33 research outputs found

    Homfly Polynomials of Generalized Hopf Links

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    Following the recent work by T.-H. Chan in [HOMFLY polynomial of some generalized Hopf links, J. Knot Theory Ramif. 9 (2000) 865--883] on reverse string parallels of the Hopf link we give an alternative approach to finding the Homfly polynomials of these links, based on the Homfly skein of the annulus. We establish that two natural skein maps have distinct eigenvalues, answering a question raised by Chan, and use this result to calculate the Homfly polynomial of some more general reverse string satellites of the Hopf link.Comment: Published by Algebraic and Geometric Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/agt/AGTVol2/agt-2-2.abs.htm

    Unitary designs and codes

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    A unitary design is a collection of unitary matrices that approximate the entire unitary group, much like a spherical design approximates the entire unit sphere. In this paper, we use irreducible representations of the unitary group to find a general lower bound on the size of a unitary t-design in U(d), for any d and t. We also introduce the notion of a unitary code - a subset of U(d) in which the trace inner product of any pair of matrices is restricted to only a small number of distinct values - and give an upper bound for the size of a code of degree s in U(d) for any d and s. These bounds can be strengthened when the particular inner product values that occur in the code or design are known. Finally, we describe some constructions of designs: we give an upper bound on the size of the smallest weighted unitary t-design in U(d), and we catalogue some t-designs that arise from finite groups.Comment: 25 pages, no figure

    Crystal bases of modified quantized enveloping algebras and a double RSK correspondence

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    The crystal base of the modified quantized enveloping algebras of type A+∞A_{+\infty} or A∞A_\infty is realized as a set of integral bimatrices. It is obtained by describing the decomposition of the tensor product of a highest weight crystal and a lowest weight crystal into extremal weight crystals, and taking its limit using a tableaux model of extremal weight crystals. This realization induces in a purely combinatorial way a bicrystal structure of the crystal base of the modified quantized enveloping algebras and hence its Peter-Weyl type decomposition generalizing the classical RSK correspondence.Comment: 30 page

    Presentation of rational Schur algebras

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    We present rational Schur algebra S(n,r,s)S(n,r,s) over an arbitrary ground field KK as a quotient of the distribution algebra Dist(GL(n))Dist(GL(n)) by an ideal I(n,r,s)I(n,r,s) and provide an explicit description of the generators of I(n,r,s)I(n,r,s). Over fields KK of characteristic zero, this corrects and completes a presentation of S(n,r,s)S(n,r,s) in terms of generators and relations originally considered by Dipper and Doty. The explicit presentation over ground fields of positive characteristics appears here for the first time

    A basis for the full Homfly skein of the annulus

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    Complementary Algorithms For Tableaux

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    We study four operations defined on pairs of tableaux. Algorithms for the first three involve the familiar procedures of jeu de taquin, row insertion, and column insertion. The fourth operation, hopscotch, is new, although specialised versions have appeared previously. Like the other three operations, this new operation may be computed with a set of local rules in a growth diagram, and it preserves Knuth equivalence class. Each of these four operations gives rise to an a priori distinct theory of dual equivalence. We show that these four theories coincide. The four operations are linked via the involutive tableau operations of complementation and conjugation.Comment: 29 pages, 52 .eps files for figures, JCTA, to appea