41,404 research outputs found

    An extension of Tamari lattices

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    For any finite path vv on the square grid consisting of north and east unit steps, starting at (0,0), we construct a poset Tam(v)(v) that consists of all the paths weakly above vv with the same number of north and east steps as vv. For particular choices of vv, we recover the traditional Tamari lattice and the mm-Tamari lattice. Let v\overleftarrow{v} be the path obtained from vv by reading the unit steps of vv in reverse order, replacing the east steps by north steps and vice versa. We show that the poset Tam(v)(v) is isomorphic to the dual of the poset Tam(v)(\overleftarrow{v}). We do so by showing bijectively that the poset Tam(v)(v) is isomorphic to the poset based on rotation of full binary trees with the fixed canopy vv, from which the duality follows easily. This also shows that Tam(v)(v) is a lattice for any path vv. We also obtain as a corollary of this bijection that the usual Tamari lattice, based on Dyck paths of height nn, is a partition of the (smaller) lattices Tam(v)(v), where the vv are all the paths on the square grid that consist of n1n-1 unit steps. We explain possible connections between the poset Tam(v)(v) and (the combinatorics of) the generalized diagonal coinvariant spaces of the symmetric group.Comment: 18 page

    On generating series of finitely presented operads

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    Given an operad P with a finite Groebner basis of relations, we study the generating functions for the dimensions of its graded components P(n). Under moderate assumptions on the relations we prove that the exponential generating function for the sequence {dim P(n)} is differential algebraic, and in fact algebraic if P is a symmetrization of a non-symmetric operad. If, in addition, the growth of the dimensions of P(n) is bounded by an exponent of n (or a polynomial of n, in the non-symmetric case) then, moreover, the ordinary generating function for the above sequence {dim P(n)} is rational. We give a number of examples of calculations and discuss conjectures about the above generating functions for more general classes of operads.Comment: Minor changes; references to recent articles by Berele and by Belov, Bokut, Rowen, and Yu are adde

    Distributing Labels on Infinite Trees

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    Sturmian words are infinite binary words with many equivalent definitions: They have a minimal factor complexity among all aperiodic sequences; they are balanced sequences (the labels 0 and 1 are as evenly distributed as possible) and they can be constructed using a mechanical definition. All this properties make them good candidates for being extremal points in scheduling problems over two processors. In this paper, we consider the problem of generalizing Sturmian words to trees. The problem is to evenly distribute labels 0 and 1 over infinite trees. We show that (strongly) balanced trees exist and can also be constructed using a mechanical process as long as the tree is irrational. Such trees also have a minimal factor complexity. Therefore they bring the hope that extremal scheduling properties of Sturmian words can be extended to such trees, as least partially. Such possible extensions are illustrated by one such example.Comment: 30 pages, use pgf/tik

    On external presentations of infinite graphs

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    The vertices of a finite state system are usually a subset of the natural numbers. Most algorithms relative to these systems only use this fact to select vertices. For infinite state systems, however, the situation is different: in particular, for such systems having a finite description, each state of the system is a configuration of some machine. Then most algorithmic approaches rely on the structure of these configurations. Such characterisations are said internal. In order to apply algorithms detecting a structural property (like identifying connected components) one may have first to transform the system in order to fit the description needed for the algorithm. The problem of internal characterisation is that it hides structural properties, and each solution becomes ad hoc relatively to the form of the configurations. On the contrary, external characterisations avoid explicit naming of the vertices. Such characterisation are mostly defined via graph transformations. In this paper we present two kind of external characterisations: deterministic graph rewriting, which in turn characterise regular graphs, deterministic context-free languages, and rational graphs. Inverse substitution from a generator (like the complete binary tree) provides characterisation for prefix-recognizable graphs, the Caucal Hierarchy and rational graphs. We illustrate how these characterisation provide an efficient tool for the representation of infinite state systems

    Logics for Unranked Trees: An Overview

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    Labeled unranked trees are used as a model of XML documents, and logical languages for them have been studied actively over the past several years. Such logics have different purposes: some are better suited for extracting data, some for expressing navigational properties, and some make it easy to relate complex properties of trees to the existence of tree automata for those properties. Furthermore, logics differ significantly in their model-checking properties, their automata models, and their behavior on ordered and unordered trees. In this paper we present a survey of logics for unranked trees