49 research outputs found

    Detection of Myocardial Infarction using ECG and Multi-Scale Feature Concatenate

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    Diverse computer-aided diagnosis systems based on convolutional neural networks were applied to automate the detection of myocardial infarction (MI) found in electrocardiogram (ECG) for early diagnosis and prevention. However; issues; particularly overfitting and underfitting; were not being taken into account. In other words; it is unclear whether the network structure is too simple or complex. Toward this end; the proposed models were developed by starting with the simplest structure: a multi-lead features-concatenate narrow network (N-Net) in which only two convolutional layers were included in each lead branch. Additionally; multi-scale features-concatenate networks (MSN-Net) were also implemented where larger features were being extracted through pooling the signals. The best structure was obtained via tuning both the number of filters in the convolutional layers and the number of inputting signal scales. As a result; the N-Net reached a 95.76% accuracy in the MI detection task; whereas the MSN-Net reached an accuracy of 61.82% in the MI locating task. Both networks give a higher average accuracy and a significant difference of p \u3c 0.001 evaluated by the U test compared with the state-of-the-art. The models are also smaller in size thus are suitable to fit in wearable devices for offline monitoring. In conclusion; testing throughout the simple and complex network structure is indispensable. However; the way of dealing with the class imbalance problem and the quality of the extracted features are yet to be discussed

    Abnormality Detection in ECG Signal applying Poincare and Entropy-based Approaches

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    Detection of abnormality in heart is of major importance for early and appropriate clinical medication. In this work, we have proposed two models for detection of abnormality in ECG signals. The normal ECG signals are closely repetitive in nature to a large extent, whereas ECG signals with abnormalities tend to differ from cycle to cycle. Hence, repetitive plot like the Poincare is efficient to detect such non-repetitiveness of the signal; thereby, indicating abnormalities. Hence, we have used Poincare plot to develop the two proposed models. One of the models uses direct analysis of the binary image of the plot to detect the difference in retracing, between the healthy and unhealthy samples. The other model uses entropy of the Poincare plot to detect the difference in randomness of plots between the two classes. Most importantly, we have used only lead II ECG signal for analysis. This ensures ease of computation as it uses signal of only a single lead instead of the 12 leads of the complete ECG signal. We have validated the proposed models using ECG signals from the ā€˜ptb databaseā€™. We have observed that the entropy analysis of the Poincare plots gives the best results with 90% accuracy of abnormality detection. This high accuracy of classification, combined with less computational burden enables its practical implementation for the development of a real life abnormality detection schem

    Three-Heartbeat Multilead ECG Recognition Method for Arrhythmia Classification

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    Electrocardiogram (ECG) is the primary basis for the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. However, the amount of ECG data of patients makes manual interpretation time-consuming and onerous. Therefore, the intelligent ECG recognition technology is an important means to decrease the shortage of medical resources. This study proposes a novel classification method for arrhythmia that uses for the very first time a three-heartbeat multi-lead (THML) ECG data in which each fragment contains three complete heartbeat processes of multiple ECG leads. The THML ECG data pre-processing method is formulated which makes use of the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database as training samples. Four arrhythmia classification models are constructed based on one-dimensional convolutional neural network (1D-CNN) combined with a priority model integrated voting method to optimize the integrated classification effect. The experiments followed the recommended inter-patient scheme of the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) recommendations, and the practicability and effectiveness of THML ECG data are proved with ablation experiments. Results show that the average accuracy of the N, V, S, F, and Q classes is 94.82%, 98.10%, 97.28%, 98.70%, and 99.97%, respectively, with the positive predictive value of the N, V, S, and F classes being 97.0%, 90.5%, 71.9%, and 80.4%, respectively. Compared with current studies, the THML ECG data can effectively improve the morphological integrity and time continuity of ECG information and the 1D-CNN model of ECG sequence has a higher accuracy for arrhythmia classification. The proposed method alleviates the problem of insufficient samples, meets the needs of medical ECG interpretation and contributes to the intelligent dynamic research of cardiac disease

    Development of a Real-Time Single-Lead Single-Beat Frequency-Independent Myocardial Infarction Detector

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    The central aim of this research is the development and deployment of a novel multilayer machine learning design with unique application for the diagnosis of myocardial infarctions (MIs) from individual heartbeats of single-lead electrocardiograms (EKGs) irrespective of their sampling frequencies over a given range. To the best of our knowledge, this design is the first to attempt inter-patient myocardial infarction detection from individual heartbeats of single-lead (lead II) electrocardiograms that achieves high accuracy and near real-time diagnosis. The processing time of 300 milliseconds to a diagnosis is just at the time range in between extremely fast heartbeats of around 300 milliseconds, or 200 beats per minute. The design achieves stable performance metrics over the frequency range of 202Hz to 2.8kHz with an accuracy of 77.12%, positive predictive value (PPV) of 75.85%, and a negative predictive value (NPV) of 83.02% over the entire PTB database; 85.07%, 81.54%, 87.31% over the PTB-XL (the largest EKG database available for research) validation set, and 84.17%, 78.37%, 87.55% over the PTB-XL test set. Major design contributions and findings of this work reveal (1) a method for the realtime detection of ventricular depolarization events in the PQRST complex from 12-lead electrocardiograms using Independent Component Analysis (ICA), with a slightly different use of ICA proposed for electrocardiogram analysis and R-peak detection/localization; (2) a multilayer Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) neural network design that identifies infarcted patients from a single heartbeat of a single-lead (lead II) electrocardiogram; (3) and integrated LSTM neural network with an algorithm that detects the R-peaks in real time for instantaneous detection of myocardial infarctions and for effective monitoring of patients under cardiac stress and/or at risk of myocardial infarction; (4) a fully integrated 12-lead real-time classifier with even higher detection metrics and a deeper neural architecture, which could serve as a near real-time monitoring tool that could gauge disease progression and evaluate benefits gained from early intervention and treatment planning; (5) a real-time frequency-independent design based on a single-lead single-beat MI detector, which is of pivotal importance to deployment as there is no standard sampling frequency for EKGs, making them span a wider frequency spectrum. vi

    Current and Future Use of Artificial Intelligence in Electrocardiography.

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly used in electrocardiography (ECG) to assist in diagnosis, stratification, and management. AI algorithms can help clinicians in the following areas: (1) interpretation and detection of arrhythmias, ST-segment changes, QT prolongation, and other ECG abnormalities; (2) risk prediction integrated with or without clinical variables (to predict arrhythmias, sudden cardiac death, stroke, and other cardiovascular events); (3) monitoring ECG signals from cardiac implantable electronic devices and wearable devices in real time and alerting clinicians or patients when significant changes occur according to timing, duration, and situation; (4) signal processing, improving ECG quality and accuracy by removing noise/artifacts/interference, and extracting features not visible to the human eye (heart rate variability, beat-to-beat intervals, wavelet transforms, sample-level resolution, etc.); (5) therapy guidance, assisting in patient selection, optimizing treatments, improving symptom-to-treatment times, and cost effectiveness (earlier activation of code infarction in patients with ST-segment elevation, predicting the response to antiarrhythmic drugs or cardiac implantable devices therapies, reducing the risk of cardiac toxicity, etc.); (6) facilitating the integration of ECG data with other modalities (imaging, genomics, proteomics, biomarkers, etc.). In the future, AI is expected to play an increasingly important role in ECG diagnosis and management, as more data become available and more sophisticated algorithms are developed.Manuel Marina-Breysse has received funding from European Unionā€™s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the grant agreement number 965286; Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Early Detection of Stroke and Atrial Fibrillation, MAESTRIA Consortium; and EIT Health, a body of the European Union.S