4,950 research outputs found

    Fisheye Photogrammetry to Survey Narrow Spaces in Architecture and a Hypogea Environment

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    Nowadays, the increasing computation power of commercial grade processors has actively led to a vast spreading of image-based reconstruction software as well as its application in different disciplines. As a result, new frontiers regarding the use of photogrammetry in a vast range of investigation activities are being explored. This paper investigates the implementation of fisheye lenses in non-classical survey activities along with the related problematics. Fisheye lenses are outstanding because of their large field of view. This characteristic alone can be a game changer in reducing the amount of data required, thus speeding up the photogrammetric process when needed. Although they come at a cost, field of view (FOV), speed and manoeuvrability are key to the success of those optics as shown by two of the presented case studies: the survey of a very narrow spiral staircase located in the Duomo di Milano and the survey of a very narrow hypogea structure in Rome. A third case study, which deals with low-cost sensors, shows the metric evaluation of a commercial spherical camera equipped with fisheye lenses

    Heterodyne range imaging as an alternative to photogrammetry

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    Solid-state full-field range imaging technology, capable of determining the distance to objects in a scene simultaneously for every pixel in an image, has recently achieved sub-millimeter distance measurement precision. With this level of precision, it is becoming practical to use this technology for high precision three-dimensional metrology applications. Compared to photogrammetry, range imaging has the advantages of requiring only one viewing angle, a relatively short measurement time, and simplistic fast data processing. In this paper we fist review the range imaging technology, then describe an experiment comparing both photogrammetric and range imaging measurements of a calibration block with attached retro-reflective targets. The results show that the range imaging approach exhibits errors of approximately 0.5 mm in-plane and almost 5 mm out-of-plane; however, these errors appear to be mostly systematic. We then proceed to examine the physical nature and characteristics of the image ranging technology and discuss the possible causes of these systematic errors. Also discussed is the potential for further system characterization and calibration to compensate for the range determination and other errors, which could possibly lead to three-dimensional measurement precision approaching that of photogrammetry

    Development of a Computer Vision-Based Three-Dimensional Reconstruction Method for Volume-Change Measurement of Unsaturated Soils during Triaxial Testing

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    Problems associated with unsaturated soils are ubiquitous in the U.S., where expansive and collapsible soils are some of the most widely distributed and costly geologic hazards. Solving these widespread geohazards requires a fundamental understanding of the constitutive behavior of unsaturated soils. In the past six decades, the suction-controlled triaxial test has been established as a standard approach to characterizing constitutive behavior for unsaturated soils. However, this type of test requires costly test equipment and time-consuming testing processes. To overcome these limitations, a photogrammetry-based method has been developed recently to measure the global and localized volume-changes of unsaturated soils during triaxial test. However, this method relies on software to detect coded targets, which often requires tedious manual correction of incorrectly coded target detection information. To address the limitation of the photogrammetry-based method, this study developed a photogrammetric computer vision-based approach for automatic target recognition and 3D reconstruction for volume-changes measurement of unsaturated soils in triaxial tests. Deep learning method was used to improve the accuracy and efficiency of coded target recognition. A photogrammetric computer vision method and ray tracing technique were then developed and validated to reconstruct the three-dimensional models of soil specimen

    Documentation of landslides and inaccessible parts of a mine using an unmanned uav system and methods of digital terrestrial photogrammetry

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    Quite a big boom has recently been experienced in the technology of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). In conjunction with dense matching system, it gives one a powerful tool for the creation of digital terrain models and orthophotomaps. This system was used for the documentation of landslides and inaccessible parts of the Nástup Tušimice mine in the North Bohemian Brown Coal Basin (Czech Republic). The images were taken by the GATEWING X100 unmanned system that automatically executed photo flights an area of interest. For detailed documentation of selected parts of the mine, we used the method of digital terrestrial photogrammetry. The main objective was to find a suitable measurement technology for operational targeting of landslides and inaccessible parts of the mine, in order to prepare the basics for remediation work

    A new method to determine multi-angular reflectance factor from lightweight multispectral cameras with sky sensor in a target-less workflow applicable to UAV

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    A new physically based method to estimate hemispheric-directional reflectance factor (HDRF) from lightweight multispectral cameras that have a downwelling irradiance sensor is presented. It combines radiometry with photogrammetric computer vision to derive geometrically and radiometrically accurate data purely from the images, without requiring reflectance targets or any other additional information apart from the imagery. The sky sensor orientation is initially computed using photogrammetric computer vision and revised with a non-linear regression comprising radiometric and photogrammetry-derived information. It works for both clear sky and overcast conditions. A ground-based test acquisition of a Spectralon target observed from different viewing directions and with different sun positions using a typical multispectral sensor configuration for clear sky and overcast showed that both the overall value and the directionality of the reflectance factor as reported in the literature were well retrieved. An RMSE of 3% for clear sky and up to 5% for overcast sky was observed


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    This paper considers Leica backpack and photogrammetric surveys of a mediaeval bastion in Padua, Italy. Furhtermore, terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) survey is considered in order to provide a state of the art reconstruction of the bastion. Despite control points are typically used to avoid deformations in photogrammetric surveys and ensure correct scaling of the reconstruction, in this paper a different approach is considered: this work is part of a project aiming at the development of a system exploiting ultra-wide band (UWB) devices to provide correct scaling of the reconstruction. In particular, low cost Pozyx UWB devices are used to estimate camera positions during image acquisitions. Then, in order to obtain a metric reconstruction, scale factor in the photogrammetric survey is estimated by comparing camera positions obtained from UWB measurements with those obtained from photogrammetric reconstruction. Compared with the TLS survey, the considered photogrammetric model of the bastion results in a RMSE of 21.9cm, average error 13.4cm, and standard deviation 13.5cm. Excluding the final part of the bastion left wing, where the presence of several poles make reconstruction more difficult, (RMSE) fitting error is 17.3cm, average error 11.5cm, and standard deviation 9.5cm. Instead, comparison of Leica backpack and TLS surveys leads to an average error of 4.7cm and standard deviation 0.6cm (4.2 cm and 0.3 cm, respectively, by excluding the final part of the left wing)

    A cost-effective, mobile platform-based, photogrammetric approach for continuous structural deformation monitoring

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    PhD ThesisWith the evolution of construction techniques and materials technology, the design of modern civil engineering infrastructure has become increasingly advanced and complex. In parallel to this, the development and application of appropriate and efficient monitoring technologies has become essential. Improvement in the performance of structural monitoring systems, reduction of labour and total implementation costs have therefore become important issues that scientists and engineers are committed to solving. In this research, a non-intrusive structural monitoring system was developed based on close-range photogrammetric principles. This research aimed to combine the merits of photogrammetry and latest mobile phone technology to propose a cost-effective, compact (portable) and precise solution for structural monitoring applications. By combining the use of low-cost imaging devices (two or more mobile phone handsets) with in-house control software, a monitoring project can be undertaken within a relatively low budget when compared to conventional methods. The system uses programmable smart phones (Google Android v.2.2 OS) to replace conventional in-situ photogrammetric imaging stations. The developed software suite is able to control multiple handsets to continuously capture high-quality, synchronized image sequences for short or long-term structural monitoring purposes. The operations are fully automatic and the system can be remotely controlled, exempting the operator from having to attend the site, and thus saving considerable labour expense in long-term monitoring tasks. In order to prevent the system from crashing during a long-term monitoring scheme, an automatic system state monitoring program and a system recovery module were developed to enhance the stability. In considering that the image resolution for current mobile phone cameras is relatively low (in comparison to contemporary digital SLR cameras), a target detection algorithm was developed for the mobile platform that, when combined with dedicated target patterns, was found to improve the quality of photogrammetric target measurement. Comparing the photogrammetric results with physical measurements, which were measured using a Zeiss P3 analytical plotter, the returned accuracy achieved was 1/67,000. The feasibility of the system has been proven through the implementation of an indoor simulation test and an outdoor experiment. In terms of using this system for actual structural monitoring applications, the optimal relative accuracy of distance measurement was determined to be approximately 1/28,000 under laboratory conditions, and the outdoor experiment returned a relative accuracy of approximately 1/16,400

    Monitoring 3D vibrations in structures using high resolution blurred imagery

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    Photogrammetry has been used in the past to monitor the laboratory testing of civil engineering structures using multiple image based sensors. This has been successful, but detecting vibrations during dynamic structural tests has proved more challenging. Detecting vibrations during dynamic structural tests usually depend on high speed cameras, but these sensors often result in lower image resolutions and reduced accuracy. To overcome this limitation, a novel approach described in this paper has been devised to take measurements from blurred images in long-exposure photos. The motion of the structure is captured in individual motion-blurred image, without dependence on imaging speed. A bespoke algorithm then determines each measurement point’s motion. Using photogrammetric techniques, a model structure’s motion with respect to different excitation frequencies is captured and its vibration envelope recreated in 3D. The approach is tested and used to identify changes in the model’s vibration response

    Progress in industrial photogrammetry by means of markerless solutions

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    174 p.La siguiente tesis está enfocada al desarrollo y uso avanzado de metodologías fotogramétrica sin dianas en aplicaciones industriales. La fotogrametría es una técnica de medición óptica 3D que engloba múltiples configuraciones y aproximaciones. En este estudio se han desarrollado procedimientos de medición, modelos y estrategias de procesamiento de imagen que van más allá que la fotogrametría convencional y buscan el emplear soluciones de otros campos de la visión artificial en aplicaciones industriales. Mientras que la fotogrametría industrial requiere emplear dianas artificiales para definir los puntos o elementos de interés, esta tesis contempla la reducción e incluso la eliminación de las dianas tanto pasivas como activas como alternativas prácticas. La mayoría de los sistemas de medida utilizan las dianas tanto para definir los puntos de control, relacionar las distintas perspectivas, obtener precisión, así como para automatizar las medidas. Aunque en muchas situaciones el empleo de dianas no sea restrictivo existen aplicaciones industriales donde su empleo condiciona y restringe considerablemente los procedimientos de medida empleados en la inspección. Un claro ejemplo es la verificación y control de calidad de piezas seriadas, o la medición y seguimiento de elementos prismáticos relacionados con un sistema de referencia determinado. Es en este punto donde la fotogrametría sin dianas puede combinarse o complementarse con soluciones tradicionales para tratar de mejorar las prestaciones actuales