10,545 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Presensi Kegiatan dengan Memanfaatkan NFC sebagai RFID Reader pada Smartphone Android

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    Institute for Business and Information Stikom Surabaya is a college which applying radio frequency technology (RFID) to support their employees and students activities. They use RFID in some aspects such as identification card, parking system, learning activities attendance logs, library gate, and non academic activities attendance logs. On non academic activities, RFID reader is used to gather participant identity and send to the server to be stored. The problem is that the current application still rely on external reader and a web based application. So, as long as there are no internet connection, the application can not be used even on Stikom local network. Based on these problems, a built-in RFID reader such an NFC on Android mobile device can be used to replace external RFID reader and an Android application which can work both on online and offline internet network

    Enhancement of Security in RFID using RSA Algorithm

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    A huge revolution has occurred in Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technologies during the past decades. More vendors are involved, and have invested in this technology, which promises wholesale changes across a broad spectrum of business activities. Currently, RFID systems are usually available in low, high, ultra-high, and microwave frequencies with passive, semi-passive (or semi-active) and active transponders or tags. Tags might be either Chipless, or contain a microchip with read only, or read and write memory. The component controlling communication in a RFID system is called a reader or interrogator, which can be stationary or portable depending on the application. In order for the tags to transmit their data, the tags must be in the reader’s field or interrogation zone, and receive the necessary energy (in form of radio waves) from the reader. Although promising, RFID is not without its challenges, which arise from both a technological and usage point of View (IT Pro, 2005).  A common concern with RFID is data security. Data Security is a key area in RFID usage, it determines wholly whether this technology will be adopted fully especially in this part of the world (Eastern and Central Africa) for business processes and automation. For this technology to be utilized fully and realized then the users of the system MUST be assured of their data’s security.People who use devices that carry personal financial information, such as credit card or other ID numbers, do not want others to access their accounts. These are significant security vulnerabilities in RFID. Some researchers have proposed schemes that would require tags to authenticate readers, thus transmitting information only to authorized readers.This research paper addresses the security challenge in RFID by proposing RSA algorithm as a viable solution to encrypt data over transmission and also authenticate the reader and the tags. Keywords: RFID, Security, authenticate, Data Security

    Where Will Consumers Find Privacy Protection From RFIDs?: A Case for Federal Legislation

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    With the birth of RFID technology, businesses gained the ability to tag products with practically invisible computer chips that relay information about consumer behavior to remote databases. Such tagging permits retailers and manufacturers to track the purchases, identities, and movements of their customers. In the absence of enforceable regulations, society risks being subjected to an unprecedented level of Orwellian surveillance. This iBrief addresses consumer privacy concerns stemming from the proliferation of RFID technology. It discusses why tort law, state legislation, FTC guidelines, and proposed regulations are insufficient methods to alleviate consumer privacy concerns and suggests amending various federal privacy laws, thereby prohibiting the underlying RFID tracking behavior

    Hubungan antara amalan pengurusan rantaian bekalan hijau (GSCM) dan prestasi rantaian bekalan di sektor pembuatan, Batu Pahat, Johor

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    Pola pertumbuhan ekonomi telah meningkatkan tahap penggunaan tenaga dan bahan-bahan dan memberi kesan kepada kemampanan alam sekitar. Kemakmuran ekonomi bagi penduduk bandar yang lebih besar, lebih banyak membawa kepada pembaziran pengeluaran. Hal ini berlaku kerana penghasilan sisa dipengaruhi oleh proses perindustrian. Sisa dari sektor pembuatan boleh mendatangkan ancaman terhadap bekalan air, kesihatan awam dan alam sekitar melalui penyebaran bakteria lalu mengakibatkan pencemaran sumber air. Air yang tercemar mungkin mengandungi kepekatan bahan-bahan pencemaran yang tinggi yang dihasilkan oleh kilang-kilang dan akan datang kembali kepada pengguna melalui kitaran air sebagai sumber utama untuk kegunaan harian. Oleh itu, pengguna terdedah kepada pelbagai penyakit dan sekali gus boleh menjejaskan tahap kesihatan mereka (Khairul, Rahman & Ho, 2011). Isu alam persekitaran merupakan isu yang kian mencabar kepada organisasi perniagaan pada masa kini. Pemanasan global, pengurangan kualiti udara dan pencemaran air merupakan beberapa contoh kesan alam sekitar yang boleh dikaitkan dengan aktiviti yang selaras dengan rantaian bekalan organisasi. Pada 9 April 2009, Perdana Menteri telah mengumumkan pembentukan Kementerian Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau dan Air (KeTTHA) bagi menggantikan Kementerian Tenaga, Air dan Komunikasi. Teknologi Hijau merujuk kepada pembangunan dan aplikasi produk, peralatan serta sistem untuk memelihara alam sekitar dan alam semulajadi dan meminimumkan atau mengurangkan kesan negatif daripada aktiviti manusia

    When Big Brother Privatizes: Commercial Surveillance, the Privacy Act of 1974, and the Future of RFID

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    RFID is a powerful new technology that has the potential to allow commercial retailers to undermine individual control over private information. Despite the potential of RFID to undermine personal control over such information, the federal government has not enacted a set of practicable standards to ensure that personal data does not become widely misused by commercial entities. Although some potential privacy abuses could be addressed by modifying RFID technology, this iBrief argues that it would be wise to amend the Privacy Act of 1974 so that corporations would have a statutory obligation to preserve individual anonymity and respect the privacy preferences of consumers

    RFID Demystified: Part 3. Company Case Studies.

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    In the previous two parts of RFID Demystified we have discussed the technology, possible benefits and areas of application for with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems. In this final part we review Company Case-Studies of those who have decided to apply the technology within their organisation. It will be seen that considerable benefits are being experienced within some organisations, pilot applications are increasing our learning and providing a foundation for the future success of projects in this area

    High dimensionality carrierless amplitude phase modulation technique for radio over fiber system

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    Advanced modulation formats such as carrierless amplitude phase (CAP) modulation technique is one of the solutions to increase flexibility and high bit rates to support multi-level and multi-dimensional modulations with the absence of sinusoidal carrier. Recent work are focussing on the 2D CAP-64 QAM Radio-over-Fiber (RoF) system but no extension of higher dimensions is reported. This thesis expands the area of CAP modulation technique and RoF system. The work described in this thesis is devoted to the investigation of 1.25 GSa/s sampling rate for multi-level and multi-dimensional CAP in point-to-point (P2P) and RoF system at 3 km single-mode fiber (SMF). Another advanced modulation format which is known as discrete multitone (DMT) is compared with CAP modulation in order to observe the performance in different modulation schemes. The 4QAM-DMT and 16QAM-DMT at different number of subcarriers are carried out in this propagation. Based on the results, the transmission performance in terms of BER and received optical power for RoF transmission are degraded to almost 3 dB when comparing to 3 km SMF transmission. These are caused by the wireless power loss and impairment effects. The bit rate and spectral efficiency can be increased with the increasing number of levels, and may decreased once the number of dimensions is increased due to the higher up-sampling factor. However, the additional dimensions can be used to support multiple service applications. Therefore, it can be concluded that CAP has better performance as compared to DMT in terms of higher spectral efficiency and data rate. To conclude, the results presented in this thesis exhibit high feasibility of CAP modulation in the increasing number of dimensions and levels. Thus, CAP has the potential to be utilized in multiple service allocations for different number of users
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