1,372 research outputs found

    Sparsity driven ultrasound imaging

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    An image formation framework for ultrasound imaging from synthetic transducer arrays based on sparsity-driven regularization functionals using single-frequency Fourier domain data is proposed. The framework involves the use of a physics-based forward model of the ultrasound observation process, the formulation of image formation as the solution of an associated optimization problem, and the solution of that problem through efficient numerical algorithms. The sparsity-driven, model-based approach estimates a complex-valued reflectivity field and preserves physical features in the scene while suppressing spurious artifacts. It also provides robust reconstructions in the case of sparse and reduced observation apertures. The effectiveness of the proposed imaging strategy is demonstrated using experimental data

    Novel Techniques for Tissue Imaging and Characterization Using Biomedical Ultrasound

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    The use of ultrasound technology in the biomedical field has been widely increased in recent decades. Ultrasound modalities are considered more safe and cost effective than others that use ionizing radiation. Moreover, the use of high-frequency ultrasound provides means of high-resolution and precise tissue assessment. Consequently, ultrasound elastic waves have been widely used to develop non-invasive techniques for tissue assessment. In this work, ultrasound waves have been used to develop non-invasive techniques for tissue imaging and characterization in three different applications.;Currently, there is a lack of imaging modalities to accurately predict minute structures and defects in the jawbone. In particular, the inability of 2D radiographic images to detect bony periodontal defects resulted from infection of the periodontium. They also may carry known risks of cancer generation or may be limited in accurate diagnosis scope. Ultrasonic guided waves are sensitive to changes in microstructural properties, while high-frequency ultrasound has been used to reconstruct high-resolution images for tissue. The use of these ultrasound techniques may provide means for early diagnosis of marrow ischemic disorders via detecting focal osteoporotic marrow defect, chronic nonsuppurative osteomyelitis, and cavitations in the mandible (jawbone). The first part of this work investigates the feasibility of using guided waves and high frequency ultrasound for non-invasive human jawbone assessment. The experimental design and the signal/image processing procedures for each technique are developed, and multiple in vitro studies are carried out using dentate and non-dentate mandibles. Results from both the ultrasonic guided waves analysis and the high frequency 3D echodentographic imaging suggest that these techniques show great potential in providing non-invasive methods to characterize the jawbone and detect periodontal diseases at earlier stages.;The second part of this work describes indirect technique for characterization via reconstructing high-resolution microscopic images. The availability of well-defined genetic strains and the ability to create transgenic and knockout mice makes mouse models extremely significant tools in different kinds of research. For example, noninvasive measurement of cardiovascular function in mouse hearts has become a valuable need when studying the development or treatment of various diseases. This work describes the development and testing of a single-element ultrasound imaging system that can reconstruct high-resolution brightness mode (B-mode) images for mouse hearts and blood vessels that can be used for quantitative measurements in vitro. Signal processing algorithms are applied on the received ultrasound signals including filtering, focusing, and envelope detection prior to image reconstruction. Additionally, image enhancement techniques and speckle reduction are adopted to improve the image resolution and quality. The system performance is evaluated using both phantom and in vitro studies using isolated mouse hearts and blood vessels from APOE-KO and its wild type control. This imaging system shall provide a basis for early and accurate detection of different kinds of diseases such as atherosclerosis in mouse model.;The last part of this work is initialized by the increasing need for a non-invasive method to assess vascular wall mechanics. Endothelial dysfunction is considered a key factor in the development of atherosclerosis. Flow-mediated vasodilatation (FMD) measurement in brachial and other conduit arteries has become a common method to assess the endothelial function in vivo. In spite of the direct relationship that could be between the arterial wall multi-component strains and the FMD response, direct measurement of wall strain tensor due to FMD has not yet been reported in the literature. In this work, a noninvasive direct ultrasound-based strain tensor measuring (STM) technique is presented to assess changes in the mechanical parameters of the vascular wall during post-occlusion reactive hyperemia and/or FMD, including local velocities and displacements, diameter change, local strain tensor and strain rates. The STM technique utilizes sequences of B-mode ultrasound images as its input with no extra hardware requirement. The accuracy of the STM algorithm is assessed using phantom, and in vivo studies using human subjects during pre- and post-occlusion. Good correlations are found between the post-occlusion responses of diameter change and local wall strains. Results indicate the validity and versatility of the STM algorithm, and describe how parameters other than the diameter change are sensitive to reactive hyperemia following occlusion. This work suggests that parameters such as local strains and strain rates within the arterial wall are promising metrics for the assessment of endothelial function, which can then be used for accurate assessment of atherosclerosis


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    Robust inversion and detection techniques for improved imaging performance

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityIn this thesis we aim to improve the performance of information extraction from imaging systems through three thrusts. First, we develop improved image formation methods for physics-based, complex-valued sensing problems. We propose a regularized inversion method that incorporates prior information about the underlying field into the inversion framework for ultrasound imaging. We use experimental ultrasound data to compute inversion results with the proposed formulation and compare it with conventional inversion techniques to show the robustness of the proposed technique to loss of data. Second, we propose methods that combine inversion and detection in a unified framework to improve imaging performance. This framework is applicable for cases where the underlying field is label-based such that each pixel of the underlying field can only assume values from a discrete, limited set. We consider this unified framework in the context of combinatorial optimization and propose graph-cut based methods that would result in label-based images, thereby eliminating the need for a separate detection step. Finally, we propose a robust method of object detection from microscopic nanoparticle images. In particular, we focus on a portable, low cost interferometric imaging platform and propose robust detection algorithms using tools from computer vision. We model the electromagnetic image formation process and use this model to create an enhanced detection technique. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is demonstrated using manually labeled ground-truth data. In addition, we extend these tools to develop a detection based autofocusing algorithm tailored for the high numerical aperture interferometric microscope

    Wave tomography

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    Hybrid non-destructive technique for volumetric defect analysis and reconstruction by remote laser induced ultrasound

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    This PhD thesis is devoted to the design, development and implementation of a non-contact hybrid non-destructive testing (NDT) method applied to the analysis of metallic objects that contain embedded defects or fractures. We propose a hybrid opto-acoustic technique that combines laser generated ultrasound as exciter and ultrasound transducers as receivers. This work envisages a detailed study of the detection and one, two or three-dimensional reconstruction of defects, using the proposed hybrid technique and its application as a remotely controlled non-contact NDT. Our device combines several advantages of both photonic and ultrasonic techniques, while reduces some of the drawbacks of both individual methods. Our method relay on the combination of experimental results with high-resolution signal processing procedures based on different mathematical algorithms. Our basic experimental setup uses a nanosecond pulsed laser at 532nm wavelength that impacts onto the surface of the object under study. The laser pulse is rapidly absorbed into a shallow volume of material and creates a localized thermo-elastic expansion inducing a broadband ultrasound pulse that propagate inside the material. The laser beam scans a selected area of the object surface, being remotely controlled by means of a programmable XY scanner. For each excitation point, the ultrasound waves propagate through the object are reflected or scattered by material 3D defects. They are detected by ultrasound transducers and recorded with a PC data-acquisition system for a further process and analysis. As a first step, the time of flight analysis provides enough data for the location and size of the defect in 1D view. The detection capabilities of internal defects in a metallic sample are studied by means of wavelet transform, chosen due to its multi-resolution time-frequency characteristics. A novel algorithm using a density-based spatial clustering is applied to the resulting time frequency maps to estimate the defect’s position. For the 2D visualization and reconstruction of the defects we extended the signal analysis using the synthetic aperture focusing technique (SAFT). We implement a novel 2D apodization window filtering applied along with the SAFT, and we show it removes undesired effects of the side lobes and wide-angle reflections of ultrasound waves, enhancing the reconstructed image of the defect. We move then towards the 3D analysis and reconstruction of defects and in this case we achieve and implement a fully non-contact and automatized experimental configuration allowing the scan areas on different object’s faces. The defect details are recorded from different angles/perspectives and a complete 3D reconstruction is achieved. Finally, we show our results on a complementary topic related to a particular case of the ultrasound propagation in solids. We were concerned on the physical understanding of the propagation and diffraction of ultrasound waves in solid materials from the first moment. The control of the diffraction pattern in solids, using an ultrasonic lens, would help focus/collimate the ultrasound reducing echoes and boundary reflections, resulting in a further improve NDT process. Phononic crystals have been used to regulate the diffraction and frequency response of ultrasonic waves traveling in fluids. However, they were much less studied in solid materials due to the difficulty of building the crystal and to high coupling losses. We perform detailed numerical simulations of the ultrasound propagation in a solid phononic crystal and we show focusing and the self-collimation effects. We further extend our analysis and couple our phononic crystal lens to a solid under study, showing that the diffraction control is preserved inside the target solid object trough the coupling material.Esta tesis doctoral versa sobre el diseño, estudio e implementación de un método híbrido, sin contacto, de ensayos no destructivos (NDT, non-destructive testing) para el análisis de objetos metálicos que contienen defectos o fracturas internas. Proponemos una técnica híbrida opto-acústica que combina ultrasonidos generados por impacto láser como excitador y transductores de ultrasonidos como receptores. El trabajo plantea un estudio detallado de la detección y reconstrucción en 1D, 2D y 3D de defectos presentes en un objeto metálico, usando la técnica híbrida de NDT sin contacto y controlado remotamente. Nuestro dispositivo presenta varias ventajas de las técnicas fotónicas y de ultrasonidos, reduciendo al mismo tiempo algunos inconvenientes de dichos métodos tomados por separado. Nuestro método combina resultados experimentales con simulaciones numéricas basadas en el procesado de señal de alta resolución. El montaje experimental consiste en un láser pulsado de ns a una longitud de onda de 532 nm, que impacta sobre la superficie del objeto. El pulso láser se absorbe, creando una expansión termoelástica localizada que induce un pulso de ultrasonidos de banda ancha que se propaga en el material. El láser, controlado remotamente, realiza un barrido sobre un área seleccionada de la superficie del objeto. Por cada punto de excitación, el ultrasonido se propaga a través del objeto y se refleja o dispersa en los defectos del material. Dichas ondas se detectan mediante transductores y se registran en un sistema de adquisición de datos para su ulterior procesado. En un primer paso, mediante el análisis del tiempo de vuelo, podemos localizar y determinar el tamaño del defecto en una vista 1D. Las capacidades de detección de defectos internos en una muestra metálica se estudian también mediante transformación wavelet debido a sus características de multi-resolución en tiempo y frecuencia. Se aplica un algoritmo novedoso de agrupamiento (clustering) espacial y se usan los mapas resultantes de tiempo y frecuencia para estimar la posición del defecto. Para la visualización 2D de los defectos ampliamos el análisis de la señal utilizando la técnica de focalización por apertura sintética (SAFT, synthetic aperture focusing technique). Implementamos un novedoso filtro de apodización 2D, juntamente con la técnica SAFT, y demostramos que elimina efectos no deseados, mejorando la resolución de la imagen reconstruida del defecto. El siguiente paso es un análisis y reconstrucción 3D. En este caso conseguimos una configuración experimental totalmente automatizada y sin contacto, permitiendo áreas de barrido sobre diferentes caras de un objeto. Los detalles de los defectos se registran desde diferentes ángulos, consiguiéndose una completa reconstrucción 3D. Finalmente, mostramos nuestros resultados en un tema complementario, relacionado con un caso particular de propagación de ultrasonidos en sólidos. Desde un primer momento, quisimos tener una comprensión física de la propagación y difracción de ondas de ultrasonidos en materiales sólidos. El control de los patrones de difracción en sólidos, mediante el uso de lentes ultrasónicas, ayudaría a la focalización/colimación del ultrasonido, reduciendo ecos y reflexiones en la superficie de contorno, mejorando del proceso de análisis NDT. Los cristales fonónicos se usan para regular la difracción y la respuesta en frecuencia de ondas de ultrasonido que se propagan en fluidos. No obstante, dichas estructuras se han estudiado mucho menos en materiales sólidos. Hemos realizado detalladas simulaciones numéricas de la propagación de ultrasonidos en un cristal fonónico sólido y hemos demostrado efectos de focalización y autocolimación. Finalmente hemos acoplado nuestra lente de cristal fonónico al sólido objeto de estudio, demostrando que el control de la difracción se conserva en el interior de dicho objeto a través del material de acoplamiento. Finalmente, proporcionamos una conclusión general sobre el trabajo declarado en esta tesis y un plan de trabajo futuro donde esta investigación puede extenderse y expandirse aún más a aplicaciones industriales en colaboración con el mercado de producciónPostprint (published version

    Lay-up characterization and elastic property determination in composite laminates

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    This dissertation focuses on two important nondestructive evaluation and materials characterization problems related to composite laminates: ply lay-up characterization and elastic property determination. For ply lay-up characterization, we have developed a shear wave transmission technique to effectively detect ply lay-up errors in composite laminates. The effects of fiber orientation on normal-incident shear waves propagating through a composite laminate have been investigated both theoretically and experimentally. To facilitate rotation, EMATs (electromagnetic acoustic transducers) were used to generate and receive the shear waves. It was found that the transmitted shear waves when the EMAT transmitter and receiver were perpendicular to each other had a great sensitivity to ply lay-up errors. This technique has been successfully demonstrated on both cured and uncured composite laminates. For elastic property determination, we have first applied the simultaneous velocity and thickness imaging technique to map out small changes in ultrasonic velocity (hence elastic constant) when the material thickness was unknown or varied spatially. Applications to several industrial materials have demonstrated the usefulness of this technique for both materials characterization and flaw detection in metals and composite laminates. We have also extended this technique to generate images of sample surface contours and cross-sectional profiles when the velocity was unknown. Next, we have extended the synthetic aperture scanning method using planar transducers in an immersion leaky wave reflection or transmission measurement to allow the use of focused transducers. The complex transducer point approach has been used to model the receiver output voltage and to analyze the transducer beam effects on the result of a synthetic aperture scan. It was found that the large angular beam spread of focused transducers can be used for rapid mapping of the reflection or transmission coefficient and the associated dispersion spectrum. A novel stepwise, targeted procedure has also been developed to allow efficient reconstruction of material elastic property with only minimal use of the highly redundant dispersion spectrum data. Experiments on both isotropic and anisotropic plates showed that this method can be used for rapid evaluation of the elastic behavior of composite laminates and other plate materials with a reasonably good accuracy