27 research outputs found


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    In the context of the guiding principles of current Chinese rural construction have shifted from increasing "quantity" to improving "quality", this study selects house, or domestic space inside - as the research object to investigate the transregional differences and transepoch evolutionary processes in the west Zhejiang of China. Space Syntax theory is adopted for a quantitative comparative analysis on spatial configuration features and the underlying sociocultural logic. SSPS-based semi-structured questionnaire statics analysis is also employed as an examination on the results. The dissertation is being completed with the aim of preserving the "prototype" in traditional space through syntactic interpretation on regional features, and at the same time to pursue a sustainable and indigenous residential spatial pattern through conducting extensive research on the transformation on local domestic spaces, for discovering a residential space model that both meet the needs of modern life and embody the Chinese regional cultural paradigm.北九州市立大

    Renovation of vernacular architecture in rural China

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    With the rapid progress of urbanization in China, a lot of villages face serious brain-drain. A serious problem of culture deterioration arises except in a few traditional villages. Most newly built rural homes are weak and unsafe due to a lack of professional support and building codes. Many large-scale rural reconstruction projects initiated by the government fail because of corruption and irresponsibility. The rural residents suffer from the lack of infrastructure and the quality of their homes. Presently, there are a few grassroots, activists, architects, architectural critics, media and NGOs working for the renovation of Chinese vernacular architecture and rural settlement. Their works include architectural writing, installation artworks and projects in rural areas. This paper is an attempt to propose sustainable approaches and alternative patterns to settle grounds for Chinese contemporary rural construction, regarding architecture, decorative arts, construction systems and user's organization for promotion, by investigating, analyzing and comparing theories and some represented samples of traditional villages, renovation projects and installation artworks from the standpoints of technology, sociology, politics, art, philosophy, history and sustainability.Con el rápido progreso de la urbanización en China, muchas aldeas se enfrentan a una seria fuga de cerebros. Existe un grave problema de deterioro de la cultura, excepto en algunas aldeas tradicionales. La mayoría de los hogares rurales de nueva construcción son frágiles e inseguros debido a la falta de apoyo profesional y códigos de construcción. Muchos proyectos de reconstrucción rural a gran escala iniciados por el gobierno fracasan debido a la corrupción y a la irresponsabilidad. Los residentes rurales sufren de la falta de infraestructuras y la baja calidad de sus hogares. En la actualidad, hay unas pocas personas de base, activistas, arquitectos, críticos arquitectónicos, medios de comunicación y ONGs que trabajan para la renovación de la arquitectura vernácula china y los asentamientos rurales. Sus obras incluyen teoría y crítica arquitectónica, instalaciones artísticas y proyectos en zonas rurales. Este trabajo es un intento de proponer enfoques sostenibles y modelos alternativos para sentar las bases de la construcción rural contemporánea china, con respecto a la arquitectura, las artes decorativas, los sistemas constructivos y la organización de los usuarios para la promoción. La investigación analiza y compara teorías y muestras representativas de aldeas tradicionales, Proyectos de renovación e instalaciones artísticas desde los puntos de vista de la tecnología, la sociología, la política, el arte, la filosofía, la historia y la sostenibilidad.Postprint (published version

    Cityscape, Urban Nobodies and War: Modern Transformation of Nianhua in Suzhou-Shanghai

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    This dissertation explores the continuities and ruptures of the nianhua practice and representations in the Suzhou-Shanghai region during the mid-18th – 19th century. It explores a city-based nianhua tradition in Jiangnan’s urban centers that supplements current scholarship, which focuses geographically on northern print centers, economically on village-based production, and thematically on religious, auspicious and moral subjects of universal value. Challenging current scholarship that treats nianhua as a folk tradition rigidly adhering to an established pictorial vocabulary and conventional symbols of religious and moral significance, this study demonstrates the adaptive and innovative energies within the nianhua industry. Taking nianhua as a medium of place-making that actively and innovatively participated in a globalized visual culture and art production, this dissertation explores how 18th century Suzhou nianhua industry developed a special interest in and pictorial language for visualizing its prosperous cityscape, and how that tradition was transformed after the industry was dislocated into post-Taiping Shanghai, where nianhua was adapted to define the treaty-port by addressing issues particularly pertinent to local society. With the importation of Western printing technologies, publishing and image-making practice in late 19th century Shanghai, nianhua’s global interaction was further intensified, and began to develop a style based on pictorial borrowings from China and the West, both contemporary and past. Moreover, an increasing popular awareness of China’s foreign crises created a growing market for depictions of China’s recent wars in late 19th century Shanghai. With the incorporation of battlefields and frontier areas, nianhua’s visual reach iii of territory expanded from the “city” to the “state,” which marked a dramatic departure of the nianhua tradition from a site of city-making to that of nation-making

    Preserving the past, nurturing the future: a systematic literature review on the conservation and revitalization of Chinese historical town environments during modernization

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    The rapid urbanization occurring in China has brought increased attention from scholars towards the issue of revitalizing historical conservation of towns and adapting them to meet the needs of a modern city. In contemporary times, there is a notable emphasis among local residents and experts on the matter of effectively integrating the historical and cultural aspects, distinctive qualities, and traditional practices of a given locality with the demands and dynamics of urban life in a manner that preserves its historical essence. The present study focuses on several questions: What are the philosophical underpinnings and conceptual significance of conservation, regeneration, and urban evolution? What are the existing guidelines and implemented schemes of regeneration in China based on the principles of Space syntax theory and configurational analysis? The primary goal is to enhance the functionality of historical conservation of towns and improve the living environment for the local inhabitants. The study begins with the challenges faced in the historical conservation of towns in the backdrop of high-speed urbanization. Subsequently, it introduces the Space syntax theory as a theoretical perspective to address the problem of how to ensure the preservation of historical towns in linewith the demands of the modern cities in China. The current study used the bibliometric analysis method based on Scopus, Dimension and Web of science databases. The analysis was performed on R software and VOS viewer. Furthermore, only published articles, review papers and book chapters were selected that are published between 2000–2022. Lastly, the study suggests that the future research on the conservation of historical cities in China shall focus on policy formulation and community involvement in conservation and the regeneration of historic areas. The need to involve the public in the decision-making process of the future of their cities is imperative, since the locals are the end-users to every regeneration scheme, hence they are the key stakeholder responsible for ensuring the sustainability of their region

    Sustainability in design: now! Challenges and opportunities for design research, education and practice in the XXI century

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    Copyright @ 2010 Greenleaf PublicationsLeNS project funded by the Asia Link Programme, EuropeAid, European Commission

    Variable courtyard urbanism: high density fabric type for new urban China.

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    Wong Chung Wai Ray."Architecture Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master of Architecture Programme 2007-2008, design report."Includes bibliographical references (p. 166-169).Foreword --- p.6Abstract --- p.8Defining the Thesis --- p.10Chapter ´Ø --- Political Background - Great Leap Forward and Open Door PolicyChapter ´Ø --- Social Background - Soviet Experts and Superblock PlanningChapter ´Ø --- Social Background - Hong Kong and Privatized Gated CommunitiesChapter ´Ø --- Urban Phenomenon - Candybox' UrbanismChapter ´Ø --- Challenge - Generic and Enormous SuperblockChapter ´Ø --- Problem - Privatized Landscape and InfrastructureChapter ´Ø --- Problem - Destroying Beijing Urban HierarchyChapter ´Ø --- Intention - What can we do for the superblock?Chapter ´Ø --- Precedent - Superblock of Ancient ChinaChapter ´Ø --- The Way of Making Ancient Chinese Cities - Courtyard UrbanismChapter ´Ø --- Typological Reasoning - Type Evolution for AdaptationResearching the Type --- p.36Chapter ´Ø --- History - The Emergence of Courtyard TypeChapter ´Ø --- Type Classification - Courtyard Types in ChinaChapter ´Ø --- Type Evolution - Courtyard as a SpeciesChapter ´Ø --- Type Variations - Element and CompositionChapter ´Ø --- Type Variation - Environment and ResponseChapter ´Ø --- Type Proliferation - Type and the Urban FieldIntervening the Site --- p.58Chapter ´Ø --- Site Selection - A Decay Industrial Site of BeijingChapter ´Ø --- Site Analysis - Parametric Field ResearchChapter ´Ø --- Site Proliferation - Parametric Transformation ProcessChapter ´Ø --- Effect - FAR not equivalent to HeightChapter ´Ø --- Effect - Gaint Mesh of Variable CourtyardsChapter ´Ø --- Effect - Multi-level Moving Voids and Mixed ProgrammeChapter ´Ø --- Effect - Variable Courtyard UrbanismInvestigating the Space --- p.120Chapter ´Ø --- Modeling - Three Different Architectural ParametersChapter ´Ø --- Architectural Parameter - Wall and VoidChapter ´Ø --- Architectural Parameter - Skin and VoidChapter ´Ø --- Architectural Parameter - Structure and VoidChapter ´Ø --- Effect - Multi-public GroundChapter ´Ø --- Effect - Multi-functional Structural Void SystemTheorizing the Urbanism --- p.140Chapter ´Ø --- Continuous Mixed-Density DevelopmentChapter ´Ø --- Multi-layer Land Use PlanChapter ´Ø --- Integrated Floorplates and NeighborhoodChapter ´Ø --- Multi-functional Public VoidChapter ´Ø --- Refabricating Beijing Urban HierarchyChapter ´Ø --- Proliferated Adaptable MeshChapter ´Ø --- Evolution of Chinese Type - An Authentic Urban FormAppendix --- p.156Chapter ´Ø --- Panel and ModelsChapter ´Ø --- FootnoteChapter ´Ø --- BibliographyChapter ´Ø --- Extracted Article

    Slavery and Bondage in Asia, 1550–1850

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    This book offers an Asia-centred story of bondage and coerced labour. Spanning the western Indian Ocean to Japan, and the 16th to the 19th century, it follows coercion from the regulation of sales to post-abolition labour contracts. In doing so, it highlights long lines, similarities, contrasts and interregional contacts of this history, and places Asia firmly within the discussion of slavery and coercion on a global scale

    Conflicts and order : controversies over municipal solid waste incineration in China

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    Au cours des dernières décennies, nous avons été témoins de la croissance des controverses relatives à l’incinération des déchets solides municipaux dans de nombreuses villes du monde. Cela est particulièrement vrai pour les grandes et moyennes villes en Chine. Diverses catégories d’acteurs, y compris l’État, les autorités locales, les acteurs du marché économique et de la société civile, tentent d’exercer leur influence sur la construction, l’extension et/ou l’opération des incinérateurs. Même si les controverses relatives à l’incinération des déchets solides municipaux abordées par le passé dans plusieurs disciplines, nous ne sommes pas en présence d’une véritable compréhension collective suffisante de la stabilité et du changement à l’échelle méso. La thèse traite de la question suivante: dans les débats et les affrontements autour de l’incinération, comment et jusqu’à quel point les interactions et les compétitions entre contestataires et adversaires contribuent-elles à définir un champ d’action stratégique où la structure industrielle et les politiques de gestion des déchets dominées par l’incinération sont remises en question ou reconduites ? Pour répondre à cette question, cette étude considère l’incinération des déchets solides municipaux en Chine sous l’angle d’un champ d’action stratégique. Elle essaie de clarifier ce qui se passe dans ce champ sous trois aspects: les acteurs, les actions stratégiques et les retombées politiques. Faisant appel à une démarche de recherche qualitative, un grand volume de données primaires et secondaires a été amassé, y compris 42 entretiens semi-structurés, 557 posts en ligne, des rapports de recherche, des documents d’archives, des rapports d’évaluation de l’impact sur l’environnement, des nouvelles en ligne, des données statistiques et des documents de politique. À l’aide de ces données, cette étude approfondi la compréhension des relations entre, d’un côté les acteurs s’opposant aux activités découlant de l’incinération – les contestataires – et, de l’autre, les adversaires dans le champ d’action stratégique, mettant en lumière leurs arguments respectifs. En outre, le processus par lequel les militants utilisent les réseaux sociaux pour la mobilisation du consensus a reçu une attention supplémentaire. De plus, cette étude a analysé l’évolution des interactions entre les militants et les décideurs politiques et a contextualisé la transformation du champ au cours des dernières décennies. Les résultats ont montré que les controverses autour de l’incinération des déchets solides municipaux sont allées au-delà des préoccupations pour les intérêts personnels et le bien-être environnemental. Cela permet d’introduire des explications plus nuancées comparativement aux discours conventionnels concernant les protestations contre l’incinération, fournissant une compréhension systématique de l’activisme local. Cette analyse exploratoire a permis également de mieux comprendre la signification politique et sociale des controverses publiques à travers des pratiques locales de gestion des déchets. Dans un sens plus large, la thèse permet de revoir les notions usuelles à l’égard des relations entre conflits et ordre.The past few decades have witnessed the growth of controversies regarding municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration in many cities around the world. This is especially true when it comes to large and medium-sized cities in China. Various categories of actors—including the state, local authorities, market actors, and the civil society—seek to exert their influence on the construction, expansion, and/or operation of incinerators. Even though the controversies over MSW incineration have been discussed across a range of disciplines in previous literature, we are not in the presence of a sufficient collective understanding of stability and change of the meso-level social order. This dissertation addresses the following question: How and to what extent do interactions and competition between pro-incineration and anti-incineration groups contributes to defining a strategic action field (SAF) where the incineration-dominated industrial structure and waste disposal policies are challenged or maintained? To answer the question, this study considers MSW incineration in China an SAF and attempts to clarify what is happening in this SAF from three aspects: actors, strategic action, and policy impacts. Based on a qualitative research design, a great volume of primary and secondary data were collected, including 42 semi-structured interviews, 557 online posts, research reports, archival materials, environmental impact assessment reports, online news, statistical data, and policy documents. With the help of collected data, this study deepened the understanding of the relationship between proponents and opponents in the field of incineration and shed light on their respective arguments. In addition, the process through which activists used social media for consensus mobilization was given additional attention. Moreover, by analyzing the dynamics of the interplay between activists and policy makers, this study revealed and contextualized the evolution of the SAF over the past few decades. The findings showed that controversies around MSW incineration had gone beyond the concerns for personal interests and environmental well-being. This allows to introduce more refined explanations compared to conventional discourses regarding anti-incineration protests and provide a more nuanced understanding of local activism. This exploratory analysis also helped to better understand the political and social significance of public controversies through local practices of MSW management. In a broad sense, this dissertation makes it possible to review the usual conceptions with regard to the relations between conflict and order

    China Brand Homes: Business history and projects¿ analysis of China Vanke Co. Ltd., 1988-2016

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    L'abstract è presente nell'allegato / the abstract is in the attachmen