119,305 research outputs found

    Below Horizon Aircraft Detection Using Deep Learning for Vision-Based Sense and Avoid

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    Commercial operation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) would benefit from an onboard ability to sense and avoid (SAA) potential mid-air collision threats. In this paper we present a new approach for detection of aircraft below the horizon. We address some of the challenges faced by existing vision-based SAA methods such as detecting stationary aircraft (that have no relative motion to the background), rejecting moving ground vehicles, and simultaneous detection of multiple aircraft. We propose a multi-stage, vision-based aircraft detection system which utilises deep learning to produce candidate aircraft that we track over time. We evaluate the performance of our proposed system on real flight data where we demonstrate detection ranges comparable to the state of the art with the additional capability of detecting stationary aircraft, rejecting moving ground vehicles, and tracking multiple aircraft

    Real-time Vehicle Detection, Tracking and Counting System Based on YOLOv7

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    The importance of real-time vehicle detection tracking and counting system based on YOLOv7 is an important tool for monitoring traffic flow on highways. Highway traffic management, planning, and prevention rely heavily on real-time traffic monitoring technologies to avoid frequent traffic snarls, moving violations, and fatal car accidents. These systems rely only on data from timedependent vehicle trajectories used to predict online traffic flow. Three crucial duties include the detection, tracking, and counting of cars on urban roads and highways as well as the calculation of statistical traffic flow statistics (such as determining the real-time vehicles flow and how many different types of vehicles travel). Important phases in these systems include object detection, tracking, categorizing, and counting. The YOLOv7 identification method is presented to address the issues of high missed detection rates of the YOLOv7 algorithm for vehicle detection on urban highways, weak perspective perception of small targets, and insufficient feature extraction. This system aims to provide real-time monitoring of vehicles, enabling insights into traffic patterns and facilitating informed decision-making. In this paper, vehicle detecting, tracking, and counting can be calculated on real-time videos based on modified YOLOv7 with high accuracy

    Moving Object Detection and Tracking for Video Surveillance: A Review

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    This paper presents a review and systematic study on the moving object detection and surveillance of the video as it is an important and challenging task in many computer vision applications, such as human detection, vehicles detection, threat, and security. Video surveillance is a dynamic environment, especially for human and vehicles and for specific object in case of security is one of the current challenging research topics in computer vision. It is a key technology to fight against terrorism, crime, public safety and for efficient management of accidents and crime scene going on now days. The paper also presents the concept of real time implementation computing task in video surveillances system. In this review paper various methods are discussed were evaluation of order to access how well they can detect moving object in an outdoor/indoor section in real time situation

    AURORA:autonomous real-time on-board video analytics

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    In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of a small light weight, low-cost and power-efficient payload system for the use in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The primary application of the payload system is that of performing real-time autonomous objects detection and tracking in the videos taken from a UAV camera. The implemented objects detection and tracking algorithms utilise Recursive Density Estimation (RDE) and Evolving Local Means (ELM) clustering to perform detection and tracking moving objects. Furthermore, experiments are presented which demonstrate that the introduced system is able to detect by on-board processing any moving objects from a UAV and start tracking them in real-time while at the same time sending important data only to a control station located on the ground

    TractorEYE: Vision-based Real-time Detection for Autonomous Vehicles in Agriculture

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    Agricultural vehicles such as tractors and harvesters have for decades been able to navigate automatically and more efficiently using commercially available products such as auto-steering and tractor-guidance systems. However, a human operator is still required inside the vehicle to ensure the safety of vehicle and especially surroundings such as humans and animals. To get fully autonomous vehicles certified for farming, computer vision algorithms and sensor technologies must detect obstacles with equivalent or better than human-level performance. Furthermore, detections must run in real-time to allow vehicles to actuate and avoid collision.This thesis proposes a detection system (TractorEYE), a dataset (FieldSAFE), and procedures to fuse information from multiple sensor technologies to improve detection of obstacles and to generate a map. TractorEYE is a multi-sensor detection system for autonomous vehicles in agriculture. The multi-sensor system consists of three hardware synchronized and registered sensors (stereo camera, thermal camera and multi-beam lidar) mounted on/in a ruggedized and water-resistant casing. Algorithms have been developed to run a total of six detection algorithms (four for rgb camera, one for thermal camera and one for a Multi-beam lidar) and fuse detection information in a common format using either 3D positions or Inverse Sensor Models. A GPU powered computational platform is able to run detection algorithms online. For the rgb camera, a deep learning algorithm is proposed DeepAnomaly to perform real-time anomaly detection of distant, heavy occluded and unknown obstacles in agriculture. DeepAnomaly is -- compared to a state-of-the-art object detector Faster R-CNN -- for an agricultural use-case able to detect humans better and at longer ranges (45-90m) using a smaller memory footprint and 7.3-times faster processing. Low memory footprint and fast processing makes DeepAnomaly suitable for real-time applications running on an embedded GPU. FieldSAFE is a multi-modal dataset for detection of static and moving obstacles in agriculture. The dataset includes synchronized recordings from a rgb camera, stereo camera, thermal camera, 360-degree camera, lidar and radar. Precise localization and pose is provided using IMU and GPS. Ground truth of static and moving obstacles (humans, mannequin dolls, barrels, buildings, vehicles, and vegetation) are available as an annotated orthophoto and GPS coordinates for moving obstacles. Detection information from multiple detection algorithms and sensors are fused into a map using Inverse Sensor Models and occupancy grid maps. This thesis presented many scientific contribution and state-of-the-art within perception for autonomous tractors; this includes a dataset, sensor platform, detection algorithms and procedures to perform multi-sensor fusion. Furthermore, important engineering contributions to autonomous farming vehicles are presented such as easily applicable, open-source software packages and algorithms that have been demonstrated in an end-to-end real-time detection system. The contributions of this thesis have demonstrated, addressed and solved critical issues to utilize camera-based perception systems that are essential to make autonomous vehicles in agriculture a reality

    Advanced traffic video analytics for robust traffic accident detection

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    Automatic traffic accident detection is an important task in traffic video analysis due to its key applications in developing intelligent transportation systems. Reducing the time delay between the occurrence of an accident and the dispatch of the first responders to the scene may help lower the mortality rate and save lives. Since 1980, many approaches have been presented for the automatic detection of incidents in traffic videos. In this dissertation, some challenging problems for accident detection in traffic videos are discussed and a new framework is presented in order to automatically detect single-vehicle and intersection traffic accidents in real-time. First, a new foreground detection method is applied in order to detect the moving vehicles and subtract the ever-changing background in the traffic video frames captured by static or non-stationary cameras. For the traffic videos captured during day-time, the cast shadows degrade the performance of the foreground detection and road segmentation. A novel cast shadow detection method is therefore presented to detect and remove the shadows cast by moving vehicles and also the shadows cast by static objects on the road. Second, a new method is presented to detect the region of interest (ROI), which applies the location of the moving vehicles and the initial road samples and extracts the discriminating features to segment the road region. After detecting the ROI, the moving direction of the traffic is estimated based on the rationale that the crashed vehicles often make rapid change of direction. Lastly, single-vehicle traffic accidents and trajectory conflicts are detected using the first-order logic decision-making system. The experimental results using publicly available videos and a dataset provided by the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed methods. Additionally, the main challenges and future directions are discussed regarding (i) improving the performance of the foreground segmentation, (ii) reducing the computational complexity, and (iii) detecting other types of traffic accidents

    Real-Time Idling Vehicles Detection using Combined Audio-Visual Deep Learning

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    Combustion vehicle emissions contribute to poor air quality and release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and vehicle pollution has been associated with numerous adverse health effects. Roadways with extensive waiting and/or passenger drop off, such as schools and hospital drop-off zones, can result in high incidence and density of idling vehicles. This can produce micro-climates of increased vehicle pollution. Thus, the detection of idling vehicles can be helpful in monitoring and responding to unnecessary idling and be integrated into real-time or off-line systems to address the resulting pollution. In this paper we present a real-time, dynamic vehicle idling detection algorithm. The proposed idle detection algorithm and notification rely on an algorithm to detect these idling vehicles. The proposed method relies on a multi-sensor, audio-visual, machine-learning workflow to detect idling vehicles visually under three conditions: moving, static with the engine on, and static with the engine off. The visual vehicle motion detector is built in the first stage, and then a contrastive-learning-based latent space is trained for classifying static vehicle engine sound. We test our system in real-time at a hospital drop-off point in Salt Lake City. This in-situ dataset was collected and annotated, and it includes vehicles of varying models and types. The experiments show that the method can detect engine switching on or off instantly and achieves 71.02 average precision (AP) for idle detections and 91.06 for engine off detections

    Dataset Evaluation for Multi Vehicle Detection using Vision Based Techniques

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    Vehicle detection is one of the primal challenges of modern driver-assistance systems owing to the numerous factors, for instance, complicated surroundings, diverse types of vehicles with varied appearance and magnitude, low-resolution videos, fast-moving vehicles. It is utilized for multitudinous applications including traffic surveillance and collision prevention. This paper suggests a Vehicle Detection algorithm developed on Image Processing and Machine Learning. The presented algorithm is predicated on a Support Vector Machine(SVM) Classifier which employs feature vectors extracted via Histogram of Gradients(HOG) approach conducted on a semi-real time basis. A comparison study is presented stating the performance metrics of the algorithm on different datasets