125 research outputs found

    Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Spinal Cord: Insights From Animal and Human Studies

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    Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) provides a measure of the directional diffusion of water molecules in tissues. The measurement of DTI indexes within the spinal cord provides a quantitative assessment of neural damage in various spinal cord pathologies. DTI studies in animal models of spinal cord injury indicate that DTI is a reliable imaging technique with important histological and functional correlates. These studies demonstrate that DTI is a noninvasive marker of microstructural change within the spinal cord. In human studies, spinal cord DTI shows definite changes in subjects with acute and chronic spinal cord injury, as well as cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Interestingly, changes in DTI indexes are visualized in regions of the cord, which appear normal on conventional magnetic resonance imaging and are remote from the site of cord compression. Spinal cord DTI provides data that can help us understand underlying microstructural changes within the cord and assist in prognostication and planning of therapies. In this article, we review the use of DTI to investigate spinal cord pathology in animals and humans and describe advances in this technique that establish DTI as a promising biomarker for spinal cord disorders

    Pathological and Biomedical Characteristics of Spinal Cord Injury Determined Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging

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    Traumatic spinal cord injury: SCI) is the most devastating injury that often causes the victim permanent paralysis and undergo a lifetime of therapy and care. It is caused by a mechanical impact that ultimately causes pathophysiological consequences which at this moment in time are an unresolved scientific challenge of great social impact. Scientists have long used animal contusion models to study the pathophysiology of SCI in the discovery of progressive secondary tissue degeneration, demyelination, and apoptosis. More importantly, most therapies that have gone to human clinical trial were first validated in spinal cord contusion models. Magnetic resonance imaging: MRI) is the modality of choice to noninvasively detect the soft tissue injury, particularly suitable for assessing the tissue integrity in SCI. However, the convention MRI lacks capability of detecting and evaluating the injury severity acutely, probably resulting in lost opportunities of effective prognostication or treatment stratification for SCI patients. Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging: DTMRI, DTI) is an emerging technique known to provide dynamic contrast reflecting the progression of the underlying pathology in CNS tissues. In this study, we hypothesized that axial: ||) and radial: λ^) diffusivity derived from DTI is sensitive to the pathological alteration in spinal cord white matter: WM) tract and could be used as potential biomarkers detecting and characterizing the axonal and myelin damage in SCI. A mouse model of contusion SCI was examined using DTI, behavioral assessment, and histology to test our hypothesis. Techniques employed including the simplification of diffusion weighting scheme, the implementation of diffusion weighted multiple spin-echo sequence, and verified for setting up the experimental protocol and data processing procedures. Secondly, the hypothesis was test on the projects comparing the change of these biomarkers on both the myelinated and dysmyelinated shiverer mice cooperating with histological analysis, and behavioral assessment. Finally, a finite element analysis: FEA) of contusion SCI was deployed to provide evidences of injury mechanics correlated with the injury patterns detected by diffusion MRI for a better characterized animal model of contusion SCI

    Longitudinal assessment of white matter pathology in the injured mouse spinal cord through ultra-high field (16.4T) in vivo diffusion tensor imaging

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    This study examined the sensitivity of ultra-high field (16.4 T) diffusion tensor imaging (DTI; 70 mu m in-plane resolution, 1 mm slice thickness) to evaluate the spatiotemporal development of severe mid-thoracic contusive spinal cord injury (SCI) in mice. In vivo imaging was performed prior to SCI, then again at 2 h, 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, and 30 days post-SCI using a Bruker 16.4 T small animal nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer. Cross-sectional spinal cord areas were measured in axial slices and various DTI parameters, i.e. fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity (lambda(parallel to)) and radial diffusivity (lambda(perpendicular to)), were calculated for the total spared white matter (WM), ventral funiculi (VF), lateral funiculi (LF) and dorsal columns (DCs) and then correlated with histopathology. Cross-sectional area measurements revealed significant atrophy (32% reduction) of the injured spinal cord at the lesion epicentre in the chronic phase of injury. Analysis of diffusion tensor parameters further showed that tissue integrity was most severely affected in the DCs, i.e. the site of immediate impact, which demonstrated a rapid and permanent decrease in FA and lambda(parallel to). In contrast, DTI parameters for the ventrolateral white matter changed more gradually with time, suggesting that these regions are undergoing more delayed degeneration in a manner that may be amenable to therapeutic intervention. Of all the DTI parameters, lambda(perpendicular to) was most closely correlated to myelin content whereas changes in FA and lambda(parallel to) appeared more indicative of axonal integrity, Wallerian degeneration and associated presence of macrophages. We conclude that longitudinal DTI at 16.4 T provides a clinically relevant, objective measure for assessing white matter pathology following contusive SCI in mice that may aid the translation of putative neuroprotective strategies into the clinic. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Imaging outcomes for trials of remyelination in multiple sclerosis.

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    Trials of potential neuroreparative agents are becoming more important in the spectrum of multiple sclerosis research. Appropriate imaging outcomes are required that are feasible from a time and practicality point of view, as well as being sensitive and specific to myelin, while also being reproducible and clinically meaningful. Conventional MRI sequences have limited specificity for myelination. We evaluate the imaging modalities which are potentially more specific to myelin content in vivo, such as magnetisation transfer ratio (MTR), restricted proton fraction f (from quantitative magnetisation transfer measurements), myelin water fraction and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) metrics, in addition to positron emission tomography (PET) imaging. Although most imaging applications to date have focused on the brain, we also consider measures with the potential to detect remyelination in the spinal cord and in the optic nerve. At present, MTR and DTI measures probably offer the most realistic and feasible outcome measures for such trials, especially in the brain. However, no one measure currently demonstrates sufficiently high sensitivity or specificity to myelin, or correlation with clinical features, and it should be useful to employ more than one outcome to maximise understanding and interpretation of findings with these sequences. PET may be less feasible for current and near-future trials, but is a promising technique because of its specificity. In the optic nerve, visual evoked potentials can indicate demyelination and should be correlated with an imaging outcome (such as optic nerve MTR), as well as clinical measures

    From micro‐ to macro‐structures in multiple sclerosis: what is the added value of diffusion imaging

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    Diffusion imaging has been instrumental in understanding damage to the central nervous system as a result of its sensitivity to microstructural changes. Clinical applications of diffusion imaging have grown exponentially over the past couple of decades in many neurological and neurodegenerative diseases, such as multiple sclerosis (MS). For several reasons, MS has been extensively researched using advanced neuroimaging techniques, which makes it an ‘example disease’ to illustrate the potential of diffusion imaging for clinical applications. In addition, MS pathology is characterized by several key processes competing with each other, such as inflammation, demyelination, remyelination, gliosis and axonal loss, enabling the specificity of diffusion to be challenged. In this review, we describe how diffusion imaging can be exploited to investigate micro‐, meso‐ and macro‐scale properties of the brain structure and discuss how they are affected by different pathological substrates. Conclusions from the literature are that larger studies are needed to confirm the exciting results from initial investigations before current trends in diffusion imaging can be translated to the neurology clinic. Also, for a comprehensive understanding of pathological processes, it is essential to take a multiple‐level approach, in which information at the micro‐, meso‐ and macroscopic scales is fully integrated

    Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging towards clinical application in multiple sclerosis

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    Quantitative MRI provides biophysical measures of the microstructural integrity of the CNS, which can be compared across CNS regions, patients, and centres. In patients with multiple sclerosis, quantitative MRI techniques such as relaxometry, myelin imaging, magnetization transfer, diffusion MRI, quantitative susceptibility mapping, and perfusion MRI, complement conventional MRI techniques by providing insight into disease mechanisms. These include: (i) presence and extent of diffuse damage in CNS tissue outside lesions (normal-appearing tissue); (ii) heterogeneity of damage and repair in focal lesions; and (iii) specific damage to CNS tissue components. This review summarizes recent technical advances in quantitative MRI, existing pathological validation of quantitative MRI techniques, and emerging applications of quantitative MRI to patients with multiple sclerosis in both research and clinical settings. The current level of clinical maturity of each quantitative MRI technique, especially regarding its integration into clinical routine, is discussed. We aim to provide a better understanding of how quantitative MRI may help clinical practice by improving stratification of patients with multiple sclerosis, and assessment of disease progression, and evaluation of treatment response

    Magnetic resonance imaging correlates of neuro-axonal pathology in the MS spinal cord.

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    In people with multiple sclerosis (MS), the spinal cord is the structure most commonly affected by clinically detectable pathology at presentation, and a key part of the central nervous system involved in chronic disease deterioration. Indices, such as the spinal cord cross-sectional area at the level C2 have been developed as tools to predict future disability, and-by inference-axonal loss. However, this and other histo-pathological correlates of spinal cord magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) changes in MS remain incompletely understood. In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in developing quantitative MRI tools to measure specific tissue features, including axonal density, myelin content, neurite density, and orientation, among others, with an emphasis on the spinal cord. Quantitative MRI techniques including T1 and T2 , magnetization transfer and a number of diffusion-derived indices have all been applied to MS spinal cord. Particularly diffusion-based MRI techniques combined with microscopic resolution achievable using high magnetic field scanners enable a new level of anatomical detail and quantification of indices that are clinically meaningful.Barts Charity (grants # 468/1506 & G‐001109

    Traumatic and nontraumatic spinal cord injury: pathological insights from neuroimaging

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    Pathophysiological changes in the spinal cord white and grey matter resulting from injury can be observed with MRI techniques. These techniques provide sensitive markers of macrostructural and microstructural tissue integrity, which correlate with histological findings. Spinal cord MRI findings in traumatic spinal cord injury (tSCI) and nontraumatic spinal cord injury — the most common form of which is degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM) — have provided important insights into the pathophysiological processes taking place not just at the focal injury site but also rostral and caudal to the spinal injury. Although tSCI and DCM have different aetiologies, they show similar degrees of spinal cord pathology remote from the injury site, suggesting the involvement of similar secondary degenerative mechanisms. Advanced quantitative MRI protocols that are sensitive to spinal cord pathology have the potential to improve diagnosis and, more importantly, predict outcomes in patients with tSCI or nontraumatic spinal cord injury. This Review describes the insights into tSCI and DCM that have been revealed by neuroimaging and outlines current activities and future directions for the field
