2,795 research outputs found

    Is traditional retail moving to e-commerce in the field of the fashion industry in India?

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    The main aim of this dissertation is to discover whether consumers feel that e-commerce provides superior performance and technology facilities than traditional retail from the perspective of Indian consumers, and to assess the importance of Omni-channel concepts and operations in the fashion industry. The fashion industry is one of the foremost business segments in India. Currently, the fashion industry is overcoming with new technology and innovation in their business. In the 1990s e-commerce was introduced saw the potential possibilities of innovation, and the new concepts which made the consumer base attractive towards e-commerce. Online retailers are growing faster than traditional retailers due to high pressure from online retailer’s offers and strategies. This research is identifies the issues in the fashion retail business in India. What are the challenges faced by traditional retail? What are the environmental causes disturbing the fashion retail industry which are argued with more detail in PEST analysis and Porter’s five forces of modern retailing and communication? Traditional fashion retailers understand how to solve difficulties and challenges in the supply chain. Discussed many technologies for fashion retail markets to improve their strategy and customer satisfaction. Researching the hypotheses are collecting behaviourism, functionalism, and experimental ideas what should traditional retailers do in their retail shop and which channel should they adopt for their business? Hypotheses are used to conduct a quick market analysis to understand the Indian demographic attitudes towards technologies, client interest, and Omni-channel. We need to understand which approaches we can use to gain knowledge in theoretical perspective. Multiple techniques are involved in the analysis and validation of hypotheses. I used SPSS tool for data analysis with cross-tabulation function. In this research I found that traditional retail and e-commerce are independent of each other but gradually merging, a most important factor for future fashion industry trends. They are systematically embracing Omni-channel strategy to provide good consumer service

    Full-function joint venture addressed to Retail Marketing Limited, Co-op Trading Company Limited, Polrem Limited, S. Borg & Sons Limited, Tower Supermarkets Complex Limited, Valyou Pendergardens Operations LTD, Belleview Supermarkets Co. LTD. and Valyou Supermarket Limited

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    1. On 30 December 2019, the Office for Competition within the Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority (hereinafter referred to as “the Office”) received a notification of a proposed concentration pursuant to regulation 5 of the Control of Concentrations Regulations by which Retail Marketing Limited (hereinafter also referred to as “joint venture entity”) will itself take over all supermarket operations currently being conducted by Co-op Trading Company Limited, Polrem Limited, S. Borg & Sons Limited, Tower Supermarkets Complex Limited, Valyou Pendergardens Operations Ltd., Belleview Supermarkets Co. Ltd. and Valyou Supermarket Limited (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Notifying Parties”). 2. The filing and the acceptance of such notification was notified to the public through a public notice in the Government Gazette number 20,327 on 10 January 2020 and a notice that appeared in a local newspaper and on the Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority’s website on 10 January 2020. 3. Together with the Concentration Notification (CN) form, the notifying parties also submitted an economic and competitive assessment as compiled by Deloitte Services Limited on the grocery retail market in Malta. The aim of this market competitive assessment is to analyse and assess the indicative market competitive environment prevailing in the grocery retail sector both pre- and post- the potential integration of the operational activities of the four (4) established local supermarket chains, which collectively operate eight (8) retail supermarkets and one (1) convenience shop in Malta as shown in Table 1 below. In their market competitive assessment, the notifying parties estimated their market share to total per cent of the total grocery market and per cent of the supermarket sector, the discrepancy attributed to the fact that the former also includes convenience stores and local village grocers. As a result, the notifying parties argued that the Office should adopt the simplified procedure in assessing their proposed concentration in line with regulation 12 of the Control of Concentrations Regulations.peer-reviewe

    Impact of Organized Retailing on the Unorganized Sector

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    The retail business, in India, is estimated to grow at 13 per cent per annum from US322billionin200607toUS 322 billion in 2006-07 to US 590 billion in 2011-12. The unorganized retail sector is expected to grow at about 10 per cent per annum from US309billion200607toUS 309 billion 2006-07 to US 496 billion in 2011-12. Organized retail which now constitutes a small four per cent of retail sector in 2006-07 is likely to grow at 45-50 per cent per annum and quadruple its share of total retail trade to 16 per cent by 2011-12. The study, which was based on the largest ever survey of all segments of the economy that could be affected by the entry of large corporates in the retail business, has found that unorganized retailers in the vicinity of organized retailers experienced a decline in sales and profit in the initial years of the entry of organized retailers. The adverse impact, however, weakens over time. The study has indicated how consumers and farmers benefit from organized retailers. The study has also examined the impact on intermediaries and manufacturers. The results are indicative of the mega-and-minimetro cities around a limited number of organized retail outlets. Based on the results of the surveys, the study has made a number of specific policy recommendations for regulating the interaction of large retailers with small suppliers and for strengthening the competitive response of the unorganized retailers.Retail Sector, Organised Retail, Unorganised Retail, Kirana store, Food Supply Chain

    A new approach to retailing for successful competition in the new smart scenario

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    Purpose- This study develops the idea of smart retailing, exemplified in innovative, technology-enriched retail services as part of service-oriented strategies. In particular, the aim is to provide a new integrated framework to understand the emerging retail scenario based on the smart usage of technologies to improve retail service and develop innovation management strategies. This framework will provide a comprehensive understanding the basic forms of smart retailing as the current competitive scenario. Design/ Methodology/approach- As a viewpoint, this paper employs an interdisciplinary approach, drawing upon the actual challenges in retailing, to propose a new perspective, the smart retailing one, to describe the new competitive scenario and formulates an emerging research agenda. Findings- The present paper contributes to research on innovation and technology management for retailing by examining the key dimensions of smart retailing, which aims to enhancing retail service quality and retailers’ performance. Originality- The paper explains how current retailing is moving to a smart perspective, and how retail management should be adapted to successfully perform in the current service-dominant logic scenario, as a consequence of increasing consumer involvement in service co-production and the rapid growth of digital technologies

    From Network to Web dimension in supply chain management

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    Cette thèse soutient que la dimension réseau, étant actuellement la portée du domaine de la gestion de chaîne logistique, contraint l’avancement de ce domaine et restreint des innovations conceptuelles et fondamentales capables d’adresser les grands défis économiques, environnementaux et sociaux. Les concepts de chaîne et de réseau ne reflètent pas la complexité des flux physiques, informationnels et financiers générés par les interactions qui ont lieu dans des réseaux interconnectés. Ces concepts n’offrent pas les fondations théoriques pour supporter des interventions allant au-delà d’un seul réseau et laissent échapper des opportunités nécessitant une vision multi-réseau. Ainsi, la dimension “web”, celle des réseaux de réseaux, est proposée comme une extension de la dimension réseau. Cette extension peut être vue comme l’étape naturelle suivante dans la progression qui a commencé par le niveau de gestion des opérations internes, est passée au niveau de la chaîne logistique et se trouve actuellement au niveau du réseau logistique. Après l’investigation théorique des raisons et de la façon d’intégrer la dimension web dans le domaine de la gestion de la chaîne logistique, la thèse étudie des implications importantes de cette intégration sur la collaboration inter-organisationnelle et le processus de prise de décision dans des environnements de webs logistiques. Elle démontre, en exploitant l’exemple des réseaux interconnectés ouverts, des potentialités inimaginables sans une vision web. Une méthodologie de conception d’un modèle de simulation permettant l’évaluation et la comparaison des webs ouverts par rapport aux webs existants est proposée. Puisque l’aide à la décision est une composante importante de la gestion de la chaîne logistique, la thèse contribue à déterminer les besoins des gestionnaires et à identifier les lignes directrices de la conception des outils d’aide à la décision offrant le support adéquat pour faire face aux défis et à la complexité des webs logistiques. Ces lignes directrices ont été compilées dans un cadre de conception des logiciels d’aide à la décision supportant la dimension web. Ce cadre est exploité pour développer quatre applications logicielles offrant aux praticiens et aux chercheurs des outils nécessaires pour étudier, analyser et démêler la complexité des webs logistiques.This thesis argues that the network dimension as the current scope of supply chain management is confining the evolution of this field and restricting the conceptual and fundamental innovations required for addressing the major challenges imposed by the evolution of markets and the increased intricacies of business relationships. The concepts of chain and network are limitative when attempting to represent the complexity of physical, informational and financial flows resulting from the interactions occurring in overlapping networks. They lack the theoretical foundations necessary to explain and encompass initiatives that go beyond a single chain or network. They also lead to overlook substantial opportunities that require beyond a network vision. Therefore, the “web” dimension, as networks of networks, is proposed as an extension to the network dimension in supply chain management. This new scope is the natural next step in the progression from the internal operations management level to the supply chain level and then to the supply network level. After a theoretical investigation of why and how the web dimension should be integrated into the supply chain management field, the thesis studies and discusses important implications of this integration on inter-organisational collaboration and of the decision-making processes in the logistic web environments. It demonstrates through the example of open interconnected logistic webs some of the potentials that cannot be imagined without a web vision. A methodology for designing a simulation model to assess the impact of such open webs versus existing webs is proposed. Since decision support is a key element in supply chain management, the thesis contributes to determine the needs of supply chain managers and identify the important axes for designing decision support systems that provide adequate assistance in dealing with the challenges and complexity presented by logistic web environments. The identified elements result in the establishment of a foundation for designing software solutions required to handle the challenges revealed by the web dimension. This conceptual framework is applied to the prototyping of four applications that have the potential of providing practitioners and researchers with the appropriate understanding and necessary tools to deal with the complexity of logistics webs

    A new approach to retailing for successful competition in the new smart scenario

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    Purpose- This study develops the idea of smart retailing, exemplified in innovative, technology-enriched retail services as part of service-oriented strategies. In particular, the aim is to provide a new integrated framework to understand the emerging retail scenario based on the smart usage of technologies to improve retail service and develop innovation management strategies. This framework will provide a comprehensive understanding the basic forms of smart retailing as the current competitive scenario. Design/ Methodology/approach- As a viewpoint, this paper employs an interdisciplinary approach, drawing upon the actual challenges in retailing, to propose a new perspective, the smart retailing one, to describe the new competitive scenario and formulates an emerging research agenda. Findings- The present paper contributes to research on innovation and technology management for retailing by examining the key dimensions of smart retailing, which aims to enhancing retail service quality and retailers’ performance. Originality- The paper explains how current retailing is moving to a smart perspective, and how retail management should be adapted to successfully perform in the current service-dominant logic scenario, as a consequence of increasing consumer involvement in service co-production and the rapid growth of digital technologies

    Cyber-physical Manufacturing in the Light of Professor Kanji Ueda's Legacy

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    Cyber-physical manufacturing, i.e., the formerly never seen integration of the physical and virtual worlds in the manufacturing domain is considered the substance of the 4th industrial revolution. Much of the changes deemed now revolutionary are originated in a long and converging progress of manufacturing science and technology, as well as of computer science, information and communication technologies. One of the pioneers and influential thinkers of production engineering who paved the way towards cyber-physical manufacturing was unquestionably Professor Kanji Ueda (1946-2015). With this paper the authors would like to pay a tribute to his achievements, by highlighting his main contributions not only to the advancement of production engineering and industrial technology but also to the sustainability of our society

    Generation gap, gender and shopping enjoyment of shopping mall visitors in western province Sri Lanka

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    Purpose: Going shopping is a major source of relaxation as well as a daily household chore. However, shopping enjoyment is a burgeoning and rather novel concept, and thus, there is a lack of studies within the cohort, especially with regard to the comparison of the shopping experiences of different generations. This paper explores the nature of shopping enjoyment and measures the impact of the generation gap and gender on visitors’ shopping enjoyment in shopping malls, which records a thriving interest. Design/methodology/approach: In a qualitative survey deploying a convenience sample, 379 usable responses were collected through a self-administered questionnaire from shopping mall visitors in the Western Province of Sri Lanka. Data were analyzed using SPSS (21.0). Findings: Findings of the study indicated that all four generations considered the atmosphere and the environment to be the most important dimensions. Empirical evidence further suggested that Generation Z and Y have the highest enjoyment in their shopping journey within malls compared to other generations, confirming that youth shoppers are the emerging target group for such businesses. Interestingly, it evidenced that shopping is not remaining as a gendered activity anymore, since it is pleasurable for both females and males. Originality: This paper makes a significant contribution to the field by studying shopping enjoyment as a multi-dimensional construct in relation to four generations while being the first such attempt at studying this phenomenon. Implications: Findings are useful for retailers to identify target customers and lucrative markets. Further, shopping malls are required to design to provide more experiences and engagements to customers as a space for pleasure, enjoyment, and entertainment. &nbsp

    Proposition d’une architecture holonique auto-organisée et évolutive pour le pilotage des systèmes de production

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    The manufacturing world is being deeply challenged with a set of ever demanding constraints where from one side, the costumers are requiring products to be more customizable, with higher quality at lower prices, and on other side, companies have to deal on a daily basis with internal disturbances that range from machine breakdown to worker absence and from demand fluctuation to frequent production changes. This dissertation proposes a manufacturing control architecture, following the holonic principles developed in the ADAptive holonic COntrol aRchitecture (ADACOR) and extending it taking inspiration in evolutionary theories and making use of self- organization mechanisms. The use of evolutionary theories enrich the proposed control architecture by allowing evolution in two distinct ways, responding accordingly to the type and degree of the disturbance that appears. The first component, named behavioural self- organization, allows each system’s entity to dynamically adapt its internal behaviour, addressing small disturbances. The second component, named structural self-organization, addresses bigger disturbances by allowing the system entities to re-arrange their rela- tionships, and consequently changing the system in a structural manner. The proposed self-organized holonic manufacturing control architecture was validated at a AIP-PRIMECA flexible manufacturing cell. The achieved experimental results have also shown an improvement of the key performance indicators over the hierarchical and heterarchical control architecture.Le monde des entreprises est profondément soumis à un ensemble de contraintes toujours plus exigeantes provenant d’une part des clients, exigeant des produits plus personnalisables, de qualité supérieure et à faible coût, et d’autre part des aléas internes auxentreprises, comprenant les pannes machines, les défaillances humaines, la fluctuation de la demande, les fréquentes variations de production. Cette thèse propose une architecture de contrôle de systèmes de production, basée sur les principes holoniques développées dans l’architecture ADACOR (ADAptive holonic COntrol aRchitecture), et l’étendant en s’inspirant des théories de l’évolution et en utilisant des mécanismes d’auto-organisation. L’utilisation des théories de l’évolution enrichit l’architecture de contrôle en permettant l’évolution de deux manières distinctes, en réponse au type et au degré de la perturbation apparue. Le premier mode d’adaptation, appelé auto-organisation comportementale, permet à chaque entité qui compose le système d’adapter dynamiquement leur comportement interne, gérant de cette façon de petites perturbations. Le second mode, nommé auto-organisation structurelle, traite de plus grandes perturbations, en permettant aux entités du système de ré-organiser leurs relations, et par conséquent modifier structurellement le système. L’architecture holonique auto-organisée de contrôle de systèmes de production proposée dans cette thèse a été validée sur une cellule de production flexible AIP-PRIMECA. Les résultats ont montré une amélioration des indicateurs clés de performance par rapport aux architectures de contrôle hiérarchiques et hétérarchiques