142,101 research outputs found

    Morality Play: A Model for Developing Games of Moral Expertise

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    According to cognitive psychologists, moral decision-making is a dual-process phenomenon involving two types of cognitive processes: explicit reasoning and implicit intuition. Moral development involves training and integrating both types of cognitive processes through a mix of instruction, practice, and reflection. Serious games are an ideal platform for this kind of moral training, as they provide safe spaces for exploring difficult moral problems and practicing the skills necessary to resolve them. In this article, we present Morality Play, a model for the design of serious games for ethical expertise development based on the Integrative Ethical Education framework from moral psychology and the Lens of the Toy model for serious game design

    Kliinisen päätöksenteon oppiminen pelillisen simulaation avulla : Simulaatiopelien design-periaatteet

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    The aim of this study was to obtain knowledge about learning clinical reasoning through game-based simulation. This knowledge could be used in developing and embedding new learning methods for clinical reasoning in nursing education. Research has shown that nursing students lack knowledge and skills in detecting and managing changes in patients’ clinical conditions. This is often due to insufficient clinical reasoning, and thus, educational organisations need to more effectively enable the development of clinical reasoning during education. Digitalisation in higher education is increasing, and the use of virtual simulations and, recently, serious games to support professional learning and competence development is growing. The purpose of this research was to generate design principles for simulation games and to design and develop a simulation game for learning clinical reasoning. Furthermore, the purpose was to investigate nursing students learning through gaming. A design-based research methodology was used: iterative cycles of analysis, design, development, testing and refinement were conducted via collaboration among researchers, nurse educators, students, programmers, 3D artist and interface designers in a real-world setting. Mixed research methods were used. The results indicated that games used to provide significant learning experiences for nursing students need to share some of the characteristics of leisure games, especially visual authenticity, immersion, interactivity and feedback systems. In terms of the clinical reasoning process, students improved in their ability to take action and collect information. The findings showed that usability, application of nursing knowledge and exploration are the aspects of a simulation game that have the greatest impact on learning clinical reasoning. It was also revealed that authentic patient-related experiences, feedback and reflection have an indirect effect on learning clinical reasoning. This study provided opportunities to advance our knowledge of nursing students’ learning processes and experiences of learning clinical reasoning through game-based simulation. Its results add to the growing body of literature on game development in the field of nursing education by providing design principles for educational simulation games. The present study confirms previous findings and contributes additional evidence that suggests that game-based simulations are a valuable learning method for healthcare education. However, in order for serious games to add value to healthcare education, the essence of the profession needs to be built into the game, and here the contribution of healthcare professionals is priceless.Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tuottaa tietoa kliinisen päätöksenteon oppimisesta simulaatiopeliä pelaamalla sekä oppimiseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Tuotettua tietoa voidaan hyödyntää kehitettäessä uusia menetelmiä kliinisen päätöksenteon opetukseen. Aikaisempien tutkimusten mukaan sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden kliinisen päätöksenteon osaamisessa ilmenee puutteita erityisesti potilaan kliinisen tilan huononemisen havaitsemisessa ja ennaltaehkäisyssä. Tämän vuoksi koulutusorganisaatioiden tulee entistä tehokkaammin edistää kliinisen päätöksenteon kehittymistä koulutuksen aikana. Virtuaalisimulaatioiden ja viime aikoina myös hyötypelien käyttö terveysalan koulutuksessa ammatillisen osaamisen vahvistamisessa on lisääntynyt. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli muodostaa design-periaatteet oppimista edistävän simulaatiopelin kehittämiseen sekä suunnitella ja kehittää simulaatiopeli kliinisen päätöksenteon oppimiseen. Lisäksi tarkoituksena oli tutkia sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden oppimista simulaatiopelillä. Tutkimuksessa toteutettiin design-tutkimuksen lähestymistapaa. Tutkimus toteutettiin sykleissä, joissa simulaatiopelin suunnittelu, kehittäminen, testaaminen ja uudelleen suunnittelu vuorottelivat. Tutkimus toteutettiin tutkijoiden, hoitotyön opettajien ja opiskelijoiden sekä pelinkehittäjien (ohjelmoijat, käyttöliittymäsuunnittelijat ja 3D artisti) yhteistyössä aidoissa ympäristöissä. Tutkimus oli monimenetelmätutkimus. Tulosten mukaan merkittävät oppimiskokemukset edellyttävät, että oppimiseen tarkoitetuissa simulaatiopeleissä on hyödynnettävä viihdepelien ominaisuuksia kuten autenttisuus, immersiivisyys, interaktiivisuus ja palautejärjestelmät. Parhaiten opiskelijat kokivat oppivansa pelaamalla tiedon keräämistä ja hoitotyön toteuttamista. Tulosten mukaan oppimista simulaatiopeliä pelaamalla selittivät käytettävyys, hoitotyön tiedon käyttö sekä tutkiskelemalla oppiminen. Lisäksi oppimiseen vaikuttivat autenttiset potilaskohtaiset kokemukset, palautteen saaminen sekä reflektointi. Tutkimusprosessissa syntyneen tiedon pohjalta muodostettiin design-periaatteet simulaatiopelin kehittämiseen. Tutkimus tuotti tietoa simulaatiopelejä pelaavien sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden oppimisprosesseista sekä oppimiskokemuksista. Lisäksi tutkimus osoitti, että terveysalan ammattilaisten osallistuminen pelinkehitykseen on korvaamatonta, jotta ammatin syvin olemus saadaan rakennetua sisään pelimekaniikkaan. Tutkimus tuotti tietoa oppimista tukevien pelien kehittämisestä, jota voidaan hyödyntää kehitettäessä pelejä terveysalan koulutukseen sekä myös muille ammatillisen koulutuksen alueille

    Learning Clinical Reasoning Through Gaming in Nursing Education : Future Scenarios of Game Metrics and Artificial Intelligence

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged healthcare professionals’ clinical reasoning, which can have serious consequences for patients. So far, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in nursing education has been limited. Artificial intelligence (AI) is one solution for ensuring quality decision-making in demanding clinical situations in two ways. First, AI applications can support healthcare professionals’ clinical decisions. Second, AI techniques can be used to support learning clinical reasoning (CR) in healthcare education and training. This chapter focuses on the potential of exploiting AI through game metrics in nursing education. Previously, simulation games have proven effective for learning clinical reasoning skills. However, game metrics have not been commonly utilized in nursing simulation games, although research in other disciplines has shown that game metrics are suitable for demonstrating the achievement of learning outcomes. This chapter discusses the possibilities of using game metrics to develop adaptive features for nursing simulation games. Personalization and adaptivity in simulation games can enable meaningful learning experiences and enable nursing students to achieve good CR skills for their future work in constantly challenging clinical situations.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Using Out-of-Character Reasoning to Combine Storytelling and Education in a Serious Game

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    To reconcile storytelling and educational meta-goals in the context of a serious game, we propose to make use of out-of-character reasoning in virtual agents. We will implement these agents in a serious game of our design, which will focus on social interaction in conflict scenarios with the meta-goal of improving social awareness of users. The agents will use out-of-character reasoning to manage conflicts by assuming different in-character personalities or by planning to take specific actions based on interaction with the users. In-character reasoning is responsible for the storytelling concerns of character believability and consistency. These are not endangered by out-of-character reasoning, as it takes in-character information into account when making decisions

    Overcoming Troublesome Knowledge in Threshold Concepts Learning: The Case of Theoretical Reasoning in Undergraduate Political Studies

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    This paper investigates the challenges posed by troublesome knowledge in undergraduate politics learning. Theoretical reasoning is taken as the chief example of troublesome threshold concept in politics, and the problem of crossing the ‘liminal space’ is discussed. The pedagogy of games is offered as a model for overcoming the learner’s anxiety in crossing the threshold. A literature review on the pedagogy of games suggests that games make the liminal space less problematic. First, during a game the tacit rules of reasoning are uncovered and become the rules of the game itself. Second, the humorous environment reduces learners’ anxiety in dealing with troublesome knowledge. Reflective analysis on two episodes in an undergraduate class corroborates the finding of the literature, and highlights one further element of game and playfulness that makes the rite of passage more pleasant and productive: games are also a gateway for social cohesion and reciprocal trust, increasing the intimacy among students through playful teasing and imagination. The paper concludes that teaching styles that encourage reciprocal approachability are most effective in helping learners to comprehend threshold concepts.Final Published versio

    The AutoProof Verifier: Usability by Non-Experts and on Standard Code

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    Formal verification tools are often developed by experts for experts; as a result, their usability by programmers with little formal methods experience may be severely limited. In this paper, we discuss this general phenomenon with reference to AutoProof: a tool that can verify the full functional correctness of object-oriented software. In particular, we present our experiences of using AutoProof in two contrasting contexts representative of non-expert usage. First, we discuss its usability by students in a graduate course on software verification, who were tasked with verifying implementations of various sorting algorithms. Second, we evaluate its usability in verifying code developed for programming assignments of an undergraduate course. The first scenario represents usability by serious non-experts; the second represents usability on "standard code", developed without full functional verification in mind. We report our experiences and lessons learnt, from which we derive some general suggestions for furthering the development of verification tools with respect to improving their usability.Comment: In Proceedings F-IDE 2015, arXiv:1508.0338

    Cognitive and affective perspectives on immersive technology in education

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    This research explains the rationale behind the utilization of mobile learning technologies. It involves a qualitative study among children to better understand their opinions and perceptions toward the use of educational applications (apps) that are available on their mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets. The researchers organized semi-structured, face-to-face interview sessions with primary school students who were using mobile technologies at their primary school. The students reported that their engagement with the educational apps has improved their competencies. They acquired relational and communicative skills as they collaborated in teams. On the other hand, there were a few students who were not perceiving the usefulness and the ease of use of the educational apps on their mobile device. This study indicates that the research participants had different skillsets as they exhibited different learning abilities. In conclusion, this contribution opens-up avenues for future research in this promising field of study.peer-reviewe

    GECKA3D: A 3D Game Engine for Commonsense Knowledge Acquisition

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    Commonsense knowledge representation and reasoning is key for tasks such as artificial intelligence and natural language understanding. Since commonsense consists of information that humans take for granted, gathering it is an extremely difficult task. In this paper, we introduce a novel 3D game engine for commonsense knowledge acquisition (GECKA3D) which aims to collect commonsense from game designers through the development of serious games. GECKA3D integrates the potential of serious games and games with a purpose. This provides a platform for the acquisition of re-usable and multi-purpose knowledge, and also enables the development of games that can provide entertainment value and teach players something meaningful about the actual world they live in

    Agents for educational games and simulations

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    This book consists mainly of revised papers that were presented at the Agents for Educational Games and Simulation (AEGS) workshop held on May 2, 2011, as part of the Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS) conference in Taipei, Taiwan. The 12 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from various submissions. The papers are organized topical sections on middleware applications, dialogues and learning, adaption and convergence, and agent applications