5 research outputs found

    Aqua and Terra MODIS RSB Calibration Comparison Using BRDF Modeled Reflectance

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    The inter-comparison of MODIS reflective solar bands onboard Aqua and Terra is very important for assessment of each instrument's calibration. One of the limitations is the lack of simultaneous nadir overpasses. Their measurements over a selected Earth view target have significant differences in solar and view angles, which magnify the effects of atmospheric scattering and Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF). In this work, an intercomparison technique is formulated after correction for site's BRDF and atmospheric effects. The reflectance measurements over Libya desert sites 1, 2, and 4 from both the Aqua and Terra MODIS are regressed to a BRDF model with an adjustable coefficient accounting for calibration difference. The ratio between Aqua and Terra reflectance measurements are derived for bands 1 to 9 and the results from different sites show good agreement. For year 2003, the ratios are in the range of 0.985 to1.010 for band 1 to 9. Band 3 shows the lowest ratio 0.985 and band 1 shows the highest ratio 1.010. For the year 2014, the ratio ranges from approximately 0.983 for bands 2 and 1.012 for band 8. The BRDF corrected reflectance for the two instruments are also derived for every year from 2003 to 2014 for stability assessment. Bands 1 and 2 show greater than 1 differences between the two instruments. Aqua bands 1 and 2 show downward trends while Terra bands 1 and 2 show upward trends. Bands 8 and 9 of both Aqua and Terra show large variations of reflectance measurement over time

    New Approach for Temporal Stability Evaluation of Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Sites (PICS)

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    Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Sites (PICS) are one of the most popular methods for in-flight vicarious radiometric calibration of Earth remote sensing satellites. The fundamental question of PICS temporal stability has not been adequately addressed. However, the main purpose of this work is to evaluate the temporal stability of a few PICS using a new approach. The analysis was performed over six PICS (Libya 1, Libya 4, Niger 1, Niger 2, Egypt 1 and Sudan 1). The concept of a “Virtual Constellation” was developed to provide greater temporal coverage and also to overcome the dependence limitation of any specific characteristic derived from one particular sensor. TOA reflectance data from four sensors consistently demonstrating “stable” calibration to within 5%—the Landsat 7 ETM+ (Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus), Landsat 8 OLI (Operational Land Imager), Terra MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) and Sentinel-2A MSI (Multispectral Instrument)–were merged into a seamless dataset. Instead of using the traditional method of trend analysis (Student’s T test), a nonparametric Seasonal Mann-Kendall test was used for determining the PICS stability. The analysis results indicate that Libya 4 and Egypt 1 do not exhibit any monotonic trend in six reflective solar bands common to all of the studied sensors, indicating temporal stability. A decreasing monotonic trend was statistically detected in all bands, except SWIR 2, for Sudan 1 and the Green and Red bands for Niger 1. An increasing trend was detected in the Blue band for Niger 2 and the NIR band for Libya 1. These results do not suggest abandoning PICS as a viable calibration source. Rather, they indicate that PICS temporal stability cannot be assumed and should be regularly monitored as part of the sensor calibration process

    New Approach for Temporal Stability Evaluation of Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Sites (PICS)

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    Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Sites (PICS) are one of the most popular methods for in-flight vicarious radiometric calibration of Earth remote sensing satellites. The fundamental question of PICS temporal stability has not been adequately addressed. However, the main purpose of this work is to evaluate the temporal stability of a few PICS using a new approach. The analysis was performed over six PICS (Libya 1, Libya 4, Niger 1, Niger 2, Egypt 1 and Sudan 1). The concept of a Virtual Constellation was developed to provide greater temporal coverage and also to overcome the dependence limitation of any specific characteristic derived from one particular sensor. TOA reflectance data from four sensors consistently demonstrating stable calibration to within 5%the Landsat 7 ETM+ (Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus), Landsat 8 OLI (Operational Land Imager), Terra MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) and Sentinel-2A MSI (Multispectral Instrument)were merged into a seamless dataset. Instead of using the traditional method of trend analysis (Students T test), a nonparametric Seasonal Mann-Kendall test was used for determining the PICS stability. The analysis results indicate that Libya 4 and Egypt 1 do not exhibit any monotonic trend in six reflective solar bands common to all of the studied sensors, indicating temporal stability. A decreasing monotonic trend was statistically detected in all bands, except SWIR 2, for Sudan 1 and the Green and Red bands for Niger 1. An increasing trend was detected in the Blue band for Niger 2 and the NIR band for Libya 1. These results do not suggest abandoning PICS as a viable calibration source. Rather, they indicate that PICS temporal stability cannot be assumed and should be regularly monitored as part of the sensor calibration process

    Detection of Change Points in Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Sites Time Series Using Multi-Sensor Satellite Imagery

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    The remote sensing community has extensively used Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Sites (PICS) to monitor the long-term in-flight radiometric calibration of Earth-observing satellites. The use of the PICS has an underlying assumption that these sites are invariant over time. However, the site’s temporal stability has not been assured in the past. This work evaluates the temporal stability of PICS by not only detecting the trend but also locating significant shifts (change points) lying behind the time series. A single time series was formed using the virtual constellation approach in which multiple sensors data were combined for each site to achieve denser temporal coverage and overcome the limitation of dependence related to a specific sensor. The sensors used for this work were selected based on radiometric calibration uncertainty and availability of the data: operational land imager (Landsat-8), enhanced thematic mapper (Landsat-7), moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (Terra and Aqua), and multispectral instrument (Sentinel-2A). An inverse variance weighting method was applied to the Top-of- Atmosphere (TOA) reflectance time series to reveal the underlying trend. The sequential Mann–Kendall test was employed upon the weighted TOA reflectance time-series recorded over 20 years to detect abrupt changes for six reflective bands. Statistically significant trends and abrupt changes have been detected for all sites, but the magnitude of the trends (maximum of 0.215% change in TOA reflectance per year) suggest that these sites are not changing substantially over time. Hence, it can be stated that despite minor changes in all evaluated PICS, they can be used for radiometric calibration of optical remote sensing sensors. The new approach provides useful results by revealing underlying trends and providing a better understanding of PICS\u27 stability

    Classification of North Africa for Use as an Extended Pseudo Invariant Calibration Sites (Epics) for Radiometric Calibration and Stability Monitoring of Optical Satellite Sensors

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    An increasing number of Earth-observing satellite sensors are being launched to meet the insatiable demand for timely and accurate data to help the understanding of the Earth’s complex systems and to monitor significant changes to them. The quality of data recorded by these sensors is a primary concern, as it critically depends on accurate radiometric calibration for each sensor. Pseudo Invariant Calibration Sites (PICS) have been extensively used for radiometric calibration and temporal stability monitoring of optical satellite sensors. Due to limited knowledge about the radiometric stability of North Africa, only a limited number of sites in the region are used for this purpose. This work presents an automated approach to classify North Africa for its potential use as an extended PICS (EPICS) covering vast portions of the continent. An unsupervised classification algorithm identified 19 “clusters” representing distinct land surface types; three clusters were identified with spatial uncertainties within approximately 5% in the shorter wavelength bands and 3% in the longer wavelength bands. A key advantage of the cluster approach is that large numbers of pixels are aggregated into contiguous homogeneous regions sufficiently distributed across the continent to allow multiple imaging opportunities per day, as opposed to imaging a typical PICS once during the sensor’s revisit period. In addition, this work proposes a technique to generate a representative hyperspectral profile for these clusters, as the hyperspectral profile of these identified clusters are mandatory in order to utilize them for performing cross-calibration of optical satellite sensors. The technique was used to generate the profile for the cluster containing the largest number of aggregated pixels. The resulting profile was found to have temporal uncertainties within 5% across all the spectral regions. Overall, this technique shows great potential for generation of representative hyperspectral profiles for any North African cluster, which could allow the use of the entire North Africa Saharan region as an extended PICS (EPICS) dataset for sensor cross-calibration. Furthermore, this work investigates the performance of extended pseudo-invariant calibration sites (EPICS) in cross-calibration for one of Shrestha’s clusters, Cluster 13, by comparing its results to those obtained from a traditional PICS-based cross-calibration. The use of EPICS clusters can significantly increase the number of cross-calibration opportunities within a much shorter time period. The cross-calibration gain ratio estimated using a cluster-based approach had a similar accuracy to the cross-calibration gain derived from region of interest (ROI)-based approaches. The cluster-based cross-calibration gain ratio is consistent within approximately 2% of the ROI-based cross-calibration gain ratio for all bands except for the coastal and shortwave-infrared (SWIR) 2 bands. These results show that image data from any region within Cluster 13 can be used for sensor crosscalibration. Eventually, North Africa can be used a continental scale PICS