10,547 research outputs found

    A Review of Traffic Signal Control.

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    The aim of this paper is to provide a starting point for the future research within the SERC sponsored project "Gating and Traffic Control: The Application of State Space Control Theory". It will provide an introduction to State Space Control Theory, State Space applications in transportation in general, an in-depth review of congestion control (specifically traffic signal control in congested situations), a review of theoretical works, a review of existing systems and will conclude with recommendations for the research to be undertaken within this project

    Travel time estimation in congested urban networks using point detectors data

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    A model for estimating travel time on short arterial links of congested urban networks, using currently available technology, is introduced in this thesis. The objective is to estimate travel time, with an acceptable level of accuracy for real-life traffic problems, such as congestion management and emergency evacuation. To achieve this research objective, various travel time estimation methods, including highway trajectories, multiple linear regression (MLR), artificial neural networks (ANN) and K –nearest neighbor (K-NN) were applied and tested on the same dataset. The results demonstrate that ANN and K-NN methods outperform linear methods by a significant margin, also, show particularly good performance in detecting congested intervals. To ensure the quality of the analysis results, set of procedures and algorithms based on traffic flow theory and test field information, were introduced to validate and clean the data used to build, train and test the different models

    Simulating the Impact of Traffic Calming Strategies

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    This study assessed the impact of traffic calming measures to the speed, travel times and capacity of residential roadways. The study focused on two types of speed tables, speed humps and a raised crosswalk. A moving test vehicle equipped with GPS receivers that allowed calculation of speeds and determination of speed profiles at 1s intervals were used. Multi-regime model was used to provide the best fit using steady state equations; hence the corresponding speed-flow relationships were established for different calming scenarios. It was found that capacities of residential roadway segments due to presence of calming features ranged from 640 to 730 vph. However, the capacity varied with the spacing of the calming features in which spacing speed tables at 1050 ft apart caused a 23% reduction in capacity while 350-ft spacing reduced capacity by 32%. Analysis showed a linear decrease of capacity of approximately 20 vphpl, 37 vphpl and 34 vphpl when 17 ft wide speed tables were spaced at 350 ft, 700 ft, and 1050 ft apart respectively. For speed hump calming features, spacing humps at 350 ft reduced capacity by about 33% while a 700 ft spacing reduced capacity by 30%. The study concludes that speed tables are slightly better than speed humps in terms of preserving the roadway capacity. Also, traffic calming measures significantly reduce the speeds of vehicles, and it is best to keep spacing of 630 ft or less to achieve desirable crossing speeds of less or equal to 15 mph especially in a street with schools nearby. A microscopic simulation model was developed to replicate the driving behavior of traffic on urban road diets roads to analyze the influence of bus stops on traffic flow and safety. The impacts of safety were assessed using surrogate measures of safety (SSAM). The study found that presence of a bus stops for 10, 20 and 30 s dwell times have almost 9.5%, 12%, and 20% effect on traffic speed reductions when 300 veh/hr flow is considered. A comparison of reduction in speed of traffic on an 11 ft wide road lane of a road diet due to curbside stops and bus bays for a mean of 30s with a standard deviation of 5s dwell time case was conducted. Results showed that a bus stop bay with the stated bus dwell time causes an approximate 8% speed reduction to traffic at a flow level of about 1400 vph. Analysis of the trajectories from bust stop locations showed that at 0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, and 175 feet from the intersection the number of conflicts is affected by the presence and location of a curbside stop on a segment with a road diet

    Fast reconstruction of 3D blood flows from Doppler ultrasound images and reduced models

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    This paper deals with the problem of building fast and reliable 3D reconstruction methods for blood flows for which partial information is given by Doppler ultrasound measurements. This task is of interest in medicine since it could enrich the available information used in the diagnosis of certain diseases which is currently based essentially on the measurements coming from ultrasound devices. The fast reconstruction of the full flow can be performed with state estimation methods that have been introduced in recent years and that involve reduced order models. One simple and efficient strategy is the so-called Parametrized Background Data-Weak approach (PBDW). It is a linear mapping that consists in a least squares fit between the measurement data and a linear reduced model to which a certain correction term is added. However, in the original approach, the reduced model is built a priori and independently of the reconstruction task (typically with a proper orthogonal decomposition or a greedy algorithm). In this paper, we investigate the construction of other reduced spaces which are built to be better adapted to the reconstruction task and which result in mappings that are sometimes nonlinear. We compare the performance of the different algorithms on numerical experiments involving synthetic Doppler measurements. The results illustrate the superiority of the proposed alternatives to the classical linear PBDW approach

    Parameter estimation for stochastic hybrid model applied to urban traffic flow estimation

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    This study proposes a novel data-based approach for estimating the parameters of a stochastic hybrid model describing the traffic flow in an urban traffic network with signalized intersections. The model represents the evolution of the traffic flow rate, measuring the number of vehicles passing a given location per time unit. This traffic flow rate is described using a mode-dependent first-order autoregressive (AR) stochastic process. The parameters of the AR process take different values depending on the mode of traffic operation – free flowing, congested or faulty – making this a hybrid stochastic process. Mode switching occurs according to a first-order Markov chain. This study proposes an expectation-maximization (EM) technique for estimating the transition matrix of this Markovian mode process and the parameters of the AR models for each mode. The technique is applied to actual traffic flow data from the city of Jakarta, Indonesia. The model thus obtained is validated by using the smoothed inference algorithms and an online particle filter. The authors also develop an EM parameter estimation that, in combination with a time-window shift technique, can be useful and practical for periodically updating the parameters of hybrid model leading to an adaptive traffic flow state estimator