1,482 research outputs found

    Success of investment into a detached house in different locations

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    The aim of this diploma thesis is to evaluate the market value of a detached house (through the cost method) on different locations in the municipalities of Tržič and Radovljica, as well as determining the success of investment into the real estate in question. Investment success is evaluated as the difference between the sales price and the market value of the house. The chosen detached house has a 171.25 m2 ground plan, the residential area being 134.60 m2. The house also has a 600 m2 building plot around it. The market value of the house in question calculated by the cost method, is the sum of the market value of a vacant plot, the cost of municipal charges, and the replacement costs of the construction itself.\ud After analysing the acquired data we determined that the values of vacant plots vary greatly between the municipalities as well as within the municipalities themselves. This led us to the conclusion that the location has a large influence on the cost of a vacant plot of land, as well as on the cost of the municipal charges. An investment into a detached house in the municipality of Tržič would therefore not render itself, and it would prove risky in the suburban Tržič area. In the municipality of Radovljica however, the investment into a detached house of the size in question would be successful

    The assessment of the market value of the residential house in different locations

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    The purpose of this diploma thesis is the assessment of market value of a typical detached family house in four different municipalities of Cerklje na Gorenjskem, Naklo, Radovljica and Šenčur. The market value is estimated on the basis of expense method. A typical detached family house falls into the medium price range, with 100 m2 of usable floor area and 198 m2 net floor area. The house is a free standing building with a basement, a slanted roof and a partially usable attic, build on a construction land with a surface area of 459 m2. The market value of the house is based on a market value of the construction land, the public utility fee and alternative costs of building a new house on the ground. The construction land and the public utility fee change from municipality to municipality but the costs of building a new house remain constant.\ud We have discovered that the building costs play the principal role in the market value of the house (from 73 % to 81 %) estimated on the basis of the expense method, however the market value ranges the most in the construction land that take from 15 % up to 24 % of a detached family house market value. The public utility fee is administratively determined and depends mainly on accounting area and abatement that are offered to the investor by individual local communities

    Gozd in voda : rezultati projekta [Interreg III A]

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    Results of dairy and beef recording

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    Continuous built-up areas as a measure for delineation of urban settlements

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    In this paper, we first discuss importance and need for\ud studying the methodology of capturing actual land use. The\ud term ‘urban land use’ is defined; the new term is introduced\ud to replace the currently used terms of ‘construction land’\ud and/or ‘built-up land’. When studying urban land use\ud and defining detailed categories, several factors and\ud measures need to be considered, such as formal, functional\ud and physiognomic, i.e. morphological, ones. In view of\ud the large scale of such research, we focused here solely on\ud the morphological measures for delimitation of urban\ud settlements. The chosen morphological measures are discussed\ud in greater detail in the Methodology section. Using the\ud indicators of distance between structures, population density\ud and density of house numbers, the measure of continuity of\ud built-up areas is described, serving as a basis for the study on\ud the test examples of three Slovenian cities (Maribor, Upper\ud Gorenjska conurbation and Postojna).The results showed\ud and confirmed the correctness of the working hypothesis,\ud i.e. that the morphological measure is a necessary, but\ud not a sufficient, requirement for the determination and\ud delimitation of urban settlements from other basic land\ud use types

    Panjske končnice. Slovenski fenomen pod drobnogledom

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    Ob bogatem raziskovalnem izročilu panjskih končnic so obravnavni elementi, ki so omogočili motivne prilagoditve obliki panjskih končnic (nesorazmerni širina in višina deščice, tj. 30 cm x 12,5 cm). Avtor se ob tem dotakne tudi drugih, že raziskanih vprašanj (vzroki za poslikave, ustvarjalci, izviri in predloge cerkvenih in posvetnih motivov, zgradba upodobitev). Za posvetno motiviko je pomembno vprašanje o presevanju socialne strukture – iz panjskih končnic je mogoče razbrati mizogine podobe, hierarhizacijo poklicev, karikaturo in satiro vsakdanjega življenja, večkrat predstavljenega v živalskih podobah (t. i. »narobe svet«). Prenašanje motivov s predlog je ustvarjalni dosežek poslikovalcev, ki so npr. moralne poante upodobili v značilnih kompozicijah (simetrična dvo- ali tridelna struktura) ali v bolj pomenskem podajanju. *** Beehive front panels have been researched by a number of authors. This study examines motifs that could be adapted to the rather unusual size of beehive panels (disproportionate width and height of the panel measured 30 centimeters by 12, 5 centimeters respectively). Addressed are some additional questions that have already been the topic of research: possible reasons for these paintings, their creators, sources, structure, and religious and secular motifs that served as a model for them. Secular motifs depicted on the panels reflect the social structure of the period in which they originated: misogynist images, professional hierarchy, and satirization of everyday life, often presented through animals (the so-called “topsy-turvy world”). When translating these motifs on beehive panels their crea­tors had to display a large amount of ingenuity. They depicted themes such as moral lessons, for example, in characteristic compositions (symmetrical twopartite or tripartite structure) or by presenting their meaning in a different manner

    RTK position quality evaluation by positioning at bigger altitudes

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    The graduation thesis deals with the quality of 3D point determination using RTK method on higher\ud altitude points’ locations. The field work was bound up with the areas between Cerklje on Carniola\ud and Krvavec. This area was chosen by virtue of the large difference in heights between the points that\ud GNSS-positioning has been performed. First the position of the points was determined with the VRS\ud RTK-method in the national GNSS continuously operating reference network SIGNAL. Furthermore\ud fast static method for point position determination has been performed to acquire positions for points\ud included in the comparison study. We compared positions from RTK where previously static GNSS\ud method results were used as the reference. The goal of the thesis was to show the consistency of 3D\ud positions of points at different altitudes. Finally, the experience of point positioning at higher altitudes\ud of the SIGNAL network has been gained with first assessment of position quality of points from\ud higher altitudes

    Kje so pesmi doma? Značilnosti prostorske razporeditve zapisov izbranih tipov slovenskih ljudskih pesmi

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    V članku je predstavljena prostorska analiza razporeditve 619 zapisov 10 izbranih tipov slovenskih ljudskih pesmi. Zapisi so različno razporejeni po slovenskih pokrajinah. Petina vseh je bila zapisana na Gorenjskem, po številčnosti pa sledijo tisti z Dolenjske, celjskega območja Štajerske in mariborskega območja Štajerske. *** The paper presents a spatial analysis of the distribution of 619 versions of ten selected types of Slovenian folk songs. The versions are variously distributed across Slovenia’s regions. A fifth of them were found in Gorenjska, followed numerically by Dolenjska, the Celje region of Štajerska, and the Maribor region of Štajerska

    The Sava Plain: Definition, Denomination, Delineation and Subdivison

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    The Sava River based its fluvial architecture compromised its upper- and lower courses. The Sava River upper course starts at Radovljica and continues downstream till Krško while from Krško till Belgrade is the Sava lower course. The Sava upper course is positioned in the mountain valley and characterized with headwaters. The Sava lower course positioned in the lowland area. The Sava Plain encompass the lowermost, almost flat surface of plain segments of the Sava valley and lower plain segments of its tributaries. The Sava Plain surface geology composed of Holocene fluvial, as well as Pleistocene alluvial and eolian sediments. According to the Holocene fluvial architecture of the Sava river three significant parts can be defined as the Krško-Samobor Plain, the Upper- and the Lower Sava Plain. The Upper Sava valley represents the Krško-Samobor Basin from Krško downstream till the Podsused Gate. The Upper Sava Plain covers the Sava plain in between Podsused Gate downstream to the Slavonski- and Bosanski Brod or the Brod Gate. The Lower Sava Plain ascends from Brod Gate downstream till the mouth of the Sava to the Danube in Belgrade. The Krško-Podsused Plain and the Upper Sava Plain channel planform type characterized with the gentle meandering river architecture its area composed of Holocene fluvial sediments, while the Lower Sava Plain with meandering river architecture of Pleistocene fluvial and eolian sediments and Holocene fluvial sediments

    The Invisible Slavs

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    Is the inside-view into the life of people invisible to the written records possible, then? One cannot simple transfer oneself into the past and observe. However, one can immerse in the same landscape and seek for the residuals of the past in language, place names, folklore, ordering of the landscape and various material remains, or even in younger written records in the form of the so called wirkungsgeschichte (record of younger consequence of an earlier phenomenon). The least one achieves is the role of the passive observer. It is the aim of this book to go even further and to demonstrate that the “inside” perspective is not unattainable~it can be achieved by using a combination of various sources: written sources, archaeology, ethnology, philology and historic geography. The image of early medieval society in the Bled micro-region thus forming reveals the community with tightly economic and political ties. Weather or not it was referred to as Župa Bled is not confirmed by the written sources but it is at least likely