1,138,370 research outputs found

    Here, Kansans Know All The Words To “Home On The Range”

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    You’re a true Here, Kansan in direct proportion to your recollection of the verses of “Home on the Range.” And before you read one more word, you should go off by yourself and write down as much of that song as you can remember

    My Hero

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    I wouldn\u27t read this if I were you. Before you get any farther than this you should know that although I started to write a short story I never got it finished. I almost did though. It would have been a poor story any way - it\u27s just the idea that I didn\u27t finish what I started that irks me

    Book Review: Digital Forensic Evidence Examination (2nd Ed.)

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    On the day that I sat down to start to write this review, the following e-mail came across on one of my lists: Person A and Person B write back and forth and create an email thread. Person A then forwards the email to Person C, but changes some wording in the email exchange between A & B. What is the easiest way (and is it even possible) to find out when that earlier email message was altered before sent to Person C? Before you try to answer these questions, read Fred Cohen\u27s Digital Forensic Evidence Examination. His book won\u27t actually tell you how to answer these questions but it will help you understand the difficulty in even trying to answer them with any level of certainty

    How to Do a Newsletter That Gets Read (1992)

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    "3/92/2M ."A newsletter can be a wonderful means of communication. Research consistently shows people like newsletters. People like to get timely information tailored to their interests - information that is quick and easy to read. But, to communicate, a newsletter must get read. It can't get thrown away before being opened norbanished to the to-be-read pile. You want your newsletter to be a vital piece of communication that people look forward to receiving. This only happens through planning and commitment.Know your audience -- Define your purpose -- Find out if anybody's reading. Level 1: Get feedback on a regular basis ; Level 2: Do a survey ; Level 3: Find out if anybody is doing something differently because of your newsletter -- Market your newsletter -- Start your newsletter -- Write about the right stuff -- Write to be read fast -- Struggle for good headlines -- Develop a style -- Bibliograph

    Letter Written by Katherine Trickey to Her Folks Dated May 2, 1944

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    [Transcription begins] 2 May 1944 Mother, Mae, Phil & family A hasty note to let you know that I got another promotion yesterday. You may now address me as Sergeant Trickey. However when you write my title is Tec 4 Katherine W. Trickey. These Technician ratings are queer. A Tec 4 is called a Sergeant and gets the same pay but is lower in rank than a Sgt. ($78 per month minus bonds, insurance, & laundry)/ I am of course very pleased to get it. Marjorie got Tec 5 ( or Corporal) for which I am very pleased. She has been jealous of my rating and I am afraid is still jealous that I have gone ahead of her again. I had a wonderful day Sunday just not doing anything particaullar. (sic) I got up for breakfast then went back to bed for another nap, read awhile, sewed awhile, then ate dinner. Played baseball for two hours in the afternoon, gorgeaous (sic) weather, sunny but a breeze, went for a long walk in the woods after supper before dark, then just talked with the girls and went to bed at 10.30 Peaceful and nice. I finished my Projector course last night and have a license now to run the 16mm projectors. It has been interesting. I hope something else comes along for a good class. Very hastily. Will write later again. Kay Mother, I am enclosing a clipping from the News. Sis had started to cut it so I finished it to send to you. Should I keep the papers & send them to you!!! [Transcription ends

    Letter Written by Katherine Trickey to Her Folks Dated July 24, 1944

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    [Transcription begins] Monday 7.10 AM. July 24, 1944 Dear Folks, No Detail this mornig so have few minutes before leaving for work. Nothing much to write about since Sat morning! I did go in town Sat evening after mess. I took my blouses and 3 shirts in town and bought new stripes & had them sewed on by a dress maker. Saved me hours of work yesterday. I went to show and then went back to camp. Yesterday was just plain lazy. I didn’t get up until 11.00. Then I leisurely cleaned up my foot locker and got dressed in my slack suit for lunch. I went back to bed after dinner (after sitting out doors in our wooden lawn chairs for about a half an hour) – I read all the newspapers I haven’t had time to read the last two weeks and the newspaper stories. Had a grand time. After supper, I ironed two skirts & four shirts. Then got dressed and went to the show. Saw “Summer Storm” No good. Must leave now and go to work. Love to all of you. Kay P.S. Had a v-mail from Craig dated July 10th. He wanted to be remembered to all of you. [Transcription ends

    Letter from Henrietta D. Munro to John Muir, 1890 Oct 15.

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    [4]and were very much attached to each other. Mrs. Muir used to read parts of your letters to me. They were always so interesting and often had little leaves and flowers pressed in them that you had gathered in your wanderings. Is your mother living still? When last I heard - many years ago - she was in some part of Wisconsin (Portage City) I think. But we have not heard from Mrs. Brown since[1]Sudbury OntOct 15 /90Mr. John MuirDear SirI trust you will pardon the liberty I take, in writing you, but while on a visit to Hamilton this summer, my mother who had been reading some of you delightful writings in a magazine, saw [2]your address in the same book and requested me to write you, as we are old friends of your father\u27s - Mr. Daniel Muir - having lived neighbor to him for many years and now occupying the house he built - which we bought from him when he was leaving Hamilton. When I was a very little girl I used to go in and read to him and sing hymns together, I have still in my possession01464[3]several letters he wrote me while living with his daughter Mrs. Brown in Kansas - shortly before he died. My mother would feel very grateful if you would kindly write and let us know where Mrs. Brown is living. She and my sister used to take long rambles together when Mrs. Brown was visiting her father in Hamilton a short time before she was married. [5]she wrote to tell us of the death of her father. My mother made me promise, on my return to Sudbury, that I would write. She would write herself but is getting old now and her hand trembles very much. We have always read with interest and great pleasure, extracts of your writings in papers and magazines. And in a book mother [in margin: every address is Henrietta Douglas Munro Sudbury Ont.]01464[6]loaned from the Library, she saw your picture and thought you were so much like your Father - She \u27very neatly\u27 cut the whole leaf out before returning it, and has it carefully put away. Hoping I am not troubling you too much and to be favored by a letter from you.Believe meVery SincerelyHenrietta D. Munro [in margin: every address is Henrietta Douglas Munro Sudbury Ont.]01464[6]loaned from the Library, she saw your picture and thought you were so much like your Father - She \u27very neatly\u27 cut the whole leaf out before returning it, and has it carefully put away. Hoping I am not troubling you too much and to be favored by a letter from you.Believe meVery SincerelyHenrietta D. Munr

    Letter from John Muir to Helen [Muir], 1893 Jun 3.

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    [letterhead]New York, June 3 1893My own sweet HelenWillie wrote you a letter yesterday & went away to Scotland this morning. I am not ready to go yet & so I am here finishing my article but I suppose Ill see him again in Scotland Perhaps John Burroughs will go to Scotland with me & so I wont be lonesome. Willie is always in a hurry & wont wait. Last night I was at dinner at Mr Gilders house & the night before at the Authors Club, & the night before at Mr Johnsons, & tonight I am going to the Century Club & I see so many people & 01673[in margin: 724]they make me talk so much I have not much time to write. Willie feels lonesome without you & so do I. but I wont stay very long. I suppose the cherries are ripe. Everybody thinks your picture & Wandas is lovely. I suppose Wanda & Lou are studying. You must learn to read more, but you can write letters very nice now, & you must write a whole lot & so must Wanda & mama. I was glad to get mamas telegram. Tell Mama to send letters care of Mr Johnson & he will send them when he knows where Ill be - & now I send you lots of kisses & I love you dearly Give my love to all the rest dear Helen. from your loving papa John Mui


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    The teaching English to young children has become important in Indonesia in recent years. It means that the role and importance of English has got serious attention. Parents and educational leaders see early English education as a necessary prerequisite for children's later success. The underlying assumption is that learners will be more successful if they begin studying English at early age. As a result, now days there are many teachers find themselves teaching in primary school even though they have no English background or been trained for this level. Most of the English graduates are only well equipped to teach junior or senior high schools. Therefore, when they have to teach them, the challenge is how to create the quality of teaching and learning programs that match to the needs for young learners. One of the hardest things about working with young learners is that often they are preliterate. When you are working with them, you can't just write letters and words on the board and expect them to able to read what you have written. However, they can orally learn a large amount of language before they learn to read and write

    SM 511 611 711 and SM 512

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    You answered God’s call and came to seminary to prepare for ministry. How will that happen? Before you graduate you will read scores of books, sit through hundreds of hours of classes, write papers and pass exams. But that will not guarantee preparation for ministry. Your spiritual and vocational formation is the heart of preparation for ministry. A servant of God is formed through the integration of Being, Knowing, and Doing. It takes place in community, as God graciously works in and through each person. Formation calls for biblical/theological and theoretical foundations, the developing of ministry skills, the doing of those skills in field experience and opportunity to reflect with others on what is being learned.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/2601/thumbnail.jp
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