6 research outputs found

    The Influence of Customer’s Sharing Behavior in Social Commerce

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    All transaction behaviors between enterprises and customers directly take place on social media. Using social media for people to interact with their friends and family become a routine in the daily life. This study aims to figure out the critical factors and relations of brand community and social commerce. Meanwhile, this study is to investigate the influence on consumers’ engagement by considering the building of a brand community for social commerce. This study reviews many key literatures of social commerce and brand community. This study employs a survey base strategy to figure out the proposed research questions

    A mediated model of E-WOM effects towards continuous use intention of social commerce

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    Electronic Word of Mouth (e-WOM) plays a significant role in influencing users’ behavioural intention in social commerce (s-commerce). Research on the influence of perceived attributes of e-WOM on continuous use intention of s-commerce is limited to users’ attitudes in continuous usage of s-commerce. However, other contextual factors like trust and commitment are very crucial in sustaining a seller-buyer relationship on s-commerce. Moreover, there has been fierce competition to retain customers and ensure continuous usage of s-commerce to gain competitive advantage. This study integrates Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Commitment-Trust Theory (CTT) to examine the relationship between perceived attributes of e-WOM, trust, commitment, and continuous use intention of s-commerce. The framework also examines the mediational effects of those factors and their relationships. This study adapts post-positivism paradigm and quantitative research method. Data was collected from 365 s-commerce users in Malaysia through online survey. The data was analysed using statistical analysis techniques and Structural Equation Modelling. The results showed that continuous use intention is significantly affected by perceived usefulness, ease of use, and enjoyment of e-WOM. It is also revealed that trust and commitment significantly affected continuous use intention. Meanwhile, perceived ease of use and perceived enjoyment are found to significantly influence trust. Furthermore, perceived enjoyment influenced commitment only. Additionally, trust significantly mediated the relationship between perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment and continuous use intention. Lastly, commitment significantly mediated the relationships between perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, and continuous use intention. Theoretically, this study contributes by incorporating CTT and TAM to show the relationship for perceived attributes of e-WOM, trust, and commitment in the context of continuous use of s-commerce. Practically, it provides knowledge about the factors that are vital to businesses operating over the s-commerce platforms

    Implementación de herramientas digitales para mejorar la calidad del servicio en una empresa industrial de Piura, 2021

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    El objetivo fue determinar como la Implementación de herramientas digitales mejora la calidad del servicio en una empresa industrial. La metodología fue aplicada, nivel explicativo, enfoque cuantitativo y diseño pre experimental. La población 58 clientes frecuentes por lo que se toma como muestra a la población finita. La técnica fue la encuesta y el instrumento el cuestionario. Se mejoró los elementos tangibles, para el 70,2%, el nivel era bajo y para el 29,8% de nivel medio. Con la mejora, el 24,1% calificó como medio y el 75,9% alto. En la seguridad de servicio inicialmente el 75,4% calificó bajo y el 24,6% medio. Con la mejora el 31,0% y el 69% señalaron que el nivel era medio y alto respectivamente. Por último, en la capacidad de respuesta de servicio, antes de la mejora, el 64,9% calificó bajo y el 35,1% medio. Después de la mejora, el 25.95% calificó medio y el 74,1% calificó alto. Finalmente, se concluyó que la calidad de servicio antes de la mejora, el 46.1% calificó en nivel bajo y el 53,9% en nivel medio. Después de la mejora, el 24,1% calificó en nivel medio y el 75,9% en nivel alto

    Facebook Engagement como condicionante do Relacionamento, Intenção de Compra e Intenção de Referência

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    Num mundo cada vez mais globalizado, as redes sociais surgem como uma ferramenta indispensável aos clubes desportivos, pois permitem que eles cheguem mais facilmente a um elevado número de adeptos, de modo a que se crie ou melhore o compromisso entre ambos. Deste modo, este estudo tem como principal objetivo medir o impacto que este compromisso entre adepto e clube tem nas redes sociais, tendo em conta o relacionamento entre ambos, na intenção de compra e na intenção de referência. Neste contexto, procedeu-se, com base no estado da arte, a dois estudos - um quantitativo e outro qualitativo, com o objetivo de compreender tanto a ótica dos adeptos, como a dos responsáveis ligados à área. Relativamente ao estudo quantitativo, os dados foram obtidos através de um questionário online, na plataforma Google Docs, ao qual responderam 203 indivíduos, sendo, depois, alvo de tratamento estatístico com os softwares SPSS e AMOS, da IBM. Ao nível do estudo quantitativo, foram elaboradas três entrevistas, compostas por três questões, dirigidas a 3 indivíduos ligados às áreas digital e de merchandising. Os dados relativos aos dois estudos permitiram verificar que: 1 – O compromisso entre o adepto e o clube nas redes sociais tem influencia positiva no relacionamento entre ambos. 2 – O compromisso entre o adepto e o clube nas redes sociais tem influencia positiva na intenção de compra de produtos/serviços desportivos por parte dos adeptos. 3 – O compromisso entre o adepto e o clube nas redes sociais tem influencia positiva na intenção de referência por parte dos adeptos

    Social Media Marketing Evaluation Decision Making Processes and the Agency-Client Relationship

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    Evaluation of social media marketing is central to its success. This thesis seeks to contribute to our understanding of social media marketing evaluation processes and outcomes, together with an exploration of the dynamics of agency-client relationships. It contributes to knowledge across three major themes: strategy development, evaluation, and agency-client relationships and is one of the first studies to consider the role of the agency-client relationship in social media marketing. In particular, the study addresses a gap in current knowledge by revealing the significant influence of agency-client relationships on the processes and outcomes of social media marketing strategy development and evaluation. Adopting the ontological and epistemological position that reality is socially constructed, a qualitative study of twenty social media marketers provided a specialist digital agency perspective of social media campaigns. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with key practitioners, supported by a cognitive-mapping elicitation technique. The findings generate knowledge of the first two major themes: strategy and evaluation through the development of two process models: the ‘Cycle of Social Media Marketing’ for strategy, and the ‘Cycle of Social Media Marketing Evaluation’ for evaluation. Findings for the second theme reject the traditional view of agency-client relationships, and instead offers a fresh perspective on these relationships in social media marketing, identifying three sub-themes: context, conflict and co-creation. The findings reveal key techniques for enhancing client relationships, including client account management strategies; the impact of conflict on trust between both parties; the crucial role of mutual participation in strategy development of strategy and evaluation; and the importance of co-creation, largely facilitated through collaborative learning workshops. This study has implications for scholars as it contributes to our understanding of evaluation in relation to strategy development in a rapidly developing area of modern marketing practice, affirming the importance of social media data analysis to decision-making. This study has implications for practice as it extends knowledge through conceptualisations of processes and offering insights into the influence and dynamics of agency-client interactions in social media marketing. Finally, a key contribution to knowledge is the development of two conceptual frameworks: The Contextualised Conceptual Framework of Social Media Marketing Evaluation in Strategy Development, and The Conceptual Framework of Agency-Client Dynamics in Social Media Marketing which encapsulate the multi-layered nature of this study and the vital importance of evaluation in social media marketing