12 research outputs found

    A calculation of WLAN dwell time model for wireless network selection

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    In an integrated wireless and mobile network, selecting a desired a network is an important issue. Parameters such as system load, service characteristics and user mobility are the main criteria in network selection strategy. In this paper, we devise a mobility estimation method for a Mobile Node (MN) during initial network selection and Vertical Handover (VHO). The method relies on a new prediction dwelling time and the Call Holding Time (CHT) of a user. By comparing the predicted dwelling time with the CHT, a MN is able to make decision which network is suitable to be used in order to minimize the VHO. The proposed theoretical model has been validated by the MonteCarlo experiments. The simulation results demonstrate the validity of the proposed method

    A Calculation of WLAN Dwell Time Model for Wireless Network Selection

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    In an integrated wireless and mobile network, selecting a desired a network is an important issue. Parameters such as system load, service characteristics and user mobility are the main criteria in network selection strategy. In this paper, we devise a mobility estimation method for a Mobile Node (MN) during initial network selection and Vertical Handover (VHO). The method relies on a new prediction dwelling time and the Call Holding Time (CHT) of a user. By comparing the predicted dwelling time with the CHT, a MN is able to make decision which network is suitable to be used in order to minimize the VHO. The proposed theoretical model has been validated by the MonteCarlo experiments. The simulation results demonstrate the validity of the proposed method

    Análisis del rendimiento en redes Wlan caso estudio: Wlan - Universidad Católica de Colombia sede El Claustro

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    Investigación TecnológicaEl presente documento expone diferentes elementos que son importantes cuando se realiza un análisis del rendimiento en redes Wlan como lo es la Latencia, la cobertura, la interferencia, los cuales se comparan con muestras de la situación actual de la red de la SCUCC, determinado así como es el funcionamiento de esta y cuales factores están fuera de las normas teóricasPregradoIngeniero Electrónic

    Multi-Connectivity Management and Orchestration Architecture Integrated With 5g Multi Radio Access Technology Network

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    The significant growth in the number of devices and the tremendous boost in network/user traffic types and volume as well as the efficiency constraints of 4G innovations have encouraged industry efforts and also financial investments towards defining, developing, and releasing systems for the fifth generation. The 5G of mobile broadband wireless networks with multiple Radio Access Technologies (Multi-RATs) have actually been designed to satisfy the system and service requirements of the existing as well as the coming applications. The multi-RAT access network is considered the key enabling technology to satisfy these requirements based on low latency, high throughput. To utilize all available network resources efficiently, research activities have been proposed on multi-connectivity to connect, split, steer, switch, and orchestrate across multiple RATs. Recently, multi-connectivity management and orchestration architecture standardization has just started; therefore, further study and research is needed. This project proposed a multi-connectivity management and orchestration architecture integrated with 5G, Long-Term Evolution (LTE), and Wireless LANs (WLAN) technologies. The simulations experiments conducted to measure the Quality of Experience (QoE) by provisioning network resources efficiently, which are: data rate, latency, bit error rate. The results show that the 5G requirements have been achieved with latency and throughput around 1ms and 200 Mbps, respectively

    Efficient access of mobile flows to heterogeneous networks under flash crowds

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    Future wireless networks need to offer orders of magnitude more capacity to address the predicted growth in mobile traffic demand. Operators to enhance the capacity of cellular networks are increasingly using WiFi to offload traffic from their core networks. This paper deals with the efficient and flexible management of a heterogeneous networking environment offering wireless access to multimode terminals. This wireless access is evaluated under disruptive usage scenarios, such as flash crowds, which can mean unwanted severe congestion on a specific operator network whilst the remaining available capacity from other access technologies is not being used. To address these issues, we propose a scalable network assisted distributed solution that is administered by centralized policies, and an embedded reputation system, by which initially selfish operators are encouraged to cooperate under the threat of churn. Our solution after detecting a congested technology, including within its wired backhaul, automatically offloads and balances the flows amongst the access resources from all the existing technologies, following some quality metrics. Our results show that the smart integration of access networks can yield an additional wireless quality for mobile flows up to thirty eight percent beyond that feasible from the best effort standalone operation of each wireless access technology. It is also evidenced that backhaul constraints are conveniently reflected on the way the flow access to wireless media is granted. Finally, we have analyzed the sensitivity of the handover decision algorithm running in each terminal agent to consecutive flash crowds, as well as its centralized feature that controls the connection quality offered by a heterogeneous access infrastructure owned by distinct operators

    Gestão eficiente do acesso móvel a uma infra-estrutura de rede heterogénea

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    Este artigo discute a gestão de uma infra-estrutura de rede formada por diversas tecnologias de acesso à rede Internet, as quais são administradas por vários operadores móveis. Assume-se que estas tecnologias oferecem uma cobertura sem-fios num local público que em certas horas do dia tem de suportar valores elevadíssimos de tráfego de dados. Podendo-se originar, desta forma, uma situação de congestão numa das tecnologias enquanto as restantes ficam com a sua capacidade de ligação sem ser cabalmente utilizada. Para tentar resolver este tipo de problemas, a presente contribuição propõe a utilização na infra-estrutura de rede de nós intermediários (i.e. brokers) baseados num sistema de reputação que controla todos os recursos disponíveis na rede heterogénea num modo de funcionamento híbrido, utilizando em simultâneo políticas de gestão centralizadas e métricas distribuídas de desempenho das diversas tecnologias de acesso. Com tudo isto, pretende-se forçar a colaboração entre os operadores móveis para que os utilizadores finais possam utilizar toda a capacidade de ligação disponível das redes de acesso sem-fios existentes, independentemente do operador móvel, assegurando-se assim que os terminais dos utilizadores possam disfrutar de uma Qualidade de Serviço na sua ligação que satisfaça plenamente as condições de conectividade anteriormente contratualizadas, mesmo em cenários limite de elevadíssimos valores de tráfego de dados a serem trocados com a rede. Desta forma, o presente trabalho tem como objectivo essencial o estudo analítico feito sobre uma infra-estrutura de acesso sem-fios que assegura a conectividade a um conjunto de utilizadores. Estes utilizadores são os que se encontram no interior de uma estação de comboios e que necessitam de uma ligação à Internet, a qual pode ser disponibilizada através de um dos dois possíveis operadores móveis. Neste estudo foi utilizada uma distribuição de tráfego de dados retirada da distribuição real diária de passageiros na estação de comboios que foi seleccionada para este efeito. Pretende-se com este estudo identificar de forma clara qual o impacto da gestão assegurada pelo broker na infra-estrutura heterogénea de acesso do tipo sem fios, existente na estação de comboios referida anteriormente, quer do ponto de vista dos operadores, quer do ponto de vista dos utilizadores finais.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Congestion control in multi-serviced heterogeneous wireless networks using dynamic pricing

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    Includes bibliographical references.Service providers, (or operators) employ pricing schemes to help provide desired QoS to subscribers and to maintain profitability among competitors. An economically efficient pricing scheme, which will seamlessly integrate users’ preferences as well as service providers’ preferences, is therefore needed. Else, pricing schemes can be viewed as promoting social unfairness in the dynamically priced network. However, earlier investigations have shown that the existing dynamic pricing schemes do not consider the users’ willingness to pay (WTP) before the price of services is determined. WTP is the amount a user is willing to pay based on the worth attached to the service requested. There are different WTP levels for different subscribers due to the differences in the value attached to the services requested and demographics. This research has addressed congestion control in the heterogeneous wireless network (HWN) by developing a dynamic pricing scheme that efficiently incentivises users to utilize radio resources. The proposed Collaborative Dynamic Pricing Scheme (CDPS), which identifies the users and operators’ preference in determining the price of services, uses an intelligent approach for controlling congestion and enhancing both the users’ and operators’ utility. Thus, the CDPS addresses the congestion problem by firstly obtaining the users WTP from users’ historical response to price changes and incorporating the WTP factor to evaluate the service price. Secondly, it uses a reinforcement learning technique to illustrate how a price policy can be obtained for the enhancement of both users and operators’ utility, as total utility reward obtained increases towards a defined ‘goal state’

    Specification of Cooperative Access Points Functionalities version 2

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    The What to do With the Wi-Fi Wild West H2020 project (Wi-5) combines research and innovation to propose an architecture based on an integrated and coordinated set of smart Wi-Fi networking solutions. The resulting system will be able to efficiently reduce interference between neighbouring Access Points (APs) and provide optimised connectivity for new and emerging services. The project approach is expected to develop and incorporate a variety of different solutions, which will be made available through academic publications, in addition to other dissemination channels. This deliverable presents the specification of the second version of the Cooperative AP Functionalities that are being designed in the context of Work Package (WP) 4 of the Wi-5 project. Specifically, we present a general cooperative framework that includes functionalities for a Radio Resource Management (RRM) algorithm, which provides channel assignment and transmit power adjustment strategies, an AP selection policy, and a solution for vertical handover. The RRM achieves an important improvement for network performance in terms of several parameters through the channel assignment approach, that can be further improved by including the transmit power adjustment. The AP selection solution extends the approach presented in deliverable D4.1 based on the Fittingness Factor (FF) concept, which is a parameter for efficiently matching the suitability of the available spectrum resource to the application requirements. Moreover, the preliminary details, which will allow us to extend AP selection towards vertical handover functionality including 3G/4G networks, are also presented. The assessment of the algorithms proposed in this deliverable is illustrated through the analysis of several performance results in a simulated environment against other strategies found in the literature. Finally, a set of monitoring capabilities implemented on the Wi-5 APs and on the Wi-5 controller are illustrated. These capabilities will enable the correct deployment of the cooperative APs functionalities proposed in this deliverable in realistic scenarios

    Traffic-Driven Energy Efficient Operational Mechanisms in Cellular Access Networks

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    Recent explosive growth in mobile data traffic is increasing energy consumption in cellular networks at an incredible rate. Moreover, as a direct result of the conventional static network provisioning approach, a significant amount of electrical energy is being wasted in the existing networks. Therefore, in recent time, the issue of designing energy efficient cellular networks has drawn significant attention, which is also the foremost motivation behind this research. The proposed research is particularly focused on the design of self-organizing type traffic-sensitive dynamic network reconfiguring mechanisms for energy efficiency in cellular systems. Under the proposed techniques, radio access networks (RANs) are adaptively reconfigured using less equipment leading to reduced energy utilization. Several energy efficient cellular network frameworks by employing inter-base station (BS) cooperation in RANs are proposed. Under these frameworks, based on the instantaneous traffic demand, BSs are dynamically switched between active and sleep modes by redistributing traffic among them and thus, energy savings is achieved. The focus is then extended to exploiting the availability of multiple cellular networks for extracting energy savings through inter-RAN cooperation. Mathematical models for both of these single-RAN and multi-RAN cooperation mechanisms are also formulated. An alternative energy saving technique using dynamic sectorization (DS) under which some of the sectors in the underutilized BSs are turned into sleep mode is also proposed. Algorithms for both the distributed and the centralized implementations are developed. Finally, a two-dimensional energy efficient network provisioning mechanism is proposed by jointly applying both the DS and the dynamic BS switching. Extensive simulations are carried out, which demonstrate the capability of the proposed mechanisms in substantially enhancing the energy efficiency of cellular networks