9 research outputs found

    Real-Time Volumetric Shadows using 1D Min-Max Mipmaps

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    Light scattering in a participating medium is responsible for several important effects we see in the natural world. In the presence of occluders, computing single scattering requires integrating the illumination scattered towards the eye along the camera ray, modulated by the visibility towards the light at each point. Unfortunately, incorporating volumetric shadows into this integral, while maintaining real-time performance, remains challenging. In this paper we present a new real-time algorithm for computing volumetric shadows in single-scattering media on the GPU. This computation requires evaluating the scattering integral over the intersections of camera rays with the shadow map, expressed as a 2D height field. We observe that by applying epipolar rectification to the shadow map, each camera ray only travels through a single row of the shadow map (an epipolar slice), which allows us to find the visible segments by considering only 1D height fields. At the core of our algorithm is the use of an acceleration structure (a 1D minmax mipmap) which allows us to quickly find the lit segments for all pixels in an epipolar slice in parallel. The simplicity of this data structure and its traversal allows for efficient implementation using only pixel shaders on the GPU

    A Review on Light Shafts Rendering for Indoor Scenes

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    Rendering light shafts is one of the important topics in computer gaming and interactive applications. The methods and models that are used to generate light shafts play crucial role to make a scene more realistic in computer graphics. This article discusses the image-based shadows and geometric-based shadows that contribute in generating volumetric shadows and light shafts, depending on ray tracing, radiosity, and ray marching technique. The main aim of this study is to provide researchers with background on a progress of light scattering methods so as to make it available for them to determine the technique best suited to their goals. It is also hoped that our classification helps researchers find solutions to the shortcomings of each method

    Realistic real-time rendering of light shafts using blur filter: considering the effect of shadow maps

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    The ray marching method has become the most attractive method to provide realism in rendering the effects of light scattering in the participating media of numerous applications. This has attracted significant attention from scientific community. Up-sampling of ray marching method is suitable for rendering light shafts of realistic scenes, but suffers of consume a lot of time for rendering. Therefore, some encouraging outcomes have been achieved by using down-sampling of ray marching approach to accelerate rendered scenes. However, these methods are inherently prone to artifacts, aliasing and incorrect boundaries due to the reduced number of sample points along view rays. This research proposes a realistic real-time technique to generate soft light shafts by making use downsampling of ray marching in generating light shafts. The bilateral filtering is then applied to overcome all defects that caused by downsampling process to make a scene with smoothing transition while preserving on the edges. The contribution of this technique is to improve the boundaries of light shafts taking into account the effect of shadows. This technique allows obtaining soft marvelous light shafts, having a good performance and high quality. Thus, it is suitable for interactive applications. © 2017 Springer Science+Business Media, LL

    Rendering of light shaft and shadow for indoor environments enhancing technique

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    The ray marching methods have become the most attractive method to provide realism in rendering the effects of light scattering in the participating media of numerous applications. This has attracted significant attention from the scientific community. Up-sampling of ray marching methods is suitable to evaluate light scattering effects such as volumetric shadows and light shafts for rendering realistic scenes, but suffers of cost a lot for rendering. Therefore, some encouraging outcomes have been achieved by using down-sampling of ray marching approach to accelerate rendered scenes. However, these methods are inherently prone to artifacts, aliasing and incorrect boundaries due to the reduced number of sample points along view rays. This study proposed a new enhancing technique to render light shafts and shadows taking into consideration the integration light shafts, volumetric shadows, and shadows for indoor environments. This research has three major phases that cover species of the effects addressed in this thesis. The first phase includes the soft volumetric shadows creation technique called Soft Bilateral Filtering Volumetric Shadows (SoftBiF-VS). The soft shadow was created using a new algorithm called Soft Bilateral Filtering Shadow (SBFS). This technique was started by developing an algorithm called Imperfect Multi-View Soft Shadows (IMVSSs) based on down-sampling multiple point lights (DMPLs) and multiple depth maps, which are processed by using bilateral filtering to obtain soft shadows. Then, down-sampling light scattering model was used with (SBFS) to create volumetric shadows, which was improved using cross-bilateral filter to get soft volumetric shadows. In the second phase, soft light shaft was generated using a new technique called Realistic Real-Time Soft Bilateral Filtering Light Shafts (realTiSoftLS). This technique computed the light shaft depending on down-sampling volumetric light model and depth test, and was interpolated by bilateral filtering to gain soft light shafts. Finally, an enhancing technique for integrating all of these effects that represent the third phase of this research was achieved. The performance of the new enhanced technique was evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively a measured using standard dataset. Results from the experiment showed that 63% of the participants gave strong positive responses to this technique of improving realism. From the quantitative evaluation, the results revealed that the technique has dramatically outpaced the stateof- the-art techniques with a speed of 74 fps in improving the performance for indoor environments

    A Local Frequency Analysis of Light Scattering and Absorption

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    (presented at SIGGRAPH 2014)International audienceRendering participating media requires significant computation, but the effect of volumetric scattering is often eventually smooth. This article proposes an innovative analysis of absorption and scattering of local light fields in the Fourier domain and derives the corresponding set of operators on the covariance matrix of the power spectrum of the light field. This analysis brings an efficient prediction tool for the behavior of light along a light path in participating media. We leverage this analysis to derive proper frequency prediction metrics in 3D by combining per-light path information in the volume.We demonstrate the use of these metrics to significantly improve the convergence of a variety of existing methods for the simulation of multiple scattering in participating media. First, we propose an efficient computation of second derivatives of the fluence, to be used in methods like irradiance caching. Second, we derive proper filters and adaptive sample densities for image-space adaptive sampling and reconstruction. Third, we propose an adaptive sampling for the integration of scattered illumination to the camera. Finally, we improve the convergence of progressive photon beams by predicting where the radius of light gathering can stop decreasing. Light paths in participating media can be very complex. Our key contribution is to show that analyzing local light fields in the Fourier domain reveals the consistency of illumination in such media and provides a set of simple and useful rules to be used to accelerate existing global illumination methods.Une nouvelle analyse locale de la diffusion et de l'absorption de la lumière dans l'espace de Fourier est combinée avec le tracé de covariance et permet une estimation rapide du contenu fréquentiel local; cette approche permet l'amélioration de nombreux algorithmes de rendu de milieux participants tels que Progressive Photon Beams et l'integration d'effets de diffusion simple et l'échantillonnage et la reconstruction d'effets de simple diffusion simple en espace image

    Modeling and real-time rendering of participating media using the GPU

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    Cette thèse traite de la modélisation, l'illumination et le rendu temps-réel de milieux participants à l'aide du GPU. Dans une première partie, nous commençons par développer une méthode de rendu de nappes de brouillard hétérogènes pour des scènes en extérieur. Le brouillard est modélisé horizontalement dans une base 2D de fonctions de Haar ou de fonctions B-Spline linéaires ou quadratiques, dont les coefficients peuvent être chargés depuis une textit{fogmap}, soit une carte de densité en niveaux de gris. Afin de donner au brouillard son épaisseur verticale, celui-ci est doté d'un coefficient d'atténuation en fonction de l'altitude, utilisé pour paramétrer la rapidité avec laquelle la densité diminue avec la distance au milieu selon l'axe Y. Afin de préparer le rendu temps-réel, nous appliquons une transformée en ondelettes sur la carte de densité du brouillard, afin d'en extraire une approximation grossière (base de fonctions B-Spline) et une série de couches de détails (bases d'ondelettes B-Spline), classés par fréquence.%Les détails sont ainsi classés selon leur fréquence et, additionnées, permettent de retrouver la carte de densité d'origine. Chacune de ces bases de fonctions 2D s'apparente à une grille de coefficients. Lors du rendu sur GPU, chacune de ces grilles est traversée pas à pas, case par case, depuis l'observateur jusqu'à la plus proche surface solide. Grâce à notre séparation des différentes fréquences de détails lors des pré-calculs, nous pouvons optimiser le rendu en ne visualisant que les détails les plus contributifs visuellement en avortant notre parcours de grille à une distance variable selon la fréquence. Nous présentons ensuite d'autres travaux concernant ce même type de brouillard : l'utilisation de la transformée en ondelettes pour représenter sa densité via une grille non-uniforme, la génération automatique de cartes de densité et son animation à base de fractales, et enfin un début d'illumination temps-réel du brouillard en simple diffusion. Dans une seconde partie, nous nous intéressons à la modélisation, l'illumination en simple diffusion et au rendu temps-réel de fumée (sans simulation physique) sur GPU. Notre méthode s'inspire des Light Propagation Volumes (volume de propagation de lumière), une technique à l'origine uniquement destinée à la propagation de la lumière indirecte de manière complètement diffuse, après un premier rebond sur la géométrie. Nous l'adaptons pour l'éclairage direct, et l'illumination des surfaces et milieux participants en simple diffusion. Le milieu est fourni sous forme d'un ensemble de bases radiales (blobs), puis est transformé en un ensemble de voxels, ainsi que les surfaces solides, de manière à disposer d'une représentation commune. Par analogie aux LPV, nous introduisons un Occlusion Propagation Volume, dont nous nous servons, pour calculer l'intégrale de la densité optique entre chaque source et chaque autre cellule contenant soit un voxel du milieu, soit un voxel issu d'une surface. Cette étape est intégrée à la boucle de rendu, ce qui permet d'animer le milieu participant ainsi que les sources de lumière sans contrainte particulière. Nous simulons tous types d'ombres : dues au milieu ou aux surfaces, projetées sur le milieu ou les surfacesThis thesis deals with modeling, illuminating and rendering participating media in real-time using graphics hardware. In a first part, we begin by developing a method to render heterogeneous layers of fog for outdoor scenes. The medium is modeled horizontally using a 2D Haar or linear/quadratic B-Spline function basis, whose coefficients can be loaded from a fogmap, i.e. a grayscale density image. In order to give to the fog its vertical thickness, it is provided with a coefficient parameterizing the extinction of the density when the altitude to the fog increases. To prepare the rendering step, we apply a wavelet transform on the fog's density map, and extract a coarse approximation and a series of layers of details (B-Spline wavelet bases).These details are ordered according to their frequency and, when summed back together, can reconstitute the original density map. Each of these 2D function basis can be viewed as a grid of coefficients. At the rendering step on the GPU, each of these grids is traversed step by step, cell by cell, since the viewer's position to the nearest solid surface. Thanks to our separation of the different frequencies of details at the precomputations step, we can optimize the rendering by only visualizing details that contribute most to the final image and abort our grid traversal at a distance depending on the grid's frequency. We then present other works dealing with the same type of fog: the use of the wavelet transform to represent the fog's density in a non-uniform grid, the automatic generation of density maps and their animation based on Julia fractals, and finally a beginning of single-scattering illumination of the fog, where we are able to simulate shadows by the medium and the geometry. In a second time, we deal with modeling, illuminating and rendering full 3D single-scattering sampled media such as smoke (without physical simulation) on the GPU. Our method is inspired by light propagation volumes, a technique whose only purpose was, at the beginning, to propagate fully diffuse indirect lighting. We adapt it to direct lighting, and the illumination of both surfaces and participating media. The medium is provided under the form of a set of radial bases (blobs), and is then transformed into a set of voxels, together with solid surfaces, so that both entities can be manipulated more easily under a common form. By analogy to the LPV, we introduce an occlusion propagation volume, which we use to compute the integral of the optical density, between each source and each other cell containing a voxel either generated from the medium, or from a surface. This step is integrated into the rendering process, which allows to animate participating media and light sources without any further constraintPARIS-EST-Université (770839901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Efficient From-Point Visibility for Global Illumination in Virtual Scenes with Participating Media

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    Sichtbarkeitsbestimmung ist einer der fundamentalen Bausteine fotorealistischer Bildsynthese. Da die Berechnung der Sichtbarkeit allerdings äußerst kostspielig zu berechnen ist, wird nahezu die gesamte Berechnungszeit darauf verwendet. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir neue Methoden zur Speicherung, Berechnung und Approximation von Sichtbarkeit in Szenen mit streuenden Medien vor, die die Berechnung erheblich beschleunigen, dabei trotzdem qualitativ hochwertige und artefaktfreie Ergebnisse liefern

    Interactive Rendering of Scattering and Refraction Effects in Heterogeneous Media

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    In this dissertation we investigate the problem of interactive and real-time visualization of single scattering, multiple scattering and refraction effects in heterogeneous volumes. Our proposed solutions span a variety of use scenarios: from a very fast yet physically-based approximation to a physically accurate simulation of microscopic light transmission. We add to the state of the art by introducing a novel precomputation and sampling strategy, a system for efficiently parallelizing the computation of different volumetric effects, and a new and fast version of the Discrete Ordinates Method. Finally, we also present a collateral work on real-time 3D acquisition devices