24 research outputs found


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    The characterization of digital databases is needed to make it easier for academics to identify scientific literature properly and efficiently. This literature review intends to provide characterizations and descriptions related to research trends, methods and coverage fields studied in research related to the scientific database of scientific literature from around 2007 to the present (January 2019). By applying the specified inclusion and exclusion criteria, 54 relevant studies were chosen to be studied further. The systematic literature review method was applied in this study to analyze and identify previous studies related to this topic. Based on the selected primary literature there is an increasing trend of studies related to the scientific database of scientific literature. In addition, we can see that there are four of the most influential and influential publication journals related to this topic, namely the Journal of Informetrics, Journal of Cleaner Production, Asian Social Science and Journal of Academic Librarianship which are characterized by high levels of productivity issues related to the topics studied and SJR values rank is in the range Q1. Most of the studies were conducted on Scopus digital database (41%), Web of Sciences (WoS) 38% and Google Scholar (GS) 13% and the rest spread in other publication journals. The results of this study also identified that Scopus is a scientific database which has the most varied coverage fields compared to other digital database scientific literature. WoS is a digital database of scientific literature that has proven to have a paper with a higher impact factor than others. GS has the predicate digital database with the largest collection level

    Utilising content marketing metrics and social networks for academic visibility

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    There are numerous assumptions on research evaluation in terms of quality and relevance of academic contributions. Researchers are becoming increasingly acquainted with bibliometric indicators, including; citation analysis, impact factor, h-index, webometrics and academic social networking sites. In this light, this chapter presents a review of these concepts as it considers relevant theoretical underpinnings that are related to the content marketing of scholars. Therefore, this contribution critically evaluates previous papers that revolve on the subject of academic reputation as it deliberates on the individual researchers’ personal branding. It also explains how metrics are currently being used to rank the academic standing of journals as well as higher educational institutions. In a nutshell, this chapter implies that the scholarly impact depends on a number of factors including accessibility of publications, peer review of academic work as well as social networking among scholars.peer-reviewe

    Evaluating Special Education Journals with H-type Indices and Journal Impact Factors

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    This paper evaluates special education journals using the h-type indices and journal impact factor. Fifty-seven special education journals were selected from the special education category of Clarivate Analytics’ Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and two published lists of special education journals. The journal h-indices were compared among themselves and with their available impact factors. The correlation analysis of the metrics found very strong positive relationships between the journal h-type indices and between the Web of Science h-index and the journal impact factors. Strong positive relationships between the Google Scholar h-type indices and the impact factors were also found. The paper offers possible reasons for the discrepancy in rankings of the journals. The evaluation of the journals by the h-type indices provides an alternative source of information from JCR, and can help professional stakeholders in the field determine the quality of the journals

    Urban Planning Academics: Tweets and Citations

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    This article discusses the relationship between Twitter usage and scholarly citations by urban planning academics in the U.S. and Canada. Social media and academic publications may be considered separate activities by some, but over the past decade there has been a convergence of the two. Social media and scholarship can be complementary not only when social media is used to communicate about new publications, but also to gather research ideas and build research networks. The analysis presented here explores this relationship for urban planning faculty using data for faculty who had active Twitter accounts between March 2007 and April 2019. Measures of Twitter activity were combined with Google Scholar citation data for 322 faculty with Twitter accounts. As expected, the results highlight that there are different patterns of Twitter activity between junior faculty and senior faculty both in terms of proportions of each rank using Twitter as well as activity levels on the social media platform. The results also suggest that Twitter activity does not have a statistically significant relationship with overall scholarly productivity as measured by citation levels

    Exploring the Intellectual Core and Impact of the Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Academic Discipline

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    The purpose of this study is to explore the intellectual core of the knowledge management and intellectual capital (KM/IC) academic discipline by analyzing cited and citing sources of the exemplary articles published in Journal of Knowledge Management and Journal of Intellectual Capital. Based on the findings, it is concluded that the KM/IC discipline: 1) builds its knowledge only upon works published in English language; 2) successfully disseminates its knowledge in both English and non-English language works; 3) does not exhibit a problematic self-citation behavior; 4) uses books and practitioner journals in the development of KM/IC theory; 5) converts experiential knowledge into academic knowledge; 6) is not yet a reference discipline, but is progressing well towards becoming one; and 6) exerts a somewhat limited direct impact on practice. Recommendations for various discipline stakeholders are offered

    Measuring Time-Dynamics and Time-Stability of Journal Rankings in Mathematics and Physics by Means of Fractional p-Variations

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    [EN] Journal rankings of specific research fields are often used for evaluation purposes, both of authors and institutions. These rankings can be defined by means of several methods, as expert assessment, scholarly-based agreements, or by the ordering induced by a numeric index associated to the prestige of the journals. In order to be efficient and accepted by the research community, it must preserve the ordering over time, at least up to a point. Otherwise, the procedure for defining the ranking must be revised to assure that it reflects the presumably stable characteristic prestige that it claims to be quantifying. A mathematical model based on fractional p-variations of the values of the order number of each journal in a time series of journal rankings is explained, and its main properties are shown. As an example, we study the evolution of two given ordered lists of journals through an eleven-year series. These journal ranks are defined by using the 2-year Impact Factor of Thomson-Reuters (nowadays Clarivate Analytics) lists for MATHEMATICS and PHYSICS, APPLIED from 2002 to 2013. As an application of our model, we define an index that precludes the use of journal ranks for evaluation purposes when some minimal requirements on the associated fractional p-variations are not satisfied. The final conclusion is that the list of mathematics does not satisfy the requirements on the p-variations, while the list of applied physics does.The work of the first author was supported by Ministerio de Economi, Industria y Competitividad, Spain, under Research Grant CSO2015-65594-C2-1R Y 2R (MINECO/FEDER, UE). The work of the third author was supported by Ministerio de Economi, Industria y Competitividad, Spain, under Research Grant MTM2016-77054-C2-1-P. We did not receive any funds for covering the costs to publish in open access.Ferrer Sapena, A.; Díaz Novillo, S.; Sánchez Pérez, EA. (2017). Measuring Time-Dynamics and Time-Stability of Journal Rankings in Mathematics and Physics by Means of Fractional p-Variations. Publications. 5(3):1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/publications5030021S1145

    Sustainable tourism research towards twenty-five years of the journal of sustainable tourism

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    © 2018 Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research. All Rights Reserved. The Journal of Sustainable Tourism (JOST) is a main journal in 'Geography, Planning and Development'. The concept of sustainable tourism has gained importance over time. This paper presents a general overview of the journal over its lifetime by using bibliometric indicators. Moreover, in order to establish the position of sustainable tourism research, this paper identifies the trends in research through bibliometric studies. It uses the Scopus database to analyse the bibliometric data. This analysis includes key issues such as the publication and citation structure of the journal; the most cited articles; the leading authors, institutions, and countries in the journal; and the keywords that are most often used. This paper also uses the visualization of similarities to graphically map the bibliographic material. This analysis provides further insights into how JOST links to other journals and how it links researchers across the globe. These results indicate that JOST is one of the leading journals in the areas where the journal is indexed, with a wide range of authors from institutions and countries from all over the world publishing in it. The results of the current study can provide insights into topics related to sustainable tourism that can be researched in the future