19 research outputs found


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    Penerapan metode Economical Order Quantity (EOQ) untuk sistem stok barang pergudangan dengan menggunakan teknologi Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) dapat menghasilkan informasi yang bisa meminimumkan terjadinya kehabisan stok bahan baku pada gudang bahan baku, serta memberikan laporan ketersediaan barang secara real time. Data stok barang diperoleh dari transaksi barang keluar dan transaksi barang masuk yang dicatat otomatis saat melewati RFID reader. Perhitungan EOQ dilakukan per bulan dimana variabel yang digunakan adalah jumlah bahan baku perbulan, biaya pemesanan perbulan dan biaya penyimpanan perbulan. Perhitungan Reorder Point (ROP) menggunakan variabel lead time, penggunaan bahan baku dan safety stock. Safety stock digunakan jika terjadi keterlambatan pengiriman barang dari supplier, sehingga tidak terjadi kehabisan bahan baku dan perusahaan tetap dapat beroperasi. Jika nilai stok barang lebih besar atau sama dengan nilai ROP maka status stok aman dengan warna hijau, jika nilai stok barang lebih kecil dari nilai ROP maka status stok kurang dengan warna kuning, jika nilai stok barang sama dengan 0 maka status stok kosong dengan warna merah. Jika status item barang stok kurang atau kosong maka bagian pembelian barang akan melakukan pemesanan kembali dengan melihat jumlah pemesanan sesuai nilai EOQ. Hasil perhitungan EOQ, ROP dan safety stock didapat data laporan sebagai berikut, kode barang KB01 dengan nama barang benang 64, kebutuhan perbulan sebanyak 45 unit, pembelian yang dianjurkan oleh EOQ untuk setiap kali pembelian adalah sebanyak 34 unit, dengan nilai safety stock sebanyak 25 unit. Sedangkan nilai ROP adalah sebanyak 32,5 unit, dimana ketika jumlah stok barang yang semula sebanyak 45 unit telah mengalami pengurangan sehingga tersisa 32,5 unit, maka akan dilakukan pemesanan lagi terhadap barang tersebut. Kata Kunci : EOQ, RFID, real time, safety stock. Economical Order Quantity (EOQ) application for warehouse stock system using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) can produce information which could minimize the lack of raw materials in the warehouse, also gives report to the goods availability in real time. The goods stock data gained from the goods transaction out and in noted automatically when passed RFID reader. EOQ calculation is the number of raw material monthly,order cost monthly and store cost monthly. Reorder Point (ROP) calculation using the lead time variable, raw material using and safety stock. Safety stock used if the goods delivery delayed from the supplier, therefore run out of the raw material never happened and the company could still operate. If the goods stock value is bigger or same with the ROP value consequently the safety stock status is in green color, if the goods stock is smaller than ROP value consequently the empty stock status is in yellow color., if the goods stock is the same with 0 consequently the empty stock is in red color. If the satus of goods stock is less or empty therefore the goods purchasing section will do reorder by seeing the numbers of order as accordance to EOQ value. The EOQ calculation, ROP and safety stock gotten the report data as follows: KB01 goods code by name 64 thread, monthly need is 45 units, suggested purchasing by EOQ for every purchase is 34 units, with safety stock is 25 units. In the other hand ROP value is 32,5 units where the good stock numbers before was 45 units have already decresed and remains 32,5 units, therefore the goods reorder will be done again. Key words : EOQ, RFID, real time, safety stoc

    The Performance and Reliability of a RFID Cycle-Count – A Quantitative Approach from Fashion Retail

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    In recent years, several retailers gained experience with the implementation and use of radio-frequency identification (RFID). Although extensive benefits through the use of RFID have been discussed in academia and practice for many years, strategic approaches to reach the promised targets still are largely unexplored. To support practitioners with using RFID in retailing, the reliability of data generated by RFID in-store processes has to be investigated. As a starting point, we compare in the present study the quality of a RFID cycle-count to a physically conducted count. We collected data from a real-world implementation and completed parallel counts in 9 RFID pilot stores at a global fashion retailer. Our results based on an item-level error investigation show, that the error rate of a RFID cycle-count nearly is as low as the error rate of a physical conducted count. As a consequence for further research, more reliable data collected in a cycle-count lead to a better stock accuracy, more effective in-store replenishment processes and less stock-out situations

    Shelf Based Out-of-Stocks in the Context of Employee Density

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of employee density on shelf based out-of-stocks, i.e. situations when products are physically present at stores, but not on the marked sale positions. In addition, for the first time, these relations were analyzed among different retail formats. By using POS estimation method, shelf based out-of-stock rates were measured for 80 different FMCG products in 97 retail stores. For analyzing the impact of employee density on the average shelf based OOS rate in modern and traditional retail formats, curvilinear hierarchical regression and moderation analyses were used. The results showed that the relation between employee density and shelf based out-of-sock varied among different formats. While it was not significant in convenience stores, in modern formats it was quadratic (stores with too many or too few employees per square meter were related to higher levels of shelf based OOS). The obtained results suggest that store managers should be aware of the effects of employee organization on product availability. The attention was also dedicated to potential problems and managerial implications concerning the employees' number in retail stores, regarding traditional and modern trading formats


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    Amaç: Küresel rekabet ve dinamik pazar koşulları lojistik işletmelerinin operasyonel faaliyetlerinde hızla değişimlerin meydana gelmesine imkân sağlamıştır. Maliyetleri düşürmeyi, ürün ve hizmet süreçlerini yenilemeyi amaç edinen lojistik işletmeleri, tedarik zinciri performansını değerlendirmek için Radyo Frekansı Tanımlama (RFID) teknolojisini kapsamlı bir biçimde ele almaya başlamışlardır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, RFID teknolojisinin alt boyutlarının tedarik zinciri performansının üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Yöntem: Araştırmanın evrenini, Uluslararası Nakliyatlar Derneğine (UND) üye olan 85 lojistik işletmesi oluşturmaktadır. Kolayda Örnekleme Yöntemi ile 364 lojistik çalışanından anket aracılığıyla veriler toplanmıştır. Bulgular: Araştırmanın sonucunda RFID’nin teknolojik boyutunun finansal performansı, lojistik performansı ve müşteri hizmetleri performansını pozitif yönde etkilediği tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca RFID’nin organizasyonel boyutu lojistik performansının ve müşteri hizmetleri performansının artmasına kaynaklık etmektedir. Buna karşın, RFID’nin çevresel boyutu finansal performansı ve müşteri hizmetleri performansı üzerinde negatif bir etkisinin olduğu kanıtlanmıştır. Özgünlük: RFID teknolojisinin tedarik zincir performansı üzerindeki etkisini inceleyen farklı çalışmalar olmasına karşın, Türk lojistik sektöründe benzer doğrultuda yapılan bir çalışmaya rastlanmamıştır. Bu çalışma, bu önemli konudaki boşluğu doldurmayı amaçlamaktadır

    Shopping 2.0: uma análise das tendências de retalho e o seu impacto futuro nas lojas retalhistas

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    O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi analisar as tendências de desenvolvimento relevantes no retalho tradicional e a forma como estas impactam o mercado. Estas tendências de desenvolvimento no retalho tradicional foram estudadas a partir de uma análise dos resultados de pesquisas e observações na literatura especializada sobre o tema. Na fase seguinte, foi efetuado um estudo empírico qualitativo de forma a analisar o atual clima de mudança no mundo empresarial e perceber melhor as tendências e a forma que o mercado retalhista possa implementar as modernizações necessárias de modo que a sua empresa consiga adaptar-se às inovações cada vez mais exigidas pelos clientes. Os resultados mostram que à medida que novas tendências de caráter digital e tecnológico são introduzidas no mercado empresarial, as empresas, em ritmos diferentes e correspondentes à natureza do seu negócio e setor de mercado, procuram adaptar-se aos requisitos por parte dos clientes a fim de oferecer uma interação, produto e serviço, de maior qualidade, apoiados pelo uso dos novos elementos. Com isto concluiu-se que é fundamental aos empresários adaptarem-se às novas tendências, nem sempre por uma questão de sobrevivência do negócio, uma vez que nem todos os setores de mercado o permitem de igual forma, mas sim porque os concorrentes digitalmente modernizados ocupam uma percentagem de mercado gradualmente crescente. O que ontem foi inovativo, hoje é essencial, e amanhã será indispensável.The main objective of this work was to analyze the relevant development trends in traditional retail, and how they impact the market. These development trends in traditional retail were studied based on an analysis of research results and observations in the specialized literature on the subject. In the next phase, a qualitative empirical study was carried out in order to analyze the current climate of change in the business world and better understand trends and how the retail market can implement the necessary modernizations so that the company can adapt to the innovations increasingly demanded by customers. The results show that as new trends of a digital and technological nature are introduced in the business market, companies, at different paces and corresponding to the nature of their business and market sector, seek to adapt to the requirements of customers in order to offer a higher quality interaction, product and service, supported by the use of the new elements. With this, it was concluded that it is essential for entrepreneurs to adapt to new trends, not always for the sake of business survival, since not all market sectors allow it in the same way, but because digitally modernized competitors occupy a gradually increasing market share. What was innovative yesterday, today is essential, and tomorrow will be indispensable.Mestrado em Gestã

    Internet-of-things enabled supply chain planning and coordination with big data services: certain theoretic implications

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    Recent advances in information technology have led to profound changes in global manufacturing. This study focuses on the theoretical and practical challenges and opportunities arising from the Internet of Things (IoT) as it enables new ways of supply-chain operations partially based on big-data analytics and changes in the nature of industries. We intend to reveal the acting principle of the IoT and its implications for big-data analytics on the supply chain operational performance, particularly with regard to dynamics of operational coordination and optimization for supply chains by leveraging big data obtained from smart connected products (SCPs), and the governance mechanism of big-data sharing. Building on literature closely related to our focal topic, we analyze and deduce the substantial influence of disruptive technologies and emerging business models including the IoT, big data analytics and SCPs on many aspects of supply chains, such as consumers value judgment, products development, resources allocation, operations optimization, revenue management and network governance. Furthermore, we propose several research directions and corresponding research schemes in the new situations. This study aims to promote future researches in the field of big data-driven supply chain management with the IoT, help firms improve data-driven operational decisions, and provide government a reference to advance and regulate the development of the IoT and big data industry.Published versio

    Omni-channel integration: the matter of information and digital technology

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    This paper aims to explore how omni-channel data flows should be integrated by specifying what data, omni-channel agents and information and digital technologies (IDTs) should be considered and connected. Design/methodology/approach A multiple case study method is used with 17 British companies. The studies are supported by 68 interviews with the case companies and their consumers, 5 site visits, 4 focus group meetings and the companies’ archival data and documentations. Findings This paper provides novel frameworks for omni-channel data flow integration from consumer and business perspectives. The frameworks consist of omni-channel agents, their data transactions and their supporting IDTs. Relatedly, this paper formalizes the omni-channel data flow integration in the forms of horizontal, vertical and total integrations and explores their contributions to the adaptability of omni-channel, as a complex adaptive system (CAS). It also discusses that how inter-organizational governance mechanisms can support data flow integration and their relevant IDT implementations. Research limitations/implications The breadth and depth of the required IDTs for omni-channel integration prove the necessity for omni-channel systems to move toward total integration. Therefore, supported by CAS and inter-organizational governance theories, this research indicates how data flow integration and IDT can transform the omni-channel through self-organization and autonomy capability enhancement. Originality/value This research’s recommended frameworks provide a robust platform to formalize data flow integration as the omni-channel's core driver. Accordingly, it moves the literature from a basic description of “what omni-channel is” and provides a novel and significant debate on what specific data should be shared at what levels between which agents of the omni-channel, and with what type of relationship governance mechanism, to assure omni-channel horizontal, vertical and total integrations

    Modèles de réapprovisionnement de stocks sous incertitudes et perturbations dans le contexte d'un e-détaillant

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    L objet de cette recherche est la modélisation et l'étude de l'impact de la prise en compte des perturbations et des erreurs sur les politiques de réapprovisionnement pour un e-détaillant. Une des principales incertitudes en gestion de stock est l écart entre la quantité en stock lue dans le système d information et la quantité réellement disponible dans le système physique. A travers une étude empirique nous avons montré que l impact de ce type d erreurs est important dans le cas du e-détaillant. Dans ce contexte, le système d information joue le premier rôle dans le processus de satisfaction de la demande puisque c est sur la confrontation entre la demande du client final et les quantités figurant dans le Système d Information que repose la promesse de vente. A l exception de quelques contributions, les perturbations en gestion des stocks ont été principalement étudiées dans le contexte du détaillant. Nous avons étudié l impact de ces perturbations sur la politique de stockage dans un contexte e-détaillant en faisant l hypothèse d une modélisation multiplicative des erreurs afin d optimiser le profit du e-détaillant, et proposé deux modèles de réapprovisionnement, mono- et deux- périodes. Pour le premier, nous avons proposé une extension du modèle classique de vendeur de journaux au contexte de e-détaillant/fournisseur, avec un processus de demande sujet à des perturbations. Une étude analytique nous a permis de comparer l impact de deux types de modélisation des erreurs, additive et multiplicative. Le deuxième modèle est une extension du premier au cas deux périodes. Avec sa résolution exacte, nous avons démontré que le comportement des quantités optimales était non monotone et qu une politique myopique n est pas optimale pour le cas multi-périodes. Grace à une étude numérique nous avons pu proposer des recommandations pour les managers, quant aux quantités à commander pour les deux périodes. Un troisième modèle de réapprovisionnement étudie l impact des perturbations pour un problème multi-périodes avec minimisation des coûts et en considérant deux taux de service à atteindre, l un sur la satisfaction des demandes et l autre sur la satisfaction des ventes. Dans ce contexte, nous avons étudié et discuté plusieurs stratégies d alignement dont réalisation d inventaires et déploiement de technologie RFID.The aim of this PhD research is to study the impact of the inventory inaccuracy issue on replenishment policies under the wholesaling / e-retailing context. The inventory inaccuracy is defined as a discrepancy between the quantity shown by the Informational System and the quantity actually Physically available for sales. Such discrepancy has as root many sources of errors such as execution, transaction, misplacement, supply unreliability or shrinkage errors. We provide empirical evidence on the wide presence of inventory inaccuracies through one case study of wholesaling organizations. In e-retailing context customers demands are remotely satisfied based on the inventory level shown in the information system. The main interest of the research community was about studying the inaccuracy under the retail context. After motivating our research empirically and by the literature review, we develop three inventory frameworks subject to inventory inaccuracies under the wholesaling / e-retailing context with different configurations of the stochastic errors describing the inaccuracy issue. The error configuration could be additive for some sources of inaccuracies such as transaction as well as multiplicative (also known as stochastically proportional) for other sources such as shrinkage. Our first inventory framework aims to extend single-period (Newsvendor) model to the e-retailing/wholesaling context subject to inaccuracy. In Addition, to providing managerial insights, we compare the behavior of the optimal ordering strategies under the additive and the multiplicative error settings. Our second inventory framework is an extension of the former to the case of two selling periods. By solving exactly the two-period problem, we show that the behavior of the optimal ordering quantities is not monotonic, and conclude that a myopic policy could not be optimal. Thanks to a numerical study, we derive some interesting managerial insights about the management of the error risk between the two selling periods. Thanks to the theoretical results of our second inventory framework, we propose a third framework dealing with the inventory inaccuracy issue under a multi-period setting by assuming cost minimizing as a target but also by considering two Cycle Service Level constraints to achieve, the former for the demand satisfaction and the latter for the sales commitment satisfaction. We provide a comprehensive numerical study by comparing several policies as making inspection and RFID deployment.VILLEURBANNE-DOC'INSA-Bib. elec. (692669901) / SudocSudocFranceF