955 research outputs found

    Randomized Assignment of Jobs to Servers in Heterogeneous Clusters of Shared Servers for Low Delay

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    We consider the job assignment problem in a multi-server system consisting of NN parallel processor sharing servers, categorized into MM (≪N\ll N) different types according to their processing capacity or speed. Jobs of random sizes arrive at the system according to a Poisson process with rate NλN \lambda. Upon each arrival, a small number of servers from each type is sampled uniformly at random. The job is then assigned to one of the sampled servers based on a selection rule. We propose two schemes, each corresponding to a specific selection rule that aims at reducing the mean sojourn time of jobs in the system. We first show that both methods achieve the maximal stability region. We then analyze the system operating under the proposed schemes as N→∞N \to \infty which corresponds to the mean field. Our results show that asymptotic independence among servers holds even when MM is finite and exchangeability holds only within servers of the same type. We further establish the existence and uniqueness of stationary solution of the mean field and show that the tail distribution of server occupancy decays doubly exponentially for each server type. When the estimates of arrival rates are not available, the proposed schemes offer simpler alternatives to achieving lower mean sojourn time of jobs, as shown by our numerical studies

    Delay versus Stickiness Violation Trade-offs for Load Balancing in Large-Scale Data Centers

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    Most load balancing techniques implemented in current data centers tend to rely on a mapping from packets to server IP addresses through a hash value calculated from the flow five-tuple. The hash calculation allows extremely fast packet forwarding and provides flow `stickiness', meaning that all packets belonging to the same flow get dispatched to the same server. Unfortunately, such static hashing may not yield an optimal degree of load balancing, e.g., due to variations in server processing speeds or traffic patterns. On the other hand, dynamic schemes, such as the Join-the-Shortest-Queue (JSQ) scheme, provide a natural way to mitigate load imbalances, but at the expense of stickiness violation. In the present paper we examine the fundamental trade-off between stickiness violation and packet-level latency performance in large-scale data centers. We establish that stringent flow stickiness carries a significant performance penalty in terms of packet-level delay. Moreover, relaxing the stickiness requirement by a minuscule amount is highly effective in clipping the tail of the latency distribution. We further propose a bin-based load balancing scheme that achieves a good balance among scalability, stickiness violation and packet-level delay performance. Extensive simulation experiments corroborate the analytical results and validate the effectiveness of the bin-based load balancing scheme

    Load Balancing in Large-Scale Systems with Multiple Dispatchers

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    Load balancing algorithms play a crucial role in delivering robust application performance in data centers and cloud networks. Recently, strong interest has emerged in Join-the-Idle-Queue (JIQ) algorithms, which rely on tokens issued by idle servers in dispatching tasks and outperform power-of-dd policies. Specifically, JIQ strategies involve minimal information exchange, and yet achieve zero blocking and wait in the many-server limit. The latter property prevails in a multiple-dispatcher scenario when the loads are strictly equal among dispatchers. For various reasons it is not uncommon however for skewed load patterns to occur. We leverage product-form representations and fluid limits to establish that the blocking and wait then no longer vanish, even for arbitrarily low overall load. Remarkably, it is the least-loaded dispatcher that throttles tokens and leaves idle servers stranded, thus acting as bottleneck. Motivated by the above issues, we introduce two enhancements of the ordinary JIQ scheme where tokens are either distributed non-uniformly or occasionally exchanged among the various dispatchers. We prove that these extensions can achieve zero blocking and wait in the many-server limit, for any subcritical overall load and arbitrarily skewed load profiles. Extensive simulation experiments demonstrate that the asymptotic results are highly accurate, even for moderately sized systems

    Adaptive Dispatching of Tasks in the Cloud

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    The increasingly wide application of Cloud Computing enables the consolidation of tens of thousands of applications in shared infrastructures. Thus, meeting the quality of service requirements of so many diverse applications in such shared resource environments has become a real challenge, especially since the characteristics and workload of applications differ widely and may change over time. This paper presents an experimental system that can exploit a variety of online quality of service aware adaptive task allocation schemes, and three such schemes are designed and compared. These are a measurement driven algorithm that uses reinforcement learning, secondly a "sensible" allocation algorithm that assigns jobs to sub-systems that are observed to provide a lower response time, and then an algorithm that splits the job arrival stream into sub-streams at rates computed from the hosts' processing capabilities. All of these schemes are compared via measurements among themselves and with a simple round-robin scheduler, on two experimental test-beds with homogeneous and heterogeneous hosts having different processing capacities.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Hyper-Scalable JSQ with Sparse Feedback

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    Load balancing algorithms play a vital role in enhancing performance in data centers and cloud networks. Due to the massive size of these systems, scalability challenges, and especially the communication overhead associated with load balancing mechanisms, have emerged as major concerns. Motivated by these issues, we introduce and analyze a novel class of load balancing schemes where the various servers provide occasional queue updates to guide the load assignment. We show that the proposed schemes strongly outperform JSQ(dd) strategies with comparable communication overhead per job, and can achieve a vanishing waiting time in the many-server limit with just one message per job, just like the popular JIQ scheme. The proposed schemes are particularly geared however towards the sparse feedback regime with less than one message per job, where they outperform corresponding sparsified JIQ versions. We investigate fluid limits for synchronous updates as well as asynchronous exponential update intervals. The fixed point of the fluid limit is identified in the latter case, and used to derive the queue length distribution. We also demonstrate that in the ultra-low feedback regime the mean stationary waiting time tends to a constant in the synchronous case, but grows without bound in the asynchronous case

    TailX: Scheduling Heterogeneous Multiget Queries to Improve Tail Latencies in Key-Value Stores

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    International audienceUsers of interactive services such as e-commerce platforms have high expectations for the performance and responsiveness of these services. Tail latency, denoting the worst service times, contributes greatly to user dissatisfaction and should be minimized. Maintaining low tail latency for interactive services is challenging because a request is not complete until all its operations are completed. The challenge is to identify bottleneck operations and schedule them on uncoordinated backend servers with minimal overhead, when the duration of these operations are heterogeneous and unpredictable. In this paper, we focus on improving the latency of multiget operations in cloud data stores. We present TailX, a task-aware multiget scheduling algorithm that improves tail latencies under heterogeneous workloads. TailX schedules operations according to an estimation of the size of the corresponding data, and allows itself to procrastinate some operations to give way to higher priority ones. We implement TailX in Cassandra, a widely used key-value store. The result is an improved overall performance of the cloud data stores for a wide variety of heterogeneous workloads. Specifically, our experiments under heterogeneous YCSB workloads show that TailX outperforms state-of-the-art solutions and reduces tail latencies by up to 70% and median latencies by up to 75%

    Optimal Hyper-Scalable Load Balancing with a Strict Queue Limit

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    Load balancing plays a critical role in efficiently dispatching jobs in parallel-server systems such as cloud networks and data centers. A fundamental challenge in the design of load balancing algorithms is to achieve an optimal trade-off between delay performance and implementation overhead (e.g. communication or memory usage). This trade-off has primarily been studied so far from the angle of the amount of overhead required to achieve asymptotically optimal performance, particularly vanishing delay in large-scale systems. In contrast, in the present paper, we focus on an arbitrarily sparse communication budget, possibly well below the minimum requirement for vanishing delay, referred to as the hyper-scalable operating region. Furthermore, jobs may only be admitted when a specific limit on the queue position of the job can be guaranteed. The centerpiece of our analysis is a universal upper bound for the achievable throughput of any dispatcher-driven algorithm for a given communication budget and queue limit. We also propose a specific hyper-scalable scheme which can operate at any given message rate and enforce any given queue limit, while allowing the server states to be captured via a closed product-form network, in which servers act as customers traversing various nodes. The product-form distribution is leveraged to prove that the bound is tight and that the proposed hyper-scalable scheme is throughput-optimal in a many-server regime given the communication and queue limit constraints. Extensive simulation experiments are conducted to illustrate the results
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