629 research outputs found

    Central limit theorems for Poisson hyperplane tessellations

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    We derive a central limit theorem for the number of vertices of convex polytopes induced by stationary Poisson hyperplane processes in Rd\mathbb{R}^d. This result generalizes an earlier one proved by Paroux [Adv. in Appl. Probab. 30 (1998) 640--656] for intersection points of motion-invariant Poisson line processes in R2\mathbb{R}^2. Our proof is based on Hoeffding's decomposition of UU-statistics which seems to be more efficient and adequate to tackle the higher-dimensional case than the ``method of moments'' used in [Adv. in Appl. Probab. 30 (1998) 640--656] to treat the case d=2d=2. Moreover, we extend our central limit theorem in several directions. First we consider kk-flat processes induced by Poisson hyperplane processes in Rd\mathbb{R}^d for 0kd10\le k\le d-1. Second we derive (asymptotic) confidence intervals for the intensities of these kk-flat processes and, third, we prove multivariate central limit theorems for the dd-dimensional joint vectors of numbers of kk-flats and their kk-volumes, respectively, in an increasing spherical region.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/105051606000000033 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Cell shape analysis of random tessellations based on Minkowski tensors

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    To which degree are shape indices of individual cells of a tessellation characteristic for the stochastic process that generates them? Within the context of stochastic geometry and the physics of disordered materials, this corresponds to the question of relationships between different stochastic models. In the context of image analysis of synthetic and biological materials, this question is central to the problem of inferring information about formation processes from spatial measurements of resulting random structures. We address this question by a theory-based simulation study of shape indices derived from Minkowski tensors for a variety of tessellation models. We focus on the relationship between two indices: an isoperimetric ratio of the empirical averages of cell volume and area and the cell elongation quantified by eigenvalue ratios of interfacial Minkowski tensors. Simulation data for these quantities, as well as for distributions thereof and for correlations of cell shape and volume, are presented for Voronoi mosaics of the Poisson point process, determinantal and permanental point processes, and Gibbs hard-core and random sequential absorption processes as well as for Laguerre tessellations of polydisperse spheres and STIT- and Poisson hyperplane tessellations. These data are complemented by mechanically stable crystalline sphere and disordered ellipsoid packings and area-minimising foam models. We find that shape indices of individual cells are not sufficient to unambiguously identify the generating process even amongst this limited set of processes. However, we identify significant differences of the shape indices between many of these tessellation models. Given a realization of a tessellation, these shape indices can narrow the choice of possible generating processes, providing a powerful tool which can be further strengthened by density-resolved volume-shape correlations.Comment: Chapter of the forthcoming book "Tensor Valuations and their Applications in Stochastic Geometry and Imaging" in Lecture Notes in Mathematics edited by Markus Kiderlen and Eva B. Vedel Jense

    Fault Tolerance in Cellular Automata at High Fault Rates

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    A commonly used model for fault-tolerant computation is that of cellular automata. The essential difficulty of fault-tolerant computation is present in the special case of simply remembering a bit in the presence of faults, and that is the case we treat in this paper. We are concerned with the degree (the number of neighboring cells on which the state transition function depends) needed to achieve fault tolerance when the fault rate is high (nearly 1/2). We consider both the traditional transient fault model (where faults occur independently in time and space) and a recently introduced combined fault model which also includes manufacturing faults (which occur independently in space, but which affect cells for all time). We also consider both a purely probabilistic fault model (in which the states of cells are perturbed at exactly the fault rate) and an adversarial model (in which the occurrence of a fault gives control of the state to an omniscient adversary). We show that there are cellular automata that can tolerate a fault rate 1/2ξ1/2 - \xi (with ξ>0\xi>0) with degree O((1/ξ2)log(1/ξ))O((1/\xi^2)\log(1/\xi)), even with adversarial combined faults. The simplest such automata are based on infinite regular trees, but our results also apply to other structures (such as hyperbolic tessellations) that contain infinite regular trees. We also obtain a lower bound of Ω(1/ξ2)\Omega(1/\xi^2), even with purely probabilistic transient faults only

    Asymptotic goodness-of-fit tests for the Palm mark distribution of stationary point processes with correlated marks

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    We consider spatially homogeneous marked point patterns in an unboundedly expanding convex sampling window. Our main objective is to identify the distribution of the typical mark by constructing an asymptotic χ2\chi^2-goodness-of-fit test. The corresponding test statistic is based on a natural empirical version of the Palm mark distribution and a smoothed covariance estimator which turns out to be mean square consistent. Our approach does not require independent marks and allows dependences between the mark field and the point pattern. Instead we impose a suitable β\beta-mixing condition on the underlying stationary marked point process which can be checked for a number of Poisson-based models and, in particular, in the case of geostatistical marking. In order to study test performance, our test approach is applied to detect anisotropy of specific Boolean models.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/13-BEJ523 the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1205.504

    Towards generalized measures grasping CA dynamics

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    In this paper we conceive Lyapunov exponents, measuring the rate of separation between two initially close configurations, and Jacobians, expressing the sensitivity of a CA's transition function to its inputs, for cellular automata (CA) based upon irregular tessellations of the n-dimensional Euclidean space. Further, we establish a relationship between both that enables us to derive a mean-field approximation of the upper bound of an irregular CA's maximum Lyapunov exponent. The soundness and usability of these measures is illustrated for a family of 2-state irregular totalistic CA

    Typical Geometry, Second-Order Properties and Central Limit Theory for Iteration Stable Tessellations

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    Since the seminal work of Mecke, Nagel and Weiss, the iteration stable (STIT) tessellations have attracted considerable interest in stochastic geometry as a natural and flexible yet analytically tractable model for hierarchical spatial cell-splitting and crack-formation processes. The purpose of this paper is to describe large scale asymptotic geometry of STIT tessellations in Rd\mathbb{R}^d and more generally that of non-stationary iteration infinitely divisible tessellations. We study several aspects of the typical first-order geometry of such tessellations resorting to martingale techniques as providing a direct link between the typical characteristics of STIT tessellations and those of suitable mixtures of Poisson hyperplane tessellations. Further, we also consider second-order properties of STIT and iteration infinitely divisible tessellations, such as the variance of the total surface area of cell boundaries inside a convex observation window. Our techniques, relying on martingale theory and tools from integral geometry, allow us to give explicit and asymptotic formulae. Based on these results, we establish a functional central limit theorem for the length/surface increment processes induced by STIT tessellations. We conclude a central limit theorem for total edge length/facet surface, with normal limit distribution in the planar case and non-normal ones in all higher dimensions.Comment: 51 page

    Traffic Analysis in Random Delaunay Tessellations and Other Graphs

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    In this work we study the degree distribution, the maximum vertex and edge flow in non-uniform random Delaunay triangulations when geodesic routing is used. We also investigate the vertex and edge flow in Erd\"os-Renyi random graphs, geometric random graphs, expanders and random kk-regular graphs. Moreover we show that adding a random matching to the original graph can considerably reduced the maximum vertex flow.Comment: Submitted to the Journal of Discrete Computational Geometr