52 research outputs found

    The Effects of Objects-First and Objects-Late Methods on Achievements of OOP Learners

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    Our research explored the effects of objects-first and objects-late methods on achievements of object-oriented programming (OOP) learners during a graduate course. The course’s scope was virtually identical for two groups, but the structure of the contents differed in sequence. The objects-first method emphasized the design and discussion of the object-oriented concepts from the very beginning while the objects-late deferred these concepts to the late lectures. The objects-first learners used all visual functionalities of BlueJ IDE. However, the objects-late learners started with only the text-based interfaces of BlueJ and they benefited its visual support in the last lectures. At the end of the study, we found that there was a statistically significant difference between OOP learner groups

    A gentle transition from Java programming to Web Services using XML-RPC

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    Exposing students to leading edge vocational areas of relevance such as Web Services can be difficult. We show a lightweight approach by embedding a key component of Web Services within a Level 3 BSc module in Distributed Computing. We present a ready to use collection of lecture slides and student activities based on XML-RPC. In addition we show that this material addresses the central topics in the context of web services as identified by Draganova (2003)

    The Effectiveness of Aural Instructions with Visualisations in E-Learning Environments

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    Based on Mayer’s (2001) model for more effective learning by exploiting the brain’s dual sensory channels for information processing, this research investigates the effectiveness of using aural instructions together with visualisation in teaching the difficult concepts of data structures to novice computer science students. A small number of previous studies have examined the use of audio and visualisation in teaching and learning environments but none has explored the integration of both technologies in teaching data structures programming to reduce the cognitive load on learners’ working memory. A prototype learning tool, known as the Data Structure Learning (DSL) tool, was developed and used first in a short mini study that showed that, used together with visualisations of algorithms, aural instructions produced faster student response times than did textual instructions. This result suggested that the additional use of the auditory sensory channel did indeed reduce the cognitive load. The tool was then used in a second, longitudinal, study over two academic terms in which students studying the Data Structures module were offered the opportunity to use the DSL approach with either aural or textual instructions. Their use of the approach was recorded by the DSL system and feedback was invited at the end of every visualisation task. The collected data showed that the tool was used extensively by the students. A comparison of the students’ DSL use with their end-of-year assessment marks revealed that academically weaker students had tended to use the tool most. This suggests that less able students are keen to use any useful and available instrument to aid their understanding, especially of difficult concepts. Both the quantitative data provided by the automatic recording of DSL use and an end-of-study questionnaire showed appreciation by students of the help the tool had provided and enthusiasm for its future use and development. These findings were supported by qualitative data provided by student written feedback at the end of each task, by interviews at the end of the experiment and by interest from the lecturer in integrating use of the tool with the teaching of the module. A variety of suggestions are made for further work and development of the DSL tool. Further research using a control group and/or pre and post tests would be particularly useful

    Proceedings of the Second Program Visualization Workshop, 2002

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    The Program Visualization Workshops aim to bring together researchers who design and construct program visualizations and, above all, educators who use and evaluate visualizations in their teaching. The first workshop took place in July 2000 at Porvoo, Finland. The second workshop was held in cooperation with ACM SIGCSE and took place at HornstrupCentret, Denmark in June 2002, immediately following the ITiCSE 2002 Conference in Aarhus, Denmark


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    Programming can be a daunting task from a beginner’s perspective. Since earlier times of computer programming, tools have been designed and developed in order to make programming friendlier to beginners. However the majority of these tools target beginners that are already motivated and have an idea of what computer programming is. This allows these tools to skip the initial requirements for learning how to program since these beginners will compensate with their motivation and effort. This thesis describes a learning tool called Botbeans. By using a new hybrid visual programming language with a tangible interface, Botbeans creates a highly motivating and collaboration friendly environment to present what is programming to a user that never had previously contact with it. The design and implementation of Botbeans are described and the results of some initial experiments with students are analysis.Aprender a programar pode ser uma tarefa difícil e assustadora do ponto de vista de um iniciante. Desde dos tempos iniciais da programação diversas ferramentas foram desenvolvidas com o intuito de tornar a aprendizagem da programação mais amigável a iniciantes. Algumas destas ferramentas têm como publico alvo iniciantes já altamente motivados para a programação e já com uma ideia do que esta é e para que serve. Isto permite a estas ferramentas saltar alguns dos pré-requisitos necessários para começar a aprender a programar, visto que este tipo de iniciante irá compensar com a sua motivação e empenho. Esta tese descreve uma ferramenta de aprendizagem chamada Botbeans que utilizando uma linguagem gráfica híbrida e uma interface tangível cria um ambiente altamente motivante para demonstrar o que é a programação e para que serve a um utilizador que nunca teve contacto com esta. O design e desenvolvimento do Botbeans são descritos ao longo da tese assim como os testes inicias já efectuados

    Using an e-learning tool to overcome difficulties in learning object-oriented programming

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    This study was motivated by the need to overcome the pedagogical hindrances experienced by introductory object-oriented programming students in order to address the high attrition rate evident among novice programmers in distance education. The initial phase of the research process involved exploring a variety of alternative visual programming environments for novices. Thereafter the selection process detailed several requirements that would define the ideal choice of the most appropriate tool. An educational tool Raptor was selected. Lastly, the core focus of this mixed method research was to evaluate undergraduate UNISA students’ perceptions of the Raptor e-learning tools with respect to the perceived effectiveness in enhancing novices’ learning experience, in an attempt to lower the barriers to object-oriented programming. Students’ perceptions collectively of the Raptor visual tool were positive and despite the fact that the sample size was too small to achieve statistical significance, these quantitative and qualitative results provide the practical basis for implementing Raptor in future. Thus providing learning opportunities suited to learner interests and needs, can lead to an enormous potential to stimulate individuals’ motivation and development in creating a more positive learning experience to overcome barriers in programming and enhance concept understanding to address the diverse needs of students in distance education that could lead to a reduced dropout rate.ComputingM. Sc. (Computing

    Course Development for a College Java Programming Class

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    This project documents the development of college-level curriculum for an Object Oriented Programming with Java course. The curriculum includes a set of lessons that students work through interactively. The lessons teach the fundamentals of object orientation. A goal of the project is to have students work with the same problem example throughout the entire set of lessons. Most texts on object orientation use several abstract examples which are used in a chapter or two of the text and are often not fully implemented. Each lesson of the project\u27s curriculum presents an iteration of an evolving shape drawing application. Each lesson walks the student through the design and development of a new fully implemented version. The shape drawing application\u27s highly visual nature allows the students to relate the technical concepts to concepts they already understand

    Introductory programming: a systematic literature review

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    As computing becomes a mainstream discipline embedded in the school curriculum and acts as an enabler for an increasing range of academic disciplines in higher education, the literature on introductory programming is growing. Although there have been several reviews that focus on specific aspects of introductory programming, there has been no broad overview of the literature exploring recent trends across the breadth of introductory programming. This paper is the report of an ITiCSE working group that conducted a systematic review in order to gain an overview of the introductory programming literature. Partitioning the literature into papers addressing the student, teaching, the curriculum, and assessment, we explore trends, highlight advances in knowledge over the past 15 years, and indicate possible directions for future research

    Teaching and learning introductory programming : a model-based approach

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    The dissertation identifies and discusses impact of a model-based approach to teaching and learning introductory object-oriented programming both for practitioners and for computer science education research.Learning to program is notoriously difficult. This dissertation investigates ways to teach introductory object-oriented programming at the university level. It focuses on a model-based approach, describes and argues for this approach and investigates several of its aspects. It gives an overview of the research in teaching introductory programming in an objects-first way. The dissertation also investigates ways for university teachers to share and document best practices in teaching introductory object-oriented programming through pedagogical patterns. The dissertation addresses both traditional young full-time students and experienced programmers (although not in object-orientation) participating in part-time education. It examines whether the same success factors for learning programming apply to a model-based approach as to introductory programming courses in general for full-time students and gives a general overview of research in success factors for introductory programming. Some factors are the same, because students‘ math competence is positively correlated with their success. The dissertation examines how experienced programmers link a model-based programming course to their professional practices. The general answer is that the part-time students do not need to have a direct link to their specific work-practice, they expect to create the link themselves; but the teacher must be aware of the conditions facing the part-time students in industry. Furthermore, the dissertation addresses interaction patterns for part-time students learning model-based introductory programming in a net-based environment. A previously prepared solution to an exercise is found to mediate the interaction in three different ways. Design patterns have had a major impact on the quality of object-oriented software. Inspired by this, researchers have suggested pedagogical patterns for sharing best practices in teaching introductory object-oriented programming. It was expected that university teachers‘ knowledge of pedagogical patterns was limited, but this research proved that to be wrong; about half of the teachers know pedagogical patterns. One of the problems this dissertation identifies is the lack of a structuring principle for pedagogical patterns; potential users have problems identifying the correct patterns to apply. An alternative structuring principle based on a constructivist learning theory is suggested and analysed