520 research outputs found

    Zoom control to compensate camera translation within a robot egomotion estimation approach

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    The final publication is available at link.springer.comZoom control has not received the attention one would expect in view of how it enriches the competences of a vision system. The possibility of changing the size of object projections not only permits analysing objects at a higher resolution, but it also may improve tracking and, therefore, subsequent 3D motion estimation and reconstruction results. Of further interest to us, zoom control enables much larger camera motions, while fixating on the same target, than it would be possible with fixed focal length cameras.This work is partially funded by the EU PACO-PLUS project FP6-2004-IST- 4-27657. The authors thank Gabriel Pi for their contribution in preparing the experiments.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Zoom control to compensate camera translation within a robot egomotion estimation approach

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    We previously proposed a method to estimate robot egomotion from the deformation of a contour in the images acquired by a robot-mounted camera [2, 1]. The fact that the contour should always be viewed under weak-perspective conditions limits the applicability of the method. In this paper, we overcome this limitation by controlling the zoom so as to compensate for robot translation along the optic axis. Our control entails minimizing an error signal derived directly from image measurements, without requiring any 3D information. Moreover, contrarily to other 2D control approaches, no point correspondences are needed, since a parametric measure of contour deformation suffices. As a further advantage, the error signal is obtained as a byproduct of egomotion estimation and, therefore, it does not introduce any burden in the computation. Experimental results validate this zooming extension to the method. Moreover, robot translations are correctly computed, including those along the optic axis.Peer Reviewe

    Monocular object pose computation with the foveal-peripheral camera of the humanoid robot Armar-III

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    Active contour modelling is useful to fit non-textured objects, and algorithms have been developed to recover the motion of an object and its uncertainty. Here we show that these algorithms can be used also with point features matched in textured objects, and that active contours and point matches complement in a natural way. In the same manner we also show that depth-from-zoom algorithms, developed for zooming cameras, can be exploited also in the foveal-peripheral eye configuration present in the Armar-III humanoid robot.Peer Reviewe

    Long Range Automated Persistent Surveillance

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    This dissertation addresses long range automated persistent surveillance with focus on three topics: sensor planning, size preserving tracking, and high magnification imaging. field of view should be reserved so that camera handoff can be executed successfully before the object of interest becomes unidentifiable or untraceable. We design a sensor planning algorithm that not only maximizes coverage but also ensures uniform and sufficient overlapped camera’s field of view for an optimal handoff success rate. This algorithm works for environments with multiple dynamic targets using different types of cameras. Significantly improved handoff success rates are illustrated via experiments using floor plans of various scales. Size preserving tracking automatically adjusts the camera’s zoom for a consistent view of the object of interest. Target scale estimation is carried out based on the paraperspective projection model which compensates for the center offset and considers system latency and tracking errors. A computationally efficient foreground segmentation strategy, 3D affine shapes, is proposed. The 3D affine shapes feature direct and real-time implementation and improved flexibility in accommodating the target’s 3D motion, including off-plane rotations. The effectiveness of the scale estimation and foreground segmentation algorithms is validated via both offline and real-time tracking of pedestrians at various resolution levels. Face image quality assessment and enhancement compensate for the performance degradations in face recognition rates caused by high system magnifications and long observation distances. A class of adaptive sharpness measures is proposed to evaluate and predict this degradation. A wavelet based enhancement algorithm with automated frame selection is developed and proves efficient by a considerably elevated face recognition rate for severely blurred long range face images

    Zoom techniques for achieving scale invariant object tracking in real-time active vision systems

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    In a surveillance system, a camera operator follows an object of interest by moving the camera, then gains additional information about the object by zooming. As the active vision field advances, the ability to automate such a system is nearing fruition. One hurdle limiting the use of object recognition algorithms in real-time systems is the quality of captured imagery; recognition algorithms often have strict scale and position requirements where if those parameters are not met, the performance rapidly degrades to failure. The ability of an automatic fixation system to capture quality video of an accelerating target is directly related to the response time of the mechanical pan, tilt, and zoom platform—however the price of such a platform rises with its performance. The goal of this work is to create a system that provides scale-invariant tracking using inexpensive off-the-shelf components. Since optical zoom acts as a measurement gain, amplifying both resolution and tracking error, a new second camera with fixed focal length assists the zooming camera if it loses fixation—effectively clipping error. Furthermore, digital zoom adjusts the captured image to ensure position and scale invariance for the higher-level application. The implemented system uses two Sony EVI-D100 cameras on a 2.8GHz Dual Pentium Xeon PC. This work presents experiments to exhibit the effectiveness of the system

    Depth from the visual motion of a planar target induced by zooming

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    Robot egomotion can be estimated from an acquired video stream up to the scale of the scene. To remove this uncertainty (and obtain true egomotion), a distance within the scene needs to be known. If no a priori knowledge on the scene is assumed, the usual solution is to derive “in some way” the initial distance from the camera to a target object. This paper proposes a new, very simple way to obtain such a distance, when a zooming camera is available and there is a planar target in the scene. Similarly to “two-grid calibration” algorithms, no estimation of the camera parameters is required, and no assumption on the optical axis stability between the different focal lengths is needed. Quite the reverse, the non stability of the optical axis between the different focal lengths is the key ingredient that enables to derive our depth estimate, by applying a result in projective geometry. Experiments carried out on a mobile robot platform show the promise of the approach.Peer Reviewe

    Depth adaptive zooming visual servoing for a robot with a zooming camera

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    To solve the view visibility problem and keep the observed object in the field of view (FOV) during the visual servoing, a depth adaptive zooming visual servoing strategy for a manipulator robot with a zooming camera is proposed. Firstly, a zoom control mechanism is introduced into the robot visual servoing system. It can dynamically adjust the camera's field of view to keep all the feature points on the object in the field of view of the camera and get high object local resolution at the end of visual servoing. Secondly, an invariant visual servoing method is employed to control the robot to the desired position under the changing intrinsic parameters of the camera. Finally, a nonlinear depth adaptive estimation scheme in the invariant space using Lyapunov stability theory is proposed to estimate adaptively the depth of the image features on the object. Three kinds of robot 4DOF visual positioning simulation experiments are conducted. The simulation experiment results show that the proposed approach has higher positioning precision. © 2013 Xin et al

    Multi-step Multi-camera View Planning for Real-Time Visual Object Tracking

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    Abstract. We present a new method for planning the optimal next view for a probabilistic visual object tracking task. Our method uses a variable number of cameras, can plan an action sequence several time steps into the future, and allows for real-time usage due to a computation time which is linear both in the number of cameras and the number of time steps. The algorithm can also handle object loss in one, more or all cameras, interdependencies in the camera’s information contribution, and variable action costs. We evaluate our method by comparing it to previous approaches with a prere-corded sequence of real world images. From K. Franke et al., Pattern Recognition, 28th DAGM Symposium, Springer, 2006, (pp. 536–545).

    Real-Time, Multiple Pan/Tilt/Zoom Computer Vision Tracking and 3D Positioning System for Unmanned Aerial System Metrology

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    The study of structural characteristics of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) continues to be an important field of research for developing state of the art nano/micro systems. Development of a metrology system using computer vision (CV) tracking and 3D point extraction would provide an avenue for making these theoretical developments. This work provides a portable, scalable system capable of real-time tracking, zooming, and 3D position estimation of a UAS using multiple cameras. Current state-of-the-art photogrammetry systems use retro-reflective markers or single point lasers to obtain object poses and/or positions over time. Using a CV pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ) system has the potential to circumvent their limitations. The system developed in this paper exploits parallel-processing and the GPU for CV-tracking, using optical flow and known camera motion, in order to capture a moving object using two PTU cameras. The parallel-processing technique developed in this work is versatile, allowing the ability to test other CV methods with a PTZ system using known camera motion. Utilizing known camera poses, the object\u27s 3D position is estimated and focal lengths are estimated for filling the image to a desired amount. This system is tested against truth data obtained using an industrial system

    A Scalable Distributed Approach to Mobile Robot Vision

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    This paper documents our progress during the first year of work on our original proposal entitled 'A Scalable Distributed Approach to Mobile Robot Vision'. We are pursuing a strategy for real-time visual identification and tracking of complex objects which does not rely on specialized image-processing hardware. In this system perceptual schemas represent objects as a graph of primitive features. Distributed software agents identify and track these features, using variable-geometry image subwindows of limited size. Active control of imaging parameters and selective processing makes simultaneous real-time tracking of many primitive features tractable. Perceptual schemas operate independently from the tracking of primitive features, so that real-time tracking of a set of image features is not hurt by latency in recognition of the object that those features make up. The architecture allows semantically significant features to be tracked with limited expenditure of computational resources, and allows the visual computation to be distributed across a network of processors. Early experiments are described which demonstrate the usefulness of this formulation, followed by a brief overview of our more recent progress (after the first year)
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