65 research outputs found

    Classical Laws of Informatrics : An Overview

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    Classical laws of bibliometrics – Bradford’s law, Lotka’s and Zipf’s law – are discussed, with emphasis on to law of scattering and inverse square law of scientific productivity. Two different approaches to bibliometric distributions – size and rank frequency approaches, characteristics of bibliometric distributions are discusse

    Journal Productivity in Fishery Science an informetric analysis

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    Knowledge is a human resource which has the ability to consolidate the valuable results of human thinking and civilization through different times. It is the totality of understanding of nature and its features for improved quality of life of human society. Because of this, knowledge has been increasing in volume, dimension and directions. The term ‘information’ and 'knowledge' are often used as if they are interchangeable. Information is ‘potential knowledge‘ which is converted into knowledge by the integration of memory of human beings. In modern times there is a confusion on knowledge usage. Therefore an understanding of the concept ‘knowledge’ is needed for formulation of strategies in information science

    An Introduction to the United States Legal System: Cases and Comments

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    This casebook introduces non-U.S trained lawyers, law students, and college undergraduates to the intricacies and nuances of our legal system. The world is becoming a smaller place and as a consequence of this globalization, the need for lawyers who are international in perspective and competence is increasing. Whatever one\u27s opinion about globalization, there is no doubt that the U.S. legal system is at the forefront of these changes. This book attempts to compress three years of U.S. legal education into one casebook. The following materials in this chapter, and throughout this book, will help non-United States law students and pre-law students gain a better understanding of the legal system and the overall legal culture at work in the United States. Particularly, within this chapter is information on the infamous Socratic Method employed, to some extent, at most law schools throughout the country. Also, within this chapter is information that draws specific contrasts between the United States legal system and others. As the reader continues through the text, he will begin to understand that in the United States legal culture, the way one arrives at the answer is just as important as answering the question. Given its intended audience, this book is an introduction to comparative legal studies, under the theory that, in establishing what the law is in each jurisdiction under study, comparative law (and for that matter, studies of foreign law, as well) should (a) be concerned to describe the normal conceptual world of the lawyer, (b) take into consideration all the sources upon which a lawyer in that legal system might base her opinion as to what the law is, and (c) take into consideration the gap between the law on the books and law in action, as well as (d) important gaps in available knowledge about either the law on the books or the law in action

    An Introduction to the United States Legal System: Cases and Comments

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    This casebook introduces non-U.S trained lawyers, law students, and college undergraduates to the intricacies and nuances of our legal system. The world is becoming a smaller place and as a consequence of this globalization, the need for lawyers who are international in perspective and competence is increasing. Whatever one\u27s opinion about globalization, there is no doubt that the U.S. legal system is at the forefront of these changes. This book attempts to compress three years of U.S. legal education into one casebook. The following materials in this chapter, and throughout this book, will help non-United States law students and pre-law students gain a better understanding of the legal system and the overall legal culture at work in the United States. Particularly, within this chapter is information on the infamous Socratic Method employed, to some extent, at most law schools throughout the country. Also, within this chapter is information that draws specific contrasts between the United States legal system and others. As the reader continues through the text, he will begin to understand that in the United States legal culture, the way one arrives at the answer is just as important as answering the question. Given its intended audience, this book is an introduction to comparative legal studies, under the theory that, in establishing what the law is in each jurisdiction under study, comparative law (and for that matter, studies of foreign law, as well) should (a) be concerned to describe the normal conceptual world of the lawyer, (b) take into consideration all the sources upon which a lawyer in that legal system might base her opinion as to what the law is, and (c) take into consideration the gap between the law on the books and law in action, as well as (d) important gaps in available knowledge about either the law on the books or the law in action

    THREE OBSTACLES TO THE PROMOTION OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY BY MEANS OF THE ALIEN TORT CLAIMS ACT: The Sosa Court\u27s Incoherent Conception of the Law of Nations, the Purposive Action Requirement for Aiding and Abetting, and the State Action Requirement for Primary Liability

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    The ATCA could be a powerful tool to promote corporate CSR, especially in developing countries where local legal restraints are weak. But despite the good normative reasons why the ATCA should be used in this way, serious obstacles remain. The Supreme Court\u27s ahistorical and incoherent formulation of the law of nations fails to promote the development of the ATCA in ways that would cover even serious environmental harm. Also, the federal courts\u27 confused jurisprudence concerning aiding and abetting and state action creates too many loopholes through which egregious corporate behavior may slip unpunished. In order to overcome these obstacles, we argue that the law of nations should not be read so restrictively, that a purposive aiding and abetting standard should be adopted, and that the requirement of state action be minimized or eliminated altogether. These steps would go a long way toward promoting the very CSR considerations that many corporations involved in ATCA litigation have already espoused

    When the flower blooms in winter : young women coming of age in the Confederacy

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    This dissertation explores the lives of young females of the slaveholding South who grew into womanhood during the Civil War. At an early age they understood their privileged place in the southern social order and their family\u27s reliance on·slave labor. As their parents and other adults debated secession, these young women came to realize the severity of the sectional conflict and its implications for southern society. They played a significant but heretofore unexplored part in the homefront experience during the war. Because of their age and roles as elite daughters in the family, they reacted differently than their mothers and older female kin to the absence of white men and loss of slaves. Their community activities and new :functions in the home were different from those of their mothers, who assumed roles as plantation managers, nurses, and heads of households. By analyzing changes in their education, courtship, family, race relations, and community activities, this study will show how the war shaped a generation of southern females as they were coming of age and how it produced a unique self-image. This selfimage influenced their approach to marriage and motherhood as well as their civic and economic endeavors as they reached adulthood in the postwar period. Forced to grow up in a time of great economic, political, and social change, this generation of young women shared an experience that shaped their identity as they reached adulthood in the postwar era. Their diaries, family papers, and memoirs from the war and postwar period reveal that all young women felt the impact of war in their daily lives. The Civil War transformed their roles within the home and the larger community as well as their relationships with fathers, brothers, and suitors. The end of slavery also had a special meaning to young women as they watched their family black and white disintegrate. As they grew into adults in the postwar period, young women carried their experiences with them and forged a distinct identity

    Between Law and Diplomacy: The Conundrum of Common Law Immunity

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    Drawing the line between disputes that can be adjudicated in domestic (U.S.) courts and those that cannot has perplexed judges and jurists since the Founding Era. Although Congress provided a statutory framework for the jurisdictional immunities of foreign states in 1976, important ambiguities remain. Notably, in 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court held in Samantar v. Yousuf that the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA) does not govern suits against foreign officials unless the foreign state is the real party in interest. This decision clarified, but did not fully resolve, conceptual and doctrinal questions surrounding the immunities of foreign officials whose conduct is challenged in U.S. courts and who do not fall within existing statutes. The original research and analysis offered in this Article provides the necessary foundation for approaching, and ultimately answering, persistent questions about what common law immunity entails. This research reveals that the deferential judicial posture of the 1940s was an aberration and that courts retain the authority to assess the rationales for varying degrees of judicial deference in different types of cases. Unpacking these cases points strongly towards the conclusion that, although the Executive Branch remains best situated to assess the potential foreign policy consequences of pending litigation, courts are ultimately responsible for making jurisdictional determinations, including decisions regarding common law immunity

    Researching Bradford: A review of social research on Bradford District

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    A synthesis of findings from social research on the District of Bradford. This report synthesises the findings from a wide range of social research undertaken on the District of Bradford, primarily between 1995 and 2005. The researchers reviewed almost 200 pieces of work. The key results are summarised under thematic headings: - The social, economic and institutional context - Community cohesion - Housing, neighbourhoods and regeneration - Business and enterprise - Health, disability and social care - Children and young people - Education, skills and the labour market - Crime and community safety It also identifies a future research agenda. The main purpose of the review was to provide the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and local organisations in Bradford with a firm basis upon which to build future work in the District

    Bibliometric Analysis of Emerging Bond Market Research: Performance Insights and Science Mapping

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    This bibliometric paper investigates the research landscape in emerging bond market literature, spanning 1993 to 2023, and encompasses a total of 325 research articles. Employing a multifaceted approach, it begins by examining publication trends, core journals, prominent authors, influential articles, and keyword dynamics, providing a comprehensive overview of research dynamics in this domain. Beyond performance analysis, the study ventures into science mapping using co-word analysis to uncover the underlying conceptual structure of the emerging bond market field. The bibliographic data has been drawn from Scopus and analyzed using the Bibliometrix R package, providing insights into the current dimensions of emerging bond market studies. This analysis facilitated the identification of five major keyword clusters, i.e., sovereign bonds, the impact of financial crises, yield curve, corporate bonds, and Islamic bonds in the emerging bond market space. Based on these themes, the study also suggests avenues for future scholarly exploration in this specialized field