349 research outputs found

    TopologĂ­as para la InterconexiĂłn de BaterĂ­as y Supercondensadores en Microrredes de Tipo Residencial con GeneraciĂłn Intermitente

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    Context:This paper presents a comparative study of the performance of three topologies for interconnecting Lithium ion batteries and supercapacitors in a hybrid energy storage system for use in electric residential microgrids with intermittent generation. The hybrid system’s main purpose is to prolong battery life, using the supercapacitor to handle the dynamic component of current from a pulsed current load. This work builds upon a preliminary simulation-based study, in which two semi-active topologies were compared and evaluated. Here, we add an active topology to the study and describe the operational benefits of each topology. Method:For every topology in this study, a non-isolated half-bridge bidirectional DC converter was used, and a proportional–integral (PI) double-loop linear ACC control algorithm was designed for controlling the converters. In the active topology an additional optimisation-based real-time frequencydecoupling control strategy was employed. Results:A parallel active topology allows better management of stored energy in the SC by supporting variation of SC terminal voltages with a DC converter as interface to the DC bus. Conclusions: Semi-active topologies are easier to design and control, but the operational benefits of supercapacitors require voltage variation at the terminals. This variation is made possible with an active topology. Acknowledgements: First author thanks Universidad Distrital Francisco Jos´e de Caldas for the financial support in his doctoral studies through the study commission contract N° 000101-2016.Contexto: Este art´ıculo presenta un estudio mediante simulaci´on del comportamiento de tres topolog´ıas para la interconexi´on de bater´ıas y supercondensadores en un sistema h´ıbrido de almacenamiento de energ´ıa con potencial aplicaci´on a microrredes el´ectricas residenciales. El estudio se basa en una comparaci´on preliminar de dos topolog´ıas semi-activas hecha por los autores. En este art´ıculo se a˜nade una topolog´ıa activa al estudio comparativo. Método: En cada una de las topolog´ıas del presente estudio se ha usado un convertidor DC bidireccional de medio puente y como estrategia de control b´asica se us´o un control de corriente promedio de doble lazo. Para la topolog´ıa activa se utiliz´o una estrategia de control adicional para el desacople de las componentes din´amicas y promedio de la carga o generaci´on pulsante. Resultados:La topolog´ıa activa permite utilizar mejor la energ´ıa almacenada en el condensador, gracias a la posibilidad de variar la tensi´on en sus terminales. Conclusiones:El dise˜no y control de las topolog´ıas semi-activas resulta mucho m´as sencillo que el de la topolog´ıa activa en paralelo. No obstante, para aprovechar la capacidad de almacenamiento del supercondensador, la tensi´on entre sus terminales debe tener una variaci´on importante, lo que se puede conseguir con la topolog´ıa activa. Agradecimientos: El Autor principal agradece a la Universidad Distrital Francisco Jos´e de Caldas por el apoyo financiero en sus estudios de doctorado a trav´es del contrato de comisi´on de estudios N° 000101-2016

    Topologies for Battery and Supercapacitor Interconnection in Residential Microgrids with Intermittent Generation

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    Context:This paper presents a comparative study of the performance of three topologies for interconnecting Lithium ion batteries and supercapacitors in a hybrid energy storage system for use in electric residential microgrids with intermittent generation. The hybrid system’s main purpose is to prolong battery life, using the supercapacitor to handle the dynamic component of current from a pulsed current load. This work builds upon a preliminary simulation-based study, in which two semi-active topologies were compared and evaluated. Here, we add an active topology to the study and describe the operational benefits of each topology. Method:For every topology in this study, a non-isolated half-bridge bidirectional DC converter was used, and a proportional–integral (PI) double-loop linear ACC control algorithm was designed for controlling the converters. In the active topology an additional optimisation-based real-time frequencydecoupling control strategy was employed. Results:A parallel active topology allows better management of stored energy in the SC by supporting variation of SC terminal voltages with a DC converter as interface to the DC bus. Conclusions: Semi-active topologies are easier to design and control, but the operational benefits of supercapacitors require voltage variation at the terminals. This variation is made possible with an active topology. Acknowledgements: First author thanks Universidad Distrital Francisco Jos´e de Caldas for the financial support in his doctoral studies through the study commission contract N° 000101-2016

    Inter-Microgrid Operation: Power Sharing, Frequency Restoration, Seamless Reconnection and Stability Analysis

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    Electrification in the rural areas sometimes become very challenging due to area accessibility and economic concern. Standalone Microgrids (MGs) play a very crucial role in these kinds of a rural area where a large power grid is not available. The intermittent nature of distributed energy sources and the load uncertainties can create a power mismatch and can lead to frequency and voltage drop in rural isolated community MG. In order to avoid this, various intelligent load shedding techniques, installation of micro storage systems and coupling of neighbouring MGs can be adopted. Among these, the coupling of neighbouring MGs is the most feasible in the rural area where large grid power is not available. The interconnection of neighbouring MGs has raised concerns about the safety of operation, protection of critical infrastructure, the efficiency of power-sharing and most importantly, stable mode of operation. Many advanced control techniques have been proposed to enhance the load sharing and stability of the microgrid. Droop control is the most commonly used control technique for parallel operation of converters in order to share the load among the MGs. But most of them are in the presence of large grid power, where system voltage and frequency are controlled by the stiff grid. In a rural area, where grid power is not available, the frequency and voltage control become a fundamental issue to be addressed. Moreover, for accurate load sharing a high value of droop gain should be chosen as the R/X ratio of the rural network is very high, which makes the system unstable. Therefore, the choice of droop gains is often a trade-off between power-sharing and stability. In the context, the main focus of this PhD thesis is the fundamental investigations into control techniques of inverter-based standalone neighbouring microgrids for available power sharing. It aims to develop new and improved control techniques to enhance performance and power-sharing reliability of remote standalone Microgrids. In this thesis, a power management-based droop control is proposed for accurate power sharing according to the power availability in a particular MG. Inverters can have different power setpoints during the grid-connected mode, but in the standalone mode, they all need their power setpoints to be adjusted according to their power ratings. On the basis of this, a power management-based droop control strategy is developed to achieve the power-sharing among the neighbouring microgrids. The proposed method helps the MG inverters to share the power according to its ratings and availability, which does not restrict the inverters for equal power-sharing. The paralleled inverters in coupled MGs need to work in both interconnected mode and standalone mode and should be able to transfer between modes seamlessly. An enhanced droop control is proposed to maintain the frequency and voltage of the MGs to their nominal value, which also helps the neighbouring MGs for seamless (de)coupling. This thesis also presents a mathematical model of the interconnected neighbouring microgrid for stability and robustness analysis. Finally, a laboratory prototype model of two MGs is developed to test the effectiveness of the proposed control strategies

    Power Quality Enhancement in Electricity Grids with Wind Energy Using Multicell Converters and Energy Storage

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    In recent years, the wind power industry is experiencing a rapid growth and more wind farms with larger size wind turbines are being connected to the power system. While this contributes to the overall security of electricity supply, large-scale deployment of wind energy into the grid also presents many technical challenges. Most of these challenges are one way or another, related to the variability and intermittent nature of wind and affect the power quality of the distribution grid. Power quality relates to factors that cause variations in the voltage level and frequency as well as distortion in the voltage and current waveforms due to wind variability which produces both harmonics and inter-harmonics. The main motivation behind work is to propose a new topology of the static AC/DC/AC multicell converter to improve the power quality in grid-connected wind energy conversion systems. Serial switching cells have the ability to achieve a high power with lower-size components and improve the voltage waveforms at the input and output of the converter by increasing the number of cells. Furthermore, a battery energy storage system is included and a power management strategy is designed to ensure the continuity of power supply and consequently the autonomy of the proposed system. The simulation results are presented for a 149.2 kW wind turbine induction generator system and the results obtained demonstrate the reduced harmonics, improved transient response, and reference tracking of the voltage output of the wind energy conversion system.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio


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    Microgrids are gaining popularity in part for their ability to support increased penetration of distributed renewable energy sources, aiming to meet energy demand and overcome global warming concerns. DC microgrid, though appears promising, introduces many challenges in the design of control systems in order to ensure a reliable, secure and economical operation. To enable a wider adoption of DC microgrid, this dissertation examines to combine the characteristics and advantages of model predictive control (MPC) and distributed droop control into a hierarchy and fully autonomous control of the DC microgrid. In addition, new maximum power point tracking technique (MPPT) for solar power and active power decoupling technique for the inverter are presented to improve the efficiency and reliability of the DC microgrid. With the purpose of eliminating the oscillation around the maximum power point (MPP), an improved MPPT technique was proposed by adding a steady state MPP determination algorithm after the adaptive perturb and observe method. This control method is proved independent with the environmental conditions and has much smaller oscillations around the MPP compared to existing ones. Therefore, it helps increase the energy harvest efficiency of the DC microgrid with less continuous DC power ripple. A novel hierarchy strategy consisting of two control loops is proposed to the DC microgrid in study, which is composed of two PV boost converters, two battery bi-directional converters and one multi-level packed-u-cell inverter with grid connected. The primary loop task is the control of each energy unit in the DC microgrid based on model predictive current control. Compared with traditional PI controllers, MPC speeds up the control loop since it predicts error before the switching signal is applied to the converter. It is also free of tuning through the minimization of a flexible user-defined cost function. Thus, the proposed primary loop enables the system to be expandable by adding additional energy generation units without affecting the existing ones. Moreover, the maximum power point tracking and battery energy management of each energy unit are included in this loop. The proposed MPC also achieves unity power factor, low grid current total harmonics distortion. The secondary loop based on the proposed autonomous droop control identifies the operation modes for each converter: current source converter (CSC) or voltage source converter (VSC). To reduce the dependence on the high bandwidth communication line, the DC bus voltage is utilized as the trigger signal to the change of operation modes. With the sacrifice of small variations of bus voltage, a fully autonomous control can be realized. The proposed distributed droop control of different unit converters also eliminates the potential conflicts when more than two converters compete for the VSC mode. Single-phase inverter systems in the DC microgrid have low frequency power ripple, which adversely affects the system reliability and performance. A power decoupling circuit based on the proposed dual buck converters are proposed to address the challenges. The topology is free of shoot-through and deadtime concern and the control is independent with that of the main power stage circuit, which makes the design simpler and more reliable. Moreover, the design of both PI and MPC controllers are discussed and compared. While, both methods present satisfied decoupling performances on the system, the proposed MPC is simpler to be implemented. In conclusion, the DC microgrid may be more widely adopted in the future with the proposed control strategies to address the current challenges that hinder its further development

    Electric spring and smart load: technology, system-level impact and opportunities

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    Increasing use of renewable energy sources to combat climate change comes with the challenge of power imbalance and instability issues in emerging power grids. To mitigate power fluctuation arising from the intermittent nature of renewables, electric spring has been proposed as a fast demand-side management technology. Since its original conceptualization in 2011, many versions and variants of electric springs have emerged and industrial evaluations have begun. This paper provides an update of existing electric spring topologies, their associated control methodologies, and studies from the device level to the power system level. Future trends of electric springs in large-scale infrastructures are also addressed

    Control and Stability of Residential Microgrid with Grid-Forming Prosumers

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    The rise of the prosumers (producers-consumers), residential customers equipped with behind-the-meter distributed energy resources (DER), such as battery storage and rooftop solar PV, offers an opportunity to use prosumer-owned DER innovatively. The thesis rests on the premise that prosumers equipped with grid-forming inverters can not only provide inertia to improve the frequency performance of the bulk grid but also support islanded operation of residential microgrids (low-voltage distribution feeder operated in an islanded mode), which can improve distribution grids’ resilience and reliability without purposely designing low-voltage (LV) distribution feeders as microgrids. Today, grid-following control is predominantly used to control prosumer DER, by which the prosumers behave as controlled current sources. These grid-following prosumers deliver active and reactive power by staying synchronized with the existing grid. However, they cannot operate if disconnected from the main grid due to the lack of voltage reference. This gives rise to the increasing interest in the use of grid-forming power converters, by which the prosumers behave as voltage sources. Grid-forming converters regulate their output voltage according to the reference of their own and exhibit load sharing with other prosumers even in islanded operation. Making use of grid-forming prosumers opens up opportunities to improve distribution grids’ resilience and enhance the genuine inertia of highly renewable-penetrated power systems. Firstly, electricity networks in many regional communities are prone to frequent power outages. Instead of purposely designing the community as a microgrid with dedicated grid-forming equipment, the LV feeder can be turned into a residential microgrid with multiple paralleled grid-forming prosumers. In this case, the LV feeder can operate in both grid-connected and islanded modes. Secondly, gridforming prosumers in the residential microgrid behave as voltage sources that respond naturally to the varying loads in the system. This is much like synchronous machines extracting kinetic energy from rotating masses. “Genuine” system inertia is thus enhanced, which is fundamentally different from the “emulated” inertia by fast frequency response (FFR) from grid-following converters. Against this backdrop, this thesis mainly focuses on two aspects. The first is the small-signal stability of such residential microgrids. In particular, the impact of the increasing number of grid-forming prosumers is studied based on the linearised model. The impact of the various dynamic response of primary sources is also investigated. The second is the control of the grid-forming prosumers aiming to provide sufficient inertia for the system. The control is focused on both the inverters and the DC-stage converters. Specifically, the thesis proposes an advanced controller for the DC-stage converters based on active disturbance rejection control (ADRC), which observes and rejects the “total disturbance” of the system, thereby enhancing the inertial response provided by prosumer DER. In addition, to make better use of the energy from prosumer-owned DER, an adaptive droop controller based on a piecewise power function is proposed, which ensures that residential ESS provide little power in the steady state while supplying sufficient power to cater for the demand variation during the transient state. Proposed strategies are verified by time-domain simulations

    Dynamic Stiffness Based Control for a MicroGrid Microsource Interface

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    Dynamic modeling, stability analysis, and controller design for DC distribution systems

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    The dc distribution systems or dc microgrids are known to be best suited for integration of renewable energy sources into the current power grid and are considered to be the key enabling technology for the development of future smart grid. Dc microgrids also benefit from better current capabilities of dc power lines, better short circuit protection, and transformer-less conversion of voltage levels, which result in higher efficiency, flexibility, and lower cost. While the idea of using a dc microgrid to interface distributed energy sources and modern loads to the power grid seems appealing at first, several issues must be addressed before this idea can be implemented fully. The configuration, stability, protection, economic operation, active management, and control of future dc microgrids are among the topics of interest for many researchers. The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the dynamic behavior and stability of a future dc microgrid and to introduce new controller design techniques for the Line Regulating Converters (LRC) in a dc distribution system. Paper I is devoted to dynamic modeling of power converters in a dc distribution system. The terminal characteristics of tightly regulated power converters which are an important factor for stability analysis and controller design are modeled in this paper. Paper II derives the simplified model of a dc distribution system and employs the model for analyzing stability of the system. Paper III introduces two controller design methods for stabilizing the operation of the LRC in presence of downstream constant power loads in a dc distribution system. Paper IV builds upon paper III and introduces another controller design method which uses an external feedback loop between converters to improve performance and stability of the dc grid. --Abstract, page iv

    Energy Management of Distributed Generation Systems

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    The book contains 10 chapters, and it is divided into four sections. The first section includes three chapters, providing an overview of Energy Management of Distributed Systems. It outlines typical concepts, such as Demand-Side Management, Demand Response, Distributed, and Hierarchical Control for Smart Micro-Grids. The second section contains three chapters and presents different control algorithms, software architectures, and simulation tools dedicated to Energy Management Systems. In the third section, the importance and the role of energy storage technology in a Distribution System, describing and comparing different types of energy storage systems, is shown. The fourth section shows how to identify and address potential threats for a Home Energy Management System. Finally, the fifth section discusses about Economical Optimization of Operational Cost for Micro-Grids, pointing out the effect of renewable energy sources, active loads, and energy storage systems on economic operation
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