14 research outputs found

    An Experimental Bench for Testing a S-CAM Front Car Camera

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    The paper presents an experimental stand for testing the front car camera S-CAM with embedded image recognition systems. The camera sends CAN messages these are converted to USART messages by microprocessor based system. The messages are interpreted by MATLAB script on the basis of database of traffic signs in accordance with Polish Road Code. The testing stand is mainly aimed for educating students interested in the fields of electronics and technologies related to automotive branch, as well. The second objective is a research on efficiency of traffic sign recognition system being one of functionalities of S-CAM camera. The technical specification of testing stand, its functionality and limitations were also discussed. The bench operation was illustrated with examples of stiff images, animation and real movies

    An Experimental Bench for Testing a S-CAM Front Car Camera

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    The paper presents an experimental stand for testing the front car camera S-CAM with embedded image recognition systems. The camera sends CAN messages these are converted to USART messages by microprocessor based system. The messages are interpreted by MATLAB script on the basis of database of traffic signs in accordance with Polish Road Code. The testing stand is mainly aimed for educating students interested in the fields of electronics and technologies related to automotive branch, as well. The second objective is a research on efficiency of traffic sign recognition system being one of functionalities of S-CAM camera. The technical specification of testing stand, its functionality and limitations were also discussed. The bench operation was illustrated with examples of stiff images, animation and real movies

    Analysis of Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition

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    Accidents are happens due to avoidance of traffic sign.As per worldwide street insights almost 1.3 million individuals bite the dust in street mishap in every year [ASIRT, 2014]. In the event that there is a programmed location and acknowledgment framework, it can instantly report the right traffic signs to the driver and furthermore diminish the weight of the driver. At the point when the driver disregards a traffic sign, the framework can give a convenient cautioning.  In this seminar we studied five different papers.Colour segmentation, Edge Extraction, Template matching techniques used for traffic sign detection.Conventional neural Network, Speeded up Robust Features is applied for traffic sign recognition.

    Towards Enhancing Traffic Sign Recognition through Sliding Windows

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    Automatic Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition (TSDR) provides drivers with critical information on traffic signs, and it constitutes an enabling condition for autonomous driving. Misclassifying even a single sign may constitute a severe hazard, which negatively impacts the environment, infrastructures, and human lives. Therefore, a reliable TSDR mechanism is essential to attain a safe circulation of road vehicles. Traffic Sign Recognition (TSR) techniques that use Machine Learning (ML) algorithms have been proposed, but no agreement on a preferred ML algorithm nor perfect classification capabilities were always achieved by any existing solutions. Consequently, our study employs ML-based classifiers to build a TSR system that analyzes a sliding window of frames sampled by sensors on a vehicle. Such TSR processes the most recent frame and past frames sampled by sensors through (i) Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks and (ii) Stacking Meta-Learners, which allow for efficiently combining base-learning classification episodes into a unified and improved meta-level classification. Experimental results by using publicly available datasets show that Stacking Meta-Learners dramatically reduce misclassifications of signs and achieved perfect classification on all three considered datasets. This shows the potential of our novel approach based on sliding windows to be used as an efficient solution for TSR

    Generative Neural Network-Based Defense Methods Against Cyberattacks for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

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    The rapid advancement of communication and artificial intelligence technologies is propelling the development of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs), revolutionizing the transportation landscape. However, increased connectivity and automation also present heightened potential for cyber threats. Recently, the emergence of generative neural networks (NNs) has unveiled a myriad of opportunities for complementing CAV applications, including generative NN-based cybersecurity measures to protect the CAVs in a transportation cyber-physical system (TCPS) from known and unknown cyberattacks. The goal of this dissertation is to explore the utility of the generative NNs for devising cyberattack detection and mitigation strategies for CAVs. To this end, the author developed (i) a hybrid quantum-classical restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM)-based framework for in-vehicle network intrusion detection for connected vehicles and (ii) a generative adversarial network (GAN)-based defense method for the traffic sign classification system within the perception module of autonomous vehicles. The author evaluated the hybrid quantum-classical RBM-based intrusion detection framework on three separate real-world Fuzzy attack datasets and compared its performance with a similar but classical-only approach (i.e., a classical computer-based data preprocessing and RBM training). The results showed that the hybrid quantum-classical RBM-based intrusion detection framework achieved an average intrusion detection accuracy of 98%, whereas the classical-only approach achieved an average accuracy of 90%. For the second study, the author evaluated the GAN-based adversarial defense method for traffic sign classification against different white-box adversarial attacks, such as the fast gradient sign method, the DeepFool, the Carlini and Wagner, and the projected gradient descent attacks. The author compared the performance of the GAN-based defense method with several traditional benchmark defense methods, such as Gaussian augmentation, JPEG compression, feature squeezing, and spatial smoothing. The findings indicated that the GAN-based adversarial defense method for traffic sign classification outperformed all the benchmark defense methods under all the white-box adversarial attacks the author considered for evaluation. Thus, the contribution of this dissertation lies in utilizing the generative ability of existing generative NNs to develop novel high-performing cyberattack detection and mitigation strategies that are feasible to deploy in CAVs in a TCPS environment

    Vision-Based Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition Systems: Current Trends and Challenges

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    The automatic traffic sign detection and recognition (TSDR) system is very important research in the development of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). Investigations on vision-based TSDR have received substantial interest in the research community, which is mainly motivated by three factors, which are detection, tracking and classification. During the last decade, a substantial number of techniques have been reported for TSDR. This paper provides a comprehensive survey on traffic sign detection, tracking and classification. The details of algorithms, methods and their specifications on detection, tracking and classification are investigated and summarized in the tables along with the corresponding key references. A comparative study on each section has been provided to evaluate the TSDR data, performance metrics and their availability. Current issues and challenges of the existing technologies are illustrated with brief suggestions and a discussion on the progress of driver assistance system research in the future. This review will hopefully lead to increasing efforts towards the development of future vision-based TSDR system. Document type: Articl