49 research outputs found

    Operational Trans-Resistance Amplifier Based Tunable Wave Active Filter

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    In this paper, Operational Trans-Resistance Amplifier (OTRA) based wave active filter structures are presented. They are flexible and modular, making them suitable to implement higher order filters. The circuits implement the resistors using matched transistors, operating in linear region, making them well suited for IC fabrication. They are insensitive to parasitic input capacitances and input resistances due to the internally grounded input terminals of OTRA. As an application, a doubly terminated third order Butterworth low pass filter has been implemented, by substituting OTRA based wave equivalents of passive elements. PSPICE simulations are given to verify the theoretical analysis

    Single-input Multiple-output Tunable Log-domain Current-mode Universal Filter

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    This paper describes the design of a current-mode single-input multiple-output (SIMO) universal filter based on the log-domain filtering concept. The circuit is a direct realization of a first-order differential equation for obtaining the lossy integrator circuit. Lossless integrators are realized by log-domain lossy integrators. The proposed filter comprises only two grounded capacitors and twenty-four transistors. This filter suits to operate in very high frequency (VHF) applications. The pole-frequency of the proposed filter can be controlled over five decade frequency range through bias currents. The pole-Q can be independently controlled with the pole-frequency. Non-ideal effects on the filter are studied in detail. A validated BJT model is used in the simulations operated by a single power supply, as low as 2.5 V. The simulation results using PSpice are included to confirm the good performances and are in agreement with the theory

    Electronically Tunable Current-mode High-order Ladder Low-pass Filters Based on CMOS Technology

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    This paper describes the design of current mode low-pass ladder filters based on CMOS technology. The filters are derived from passive RLC ladder filter prototypes using new CMOS lossy and lossless integrators. The all-pole and Elliptic approximations are used in the proposed low-pass filter realizations. The proposed two types of filter can be electronically tuned between 10kHz and 100MHz through bias current from 0.03µA to 300µA. The proposed filters use 1.5 V power supply with 3 mW power consumption at 300 µA bias current. The proposed filters are resistorless, use grounded capacitors and are suitable for further integration. The total harmonic distortion (THD) of the low-pass filters is less than 1% over the operating frequency range. PSPICE simulation results, obtained by using TSMC 0.18µm technology, confirm the presented theory

    Current and Voltage Mode Multiphase Sinusoidal Oscillators Using CBTAs

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    Current-mode (CM) and voltage-mode (VM) multiphase sinusoidal oscillator (MSO) structures using current backward transconductance amplifier (CBTA) are proposed. The proposed oscillators can generate n current or voltage signals (n being even or odd) equally spaced in phase. n+1 CBTAs, n grounded capacitors and a grounded resistor are used for nth-state oscillator. The oscillation frequency can be independently controlled through transconductance (gm) of the CBTAs which are adjustable via their bias currents. The effects caused by the non-ideality of the CBTA on the oscillation frequency and condition have been analyzed. The performance of the proposed circuits is demonstrated on third-stage and fifth-stage MSOs by using PSPICE simulations based on the 0.25 µm TSMC level-7 CMOS technology parameters

    Unconventional Circuit Elements for Ladder Filter Design

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    Kmitočtové filtry jsou lineární elektrické obvody, které jsou využívány v různých oblastech elektroniky. Současně tvoří základní stavební bloky pro analogové zpracování signálů. V poslední dekádě bylo zavedeno množství aktivních stavebních bloků pro analogové zpracování signálů. Stále však existuje potřeba vývoje nových aktivních součástek, které by poskytovaly nové možnosti a lepší parametry. V práci jsou diskutovány různé aspekty obvodů pracujících v napěťovém, proudovém a smíšném módu. Práce reaguje na dnešní potřebu nízkovýkonových a nízkonapěťových aplikací pro přenosné přístroje a mobilní komunikační systémy a na problémy jejich návrhu. Potřeba těchto výkonných nízkonapěťových zařízení je výzvou návrhářů k hledání nových obvodových topologií a nových nízkonapěťových technik. V práci je popsána řada aktivních prvků, jako například operační transkonduktanční zesilovač (OTA), proudový konvejor II. generace (CCII) a CDTA (Current Differencing Transconductance Amplifier). Dále jsou navrženy nové prvky, jako jsou VDTA (Voltage Differencing Transconductance Amplifier) a VDVTA (Voltage Differencing Voltage Transconductance Amplifier). Všechny tyto prvky byly rovněž implementovány pomocí "bulk-driven" techniky CMOS s cílem realizace nízkonapěťových aplikací. Tato práce je rovněž zaměřena na náhrady klasických induktorů syntetickými induktory v pasivních LC příčkových filtrech. Tyto náhrady pak mohou vést k syntéze aktivních filtrů se zajímavými vlastnostmi.Frequency filters are linear electric circuits that are used in wide area of electronics. They are also the basic building blocks in analogue signal processing. In the last decade, a huge number of active building blocks for analogue signal processing was introduced. However, there is still the need to develop new active elements that offer new possibilities and better parameters. The current-, voltage-, or mixed-mode analog circuits and their various aspects are discussed in the thesis. This work reflects the trend of low-power (LP) low-voltage (LV) circuits for portable electronic and mobile communication systems and the problems of their design. The need for high-performance LV circuits encourages the analog designers to look for new circuit architectures and new LV techniques. This thesis presents various active elements such as Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA), Current Conveyor of Second Generation (CCII), and Current Differencing Transconductance Amplifier (CDTA), and introduces novel ones, such as Voltage Differencing Transconductance Amplifier (VDTA) and Voltage Differencing Voltage Transconductance Amplifier (VDVTA). All the above active elements were also designed in CMOS bulk-driven technology for LP LV applications. This thesis is also focused on replacement of conventional inductors by synthetic ones in passive LC ladder filters. These replacements can lead to the synthesis of active filters with interesting parameters.

    Log-domain electronically-tuneable fully differential high order multi-function filter

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    This paper presents the synthesis of fully deferential circuit that is capable of performing simultaneous high-pass, low-pass, and band-pass filtering in the log domain. The circuit utilizes modified Seevinck’s integrators in the current mode. The transfer function describing the filter is first presented in the form of a canonical signal flow graph through applying Mason’s gain formula. The resulting signal flow graph consists of summing points and pick-off points associated with current mode integrators within unity-gain negative feedback loops. The summing points and the pick-off points are then synthesized as simple nodes and current mirrors, respectively. A new fully differential current-mode integrator circuit is proposed to realize the integration operation. The proposed integrator uses grounded capacitors with no resistors and can be adjusted to work as either lossless or lossy integrator via tuneable current sources. The gain and the cutoff frequency of the integrator are adjustable via biasing currents. Detailed design and simulation results of an example of a 5th order filter circuit is presented. The proposed circuit can perform simultaneously 5th order low-pass filtering, 5th order high-pass filtering, and 4th order band-pass filtering. The simulation is performed using Pspice with practical Infineon BFP649 BJT model. Simulation results show good matching with the target

    Novel Floating General Element Simulators Using CBTA

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    In this study, a novel floating frequency dependent negative resistor (FDNR), floating inductor, floating capacitor and floating resistor simulator circuit employing two CBTAs and three passive components is proposed. The presented circuit can realize floating FDNR, inductor, capacitor or resistor depending on the passive component selection. Since the passive elements are all grounded, this circuit is suitable for fully integrated circuit design. The circuit does not require any component matching conditions, and it has a good sensitivity performance with respect to tracking errors. Moreover, the proposed FDNR, inductance, capacitor and resistor simulator can be tuned electronically by changing the biasing current of the CBTA or can be controlled through the grounded resistor or capacitor. The high-order frequency dependent element simulator circuit is also presented. Depending on the passive component selection, it realizes high-order floating circuit defining as V(s) = snAI(s) or V(s) = s-nBI(s). The proposed floating FDNR simulator circuit and floating high-order frequency dependent element simulator circuit are demonstrated by using PSPICE simulation for 0.25 μm, level 7, TSMC CMOS technology parameters

    A wideband linear tunable CDTA and its application in field programmable analogue array

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: Hu, Z., Wang, C., Sun, J. et al. ‘A wideband linear tunable CDTA and its application in field programmable analogue array’, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Vol. 88 (3): 465-483, September 2016. Under embargo. Embargo end date: 6 June 2017. The final publication is available at Springer via https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10470-016-0772-7 © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016In this paper, a NMOS-based wideband low power and linear tunable transconductance current differencing transconductance amplifier (CDTA) is presented. Based on the NMOS CDTA, a novel simple and easily reconfigurable configurable analogue block (CAB) is designed. Moreover, using the novel CAB, a simple and versatile butterfly-shaped FPAA structure is introduced. The FPAA consists of six identical CABs, and it could realize six order current-mode low pass filter, second order current-mode universal filter, current-mode quadrature oscillator, current-mode multi-phase oscillator and current-mode multiplier for analog signal processing. The Cadence IC Design Tools 5.1.41 post-layout simulation and measurement results are included to confirm the theory.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Systematic Design of Fully Balanced Differential Current-Mode Multiple-Loop Feedback Filters Using CFBCCII

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    In this paper, a systematic design method producing balanced current-mode filters is proposed, using current controlled fully balanced second-generation current conveyor circuit (CFBCCII). In this method, many kind of all-pole multiple loop feedback (MF) current mode balanced filters can be obtained, all the produced filters have fully balance structures. Moreover, the frequency of the filters can be electronically adjustable. The produced nth-order filters are constructed by n CFBCCIIs and 2n grounded capacitors, no resistors are needed. The sensitivities of the filters and influences of CFBCCII parasitic elements on filters are analyzed

    Realization of Low-Voltage Modified CBTA and Design of Cascadable Current-Mode All-Pass Filter

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    In this paper, a low voltage modified current backward transconductance amplifier (MCBTA) and a novel first-order current-mode (CM) all-pass filter are presented. The MCBTA can operate with ±0.9 V supply voltage and the total power consumption of MCBTA is 1.27 mW. The presented all-pass filter employs single MCBTA, a grounded resistor and a grounded capacitor. The circuit possesses low input and high output impedances which make it ideal for current-mode systems. The presented all-pass filter circuit can be made electronically tunable due to the bias current of the MCBTA. Non-ideal study along with simulation results are given for validation purpose. Further, an nth-order cascadable all-pass filter is also presented. It uses n MCBTAs, n grounded resistors and n grounded capacitors. The performance of the proposed circuits is demonstrated by using PSPICE simulations based on the 0.18 µm TSMC level-7 CMOS technology parameters