7 research outputs found

    Fast Non-Linear Projections using Graphics Hardware

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    http://artis.imag.fr/Publications/2008/GHFP08/International audienceLinear perspective projections are used extensively in graphics. They provide a non-distorted view, with simple computations that map easily to hardware. Non-linear projections, such as the view given by a fish-eye lens are also used, either for artistic reasons or in order to provide a larger field of view, e.g. to approximate environment reflections or omnidirectional shadow maps. As the computations related to non-linear projections are more involved, they are harder to implement, especially in hardware, and have found little use so far in practical applications. In this paper, we apply existing methods for non-linear projections [Lloyd et al. 2006; Hou et al. 2006; Fournier 2005] to a specific class: non-linear projections with a single center of projection, radial symmetry and convexity. This class includes, but is not limited to, paraboloid projections, hemispherical projections and fish-eye lenses. We show that, for this class, the projection of a 3D triangle is a single curved triangle, and we give a mathematical analysis of the curved edges of the triangle; this analysis allows us to reduce the computations involved, and to provide a faster implementation. The overhead for non-linearity is bearable and can be balanced with the fact that a single nonlinear projection can replaces as many as five linear projections (in a hemicube), with less discontinuities and a smaller memory cost, thus making non-linear projections a practical alternative. More at http://artis.imag.fr/Publications/2008/GHFP0

    Synthesis of environment maps for mixed reality

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    When rendering virtual objects in a mixed reality application, it is helpful to have access to an environment map that captures the appearance of the scene from the perspective of the virtual object. It is straightforward to render virtual objects into such maps, but capturing and correctly rendering the real components of the scene into the map is much more challenging. This information is often recovered from physical light probes, such as reflective spheres or fisheye cameras, placed at the location of the virtual object in the scene. For many application areas, however, real light probes would be intrusive or impractical. Ideally, all of the information necessary to produce detailed environment maps could be captured using a single device. We introduce a method using an RGBD camera and a small fisheye camera, contained in a single unit, to create environment maps at any location in an indoor scene. The method combines the output from both cameras to correct for their limited field of view and the displacement from the virtual object, producing complete environment maps suitable for rendering the virtual content in real time. Our method improves on previous probeless approaches by its ability to recover high-frequency environment maps. We demonstrate how this can be used to render virtual objects which shadow, reflect and refract their environment convincingly

    RTcams: A New Perspective on Nonphotorealistic Rendering from Photographs

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    Real-time multi-perspective rendering on graphics hardware

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    Multi-perspective rendering has a variety of applications; examples include lens refraction, curved mirror reflection, caustics, as well depiction and visualization. However, multi-perspective rendering is not yet practical on polygonal graphics hardware, which so far has utilized mostly single-perspective (pin-hole or orthographic) projections.In this paper, we present a methodology for real-time multi-perspective rendering on polygonal graphics hardware. Our approach approximates a general multi-perspective projection surface (such as a curved mirror and lens) via a piecewise-linear triangle mesh, upon which each triangle is a simple multi-perspective camera, parameterized by three rays at triangle vertices. We derive analytic formula showing that each triangle projection can be implemented as a pair of vertex and fragment programs on programmable graphics hardware. We demonstrate real-time performance of a variety of applications enabled by our technique, including reflection, refraction, caustics, and visualization.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Methods for transform, analysis and rendering of complete light representations

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    Recent advances in digital holography, optical engineering and computer graphics have opened up the possibility of full parallax, three dimensional displays. The premises of these rendering systems are however somewhat different from traditional imaging and video systems. Instead of rendering an image of the scene, the complete light distribution must be computed. In this thesis we discuss some different methods regarding processing and rendering of two well known full light representations: the light field and the hologram. A light field transform approach, based on matrix optics operators, is introduced. Thereafter we discuss the relationship between the light field and the hologram representations. The final part of the thesis is concerned with hologram and wave field synthesis. We present two different methods. First, a GPU accelerated approach to rendering point-based models is introduced. Thereafter, we develop a Fourier rendering approach capable of generating angular spectra of triangular mesh models.Aktuelle Fortschritte in den Bereichen der digitalen Holographie, optischen Technik und Computergrafik ermöglichen die Entwicklung von vollwertigen 3D-Displays. Diese Systeme sind allerdings auf Eingangsdaten angewiesen, die sich von denen traditioneller Videosysteme unterscheiden. Anstatt für die Visualisierung ein zweidimensionales Abbild einer Szene zu erstellen, muss die vollständige Verteilung des Lichts berechnet werden. In dieser Dissertation betrachten wir verschiedene Methoden, um dies für zwei verschiedene gebräuchliche Darstellungen der Lichtverteilung zu erreichen: Lichtfeld und Hologramm. Wir stellen dafür zunächst eine Methode vor, die Operatoren der Strahlenoptik auf Lichtfelder anzuwenden, und diskutieren daraufhin, wie die Darstellung als Lichtfeld mit der Darstellung als Hologramm zusammenhängt. Abschliessend wird die praktische Berechnung von Hologrammen und Wellenfeldern behandelt, wobei wir zwei verschiedene Ansätze untersuchen. Im ersten Ansatz werden Wellenfelder aus punktbasierten Modellen von Objekten erzeugt, unter Einsatz moderner Grafikhardware zur Optimierung der Rechenzeit. Der zweite Ansatz, Fourier-Rendering, ermöglicht die Generierung von Hologrammen aus Oberflächen, die durch Dreiecksnetze beschrieben sind

    Logarithmic perspective shadow maps

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    The shadow map algorithm is a popular approach for generating shadows for real-time applications. Shadow maps are flexible and easy to implement, but they are prone to aliasing artifacts. To reduce aliasing artifacts we introduce logarithmic perspective shadow maps (LogPSMs). LogPSMs are based on a novel shadow map parameterization that consists of a perspective projection and a logarithmic transformation. They can be used for both point and directional light sources to produce hard shadows. To establish the benefits of LogPSMs, we perform an in-depth analysis of shadow map aliasing error and the error characteristics of existing algorithms. Using this analysis we compute a parameterization that produces near-optimal perspective aliasing error. This parameterization has high arithmetical complexity which makes it less practical than existing methods. We show, however, that over all light positions, the simpler LogPSM parameterization produces the same maximum error as the near-optimal parameterization. We also show that compared with competing algorithms, LogPSMs produce significantly less aliasing error. Equivalently, for the same error as competing algorithms, LogPSMs require significantly less storage and bandwidth. We demonstrate difference in shadow quality achieved with LogPSMs on several models of varying complexity. LogPSMs are rendered using logarithmic rasterization. We show how current GPU architectures can be modified incrementally to perform logarithmic rasterization at current GPU fill rates. Specifically, we modify the rasterizer to support rendering to a nonuniform grid with the same watertight rasterization properties as current rasterizers. We also describe a novel depth compression scheme to handle the nonlinear primitives produced by logarithmic rasterization. Our proposed architecture enhancements align with current trends of decreasing cost for on-chip computation relative to off-chip bandwidth and storage. For only a modest increase in computation, logarithmic rasterization can greatly reduce shadow map bandwidth and storage costs

    Real-time GPU-accelerated Out-of-Core Rendering and Light-field Display Visualization for Improved Massive Volume Understanding

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    Nowadays huge digital models are becoming increasingly available for a number of different applications ranging from CAD, industrial design to medicine and natural sciences. Particularly, in the field of medicine, data acquisition devices such as MRI or CT scanners routinely produce huge volumetric datasets. Currently, these datasets can easily reach dimensions of 1024^3 voxels and datasets larger than that are not uncommon. This thesis focuses on efficient methods for the interactive exploration of such large volumes using direct volume visualization techniques on commodity platforms. To reach this goal specialized multi-resolution structures and algorithms, which are able to directly render volumes of potentially unlimited size are introduced. The developed techniques are output sensitive and their rendering costs depend only on the complexity of the generated images and not on the complexity of the input datasets. The advanced characteristics of modern GPGPU architectures are exploited and combined with an out-of-core framework in order to provide a more flexible, scalable and efficient implementation of these algorithms and data structures on single GPUs and GPU clusters. To improve visual perception and understanding, the use of novel 3D display technology based on a light-field approach is introduced. This kind of device allows multiple naked-eye users to perceive virtual objects floating inside the display workspace, exploiting the stereo and horizontal parallax. A set of specialized and interactive illustrative techniques capable of providing different contextual information in different areas of the display, as well as an out-of-core CUDA based ray-casting engine with a number of improvements over current GPU volume ray-casters are both reported. The possibilities of the system are demonstrated by the multi-user interactive exploration of 64-GVoxel datasets on a 35-MPixel light-field display driven by a cluster of PCs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Negli ultimi anni si sta verificando una proliferazione sempre più consistente di modelli digitali di notevoli dimensioni in campi applicativi che variano dal CAD e la progettazione industriale alla medicina e le scienze naturali. In modo particolare, nel settore della medicina, le apparecchiature di acquisizione dei dati come RM o TAC producono comunemente dei dataset volumetrici di grosse dimensioni. Questi dataset possono facilmente raggiungere taglie dell’ordine di 10243 voxels e dataset di dimensioni maggiori possono essere frequenti. Questa tesi si focalizza su metodi efficienti per l’esplorazione di tali grossi volumi utilizzando tecniche di visualizzazione diretta su piattaforme HW di diffusione di massa. Per raggiungere tale obiettivo si introducono strutture specializzate multi-risoluzione e algoritmi in grado di visualizzare volumi di dimensioni potenzialmente infinite. Le tecniche sviluppate sono “ouput sensitive” e la loro complessità di rendering dipende soltanto dalle dimensioni delle immagini generate e non dalle dimensioni dei dataset di input. Le caratteristiche avanzate delle architetture moderne GPGPU vengono inoltre sfruttate e combinate con un framework “out-of-core” in modo da offrire una implementazione di questi algoritmi e strutture dati più flessibile, scalabile ed efficiente su singole GPU o cluster di GPU. Per migliorare la percezione visiva e la comprensione dei dati, viene introdotto inoltre l’uso di tecnologie di display 3D di nuova generazione basate su un approccio di tipo light-field. Questi tipi di dispositivi consentono a diversi utenti di percepire ad occhio nudo oggetti che galleggiano all’interno dello spazio di lavoro del display, sfruttando lo stereo e la parallasse orizzontale. Si descrivono infine un insieme di tecniche illustrative interattive in grado di fornire diverse informazioni contestuali in diverse zone del display, così come un motore di “ray-casting out-of-core” basato su CUDA e contenente una serie di miglioramenti rispetto agli attuali metodi GPU di “ray-casting” di volumi. Le possibilità del sistema sono dimostrate attraverso l’esplorazione interattiva di dataset di 64-GVoxel su un display di tipo light-field da 35-MPixel pilotato da un cluster di PC