1,651 research outputs found

    Grid sensitivity for aerodynamic optimization and flow analysis

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    After reviewing relevant literature, it is apparent that one aspect of aerodynamic sensitivity analysis, namely grid sensitivity, has not been investigated extensively. The grid sensitivity algorithms in most of these studies are based on structural design models. Such models, although sufficient for preliminary or conceptional design, are not acceptable for detailed design analysis. Careless grid sensitivity evaluations, would introduce gradient errors within the sensitivity module, therefore, infecting the overall optimization process. Development of an efficient and reliable grid sensitivity module with special emphasis on aerodynamic applications appear essential. The organization of this study is as follows. The physical and geometric representations of a typical model are derived in chapter 2. The grid generation algorithm and boundary grid distribution are developed in chapter 3. Chapter 4 discusses the theoretical formulation and aerodynamic sensitivity equation. The method of solution is provided in chapter 5. The results are presented and discussed in chapter 6. Finally, some concluding remarks are provided in chapter 7

    Rational Cubic Ball Interpolants For Shape Preserving Curves And Surfaces

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    Interpolan pengekalan bentuk adalah satu teknik rekabentuk lengkung/ permukaan yang sangat penting dalam CAD/-CAM dan rekabentuk geometric Shape preserving interpolation is an essential curve/surface design technique in CAD/CAM and geometric desig

    Fitting Constrained Continuous Spline Curves.

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    Fitting a curve through a set of planar data which represents a positive quantity requires that the curve stays above the horizontal axis, The more general problem of designing parametric and non-parametric curves which do not cross the given constraint boundaries is considered. Several methods will be presented

    Interpolating point spread function anisotropy

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    Planned wide-field weak lensing surveys are expected to reduce the statistical errors on the shear field to unprecedented levels. In contrast, systematic errors like those induced by the convolution with the point spread function (PSF) will not benefit from that scaling effect and will require very accurate modeling and correction. While numerous methods have been devised to carry out the PSF correction itself, modeling of the PSF shape and its spatial variations across the instrument field of view has, so far, attracted much less attention. This step is nevertheless crucial because the PSF is only known at star positions while the correction has to be performed at any position on the sky. A reliable interpolation scheme is therefore mandatory and a popular approach has been to use low-order bivariate polynomials. In the present paper, we evaluate four other classical spatial interpolation methods based on splines (B-splines), inverse distance weighting (IDW), radial basis functions (RBF) and ordinary Kriging (OK). These methods are tested on the Star-challenge part of the GRavitational lEnsing Accuracy Testing 2010 (GREAT10) simulated data and are compared with the classical polynomial fitting (Polyfit). We also test all our interpolation methods independently of the way the PSF is modeled, by interpolating the GREAT10 star fields themselves (i.e., the PSF parameters are known exactly at star positions). We find in that case RBF to be the clear winner, closely followed by the other local methods, IDW and OK. The global methods, Polyfit and B-splines, are largely behind, especially in fields with (ground-based) turbulent PSFs. In fields with non-turbulent PSFs, all interpolators reach a variance on PSF systematics σsys2\sigma_{sys}^2 better than the 1×1071\times10^{-7} upper bound expected by future space-based surveys, with the local interpolators performing better than the global ones

    Convexity-preserving Bernstein–Be´ zier quartic scheme

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    A C1 convex surface data interpolation scheme is presented to preserve the shape of scattered data arranged over a triangular grid. Bernstein–Be´ zier quartic function is used for interpolation. Lower bound of the boundary and inner Be´zier ordinates is determined to guarantee convexity of surface. The developed scheme is flexible and involves more relaxed constraints

    Constrained interpolation using rational cubic spline with three parameters

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    The C1 rational cubic spline function (cubic/quadratic) with three parameters is used to construct a constrained interpolating curve that lies below or above an arbitrary straight line or between two straight lines. The data dependent sufficient conditions for the rational cubic interpolant bounded by two straight lines are derived on one parameter, while the other two are free parameters that will be useful for shape modification. Some numerical results will be presented by using Mathematica software. Comparison with some existing schemes shows that the proposed scheme outperforms the existing schemes