5 research outputs found

    Improving bluetooth beacon-based indoor location and fingerprinting

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    The complex way radio waves propagate indoors, leads to the derivation of location using fngerprinting techniques. In this cases, location is computed relying on WiFi signals strength mapping. Recent Bluetooth low energy (BLE) provides new opportunities to explore positioning. In this work is studied how BLE beacons radio signals can be used for indoor location scenarios, as well as their precision. Additionally, this paper also introduces a method for beacon-based positioning, based on signal strength measurements at key distances for each beacon. This method allows to use diferent beacon types, brands, and location conditions/constraints. Depending on each situation (i.e., hardware and location) it is possible to adapt the distance measuring curve to minimize errors and support higher distances, while at the same time keeping good precision. Moreover, this paper also presents a comparison with traditional positioning method, using formulas for distance estimation, and the position triangulation. The proposed study is performed inside the campus of Viseu Polytechnic Institute, and tested using a group of students, each with his smart-phone, as proof of concept. Experimental results show that BLE allows having < 1.5 m error approximately 90% of the times, and the experimental results using the proposed location detection method show that the proposed position technique has 13.2% better precision than triangulation, for distances up to 10 m.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An indoor positioning system using Bluetooth Low Energy

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    In this paper, we present a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) based indoor positioning system developed for monitoring the daily living pattern of old people (e.g. people living with dementia) or individuals with disabilities. The proposed sensing system is composed of multiple sensors that are installed in different locations in a home environment. The specific location of the user in the building has been pre-recorded into the proposed sensing system that captures the raw Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) from the BLE beacon that is attached on the user. Two methods are proposed to determine the indoor location and the tracking of the users: a trilateration-based method and fingerprinting-based method. Experiments have been carried out in different home environments to verify the proposed system and methods. The results show that our system is able to accurately track the user location in home environments and can track the living patterns of the user which, in turn, may be used to infer the health status of the user. Our results also show that the positions of the BLE beacons on the user and different quality of BLE beacons do not affect the tracking accuracy

    Multi-Residential Activity Labelling in Smart Homes with Wearable Tags Using BLE Technology

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    Smart home platforms show promising outcomes to provide a better quality of life for residents in their homes. One of the main challenges that exists with these platforms in multi-residential houses is activity labeling. As most of the activity sensors do not provide any information regarding the identity of the person who triggers them, it is difficult to label the sensor events in multi-residential smart homes. To deal with this challenge, individual localization in different areas can be a promising solution. The localization information can be used to automatically label the activity sensor data to individuals. Bluetooth low energy (BLE) is a promising technology for this application due to how easy it is to implement and its low energy footprint. In this approach, individuals wear a tag that broadcasts its unique identity (ID) in certain time intervals, while fixed scanners listen to the broadcasting packet to localize the tag and the individual. However, the localization accuracy of this method depends greatly on different settings of broadcasting signal strength, and the time interval of BLE tags. To achieve the best localization accuracy, this paper studies the impacts of different advertising time intervals and power levels, and proposes an efficient and applicable algorithm to select optimal value settings of BLE sensors. Moreover, it proposes an automatic activity labeling method, through integrating BLE localization information and ambient sensor data. The applicability and effectiveness of the proposed structure is also demonstrated in a real multi-resident smart home scenario

    Real time indoor localization integrating a model based pedestrian dead reckoning on smartphone and BLE beacons

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    Mobile and pervasive computing enabled a new realm of possibilities into the indoor positioning domain. Although many candidate technologies have been proposed, no one can still adapt to every use case. A case centered design and the implementation of the solution within the specific domain is the current research trend. With the rise of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Beacons, i.e., platforms used to interact digitally with the real world, more standard positioning solutions are emerging in different contexts. However the reachable positioning accuracy with this technology is still unacceptable for some real applications (e.g., in the healthcare sector or the emergency management). In this paper, an hybrid localization application coupling a real time model based Pedestrian Dead Reckoning (PDR) technique and the analysis of the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) of BLE beacons is proposed. In particular, the smartphone application is composed by three main real time threads: a model based step length estimation, heading determination and the fusion of beacon information to reset the position and the drift error of the PDR. In order to give soundness to our approach we firstly validated the step length smartphone app with a stereo-photogrammetric system. The whole proposed solution was then tested on fifteen healthy subjects