243 research outputs found

    Deep into the Eyes: Applying Machine Learning to improve Eye-Tracking

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    Eye-tracking has been an active research area with applications in personal and behav- ioral studies, medical diagnosis, virtual reality, and mixed reality applications. Improving the robustness, generalizability, accuracy, and precision of eye-trackers while maintaining privacy is crucial. Unfortunately, many existing low-cost portable commercial eye trackers suffer from signal artifacts and a low signal-to-noise ratio. These trackers are highly depen- dent on low-level features such as pupil edges or diffused bright spots in order to precisely localize the pupil and corneal reflection. As a result, they are not reliable for studying eye movements that require high precision, such as microsaccades, smooth pursuit, and ver- gence. Additionally, these methods suffer from reflective artifacts, occlusion of the pupil boundary by the eyelid and often require a manual update of person-dependent parame- ters to identify the pupil region. In this dissertation, I demonstrate (I) a new method to improve precision while maintaining the accuracy of head-fixed eye trackers by combin- ing velocity information from iris textures across frames with position information, (II) a generalized semantic segmentation framework for identifying eye regions with a further extension to identify ellipse fits on the pupil and iris, (III) a data-driven rendering pipeline to generate a temporally contiguous synthetic dataset for use in many eye-tracking ap- plications, and (IV) a novel strategy to preserve privacy in eye videos captured as part of the eye-tracking process. My work also provides the foundation for future research by addressing critical questions like the suitability of using synthetic datasets to improve eye-tracking performance in real-world applications, and ways to improve the precision of future commercial eye trackers with improved camera specifications

    Estimating the subjective perception of object size and position through brain imaging and psychophysics

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    Perception is subjective and context-dependent. Size and position perception are no exceptions. Studies have shown that apparent object size is represented by the retinotopic location of peak response in V1. Such representation is likely supported by a combination of V1 architecture and top-down driven retinotopic reorganisation. Are apparent object size and position encoded via a common mechanism? Using functional magnetic resonance imaging and a model-based reconstruction technique, the first part of this thesis sets out to test if retinotopic encoding of size percepts can be generalised to apparent position representation and whether neural signatures could be used to predict an individual’s perceptual experience. Here, I present evidence that static apparent position – induced by a dot-variant Muller-Lyer illusion – is represented retinotopically in V1. However, there is mixed evidence for retinotopic representation of motion-induced position shifts (e.g. curveball illusion) in early visual areas. My findings could be reconciled by assuming dual representation of veridical and percept-based information in early visual areas, which is consistent with the larger framework of predictive coding. The second part of the thesis sets out to compare different psychophysical methods for measuring size perception in the Ebbinghaus illusion. Consistent with the idea that psychophysical methods are not equally susceptible to cognitive factors, my experiments reveal a consistent discrepancy in illusion magnitude estimates between a traditional forced choice (2AFC) task and a novel perceptual matching (PM) task – a variant of a comparison-of-comparisons (CoC) task, a design widely seen as the gold standard in psychophysics. Further investigation reveals the difference was not driven by greater 2AFC susceptibility to cognitive factors, but a tendency for PM to skew illusion magnitude estimates towards the underlying stimulus distribution. I show that this dependency can be largely corrected using adaptive stimulus sampling

    Advances in Stereo Vision

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    Stereopsis is a vision process whose geometrical foundation has been known for a long time, ever since the experiments by Wheatstone, in the 19th century. Nevertheless, its inner workings in biological organisms, as well as its emulation by computer systems, have proven elusive, and stereo vision remains a very active and challenging area of research nowadays. In this volume we have attempted to present a limited but relevant sample of the work being carried out in stereo vision, covering significant aspects both from the applied and from the theoretical standpoints

    Segmentation multi-vues d'objet

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    There has been a growing interest for multi-camera systems and many interesting works have tried to tackle computer vision problems in this particular configuration. The general objective is to propose new multi-view oriented methods instead of applying limited monocular approaches independently for each viewpoint. The work in this thesis is an attempt to have a better understanding of the multi-view object segmentation problem and to propose an alternative approach making maximum use of the available information from different viewpoints. Multiple view segmentation consists in segmenting objects simultaneously in several views. Classic monocular segmentation approaches reason on a single image and do not benefit from the presence of several viewpoints. A key issue in that respect is to ensure propagation of segmentation information between views while minimizing complexity and computational cost. In this work, we first investigate the idea that examining measurements at the projections of a sparse set of 3D points is sufficient to achieve this goal. The proposed algorithm softly assigns each of these 3D samples to the scene background if it projects on the background region in at least one view, or to the foreground if it projects on foreground region in all views. A complete probabilistic framework is proposed to estimate foreground/background color models and the method is tested on various datasets from state of the art. Two different extensions of the sparse 3D sampling segmentation framework are proposed in two scenarios. In the first, we show the flexibility of the sparse sampling framework, by using variational inference to integrate Gaussian mixture models as appearance models. In the second scenario, we propose a study of how to incorporate depth measurements in multi-view segmentation. We present a quantitative evaluation, showing that typical color-based segmentation robustness issues due to color-space ambiguity between foreground and background, can be at least partially mitigated by using depth, and that multi-view color depth segmentation also improves over monocular color depth segmentation strategies. The various tests also showed the limitations of the proposed 3D sparse sampling approach which was the motivation to propose a new method based on a richer description of image regions using superpixels. This model, that expresses more subtle relationships of the problem trough a graph construction linking superpixels and 3D samples, is one of the contributions of this work. In this new framework, time related information is also integrated. With static views, results compete with state of the art methods but they are achieved with significantly fewer viewpoints. Results on videos demonstrate the benefit of segmentation propagation through geometric and temporal cues. Finally, the last part of the thesis explores the possibilities of tracking in uncalibrated multi-view scenarios. A summary of existing methods in this field is presented, in both mono-camera and multi-camera scenarios. We investigate the potential of using self-similarity matrices to describe and compare motion in the context of multi-view tracking.L'utilisation de systèmes multi-caméras est de plus en plus populaire et il y a un intérêt croissant à résoudre les problèmes de vision par ordinateur dans ce contexte particulier. L'objectif étant de ne pas se limiter à l'application des méthodes monoculaires mais de proposer de nouvelles approches intrinsèquement orientées vers les systèmes multi-caméras. Le travail de cette thèse a pour objectif une meilleure compréhension du problème de segmentation multi-vues, pour proposer une nouvelle approche qui tire meilleur parti de la redondance d'information inhérente à l'utilisation de plusieurs points de vue. La segmentation multi-vues est l'identification de l'objet observé simultanément dans plusieurs caméras et sa séparation de l'arrière-plan. Les approches monoculaires classiques raisonnent sur chaque image de manière indépendante et ne bénéficient pas de la présence de plusieurs points de vue. Une question clé de la segmentation multi-vues réside dans la propagation d'information sur la segmentation entres les images tout en minimisant la complexité et le coût en calcul. Dans ce travail, nous investiguons en premier lieu l'utilisation d'un ensemble épars d'échantillons de points 3D. L'algorithme proposé classe chaque point comme "vide" s'il se projette sur une région du fond et "occupé" s'il se projette sur une région avant-plan dans toutes les vues. Un modèle probabiliste est proposé pour estimer les modèles de couleur de l'avant-plan et de l'arrière-plan, que nous testons sur plusieurs jeux de données de l'état de l'art. Deux extensions du modèle sont proposées. Dans la première, nous montrons la flexibilité de la méthode proposée en intégrant les mélanges de Gaussiennes comme modèles d'apparence. Cette intégration est possible grâce à l'utilisation de l'inférence variationelle. Dans la seconde, nous montrons que le modèle bayésien basé sur les échantillons 3D peut aussi être utilisé si des mesures de profondeur sont présentes. Les résultats de l'évaluation montrent que les problèmes de robustesse, typiquement causés par les ambigüités couleurs entre fond et forme, peuvent être au moins partiellement résolus en utilisant cette information de profondeur. A noter aussi qu'une approche multi-vues reste meilleure qu'une méthode monoculaire utilisant l'information de profondeur. Les différents tests montrent aussi les limitations de la méthode basée sur un échantillonnage éparse. Cela a montré la nécessité de proposer un modèle reposant sur une description plus riche de l'apparence dans les images, en particulier en utilisant les superpixels. L'une des contributions de ce travail est une meilleure modélisation des contraintes grâce à un schéma par coupure de graphes liant les régions d'images aux échantillons 3D. Dans le cas statique, les résultats obtenus rivalisent avec ceux de l'état de l'art mais sont obtenus avec beaucoup moins de points de vue. Les résultats dans le cas dynamique montrent l'intérêt de la propagation de l'information de segmentation à travers la géométrie et le mouvement. Enfin, la dernière partie de cette thèse explore la possibilité d'améliorer le suivi dans les systèmes multi-caméras non calibrés. Un état de l'art sur le suivi monoculaire et multi-caméras est présenté et nous explorons l'utilisation des matrices d'autosimilarité comme moyen de décrire le mouvement et de le comparer entre plusieurs caméras

    Real-time synthetic primate vision

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    Segmentation multi-vues d'objet

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    There has been a growing interest for multi-camera systems and many interesting works have tried to tackle computer vision problems in this particular configuration. The general objective is to propose new multi-view oriented methods instead of applying limited monocular approaches independently for each viewpoint. The work in this thesis is an attempt to have a better understanding of the multi-view object segmentation problem and to propose an alternative approach making maximum use of the available information from different viewpoints.Multiple view segmentation consists in segmenting objects simultaneously in several views. Classic monocular segmentation approaches reason on a single image and do not benefit from the presence of several viewpoints. A key issue in that respect is to ensure propagation of segmentation information between views while minimizing complexity and computational cost. In this work, we first investigate the idea that examining measurements at the projections of a sparse set of 3D points is sufficient to achieve this goal. The proposed algorithm softly assigns each of these 3D samples to the scene background if it projects on the background region in at least one view, or to the foreground if it projects on foreground region in all views. A complete probabilistic framework is proposed to estimate foreground/background color models and the method is tested on various datasets from state of the art.Two different extensions of the sparse 3D sampling segmentation framework are proposed in two scenarios. In the first, we show the flexibility of the sparse sampling framework, by using variational inference to integrate Gaussian mixture models as appearance models. In the second scenario, we propose a study of how to incorporate depth measurements in multi-view segmentation. We present a quantitative evaluation, showing that typical color-based segmentation robustness issues due to color-space ambiguity between foreground and background, can be at least partially mitigated by using depth, and that multi-view color depth segmentation also improves over monocular color depth segmentation strategies.The various tests also showed the limitations of the proposed 3D sparse sampling approach which was the motivation to propose a new method based on a richer description of image regions using superpixels. This model, that expresses more subtle relationships of the problem trough a graph construction linking superpixels and 3D samples, is one of the contributions of this work. In this new framework, time related information is also integrated. With static views, results compete with state of the art methods but they are achieved with significantly fewer viewpoints. Results on videos demonstrate the benefit of segmentation propagation through geometric and temporal cues.Finally, the last part of the thesis explores the possibilities of tracking in uncalibrated multi-view scenarios. A summary of existing methods in this field is presented, in both mono-camera and multi-camera scenarios. We investigate the potential of using self-similarity matrices to describe and compare motion in the context of multi-view tracking.L’utilisation de systèmes multi-caméras est de plus en plus populaire et il y a un intérêt croissant à résoudre les problèmes de vision par ordinateur dans ce contexte particulier. L’objectif étant de ne pas se limiter à l’application des méthodes monoculaires mais de proposer de nouvelles approches intrinsèquement orientées vers les systèmes multi-caméras. Le travail de cette thèse a pour objectif une meilleure compréhension du problème de segmentation multi-vues, pour proposer une nouvelle approche qui tire meilleur parti de la redondance d’information inhérente à l’utilisation de plusieurs points de vue.La segmentation multi-vues est l’identification de l’objet observé simultanément dans plusieurs caméras et sa séparation de l’arrière-plan. Les approches monoculaires classiques raisonnent sur chaque image de manière indépendante et ne bénéficient pas de la présence de plusieurs points de vue. Une question clé de la segmentation multi-vues réside dans la propagation d’information sur la segmentation entres les images tout en minimisant la complexité et le coût en calcul. Dans ce travail, nous investiguons en premier lieu l’utilisation d’un ensemble épars d’échantillons de points 3D. L’algorithme proposé classe chaque point comme "vide" s’il se projette sur une région du fond et "occupé" s’il se projette sur une région avant-plan dans toutes les vues. Un modèle probabiliste est proposé pour estimer les modèles de couleur de l’avant-plan et de l’arrière-plan, que nous testons sur plusieurs jeux de données de l’état de l’art.Deux extensions du modèle sont proposées. Dans la première, nous montrons la flexibilité de la méthode proposée en intégrant les mélanges de Gaussiennes comme modèles d’apparence. Cette intégration est possible grâce à l’utilisation de l’inférence variationelle. Dans la seconde, nous montrons que le modèle bayésien basé sur les échantillons 3D peut aussi être utilisé si des mesures de profondeur sont présentes. Les résultats de l’évaluation montrent que les problèmes de robustesse, typiquement causés par les ambigüités couleurs entre fond et forme, peuvent être au moins partiellement résolus en utilisant cette information de profondeur. A noter aussi qu’une approche multi-vues reste meilleure qu’une méthode monoculaire utilisant l’information de profondeur.Les différents tests montrent aussi les limitations de la méthode basée sur un échantillonnage éparse. Cela a montré la nécessité de proposer un modèle reposant sur une description plus riche de l’apparence dans les images, en particulier en utilisant les superpixels. L’une des contributions de ce travail est une meilleure modélisation des contraintes grâce à un schéma par coupure de graphes liant les régions d’images aux échantillons 3D. Dans le cas statique, les résultats obtenus rivalisent avec ceux de l’état de l’art mais sont obtenus avec beaucoup moins de points de vue. Les résultats dans le cas dynamique montrent l’intérêt de la propagation de l’information de segmentation à travers la géométrie et le mouvement.Enfin, la dernière partie de cette thèse explore la possibilité d’améliorer le suivi dans les systèmes multi-caméras non calibrés. Un état de l’art sur le suivi monoculaire et multi-caméras est présenté et nous explorons l’utilisation des matrices d’autosimilarité comme moyen de décrire le mouvement et de le comparer entre plusieurs caméras

    Enhancing Visual and Gestural Fidelity for Effective Virtual Environments

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    A challenge for the virtual reality (VR) industry is facing is that VR is not immersive enough to make people feel a genuine sense of presence: the low frame rate leads to dizziness and the lack of human body visualization limits the human-computer interaction. In this dissertation, I present our research on enhancing visual and gestural fidelity in the virtual environment. First, I present a new foveated rendering technique: Kernel Foveated Rendering (KFR), which parameterizes foveated rendering by embedding polynomial kernel functions in log-polar space. This GPU-driven technique uses parameterized foveation that mimics the distribution of photoreceptors in the human retina. I present a two-pass kernel foveated rendering pipeline that maps well onto modern GPUs. I have carried out user studies to empirically identify the KFR parameters and have observed a 2.8x-3.2x speedup in rendering on 4K displays. Second, I explore the rendering acceleration through foveation for 4D light fields, which captures both the spatial and angular rays, thus enabling free-viewpoint rendering and custom selection of the focal plane. I optimize the KFR algorithm by adjusting the weight of each slice in the light field, so that it automatically selects the optimal foveation parameters for different images according to the gaze position. I have validated our approach on the rendering of light fields by carrying out both quantitative experiments and user studies. Our method achieves speedups of 3.47x-7.28x for different levels of foveation and different rendering resolutions. Thirdly, I present a simple yet effective technique for further reducing the cost of foveated rendering by leveraging ocular dominance - the tendency of the human visual system to prefer scene perception from one eye over the other. Our new approach, eye-dominance-guided foveated rendering (EFR), renders the scene at a lower foveation level (with higher detail) for the dominant eye than the non-dominant eye. Compared with traditional foveated rendering, EFR can be expected to provide superior rendering performance while preserving the same level of perceived visual quality. Finally, I present an approach to use an end-to-end convolutional neural network, which consists of a concatenation of an encoder and a decoder, to reconstruct a 3D model of a human hand from a single RGB image. Previous research work on hand mesh reconstruction suffers from the lack of training data. To train networks with full supervision, we fit a parametric hand model to 3D annotations, and we train the networks with the RGB image with the fitted parametric model as the supervision. Our approach leads to significantly improved quality compared to state-of-the-art hand mesh reconstruction techniques

    Development of Correspondence Field and Its Application to Effective Depth Estimation in Stereo Camera Systems

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    Stereo camera systems are still the most widely used apparatus for estimating 3D or depth information of a scene due to their low-cost. Estimation of depth using a stereo camera requires first estimating the disparity map using stereo matching algorithms and calculating depth via triangulation based on the camera arrangement (their locations and orientations with respect to the scene). In almost all cases, the arrangement is determined based on human experience since there lacks an effective theoretical tool to guide the design of the camera arrangement. This thesis presents the development of a novel tool, called correspondence field (CF), and its application to optimize the stereo camera arrangement for depth estimation

    Engineering data compendium. Human perception and performance. User's guide

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    The concept underlying the Engineering Data Compendium was the product of a research and development program (Integrated Perceptual Information for Designers project) aimed at facilitating the application of basic research findings in human performance to the design and military crew systems. The principal objective was to develop a workable strategy for: (1) identifying and distilling information of potential value to system design from the existing research literature, and (2) presenting this technical information in a way that would aid its accessibility, interpretability, and applicability by systems designers. The present four volumes of the Engineering Data Compendium represent the first implementation of this strategy. This is the first volume, the User's Guide, containing a description of the program and instructions for its use
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