6 research outputs found

    White-Box Cryptography in the Gray Box - A Hardware Implementation and its Side Channels

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    Implementations of white-box cryptography aim to protect a secret key in a white-box environment in which an adversary has full control over the execution process and the entire environment. Its fundamental principle is the map of the cryptographic architecture, including the secret key, to a number of encoded tables that shall resist the inspection and decomposition of an attacker. In a gray-box scenario, however, the property of hiding required implementation details from the attacker could be used as a promising mitigation strategy against side-channel attacks (SCA). In this work, we present a first white-box implementation of AES on reconfigurable hardware for which we evaluate this approach assuming a gray-box attacker. We show that - unfortunately - such an implementation does not provide sufficient protection against an SCA attacker. We continue our evaluations by a thorough analysis of the source of the observed leakage, and present additional results which can be used to build stronger white-box designs

    Класифікація та архітектурні особливості програмованих мультипроцесорних систем-на-кристалі

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    Provided general information on embedded multiprocessor systems-on-chip based on FPGA (FPGA-MPSoC). Completed a comprehensive analysis of the architectural features and provided Shih rock classification FPGA-MPSoC. Powered overview of recent research in the development of FPGA-MPSoC. A wide circle of such systems in order to study trends in architecture and all problems solvedПредоставлено общую информацию о встроенных мультипроцессорных систем-на-кристалле на базе ПЛИС (FPGA-MPSoC). Выполнено всесторонний анализ архитектурных особенностей и предоставлена ​​широкая классификация FPGA-MPSoC. Приведены обзор последних исследований в области разработки FPGA-MPSoC. Представлен широкий круг таких систем с целью исследования всех тенденциях архитектуры и решаемых задачПредоставлено общую информацию о встроенных мультипроцессорных систем-на-кристалле на базе ПЛИС (FPGA-MPSoC). Выполнено всесторонний анализ архитектурных особенностей и предоставлена ​​широкая классификация FPGA-MPSoC. Приведены обзор последних исследований в области разработки FPGA-MPSoC. Представлен широкий круг таких систем с целью исследования всех тенденциях архитектуры и решаемых зада

    An energy and area efficient, all digital entropy source compatible with modern standards based on jitter pipelining

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    This paper proposes an energy and area efficient entropy source, suitable for true random number generation, accompanied with a stochastic model in a 28nm CMOS technology. The design uses a jitter pipelining architecture together with an increased timing resolution to achieve a maximal throughput of 298 Mbit/s and a best energy efficiency of 1.46 pJ/bit at a supply of 0.8V. The generated random bits pass the NIST SP 800-90B IID tests with a min entropy rate of 0.933 bit/bit, which is more than required by the AIS-31 standard. The all digital design allows for effortless transfer to other technology nodes, taking advantage of all benefits related to further technology scaling

    StaTI: Protecting against Fault Attacks Using Stable Threshold Implementations

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    Fault attacks impose a serious threat against the practical implementations of cryptographic algorithms. Statistical Ineffective Fault Attacks (SIFA), exploiting the dependency between the secret data and the fault propagation overcame many of the known countermeasures. Later, several countermeasures have been proposed to tackle this attack using error detection methods. However, the efficiency of the countermeasures, in part governed by the number of error checks, still remains a challenge. In this work, we propose a fault countermeasure, StaTI, based on threshold implementations and linear encoding techniques. The proposed countermeasure protects the implementations of cryptographic algorithms against both side-channel and fault adversaries in a non-combined attack setting. We present a new composable notion, stability, to protect a threshold implementation against a formal gate/register-faulting adversary. Stability ensures fault propagation, making a single error check of the output suffice. To illustrate the stability notion, first, we provide stable encodings of the XOR and AND gates. Then, we present techniques to encode threshold implementations of S-boxes, and provide stable encodings of some quadratic S-boxes together with their security and performance evaluation. Additionally, we propose general encoding techniques to transform a threshold implementation of any function (e.g., non-injective functions) to a stable one. We then provide an encoding technique to use in symmetric primitives which encodes state elements together significantly reducing the encoded state size. Finally, we used StaTI to implement a secure Keccak on FPGA and report on its efficiency

    Optimización de recursos hardware para la operación de convolución utilizada en el procesamiento digital de señales

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    Esta tesis presenta varias arquitecturas sobre la unidad MAC (multiplica–acumula) para la optimización de la operación de convolución, que es ampliamente utilizada en el procesamiento digital de señales, sobre varios dispositivos electrónicos de bajo coste. Básicamente esta optimización se centra en las FPGA de Xilinx Spartan 3 y Spartan 6, utilizando aritmética redundante, en particular la aritmética carry–save. Este tipo de aritmética no se suele utilizar en las FPGAs debido a que aumenta el área consumida, pero en esta investigación se ha demostrado experimentalmente que cuando el número de operaciones MAC a realizar es elevado, como es el caso de la convolución de dos señales, el uso de la aritmética CSA resulta eficiente, ya que disminuye significativamente los tiempos empleados, sin un aumento excesivo de los recursos utilizados de la FPGA. Por otro lado, también se han estudiado otros dispositivos electrónicos que suelen ser empleados en el procesamiento digital de señales, tales como DSP o GPP, realizando una comparación de los tiempos empleados de las FPGAs respecto a estos dispositivos.This Thesis presents several architectures of the multiply-accumulate unit (MAC) to optimize the convolution operation, which is widely used in digital signal processing, on several low-cost electronic devices. This optimization is mainly focused on Xilinx Spartan- 3 and Spartan-6 FPGAs, using redundant arithmetic, specifically the carry-save arithmetic (CSA). This type of arithmetic is not usually used on FPGAs since its high consumption of area resources, but this research shows that if the number of MAC operations developed is high, as the case of the convolution of two signals, the use of CSA arithmetic is efficient, since it decreases significantly the execution times without an excessive increase of the resources used in the FPGA. On the other hand, other electronic devices as DSP or GPP, usually used in digital signal processing, have been studied. A comparation of execution times on FPGAs and these devices has been included

    Proposal and development of a highly modular and scalable self-adaptive hardware architecture with parallel processing capability

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    This dissertation describes a novel unconventional self-adaptive hardware architecture with capacity for parallel processing. For scalability issues, this bioinspired architecture is based on a regular array of homogeneous cells. The proposed programmable architecture implements in a distributed way self-adaptive capabilities including self-placement and self-routing which, due to its intrinsic design, enable the development of systems with runtime reconfiguration, self-repair and/or fault tolerance capabilities. The physical implementation of this architecture is composed of two-layers, interconnected cells in the first level and interconnected switch and pin matrices in the second level. The cell is the basic element of the proposed self-adaptive architecture. Any application scheduled to the system has to be organized in components, where each component is composed by one or more interconnected cells. The interconnection of cells inside a component is made at cell level (first layer), while the physical interconnections of components are made in the second layer. Additionally, two layers are defined as conceptual organization for the implementation of general purpose applications: the SANE and the SANE assembly. The Self-Adaptive Networked Entity (SANE) is composed by a group of components. This is the basic self-adaptive computing system. It has the ability to monitor its local environment and its internal computation process. The SANE-Assembly (SANE-ASM) is composed by a group of interconnected SANEs. The processing capabilities of the cell are included in its Functional Unit (FU), which can be described as a four-core configurable multicomputer. The FU includes twelve programmable configuration modes, i.e., each cell permits to select from one to four processors working in parallel, with different size of program and data memories. The self-adaptive capabilities of the cell are executed mainly by the Cell Configuration Unit (CCU). The self-placement algorithm is responsible for finding out the most suitable position in the cell array to insert the new cell of a component. The self-routing algorithm permits interconnecting the ports of the FU of two cells through the cell ports. The self-placement and self-routing processes allow for performing complex functionality changes in real time, these processes endow the system with enhanced functionality, enabling the system to change itself, this allows for the implementation of run-time self-configuration, without the need for any configuration manager. The architecture proposed includes two mechanisms of fault tolerance. One of these is the Dynamic Fault Tolerance Scaling Technique, that has the ability to create and eliminate the redundant copies of the functional section of a specific application. The other mechanism of fault tolerance is a dedicated or static Fault Tolerance System. It provides redundant processing capabilities that are working continuously. When a failure in the execution of a program is detected, the processors of the cell are stopped and the self-elimination and self-replication processes start for the cell (or cells) involved in the failure. An FPGA-based prototype and a software tool have been built for demonstration purposes. The prototype includes all the self-adaptive capabilities described in this dissertation. With the purpose of having a complete development system, the software tool SANE Project Developer (SPD) has been implemented. The SPD is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that allows generating the memory initialization data for the control microprocessor inside the prototype.Esta tesis doctoral describe una arquitectura de hardware auto-adaptable novedosa y no convencional con capacidad de procesamiento en paralelo. Por razones de escalabilidad, esta arquitectura bioinspirada está basada en una matriz regular de células homogéneas. La arquitectura propuesta es programable, e implementa de manera distribuida diversas capacidades auto-adaptables incluyendo el auto-emplazamiento y auto-enrutamiento, los cuales debido a su diseño intrínseco, permiten el desarrollo de sistemas reconfigurables en tiempo de ejecución, así como de sistemas autoreparables y/o con capacidades de tolerancia a fallos. La implementación física de esta arquitectura esta compuesta de dos capas, que incluyen células interconectadas en el primer nivel y matrices de conmutación y pines en el segundo nivel. La célula es el elemento básico de la arquitectura propuesta. Cualquier aplicación que se quiera programar en el sistema debe estar organizada en componentes, donde cada componente está compuesto por una o más células interconectadas. La interconexión de células dentro de un componente es realizado en el mismo nivel de la matriz de células, mientras que la interconexión de componentes es realizada en la segunda capa. Adicionalmente, se definen dos capas conceptuales que son usadas con propósitos organizativos en aplicaciones de propósito general, estas son: el SANE y el SANE-assembly (o conjunto de SANEs). La entidad auto-adaptable interconectada o SANE está compuesta por un grupo de componentes. Este es el sistema de computación auto-adaptable básico, el cual tiene la habilidad de monitorizar su entorno local y su proceso de computación interno. Las capacidades de procesamiento de la célula están incluidas en su unidad funcional (FU). Esta puede ser definida como un multicomputador configurable con cuatro núcleos, los cuales son agrupados o no dependiendo del modo de configuración. La FU tiene doce modos de configuración programables, por lo que cada célula permite seleccionar entre uno y cuatro procesadores trabajando en paralelo con diversas capacidades en las memorias de programa y datos. Las capacidades auto-adaptables de la célula son ejecutadas principalmente por la unidad de configuración de la célula (CCU). El algoritmo de auto-emplazamiento es el encargado de encontrar la posición mas adecuada dentro de la matriz de células para insertar la nueva célula de un componente. El algoritmo de auto-enrutamiento permite interconectar los puertos de las FU de dos células. Los procesos de auto-emplazamiento y auto-enrutamiento permiten realizar en tiempo real cambios funcionales complejos; estos procesos dotan al sistema de una mayor funcionalidad, permitiendo que el sistema cambie por si mismo, lo que permite la implementación de la auto-configuración en tiempo real, sin la necesidad de ningún gestor de configuración. La arquitectura propuesta incluye dos mecanismos de tolerancia a fallos. Uno de estos es una técnica escalonada y dinámica de tolerancia a fallos, que tiene la habilidad de crear y eliminar copias redundantes de la unidad funcional (o de cómputo) de una aplicación específica. El otro mecanismo de tolerancia a fallos es el Sistema de Tolerancia a Fallos dedicado o estático. Este provee capacidades de procesamiento redundante que están en funcionamiento continuamente. Cuando un fallo en la ejecución de un programa es detectado, los procesadores de la célula son detenidos y los procesos de auto-eliminación y auto-replicación se inician para la célula (o células) implicada en el fallo. Se desarrolló un prototipo basado en FPGAs y una herramienta de software para comprobar la funcionalidad del sistema. El prototipo incluye todas las características de los sistemas auto-adaptable descritas en este trabajo. El SANE Project developer (SPD) es un ambiente integrado de desarrollo (IDE) que permite generar y descargar la memoria de inicialización de datos para el Microprocesador de Control dentro del prototipo