50 research outputs found

    Conditioned Galton-Watson trees do not grow

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    An example is given which shows that, in general, conditioned Galton-Watson trees cannot be obtained by adding vertices one by one, as has been shown in a special case by Luczak and Winkler.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Sub-Gaussian tail bounds for the width and height of conditioned Galton--Watson trees

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    We study the height and width of a Galton--Watson tree with offspring distribution B satisfying E(B)=1, 0 < Var(B) < infinity, conditioned on having exactly n nodes. Under this conditioning, we derive sub-Gaussian tail bounds for both the width (largest number of nodes in any level) and height (greatest level containing a node); the bounds are optimal up to constant factors in the exponent. Under the same conditioning, we also derive essentially optimal upper tail bounds for the number of nodes at level k, for 1 <= k <= n.Comment: 15 page

    Fires on trees

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    We consider random dynamics on the edges of a uniform Cayley tree with nn vertices, in which edges are either inflammable, fireproof, or burt. Every inflammable edge is replaced by a fireproof edge at unit rate, while fires start at smaller rate n−αn^{-\alpha} on each inflammable edge, then propagate through the neighboring inflammable edges and are only stopped at fireproof edges. A vertex is called fireproof when all its adjacent edges are fireproof. We show that as n→∞n\to \infty, the density of fireproof vertices converges to 11 when α>1/2\alpha>1/2, to 00 when α<1/2\alpha<1/2, and to some non-degenerate random variable when α=1/2\alpha=1/2. We further study the connectivity of the fireproof forest, in particular the existence of a giant component

    Destruction of very simple trees

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    We consider the total cost of cutting down a random rooted tree chosen from a family of so-called very simple trees (which include ordered trees, dd-ary trees, and Cayley trees); these form a subfamily of simply generated trees. At each stage of the process an edge is chose at random from the tree and cut, separating the tree into two components. In the one-sided variant of the process the component not containing the root is discarded, whereas in the two-sided variant both components are kept. The process ends when no edges remain for cutting. The cost of cutting an edge from a tree of size nn is assumed to be nαn^\alpha. Using singularity analysis and the method of moments, we derive the limiting distribution of the total cost accrued in both variants of this process. A salient feature of the limiting distributions obtained (after normalizing in a family-specific manner) is that they only depend on α\alpha.Comment: 20 pages; Version 2 corrects some minor error and fixes a few typo

    A construction of a β\beta-coalescent via the pruning of Binary Trees

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    Considering a random binary tree with nn labelled leaves, we use a pruning procedure on this tree in order to construct a β(3/2,1/2)\beta(3/2,1/2)-coalescent process. We also use the continuous analogue of this construction, i.e. a pruning procedure on Aldous's continuum random tree, to construct a continuous state space process that has the same structure as the β\beta-coalescent process up to some time change. These two constructions unable us to obtain results on the coalescent process such as the asymptotics on the number of coalescent events or the law of the blocks involved in the last coalescent event

    The forest associated with the record process on a L\'evy tree

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    We perform a pruning procedure on a L\'evy tree and instead of throwing away the removed sub-tree, we regraft it on a given branch (not related to the L\'evy tree). We prove that the tree constructed by regrafting is distributed as the original L\'evy tree, generalizing a result where only Aldous's tree is considered. As a consequence, we obtain that the quantity which represents in some sense the number of cuts needed to isolate the root of the tree, is distributed as the height of a leaf picked at random in the L\'evy tree

    Random recursive trees and the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent

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    We describe a representation of the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent in terms of the cutting of random recursive trees. Using this representation, we prove results concerning the final collision of the coalescent restricted to [n]: we show that the distribution of the number of blocks involved in the final collision converges as n tends to infinity, and obtain a scaling law for the sizes of these blocks. We also consider the discrete-time Markov chain giving the number of blocks after each collision of the coalescent restricted to [n]; we show that the transition probabilities of the time-reversal of this Markov chain have limits as n tends to infinity. These results can be interpreted as describing a ``post-gelation'' phase of the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent, in which a giant cluster containing almost all of the mass has already formed and the remaining small blocks are being absorbed.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures. Revised version with minor alterations. To appear in Electron. J. Proba

    The k-Cut Model in Conditioned Galton-Watson Trees

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    The k-cut number of rooted graphs was introduced by Cai et al. [Cai and Holmgren, 2019] as a generalization of the classical cutting model by Meir and Moon [Meir and Moon, 1970]. In this paper, we show that all moments of the k-cut number of conditioned Galton-Watson trees converge after proper rescaling, which implies convergence in distribution to the same limit law regardless of the offspring distribution of the trees. This extends the result of Janson [Janson, 2006]

    Record process on the Continuum Random Tree

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    By considering a continuous pruning procedure on Aldous's Brownian tree, we construct a random variable Θ\Theta which is distributed, conditionally given the tree, according to the probability law introduced by Janson as the limit distribution of the number of cuts needed to isolate the root in a critical Galton-Watson tree. We also prove that this random variable can be obtained as the a.s. limit of the number of cuts needed to cut down the subtree of the continuum tree spanned by nn leaves