurrencies are electronically generated and stored currencies by which users can trade either real or virtual objects with one another. As these digital assets gain popularity, the issue of how to regulate them becomes more pressing. Cryptocurrencies are attractive due in part to their decentralized, peer-to-peer structure. This makes them an alternative to national currencies which are controlled by central banks. Given that these cryptocurrencies are already replacing some of the “regular” national currencies and financial products, the question then arises—should they be regulated? And if so, how? This paper draws the legal distinction between cryptocurrencies which are in fact currency and those which are securities disguised as currency. It further suggests that in cases where a token is indeed a security, regular securities regulation should apply. In all other cases, anti-fraud measures should be in place to protect investors. Further regulation should only be put in place if the cryptocurrency starts increasing systemic risk in the general financial system

    Data-Informed Leadership in Education

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    Explores ideas, frameworks, and beliefs concerning the use of data in educational decision making and in the work of leaders at state and local levels as it relates to the improvement of teaching and learning

    Quantifying the sustainability of Bitcoin and Blockchain

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    Purpose. We develop new quantitative methods to estimate the level of speculation and long-term sustainability of Bitcoin and Blockchain. Design/Methodology/Approach. We explore the practical application of speculative bubble models to cryptocurrencies. We then show how the approach can be extended to provide estimated brand values using data from Google Trends. Findings. We con�rm previous �ndings of speculative bubbles in cryptocurrency markets. Relatedly, Google searches for cryptocurrencies seem to be primarily driven by recent price rises. Overall results are su�cient to question the long-term sustainability of Bitcoin with the suggestion that Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash and Ripple may all enjoy technical advantages relative to Bitcoin. Our results also demonstrate that Blockchain has a distinct value and identity beyond cryptocurrencies { providing foundational support for the second generation of academic work on Blockchain. However, a relatively low estimated long-term growth rate suggests that the bene�ts of Blockchain may take a long time to be fully realised. Originality/value. We contribute to an emerging academic literature on Blockchain and to a more established literature exploring the use of Google data within business analytics. Our original contribution is to quantify the business value of Blockchain and related technologies using Google Trends

    Cromwell’s House of Lords: Politics, Parliaments and Constitutional revolution

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    Jonathan Fitzgibbons’ monograph, based on his 2010 doctoral thesis, tackles a subject largely ignored in the historiography of the Interregnum, the Cromwellian “Other House.

    Criptomoedas : teoria da arena e o reconhecimento contabilístico

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    Mestrado em Contabilidade, Fiscalidade e Finanças EmpresariaisEsta dissertação analisa as posições contabilísticas adotadas em relação às criptomoedas até ao momento e permite perceber qual a posição que o tema da contabilidade financeira possui no debate acerca das criptomoedas. Assim, este estudo contribui para o estudo de criptomoedas de duas formas distintas. Primeiro foi feita uma revisão de literatura que permitiu enquadrar conceptualmente os criptoativos, distinguir entre os diversos tipos de criptoativos e identificar as opiniões de 3 dos principais organismos contabilísticos acerca do tratamento contabilístico que deve ser aplicado às criptomoedas. Em seguida, foi efetuada uma análise quantitativa, partindo do estudo da Teoria da Arena e utilizando a plataforma Factiva, que permitiu identificar os principais atores no debate das criptomoedas e qual a posição que o tema da contabilidade financeira detém neste debate. Este estudo dá um primeiro passo na temática da contabilidade financeira associada às criptomoedas, ao demonstrar a pouca relevância que está a ser dada a este tema na comunidade internacional e ao identificar um ponto de partida às empresas que lidam com este tema. Os resultados demonstram a pouca importância que está a ser dada ao tema da contabilidade na área das criptomoedas e também a natureza diversa dos atores envolvidos nestes debates.This dissertation analyzes the accounting positions regarding the crypto assets and allows us to obtain an understanding of the position that financial accounting has in the debate involving crypto assets. Therefore, this dissertation contributes for the study of cryptocurrencies in two different ways. First, it was performed a literature review that framed the topic of the crypto assets, making a distinction between the different types of crypto assets, and allowed to identify the positions of 3 accounting bodies regarding the accounting treatment that should be applied to cryptocurrencies. Secondly, a quantitative analysis was performed, starting from the Arena Theory and using the Factiva platform, it was possible to identify the most relevant actors on the debate of cryptocurrencies and what is the position that the financial accounting subject has on this debate. This dissertation gives a first step on the topic of financial accounting associated with cryptocurrencies, by showing the little attention that has been given to this subject by the international community and by giving a starting point to the companies which deal with such subject. The results show that financial accounting does not play a relevant part in the cryptocurrencies? area and also the diverse nature of the actors involved in these debates.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Terrestrialization in the Ordovician

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    This contribution reviews the evidence for terrestrial organisms during the Ordovician (microbial, land plant, fungal, animal) and for the nature of the terrestrial biota. The evidence regarding the origin and early diversification of land plants combines information from both fossils and living organisms. Extant plants can be utilized in: (1) phylogenetic analyses to provide evidence for the nature of the algal–land plant transition and the characteristics of the most basal land plants; (2) evolutionary developmental biology studies of the characters that enabled the invasion of the land; (3) molecular clock analysis to provide evidence regarding timing of the origin and diversification of land plants. We conclude that the Ordovician was a critical period during the terrestrialization of planet Earth that witnessed the transition from a microbial terrestrial biota to one dominated by a vegetation of the most basal land plants