29,799 research outputs found

    From Query-By-Keyword to Query-By-Example: LinkedIn Talent Search Approach

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    One key challenge in talent search is to translate complex criteria of a hiring position into a search query, while it is relatively easy for a searcher to list examples of suitable candidates for a given position. To improve search efficiency, we propose the next generation of talent search at LinkedIn, also referred to as Search By Ideal Candidates. In this system, a searcher provides one or several ideal candidates as the input to hire for a given position. The system then generates a query based on the ideal candidates and uses it to retrieve and rank results. Shifting from the traditional Query-By-Keyword to this new Query-By-Example system poses a number of challenges: How to generate a query that best describes the candidates? When moving to a completely different paradigm, how does one leverage previous product logs to learn ranking models and/or evaluate the new system with no existing usage logs? Finally, given the different nature between the two search paradigms, the ranking features typically used for Query-By-Keyword systems might not be optimal for Query-By-Example. This paper describes our approach to solving these challenges. We present experimental results confirming the effectiveness of the proposed solution, particularly on query building and search ranking tasks. As of writing this paper, the new system has been available to all LinkedIn members

    Improving average ranking precision in user searches for biomedical research datasets

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    Availability of research datasets is keystone for health and life science study reproducibility and scientific progress. Due to the heterogeneity and complexity of these data, a main challenge to be overcome by research data management systems is to provide users with the best answers for their search queries. In the context of the 2016 bioCADDIE Dataset Retrieval Challenge, we investigate a novel ranking pipeline to improve the search of datasets used in biomedical experiments. Our system comprises a query expansion model based on word embeddings, a similarity measure algorithm that takes into consideration the relevance of the query terms, and a dataset categorisation method that boosts the rank of datasets matching query constraints. The system was evaluated using a corpus with 800k datasets and 21 annotated user queries. Our system provides competitive results when compared to the other challenge participants. In the official run, it achieved the highest infAP among the participants, being +22.3% higher than the median infAP of the participant's best submissions. Overall, it is ranked at top 2 if an aggregated metric using the best official measures per participant is considered. The query expansion method showed positive impact on the system's performance increasing our baseline up to +5.0% and +3.4% for the infAP and infNDCG metrics, respectively. Our similarity measure algorithm seems to be robust, in particular compared to Divergence From Randomness framework, having smaller performance variations under different training conditions. Finally, the result categorization did not have significant impact on the system's performance. We believe that our solution could be used to enhance biomedical dataset management systems. In particular, the use of data driven query expansion methods could be an alternative to the complexity of biomedical terminologies

    Answering Complex Questions by Joining Multi-Document Evidence with Quasi Knowledge Graphs

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    Direct answering of questions that involve multiple entities and relations is a challenge for text-based QA. This problem is most pronounced when answers can be found only by joining evidence from multiple documents. Curated knowledge graphs (KGs) may yield good answers, but are limited by their inherent incompleteness and potential staleness. This paper presents QUEST, a method that can answer complex questions directly from textual sources on-the-fly, by computing similarity joins over partial results from different documents. Our method is completely unsupervised, avoiding training-data bottlenecks and being able to cope with rapidly evolving ad hoc topics and formulation style in user questions. QUEST builds a noisy quasi KG with node and edge weights, consisting of dynamically retrieved entity names and relational phrases. It augments this graph with types and semantic alignments, and computes the best answers by an algorithm for Group Steiner Trees. We evaluate QUEST on benchmarks of complex questions, and show that it substantially outperforms state-of-the-art baselines

    Improving Entity Retrieval on Structured Data

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    The increasing amount of data on the Web, in particular of Linked Data, has led to a diverse landscape of datasets, which make entity retrieval a challenging task. Explicit cross-dataset links, for instance to indicate co-references or related entities can significantly improve entity retrieval. However, only a small fraction of entities are interlinked through explicit statements. In this paper, we propose a two-fold entity retrieval approach. In a first, offline preprocessing step, we cluster entities based on the \emph{x--means} and \emph{spectral} clustering algorithms. In the second step, we propose an optimized retrieval model which takes advantage of our precomputed clusters. For a given set of entities retrieved by the BM25F retrieval approach and a given user query, we further expand the result set with relevant entities by considering features of the queries, entities and the precomputed clusters. Finally, we re-rank the expanded result set with respect to the relevance to the query. We perform a thorough experimental evaluation on the Billions Triple Challenge (BTC12) dataset. The proposed approach shows significant improvements compared to the baseline and state of the art approaches

    Table Search Using a Deep Contextualized Language Model

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    Pretrained contextualized language models such as BERT have achieved impressive results on various natural language processing benchmarks. Benefiting from multiple pretraining tasks and large scale training corpora, pretrained models can capture complex syntactic word relations. In this paper, we use the deep contextualized language model BERT for the task of ad hoc table retrieval. We investigate how to encode table content considering the table structure and input length limit of BERT. We also propose an approach that incorporates features from prior literature on table retrieval and jointly trains them with BERT. In experiments on public datasets, we show that our best approach can outperform the previous state-of-the-art method and BERT baselines with a large margin under different evaluation metrics.Comment: Accepted at SIGIR 2020 (Long
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