9 research outputs found

    IoT Based Intruder Prevention using Fogger

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    Anamoly detection in videos plays an important role in various real-life applications. Most of traditional approaches depend on utilizing handcrafted features which are problem-dependent and optimal for specific tasks. Nowadays, there has been a rise in the amount of disruptive and offensive activities that have been happening. Due to this, security has been given principal significance. Public places like shopping centers, avenues, banks, etc. are increasingly being equipped with CCTVs to guarantee the security of individuals. Subsequently, this inconvenience is making a need to computerize this system with high accuracy. Since constant observation of these surveillance cameras by humans is a near-impossible task. It requires workforces and their constant attention to judge if the captured activities are anomalous or suspicious. Hence, this drawback is creating a need to automate this process with high accuracy. Moreover, there is a need to display which frame and which parts of the recording contain the uncommon activity which helps the quicker judgment of that unordinary action being unusual or suspicious. Therefore, to reduce the wastage of time and labour, we are utilizing deep learning algorithms for Automating Threat Recognition System. Its goal is to automatically identify signs of aggression and violence in real-time, which filters out irregularities from normal patterns. We intend to utilize different Deep Learning models (CNN and RNN) to identify and classify levels of high movement in the frame. From there, we can raise a detection alert for the situation of a threat, indicating the suspicious activities at an instance of time and spray the smoke spray

    Towards parameter-less 3D mesh segmentation

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    This thesis focuses on the 3D mesh segmentation process. The research demonstrated how the process can be done in a parameterless approach which allows full automation with accurate results. Applications of this research include, but not limited to, 3D search engines, 3D character animation, robotics environment recognition, and augmented reality

    Fusion of interventional ultrasound & X-ray

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    In einer immer älter werdenden Bevölkerung wird die Behandlung von strukturellen Herzkrankheiten zunehmend wichtiger. Verbesserte medizinische Bildgebung und die Einführung neuer Kathetertechnologien führten dazu, dass immer mehr herkömmliche chirurgische Eingriffe am offenen Herzen durch minimal invasive Methoden abgelöst werden. Diese modernen Interventionen müssen durch verschiedenste Bildgebungsverfahren navigiert werden. Hierzu werden hauptsächlich Röntgenfluoroskopie und transösophageale Echokardiografie (TEE) eingesetzt. Röntgen bietet eine gute Visualisierung der eingeführten Katheter, was essentiell für eine gute Navigation ist. TEE hingegen bietet die Möglichkeit der Weichteilgewebedarstellung und kann damit vor allem zur Darstellung von anatomischen Strukturen, wie z.B. Herzklappen, genutzt werden. Beide Modalitäten erzeugen Bilder in Echtzeit und werden für die erfolgreiche Durchführung minimal invasiver Herzchirurgie zwingend benötigt. Üblicherweise sind beide Systeme eigenständig und nicht miteinander verbunden. Es ist anzunehmen, dass eine Bildfusion beider Welten einen großen Vorteil für die behandelnden Operateure erzeugen kann, vor allem eine verbesserte Kommunikation im Behandlungsteam. Ebenso können sich aus der Anwendung heraus neue chirurgische Worfklows ergeben. Eine direkte Fusion beider Systeme scheint nicht möglich, da die Bilddaten eine zu unterschiedliche Charakteristik aufweisen. Daher kommt in dieser Arbeit eine indirekte Registriermethode zum Einsatz. Die TEE-Sonde ist während der Intervention ständig im Fluoroskopiebild sichtbar. Dadurch wird es möglich, die Sonde im Röntgenbild zu registrieren und daraus die 3D Position abzuleiten. Der Zusammenhang zwischen Ultraschallbild und Ultraschallsonde wird durch eine Kalibrierung bestimmt. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Methode der 2D-3D Registrierung gewählt, um die TEE Sonde auf 2D Röntgenbildern zu erkennen. Es werden verschiedene Beiträge präsentiert, welche einen herkömmlichen 2D-3D Registrieralgorithmus verbessern. Nicht nur im Bereich der Ultraschall-Röntgen-Fusion, sondern auch im Hinblick auf allgemeine Registrierprobleme. Eine eingeführte Methode ist die der planaren Parameter. Diese verbessert die Robustheit und die Registriergeschwindigkeit, vor allem während der Registrierung eines Objekts aus zwei nicht-orthogonalen Richtungen. Ein weiterer Ansatz ist der Austausch der herkömmlichen Erzeugung von sogenannten digital reconstructed radiographs. Diese sind zwar ein integraler Bestandteil einer 2D-3D Registrierung aber gleichzeitig sehr zeitaufwendig zu berechnen. Es führt zu einem erheblichen Geschwindigkeitsgewinn die herkömmliche Methode durch schnelles Rendering von Dreiecksnetzen zu ersetzen. Ebenso wird gezeigt, dass eine Kombination von schnellen lernbasierten Detektionsalgorithmen und 2D-3D Registrierung die Genauigkeit und die Registrierreichweite verbessert. Zum Abschluss werden die ersten Ergebnisse eines klinischen Prototypen präsentiert, welcher die zuvor genannten Methoden verwendet.Today, in an elderly community, the treatment of structural heart disease will become more and more important. Constant improvements of medical imaging technologies and the introduction of new catheter devices caused the trend to replace conventional open heart surgery by minimal invasive interventions. These advanced interventions need to be guided by different medical imaging modalities. The two main imaging systems here are X-ray fluoroscopy and Transesophageal  Echocardiography (TEE). While X-ray provides a good visualization of inserted catheters, which is essential for catheter navigation, TEE can display soft tissues, especially anatomical structures like heart valves. Both modalities provide real-time imaging and are necessary to lead minimal invasive heart surgery to success. Usually, the two systems are detached and not connected. It is conceivable that a fusion of both worlds can create a strong benefit for the physicians. It can lead to a better communication within the clinical team and can probably enable new surgical workflows. Because of the completely different characteristics of the image data, a direct fusion seems to be impossible. Therefore, an indirect registration of Ultrasound and X-ray images is used. The TEE probe is usually visible in the X-ray image during the described minimal-invasive interventions. Thereby, it becomes possible to register the TEE probe in the fluoroscopic images and to establish its 3D position. The relationship of the Ultrasound image to the Ultrasound probe is known by calibration. To register the TEE probe on 2D X-ray images, a 2D-3D registration approach is chosen in this thesis. Several contributions are presented, which are improving the common 2D-3D registration algorithm for the task of Ultrasound and X-ray fusion, but also for general 2D-3D registration problems. One presented approach is the introduction of planar parameters that increase robustness and speed during the registration of an object on two non-orthogonal views. Another approach is to replace the conventional generation of digital reconstructedradiographs, which is an integral part of 2D-3D registration but also a performance bottleneck, with fast triangular mesh rendering. This will result in a significant performance speed-up. It is also shown that a combination of fast learning-based detection algorithms with 2D-3D registration will increase the accuracy and the capture range, instead of employing them solely to the  registration/detection of a TEE probe. Finally, a first clinical prototype is presented which employs the presented approaches and first clinical results are shown

    A discrete graph Laplacian for signal processing

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    In this thesis we exploit diffusion processes on graphs to effect two fundamental problems of image processing: denoising and segmentation. We treat these two low-level vision problems on the pixel-wise level under a unified framework: a graph embedding. Using this framework opens us up to the possibilities of exploiting recently introduced algorithms from the semi-supervised machine learning literature. We contribute two novel edge-preserving smoothing algorithms to the literature. Furthermore we apply these edge-preserving smoothing algorithms to some computational photography tasks. Many recent computational photography tasks require the decomposition of an image into a smooth base layer containing large scale intensity variations and a residual layer capturing fine details. Edge-preserving smoothing is the main computational mechanism in producing these multi-scale image representations. We, in effect, introduce a new approach to edge-preserving multi-scale image decompositions. Where as prior approaches such as the Bilateral filter and weighted-least squares methods require multiple parameters to tune the response of the filters our method only requires one. This parameter can be interpreted as a scale parameter. We demonstrate the utility of our approach by applying the method to computational photography tasks that utilise multi-scale image decompositions. With minimal modification to these edge-preserving smoothing algorithms we show that we can extend them to produce interactive image segmentation. As a result the operations of segmentation and denoising are conducted under a unified framework. Moreover we discuss how our method is related to region based active contours. We benchmark our proposed interactive segmentation algorithms against those based upon energy-minimisation, specifically graph-cut methods. We demonstrate that we achieve competitive performance

    GPU-based volume deformation.

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    Estudo e desenvolvimento de algoritmos de esqueletização com aplicação em redes vasculares ósseas

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    Although a common technique, the radiotherapy can cause damage to bone repair, such as decrease in vascularization. However, the bone vascular network has an important role in capacity of bone regeneration because it provides oxygen and nutrients, therefore, tools that helps the analysis of vascular networks are important for the study of various therapies that have influence on the bone repair. In order to analyze such networks, we mande three-dimensional reconstructions of collected images from the sectioning of a mouse femurs that received radiation doses in the left femur, while the right was not irradiated and used for control. In order to aid the analysis of these volumes, skeletonization techniques were used to decrease the amount of the objects’s information and make the analysis more accurate and efficient. However, there are several types of skeletonization algorithms which uses different approachs as based on Forcefield, Thinning, based on Distance Transform, Geometrical and based on Wave Propagation. In order to analyze which of them produces the best results in vascular networks, an implementation of each type was chosen to be tested and analyzed in vascular network volumes. Furthermore, the algorithm chosen to represent the methods based on Wave Propagation was developed and proposed in this work exclusively to extract vascular networks. Finally, the skeletons of the vascular networks reproduced the network studied with clarity and enabled the conclusion of analysis related to the radiation impact on vascular topology. In addition, the comparison between the types of skeletonization algorithms allowed a deep study about the subject and on the various curve skeletons characteristics that can be used to classify and compare the methods in the literature.Dissertação (Mestrado)Apesar de ser uma técnica muito difundida, a radioterapia pode causar danos ao reparo ósseo, como por exemplo, a diminuição da vascularização. Entretanto, a rede vascular óssea tem um papel importante na capacidade de regeneração dos ossos, pois fornece oxigênio e nutrientes essenciais, logo, ferramentas que auxiliem a análise dessas redes são importantes para o estudo de diversas terapias que têm influência sobre o tecido ósseo. Para analisar tais redes foi feita a reconstrução tridimensional de imagens coletadas a partir do seccionamento dos fêmures de um rato que recebeu doses de radiação em seu fêmur esquerdo, enquanto que o direito não foi irradiado sendo, portanto, utilizado para controle. Com o objetivo de auxiliar a análise desses volumes foi utilizada a técnica de esqueletização, que tem a finalidade de diminuir a quantidade de informação dos objetos e tornar a análise mais precisa e eficiente. Entretanto, existem diversos tipos de algoritmos esqueletização, sendo eles, de Afinamento, Geométricos, baseados na Transformada Distância, em Campo de Força e em Propagação de Ondas. Com o objetivo de analisar qual deles produz melhores resultados em volumes de redes vasculares foi escolhida uma implementação de cada tipo para ser testada e analisada em volumes pertencentes às redes vasculares. Além disso, o algoritmo escolhido para representar os métodos baseados em Propagação de Ondas foi desenvolvido e proposto neste trabalho exclusivamente para extrair canais de redes vasculares. Por fim, os esqueletos das redes vasculares conseguiram reproduzir com clareza a rede estudada e possibilitaram a conclusão de análises relacionadas ao impacto da radioterapia sobre a topologia vascular. Além disso, a comparação entre os tipos de algoritmos de esqueletização possibilitou um estudo aprofundado sobre o tema e sobre as diversas características de esqueletos de curva que podem ser usadas para classificar e comparar os métodos presentes na literatura

    Real-time 3D skeletonisation in computer vision-based human pose estimation using GPGPU

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    Understanding and advancing PDE-based image compression

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    This thesis is dedicated to image compression with partial differential equations (PDEs). PDE-based codecs store only a small amount of image points and propagate their information into the unknown image areas during the decompression step. For certain classes of images, PDE-based compression can already outperform the current quasi-standard, JPEG2000. However, the reasons for this success are not yet fully understood, and PDE-based compression is still in a proof-of-concept stage. With a probabilistic justification for anisotropic diffusion, we contribute to a deeper insight into design principles for PDE-based codecs. Moreover, by analysing the interaction between efficient storage methods and image reconstruction with diffusion, we can rank PDEs according to their practical value in compression. Based on these observations, we advance PDE-based compression towards practical viability: First, we present a new hybrid codec that combines PDE- and patch-based interpolation to deal with highly textured images. Furthermore, a new video player demonstrates the real-time capacities of PDE-based image interpolation and a new region of interest coding algorithm represents important image areas with high accuracy. Finally, we propose a new framework for diffusion-based image colourisation that we use to build an efficient codec for colour images. Experiments on real world image databases show that our new method is qualitatively competitive to current state-of-the-art codecs.Diese Dissertation ist der Bildkompression mit partiellen Differentialgleichungen (PDEs, partial differential equations) gewidmet. PDE-Codecs speichern nur einen geringen Anteil aller Bildpunkte und transportieren deren Information in fehlende Bildregionen. In einigen Fällen kann PDE-basierte Kompression den aktuellen Quasi-Standard, JPEG2000, bereits schlagen. Allerdings sind die Gründe für diesen Erfolg noch nicht vollständig erforscht, und PDE-basierte Kompression befindet sich derzeit noch im Anfangsstadium. Wir tragen durch eine probabilistische Rechtfertigung anisotroper Diffusion zu einem tieferen Verständnis PDE-basierten Codec-Designs bei. Eine Analyse der Interaktion zwischen effizienten Speicherverfahren und Bildrekonstruktion erlaubt es uns, PDEs nach ihrem Nutzen für die Kompression zu beurteilen. Anhand dieser Einsichten entwickeln wir PDE-basierte Kompression hinsichtlich ihrer praktischen Nutzbarkeit weiter: Wir stellen einen Hybrid-Codec für hochtexturierte Bilder vor, der umgebungsbasierte Interpolation mit PDEs kombiniert. Ein neuer Video-Dekodierer demonstriert die Echtzeitfähigkeit PDE-basierter Interpolation und eine Region-of-Interest-Methode erlaubt es, wichtige Bildbereiche mit hoher Genauigkeit zu speichern. Schlussendlich stellen wir ein neues diffusionsbasiertes Kolorierungsverfahren vor, welches uns effiziente Kompression von Farbbildern ermöglicht. Experimente auf Realwelt-Bilddatenbanken zeigen die Konkurrenzfähigkeit dieses Verfahrens auf

    Understanding and advancing PDE-based image compression

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    This thesis is dedicated to image compression with partial differential equations (PDEs). PDE-based codecs store only a small amount of image points and propagate their information into the unknown image areas during the decompression step. For certain classes of images, PDE-based compression can already outperform the current quasi-standard, JPEG2000. However, the reasons for this success are not yet fully understood, and PDE-based compression is still in a proof-of-concept stage. With a probabilistic justification for anisotropic diffusion, we contribute to a deeper insight into design principles for PDE-based codecs. Moreover, by analysing the interaction between efficient storage methods and image reconstruction with diffusion, we can rank PDEs according to their practical value in compression. Based on these observations, we advance PDE-based compression towards practical viability: First, we present a new hybrid codec that combines PDE- and patch-based interpolation to deal with highly textured images. Furthermore, a new video player demonstrates the real-time capacities of PDE-based image interpolation and a new region of interest coding algorithm represents important image areas with high accuracy. Finally, we propose a new framework for diffusion-based image colourisation that we use to build an efficient codec for colour images. Experiments on real world image databases show that our new method is qualitatively competitive to current state-of-the-art codecs.Diese Dissertation ist der Bildkompression mit partiellen Differentialgleichungen (PDEs, partial differential equations) gewidmet. PDE-Codecs speichern nur einen geringen Anteil aller Bildpunkte und transportieren deren Information in fehlende Bildregionen. In einigen Fällen kann PDE-basierte Kompression den aktuellen Quasi-Standard, JPEG2000, bereits schlagen. Allerdings sind die Gründe für diesen Erfolg noch nicht vollständig erforscht, und PDE-basierte Kompression befindet sich derzeit noch im Anfangsstadium. Wir tragen durch eine probabilistische Rechtfertigung anisotroper Diffusion zu einem tieferen Verständnis PDE-basierten Codec-Designs bei. Eine Analyse der Interaktion zwischen effizienten Speicherverfahren und Bildrekonstruktion erlaubt es uns, PDEs nach ihrem Nutzen für die Kompression zu beurteilen. Anhand dieser Einsichten entwickeln wir PDE-basierte Kompression hinsichtlich ihrer praktischen Nutzbarkeit weiter: Wir stellen einen Hybrid-Codec für hochtexturierte Bilder vor, der umgebungsbasierte Interpolation mit PDEs kombiniert. Ein neuer Video-Dekodierer demonstriert die Echtzeitfähigkeit PDE-basierter Interpolation und eine Region-of-Interest-Methode erlaubt es, wichtige Bildbereiche mit hoher Genauigkeit zu speichern. Schlussendlich stellen wir ein neues diffusionsbasiertes Kolorierungsverfahren vor, welches uns effiziente Kompression von Farbbildern ermöglicht. Experimente auf Realwelt-Bilddatenbanken zeigen die Konkurrenzfähigkeit dieses Verfahrens auf