2,231 research outputs found

    On the use of embedded debug features for permanent and transient fault resilience in microprocessors

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    Microprocessor-based systems are employed in an increasing number of applications where dependability is a major constraint. For this reason detecting faults arising during normal operation while introducing the least possible penalties is a main concern. Different forms of redundancy have been employed to ensure error-free behavior, while error detection mechanisms can be employed where some detection latency is tolerated. However, the high complexity and the low observability of microprocessors internal resources make the identification of adequate on-line error detection strategies a very challenging task, which can be tackled at circuit or system level. Concerning system-level strategies, a common limitation is in the mechanism used to monitor program execution and then detect errors as soon as possible, so as to reduce their impact on the application. In this work, an on-line error detection approach based on the reuse of available debugging infrastructures is proposed. The approach can be applied to different system architectures profiting from the debug trace port available in most of current microprocessors to observe possible misbehaviors. Two microprocessors have been used to study the applicability of the solution. LEON3 and ARM7TDMI. Results show that the presented fault detection technique enhances observability and thus error detection abilities in microprocessor-based systems without requiring modifications on the core architecture

    Dynamic Information Flow Tracking on Multicores

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    Dynamic Information Flow Tracking (DIFT) is a promising technique for detecting software attacks. Due to the computationally intensive nature of the technique, prior efficient implementations [21, 6] rely on specialized hardware support whose only purpose is to enable DIFT. Alternatively, prior software implementations are either too slow [17, 15] resulting in execution time increases as much as four fold for SPEC integer programs or they are not transparent [31] requiring source code modifications. In this paper, we propose the use of chip multiprocessors (CMP) to perform DIFT transparently and efficiently. We spawn a helper thread that is scheduled on a separate core and is only responsible for performing information flow tracking operations. This entails the communication of registers and flags between the main and helper threads. We explore software (shared memory) and hardware (dedicated interconnect) approaches to enable this communication. Finally, we propose a novel application of the DIFT infrastructure where, in addition to the detection of the software attack, DIFT assists in the process of identifying the cause of the bug in the code that enabled the exploit in the first place. We conducted detailed simulations to evaluate the overhead for performing DIFT and found that to be 48 % for SPEC integer programs

    OCD-FI, On-Chip Debugging and Fault Injection for validating microprocessor based dependable systems

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    This paper proposes a set of modifications to theon-chip debugging infrastructures present in manyactual microprocessor cores, with the objective ofsupporting the validation and verification steps offault-tolerant mechanisms through fault injectioncampaigns. A synthesisable microprocessor core forprogrammable components was used as a targetsystem an. a debugging infrastructure compliantwith the NEXUS 5001 proposed standard for onchipdebugging was implemented on this target. Toimprove the process of real-time memory faultinjection, an upgraded infrastructure designated asOn-Chip Debugging and Fault Injection (OCD-FI)was developed. The complete system was analysedin terms of area overhead and fault injectioncapabilities and performance. All elements weredesigned as synthesizable VHDL modules andevaluated in simulation

    Real time fault injection using enhanced OCD - a performance analysis

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    Fault injection is frequently used for the verification and validation of dependable systems. When targeting real time microprocessor based systems the process becomes significantly more complex. This paper proposes two complementary solutions to improve real time fault injection campaign execution, both in terms of performance and capabilities. The methodology is based on the use of the on-chip debug mechanisms present in modern electronic devices. The main objective is the injection of faults in microprocessor memory elements with minimum delay and intrusiveness. Different configurations were implemented and compared in terms of performance gain and logic overhead