19 research outputs found

    Shunting of Passenger Train Units in a Railway Station

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    In this paper we introduce the problem of shunting passenger trainunits in a railway station. Shunting occurs whenever train units aretemporarily not necessary to operate a given timetable. We discussseveral aspects of this problem and focus on two subproblems. Wepropose mathematical models for these subproblems together with asolution method based on column generation. Furthermore, a newefficient and speedy solution technique for pricing problems in columngeneration algorithms is introduced. Finally, we present computationalresults based on real life instances from Netherlands Railways.logistics;column generation;railway optimization;real world application

    Applying Operations Research techniques to planning of train shunting

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    In this paper, we discuss a model-based algorithmic approach for supporting planners in the creation of shunt plans for passenger trains. The approach provides an example of a mathematical model and a corresponding solution approach for model based support. We introduce a four-step solution approach and we discuss how the planners are supported by this approach. Finally, we present computational results for these steps and give some suggestions for further research.A* search;railway optimization;real world application;routing

    Shunting of Passenger Train Units: an Integrated Approach

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    In this paper, we describe a new model for the Train Unit Shunting Problem. This model is capable of solving the matching and parking subproblems in an integrated manner, usually requiring a reasonable amount of computation time for generating acceptable solutions. Furthermore, the model incorporates complicating details from practice, such as trains composed of several train units and tracks that can be approached from two sides. Computation times are reduced by introducing the concept of virtual shunt tracks. Computational results are presented for real-life cases of NS Reizigers, the main Dutch passenger railway operator.Optimization;Passenger Railways;Shunting

    Shunting of Passenger Train Units in a Railway Station

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    In this paper we introduce the problem of shunting passenger train units in a railway station. Shunting occurs whenever train units are temporarily not necessary to operate a given timetable. We discuss several aspects of this problem and focus on two subproblems. We propose mathematical models for these subproblems together with a solution method based on column generation. Furthermore, a new efficient and speedy solution technique for pricing problems in column generation algorithms is introduced. Finally, we present computational results based on real life instances from Netherlands Railways

    Operations research in passenger railway transportation

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    In this paper, we give an overview of state-of-the-art OperationsResearch models and techniques used in passenger railwaytransportation. For each planning phase (strategic, tactical andoperational), we describe the planning problems arising there anddiscuss some models and algorithms to solve them. We do not onlyconsider classical, well-known topics such as timetabling, rollingstock scheduling and crew scheduling, but we also discuss somerecently developed topics as shunting and reliability oftimetables.Finally, we focus on several practical aspects for each of theseproblems at the largest Dutch railway operator, NS Reizigers.passenger railway transportation;operation research;planning problems

    Applying Operations Research techniques to planning of train shunting

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    In this paper, we discuss a model-based algorithmic approach for supporting planners in the creation of shunt plans for passenger trains. The approach provides an example of a mathematical model and a corresponding solution approach for model based support. We introduce a four-step solution approach and we discuss how the planners are supported by this approach. Finally, we present computational results for these steps and give some suggestions for further research

    Shunting of Passenger Train Units: an Integrated Approach

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    In this paper, we describe a new model for the Train Unit Shunting Problem. This model is capable of solving the matching and parking subproblems in an integrated manner, usually requiring a reasonable amount of computation time for generating acceptable solutions. Furthermore, the model incorporates complicating details from practice, such as trains composed of several train units and tracks that can be approached from two sides. Computation times are reduced by introducing the concept of virtual shunt tracks. Computational results are presented for real-life cases of NS Reizigers, the main Dutch passenger railway operator

    Shunting operations at flat yards : retrieving freight railcars from storage tracks

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    In this paper, we study the railcar retrieval problem (RRT) where specified numbers of certain types of railcars have to be withdrawn from the storage tracks of a flat yard. This task arises in the daily operations of workshop yards for railcar maintenance. The objective is to minimize the total cost of shunting via methods such as minimizing the usage of shunting engines. We describe the RRT formally, present a mixed-integer program formulation, and prove the general case to be NP-hard. For some special cases, exact algorithms with polynomial runtimes are proposed. We also analyze several intuitive heuristic solution approaches motivated by observed real-world planning routines. We evaluate their average performances in simulations with different scenarios and provide their worst-case performance guarantee. We show that although the analyzed heuristics result in much better solutions than the naive planning approach, they are still on average 30%-50% from the optimal objective value and may result in up to 14 times higher costs in the worst case. Therefore, we conclude that optimization should be implemented in practice in order to save valuable resources. Furthermore, we analyze the impacts of yard layout and the widespread organizational routine of presorting on the railcar retrieval cost