3,481 research outputs found

    Timed Automata Semantics for Analyzing Creol

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    We give a real-time semantics for the concurrent, object-oriented modeling language Creol, by mapping Creol processes to a network of timed automata. We can use our semantics to verify real time properties of Creol objects, in particular to see whether processes can be scheduled correctly and meet their end-to-end deadlines. Real-time Creol can be useful for analyzing, for instance, abstract models of multi-core embedded systems. We show how analysis can be done in Uppaal.Comment: In Proceedings FOCLASA 2010, arXiv:1007.499

    A Modeling Framework for Schedulability Analysis of Distributed Avionics Systems

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    This paper presents a modeling framework for schedulability analysis of distributed integrated modular avionics (DIMA) systems that consist of spatially distributed ARINC-653 modules connected by a unified AFDX network. We model a DIMA system as a set of stopwatch automata (SWA) in UPPAAL to analyze its schedulability by classical model checking (MC) and statistical model checking (SMC). The framework has been designed to enable three types of analysis: global SMC, global MC, and compositional MC. This allows an effective methodology including (1) quick schedulability falsification using global SMC analysis, (2) direct schedulability proofs using global MC analysis in simple cases, and (3) strict schedulability proofs using compositional MC analysis for larger state space. The framework is applied to the analysis of a concrete DIMA system.Comment: In Proceedings MARS/VPT 2018, arXiv:1803.0866

    Schedulability analysis of timed CSP models using the PAT model checker

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    Timed CSP can be used to model and analyse real-time and concurrent behaviour of embedded control systems. Practical CSP implementations combine the CSP model of a real-time control system with prioritized scheduling to achieve efficient and orderly use of limited resources. Schedulability analysis of a timed CSP model of a system with respect to a scheduling scheme and a particular execution platform is important to ensure that the system design satisfies its timing requirements. In this paper, we propose a framework to analyse schedulability of CSP-based designs for non-preemptive fixed-priority multiprocessor scheduling. The framework is based on the PAT model checker and the analysis is done with dense-time model checking on timed CSP models. We also provide a schedulability analysis workflow to construct and analyse, using the proposed framework, a timed CSP model with scheduling from an initial untimed CSP model without scheduling. We demonstrate our schedulability analysis workflow on a case study of control software design for a mobile robot. The proposed approach provides non-pessimistic schedulability results

    A Compositional Approach for Schedulability Analysis of Distributed Avionics Systems

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    This work presents a compositional approach for schedulability analysis of Distributed Integrated Modular Avionics (DIMA) systems that consist of spatially distributed ARINC-653 modules connected by a unified AFDX network. We model a DIMA system as a set of stopwatch automata in UPPAAL to verify its schedulability by model checking. However, direct model checking is infeasible due to the large state space. Therefore, we introduce the compositional analysis that checks each partition including its communication environment individually. Based on a notion of message interfaces, a number of message sender automata are built to model the environment for a partition. We define a timed selection simulation relation, which supports the construction of composite message interfaces. By using assume-guarantee reasoning, we ensure that each task meets the deadline and that communication constraints are also fulfilled globally. The approach is applied to the analysis of a concrete DIMA system.Comment: In Proceedings MeTRiD 2018, arXiv:1806.09330. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1803.1105

    Modelling and Simulation of Asynchronous Real-Time Systems using Timed Rebeca

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    In this paper we propose an extension of the Rebeca language that can be used to model distributed and asynchronous systems with timing constraints. We provide the formal semantics of the language using Structural Operational Semantics, and show its expressiveness by means of examples. We developed a tool for automated translation from timed Rebeca to the Erlang language, which provides a first implementation of timed Rebeca. We can use the tool to set the parameters of timed Rebeca models, which represent the environment and component variables, and use McErlang to run multiple simulations for different settings. Timed Rebeca restricts the modeller to a pure asynchronous actor-based paradigm, where the structure of the model represents the service oriented architecture, while the computational model matches the network infrastructure. Simulation is shown to be an effective analysis support, specially where model checking faces almost immediate state explosion in an asynchronous setting.Comment: In Proceedings FOCLASA 2011, arXiv:1107.584

    Time At Your Service: Schedulability Analysis of Real-Time and Distributed Services

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    The software today is distributed over several processing units. At a large scale this may span over the globe via the internet, or at the micro scale, a software may be distributed on several small processing units embedded in one device. Real-time distributed software and services need to be timely and respond to the requests in time. The Quality of Service of real time software depends on how it schedules its tasks to be executed. The state of the art in programming distributed software, like in Java, the scheduling is left to the underlying infrastructure and in particular the operating system, which is not anymore in the control of the applications. In this thesis, we introduce a software paradigm based on object orientation in which real-time concurrent objects are enabled to specify their own scheduling strategy. We developed high-level formal models for specifying distributed software based on this paradigm in which the quality of service requirements are specified as deadlines on performing and finishing tasks. At this level we developed techniques to verify that these requirements are satisfied. This research has opened the way to a new approach to modeling and analysis of a range of applications such as continuous planning in the context of logistics software in a dynamic environment as well as developing software for multi-core systems. Industrial companies (DEAL services) and research centers (the Uppsala Programming for Multicore Architectures Resrearch Center UPMARC) have already shown interest in the results of this thesis.LEI Universiteit LeidenFoundations of Software Technolog

    Compositional schedulability analysis of real-time actor-based systems

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    We present an extension of the actor model with real-time, including deadlines associated with messages, and explicit application-level scheduling policies, e.g.,"earliest deadline first" which can be associated with individual actors. Schedulability analysis in this setting amounts to checking whether, given a scheduling policy for each actor, every task is processed within its designated deadline. To check schedulability, we introduce a compositional automata-theoretic approach, based on maximal use of model checking combined with testing. Behavioral interfaces define what an actor expects from the environment, and the deadlines for messages given these assumptions. We use model checking to verify that actors match their behavioral interfaces. We extend timed automata refinement with the notion of deadlines and use it to define compatibility of actor environments with the behavioral interfaces. Model checking of compatibility is computationally hard, so we propose a special testing process. We show that the analyses are decidable and automate the process using the Uppaal model checke

    Adaptive Task Automata with Earliest-Deadline-First Scheduling

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    Adjusting to resource changes, dynamic environmental conditions, or new usage modes are some of the reasons why real-time embedded systems need to be adaptive. This requires a rigorous framework for designing such systems, to ensure that the adaptivity does not result in invalidating the system’s real-time constraints. To address this need, we have recently introduced adaptive task automata, a framework for modeling, verification, and schedulability analysis in adaptive, hard real-time embedded systems, assuming a fixed-priority scheduler. In this work, we extend the adaptive task automata framework to incorporate the earliest-deadline-first scheduling policy, as well as enable implementation of any other dynamic scheduling policy. To prove the decidability of our model, and at the same time maintain a manageable degree of conciseness, we show an encoding of our model as a network of timed automata with clock updates. To support this, we also show that reachability in our class of timed automata with updates is decidable. Our contribution helps to streamline the process of designing safety critical adaptive embedded systems

    A Timed-Automata Based Middleware for Time-Critical Multicore Applications

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    International audienceThe goal of our work is to contribute to unification of design methodologies for multi-core time-critical systems. Various models of computation have been proposed in literature for this kind of systems, but lack of coherency between them makes unified coherent design methodology challenging. In addition, there is a significant gap between the models of computation and the real-time scheduling and analysis techniques. To overcome this difficulty, we represent both the models of computation and the scheduling policies by timed automata. While, traditionally, they are only used for simulation and validation, we use the automata for programming. We believe that using the same formal language for different design styles and methods is an important step to close the gap between them. Our approach is demonstrated using a publicly available toolset, an industrial application use case and a multi-core platform