6 research outputs found

    Prediksi Lokasi Titik Panas Kebaran Hutan menggunakan Model Regresion SVM (Support Vector Machine) pada Data Kebakaran Hutan Daops Manggala Agni Oki Provinsi Sumatera Selatan Tahun 2019

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    Peningkatan titik panas (hotspot) setiap tahunnya di Daops Manggala Agni OKI, dikhawatirkan akan terus terjadi jika tidak dilakukan upaya pengendalian titik panas. Salah satu upaya pengendalian titik panas yaitu dengan memperkirakan wilayah yang berpotensi menghasilkan titik panas kebakaran hutan dan lahan di Daops Manggala Agni OKI. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memprediksi lokasi hotspot  kebakaran hutan pada masa depan berdasarkan data hotspot kebakaran hutan pada Daops Manggal Agni OKI pada tahun 2019. Metode predisi data menggunakan algoritma regresi SVM (Support Vector Machine) dengan data date, time, satellite, accuration, district, sub district, humadity dan temperature. Dari data jumlah hotspot yang muncul pada tahun 2019 dilakukan prediksi data untuk tahun 2020, kemudian untuk prediksi jumlah hotspot tahun 2021 diprediksi menggunakan data pada tahun 2019 dan 2020, demikian seterusnya. Berdasarkan hasil analisis didapatkan yang cukup baik, yaitu nilai RSME 2.1 dan nilai R2 0.83. Dimana hotspot terbanyak hasil dari proses pada tahun 2021 terdapat pada kecamatan Pematang Panggal dengan jumlah 448 lokasi hotspot untuk tahun 2021. Sedangkan data untuk tahun 2022, jumlah hotspot terbanyak terdapat pada kecamatan Cengal dengan jumlah hotspot 571 lokasi. Selanjutnya, untuk memberikan visualisasi data yang lebih baik, data hasil prediksi hotspot divisualisasikan dalam bentuk Heatmap

    Model-based Real-time Visualization of Realistic Three-Dimensional Heat Maps for Mobile Eye Tracking and Eye Tracking in Virtual Reality

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    Pfeiffer T, Memili C. Model-based Real-time Visualization of Realistic Three-Dimensional Heat Maps for Mobile Eye Tracking and Eye Tracking in Virtual Reality. In: Proceedings of the Ninth Biennial ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications. New York, NY, USA: ACM Press; 2016: 95-102.Heat maps, or more generally, attention maps or saliency maps are an often used technique to visualize eye-tracking data. With heat maps qualitative information about visual processing can be easily visualized and communicated between experts and laymen. They are thus a versatile tool for many disciplines, in particular for usability engineering, and are often used to get a first overview about recorded eye-tracking data. Today, heat maps are typically generated for 2D stimuli that have been presented on a computer display. In such cases the mapping of overt visual attention on the stimulus is rather straight forward and the process is well understood. However, when turning towards mobile eye tracking and eye tracking in 3D virtual environments, the case is much more complicated. In the first part of the paper, we discuss several challenges that have to be considered in 3D environments, such as changing perspectives, multiple viewers, object occlusions, depth of fixations, or dynamically moving objects. In the second part, we present an approach for the generation of 3D heat maps addressing the above mentioned issues while working in real-time. Our visualizations provide high-quality output for multi-perspective eye-tracking recordings of visual attention in 3D environments

    The mean point of vergence is biased under projection

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    The point of interest in three-dimensional space in eye tracking is often computed based on intersecting the lines of sight with geometry, or finding the point closest to the two lines of sight. We first start by theoretical analysis with synthetic simulations. We show that the mean point of vergence is generally biased for centrally symmetric errors and that the bias depends on the horizontal vs. vertical error distribution of the tracked eye positions. Our analysis continues with an evaluation on real experimental data. The error distributions seem to be different among individuals but they generally leads to the same bias towards the observer. And it tends to be larger with an increased viewing distance. We also provided a recipe to minimize the bias, which applies to general computations of eye ray intersection. These findings not only have implications for choosing the calibration method in eye tracking experiments and interpreting the observed eye movements data; but also suggest to us that we shall consider the mathematical models of calibration as part of the experiment

    Toote leidmise kiirus tulenevalt pakendi disainist

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    Realistic heatmap visualization for interactive analysis of 3D gaze data

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    In this paper, a novel approach for real-time heatmap generation and visualization of 3D gaze data is presented. By projecting the gaze into the scene and considering occlusions from the observer's view, to our knowledge, for the first time a correct visualization of the actual scene perception in 3D environments is provided. Based on a graphics-centric approach utilizing the graphics pipeline, shaders and several optimization techniques, heatmap rendering is fast enough for an interactive online and offline gaze analysis of thousands of gaze samples

    Impact of Blockchain-Technology on business models: Formulation of a procedural model using the example of intermediary players

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    Seit ihrer erstmaligen Vorstellung im Zusammenhang mit der Bitcoin-Blockchain gilt die Blockchain-Technologie als eine der Zukunftstechnologien, die einen großen Einfluss auf Unternehmen und ihre bestehenden Geschäftsmodelle haben wird. Trotz der offensichtlich hohen Relevanz dieser Technologie für die Planung und den Fortbestand solcher Unternehmen, finden sich bisher nur wenige wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Ansätze zur Analyse und Strukturierung der Effekte der Technologie aus einer Managementperspektive. Insbesondere stehen die Geschäftsmodelle solcher Unternehmen im Fokus, die als Intermediäre agieren. Unternehmen benötigen einen strukturierten Ansatz, um ihre Geschäftsmodelle auf die Auswirkungen der Implementation einer Blockchain-Infrastruktur im eigenen Unternehmen oder im Unternehmensumfeld zu überprüfen. Zu diesem Zweck wird ein Vorgehensmodells entwickelt, welches eine vierphasige Vorgehensweise, basierend auf einer Kombination und Erweiterung bestehender wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Grundlagen und Managementmethoden postuliert. Die Teilschritte und Instrumente der Phasen werden inhaltlich entwickelt und anschließend in einer integrierten Illustrations-Mehrfallstudie anhand von vier exemplarischen Fällen intermediärer Unternehmen erprobt und die Vorgehensweise demonstriert.Since its first presentation in the context of the Bitcoin blockchain, Blockchain-Technology has been regarded as one of the technologies of the future that will have a major impact on companies and their existing business models. Despite the obvious high relevance of this technology for the planning and continued existence of such companies, only a few economic approaches to analyze and structure the effects of the technology from a management perspective can be found so far. In particular, the focus is on the business models of such companies that act as intermediaries. Companies need a structured approach to examine their business models for the effects of implementing a blockchain infrastructure in their own company or in the corporate environment. For this purpose, a procedural model is developed that postulates a four-phase approach based on a combination and extension of existing economic principles and management methods. The sub-steps and instruments of the phases are developed in terms of content and then tested in an integrated illustrative multi-case study using four exemplary cases of intermediary companies to demonstrate the approach