197 research outputs found

    A multilinear tongue model derived from speech related MRI data of the human vocal tract

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    We present a multilinear statistical model of the human tongue that captures anatomical and tongue pose related shape variations separately. The model is derived from 3D magnetic resonance imaging data of 11 speakers sustaining speech related vocal tract configurations. The extraction is performed by using a minimally supervised method that uses as basis an image segmentation approach and a template fitting technique. Furthermore, it uses image denoising to deal with possibly corrupt data, palate surface information reconstruction to handle palatal tongue contacts, and a bootstrap strategy to refine the obtained shapes. Our evaluation concludes that limiting the degrees of freedom for the anatomical and speech related variations to 5 and 4, respectively, produces a model that can reliably register unknown data while avoiding overfitting effects. Furthermore, we show that it can be used to generate a plausible tongue animation by tracking sparse motion capture data

    Adaptive threshold optimisation for colour-based lip segmentation in automatic lip-reading systems

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    A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in ful lment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Johannesburg, September 2016Having survived the ordeal of a laryngectomy, the patient must come to terms with the resulting loss of speech. With recent advances in portable computing power, automatic lip-reading (ALR) may become a viable approach to voice restoration. This thesis addresses the image processing aspect of ALR, and focuses three contributions to colour-based lip segmentation. The rst contribution concerns the colour transform to enhance the contrast between the lips and skin. This thesis presents the most comprehensive study to date by measuring the overlap between lip and skin histograms for 33 di erent colour transforms. The hue component of HSV obtains the lowest overlap of 6:15%, and results show that selecting the correct transform can increase the segmentation accuracy by up to three times. The second contribution is the development of a new lip segmentation algorithm that utilises the best colour transforms from the comparative study. The algorithm is tested on 895 images and achieves percentage overlap (OL) of 92:23% and segmentation error (SE) of 7:39 %. The third contribution focuses on the impact of the histogram threshold on the segmentation accuracy, and introduces a novel technique called Adaptive Threshold Optimisation (ATO) to select a better threshold value. The rst stage of ATO incorporates -SVR to train the lip shape model. ATO then uses feedback of shape information to validate and optimise the threshold. After applying ATO, the SE decreases from 7:65% to 6:50%, corresponding to an absolute improvement of 1:15 pp or relative improvement of 15:1%. While this thesis concerns lip segmentation in particular, ATO is a threshold selection technique that can be used in various segmentation applications.MT201

    Augmented Reality

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    Augmented Reality (AR) is a natural development from virtual reality (VR), which was developed several decades earlier. AR complements VR in many ways. Due to the advantages of the user being able to see both the real and virtual objects simultaneously, AR is far more intuitive, but it's not completely detached from human factors and other restrictions. AR doesn't consume as much time and effort in the applications because it's not required to construct the entire virtual scene and the environment. In this book, several new and emerging application areas of AR are presented and divided into three sections. The first section contains applications in outdoor and mobile AR, such as construction, restoration, security and surveillance. The second section deals with AR in medical, biological, and human bodies. The third and final section contains a number of new and useful applications in daily living and learning

    Observations on the dynamic control of an articulatory synthesizer using speech production data

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    This dissertation explores the automatic generation of gestural score based control structures for a three-dimensional articulatory speech synthesizer. The gestural scores are optimized in an articulatory resynthesis paradigm using a dynamic programming algorithm and a cost function which measures the deviation from a gold standard in the form of natural speech production data. This data had been recorded using electromagnetic articulography, from the same speaker to which the synthesizer\u27s vocal tract model had previously been adapted. Future work to create an English voice for the synthesizer and integrate it into a text-to-speech platform is outlined.Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht die automatische Erzeugung von gesturalpartiturbasierten Steuerdaten für ein dreidimensionales artikulatorisches Sprachsynthesesystem. Die gesturalen Partituren werden in einem artikulatorischen Resynthese-Paradigma mittels dynamischer Programmierung optimiert, unter Zuhilfenahme einer Kostenfunktion, die den Abstand zu einem "Gold Standard" in Form natürlicher Sprachproduktionsdaten mißt. Diese Daten waren mit elektromagnetischer Artikulographie am selben Sprecher aufgenommen worden, an den zuvor das Vokaltraktmodell des Synthesesystems angepaßt worden war. Weiterführende Forschung, eine englische Stimme für das Synthesesystem zu erzeugen und sie in eine Text-to-Speech-Plattform einzubetten, wird umrissen

    Registration and statistical analysis of the tongue shape during speech production

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    This thesis analyzes the human tongue shape during speech production. First, a semi-supervised approach is derived for estimating the tongue shape from volumetric magnetic resonance imaging data of the human vocal tract. Results of this extraction are used to derive parametric tongue models. Next, a framework is presented for registering sparse motion capture data of the tongue by means of such a model. This method allows to generate full three-dimensional animations of the tongue. Finally, a multimodal and statistical text-to-speech system is developed that is able to synthesize audio and synchronized tongue motion from text.Diese Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Analyse der menschlichen Zungenform während der Sprachproduktion. Zunächst wird ein semi-überwachtes Verfahren vorgestellt, mit dessen Hilfe sich Zungenformen von volumetrischen Magnetresonanztomographie- Aufnahmen des menschlichen Vokaltrakts schätzen lassen. Die Ergebnisse dieses Extraktionsverfahrens werden genutzt, um ein parametrisches Zungenmodell zu konstruieren. Danach wird eine Methode hergeleitet, die ein solches Modell nutzt, um spärliche Bewegungsaufnahmen der Zunge zu registrieren. Dieser Ansatz erlaubt es, dreidimensionale Animationen der Zunge zu erstellen. Zuletzt wird ein multimodales und statistisches Text-to-Speech-System entwickelt, das in der Lage ist, Audio und die dazu synchrone Zungenbewegung zu synthetisieren.German Research Foundatio