2,002 research outputs found

    Towards agent-based crowd simulation in airports using games technology

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    We adapt popular video games technology for an agent-based crowd simulation in an airport terminal. To achieve this, we investigate the unique traits of airports and implement a virtual crowd by exploiting a scalable layered intelligence technique in combination with physics middleware and a socialforces approach. Our experiments show that the framework runs at interactive frame-rate and evaluate the scalability with increasing number of agents demonstrating navigation behaviour

    Real-time crowd motion planning: Scalable Avoidance and Group Behavior

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    Real-time crowd motion planning requires fast, realistic methods for path planning as well as obstacle avoidance. In a previous work (Morini etal. in Cyberworlds International Conference, pp. 144-151, 2007), we introduced a hybrid architecture to handle real-time motion planning of thousands of pedestrians. In this article, we present an extended version of our architecture, introducing two new features: an improved short-term collision avoidance algorithm, and simple efficient group behavior for crowds. Our approach allows the use of several motion planning algorithms of different precision for regions of varied interest. Pedestrian motion continuity is ensured when switching between such algorithms. To assess our architecture, several performance tests have been conducted, as well as a subjective test demonstrating the impact of using groups. Our results show that the architecture can plan motion in real time for several thousands of character

    A Data-driven Model for Interaction-aware Pedestrian Motion Prediction in Object Cluttered Environments

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    This paper reports on a data-driven, interaction-aware motion prediction approach for pedestrians in environments cluttered with static obstacles. When navigating in such workspaces shared with humans, robots need accurate motion predictions of the surrounding pedestrians. Human navigation behavior is mostly influenced by their surrounding pedestrians and by the static obstacles in their vicinity. In this paper we introduce a new model based on Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) neural networks, which is able to learn human motion behavior from demonstrated data. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first approach using LSTMs, that incorporates both static obstacles and surrounding pedestrians for trajectory forecasting. As part of the model, we introduce a new way of encoding surrounding pedestrians based on a 1d-grid in polar angle space. We evaluate the benefit of interaction-aware motion prediction and the added value of incorporating static obstacles on both simulation and real-world datasets by comparing with state-of-the-art approaches. The results show, that our new approach outperforms the other approaches while being very computationally efficient and that taking into account static obstacles for motion predictions significantly improves the prediction accuracy, especially in cluttered environments.Comment: 8 pages, accepted for publication at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 201

    A Data-driven Model for Interaction-aware Pedestrian Motion Prediction in Object Cluttered Environments

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    This paper reports on a data-driven, interaction-aware motion prediction approach for pedestrians in environments cluttered with static obstacles. When navigating in such workspaces shared with humans, robots need accurate motion predictions of the surrounding pedestrians. Human navigation behavior is mostly influenced by their surrounding pedestrians and by the static obstacles in their vicinity. In this paper we introduce a new model based on Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) neural networks, which is able to learn human motion behavior from demonstrated data. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first approach using LSTMs, that incorporates both static obstacles and surrounding pedestrians for trajectory forecasting. As part of the model, we introduce a new way of encoding surrounding pedestrians based on a 1d-grid in polar angle space. We evaluate the benefit of interaction-aware motion prediction and the added value of incorporating static obstacles on both simulation and real-world datasets by comparing with state-of-the-art approaches. The results show, that our new approach outperforms the other approaches while being very computationally efficient and that taking into account static obstacles for motion predictions significantly improves the prediction accuracy, especially in cluttered environments.Comment: 8 pages, accepted for publication at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 201

    Overview of crowd simulation in computer graphics

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    High-powered technology use computer graphics in education, entertainment, games, simulation, and virtual heritage applications has led it to become an important area of research. In simulation, according to Tecchia et al. (2002), it is important to create an interactive, complex, and realistic virtual world so that the user can have an immersive experience during navigation through the world. As the size and complexity of the environments in the virtual world increased, it becomes more necessary to populate them with peoples, and this is the reason why rendering the crowd in real-time is very crucial. Generally, crowd simulation consists of three important areas. They are realism of behavioral (Thompson and Marchant 1995), high-quality visualization (Dobbyn et al. 2005) and convergence of both areas. Realism of behavioral is mainly used for simple 2D visualizations because most of the attentions are concentrated on simulating the behaviors of the group. High quality visualization is regularly used for movie productions and computer games. It gives intention on producing more convincing visual rather than realism of behaviors. The convergences of both areas are mainly used for application like training systems. In order to make the training system more effective, the element of valid replication of the behaviors and high-quality visualization is added

    Populating 3D Cities: a True Challenge

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    In this paper, we describe how we can model crowds in real-time using dynamic meshes, static meshes andimpostors. Techniques to introduce variety in crowds including colors, shapes, textures, individualanimation, individualized path-planning, simple and complex accessories are explained. We also present ahybrid architecture to handle the path planning of thousands of pedestrians in real time, while ensuringdynamic collision avoidance. Several behavioral aspects are presented as gaze control, group behaviour, aswell as the specific technique of crowd patches