225 research outputs found

    Dimensions of Neural-symbolic Integration - A Structured Survey

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    Research on integrated neural-symbolic systems has made significant progress in the recent past. In particular the understanding of ways to deal with symbolic knowledge within connectionist systems (also called artificial neural networks) has reached a critical mass which enables the community to strive for applicable implementations and use cases. Recent work has covered a great variety of logics used in artificial intelligence and provides a multitude of techniques for dealing with them within the context of artificial neural networks. We present a comprehensive survey of the field of neural-symbolic integration, including a new classification of system according to their architectures and abilities.Comment: 28 page

    Scaling connectionist compositional representations

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    The Recursive Auto-Associative Memory (RAAM) has come to dominate connectionist investigations into representing compositional structure. Although an adequate model when dealing with limited data, the capacity of RAAM to scale-up to real-world tasks has been frequently questioned. RAAM networks are difficult to train (due to the moving target effect) and as such training times can be lengthy. Investigations into RAAM have produced many variants in an attempt to overcome such limitations. We outline how one such model ((S)RAAM) is able to quickly produce context-sensitive representations that may be used to aid a deterministic parsing process. By substituting a symbolic stack in an existing hybrid parser, we show that (S)RAAM is more than capable of encoding the real-world data sets employed. We conclude by suggesting that models such as (S)RAAM offer valuable insights into the features of connectionist compositional representations.<br /

    A Defense of Pure Connectionism

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    Connectionism is an approach to neural-networks-based cognitive modeling that encompasses the recent deep learning movement in artificial intelligence. It came of age in the 1980s, with its roots in cybernetics and earlier attempts to model the brain as a system of simple parallel processors. Connectionist models center on statistical inference within neural networks with empirically learnable parameters, which can be represented as graphical models. More recent approaches focus on learning and inference within hierarchical generative models. Contra influential and ongoing critiques, I argue in this dissertation that the connectionist approach to cognitive science possesses in principle (and, as is becoming increasingly clear, in practice) the resources to model even the most rich and distinctly human cognitive capacities, such as abstract, conceptual thought and natural language comprehension and production. Consonant with much previous philosophical work on connectionism, I argue that a core principle—that proximal representations in a vector space have similar semantic values—is the key to a successful connectionist account of the systematicity and productivity of thought, language, and other core cognitive phenomena. My work here differs from preceding work in philosophy in several respects: (1) I compare a wide variety of connectionist responses to the systematicity challenge and isolate two main strands that are both historically important and reflected in ongoing work today: (a) vector symbolic architectures and (b) (compositional) vector space semantic models; (2) I consider very recent applications of these approaches, including their deployment on large-scale machine learning tasks such as machine translation; (3) I argue, again on the basis mostly of recent developments, for a continuity in representation and processing across natural language, image processing and other domains; (4) I explicitly link broad, abstract features of connectionist representation to recent proposals in cognitive science similar in spirit, such as hierarchical Bayesian and free energy minimization approaches, and offer a single rebuttal of criticisms of these related paradigms; (5) I critique recent alternative proposals that argue for a hybrid Classical (i.e. serial symbolic)/statistical model of mind; (6) I argue that defending the most plausible form of a connectionist cognitive architecture requires rethinking certain distinctions that have figured prominently in the history of the philosophy of mind and language, such as that between word- and phrase-level semantic content, and between inference and association

    Non-Referentialist CHL as Error Minimization: Toward a Valuation-Free Agree Model

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    What are uninterpretable features (uFs, or morpho-syntactic features such as ϕ and case)? What exactly is Agree? Where do they originate from? Two assumptions are utilized: the converse of the referentialist doctrine for the computational procedures of human natural language (CHL) (i.e., words do not refer; axiom one) and the error minimization hypothesis (EMH) for nature, which contains EMH for CHL, resulting in a valuation-free Agree model. The axiom one and EMH state that (a) both the conceptual-intentional system (CI) and sensory-motor system (SM) are disconnected in the human brain, (b) as a result, the human brain must connect two systems that are fundamentally different, namely, geometrybuilding narrow syntax (NS) and sound-wave-computing SM, and (c) uFs are errors that emerge in our brain as a result of the mutated disconnection. CHL (NS) is a system that strives to offset errors in order to approach a perfect computational system, deducing the strong minimalist thesis (SMT). The valuation-free Agree model is based on the grammatical feature hypothesis (consequent upon axiom one) and the error-minimization algorithm (EMA) (a subset of EMH). The grammatical feature hypothesis holds that all morpho-syntactic features are NS-computable and SM/CI-uncomputable. The valuation-free Agree model is supported by evidence from languages such as English, French, Hindi, and Japanese, being as it is that there are two types of EMA: error elimination under matching (EMA ①) and error neutralization (EMA ②). EMA ① eliminates probe-goal uF (case and ϕ) under the matching, where two Agree types exist in terms of feature inheritance timing. EMA ② neutralizes uF: it eliminates ϕ as a reflex of case elimination, forcing the predicate ϕ to default. The control issue (i.e., null case elimination of infinitive) and the seeming lack of ϕ-agree in east Asian languages are incorporated in EMA ②departmental bulletin pape

    Connectionist learning of regular graph grammars

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    This paper presents a new connectionist approach to grammatical inference. Using only positive examples, the algorithm learns regular graph grammars, representing two-dimensional iterative structures drawn on a discrete Cartesian grid. This work is intended as a case study in connectionist symbol processing andgeometric concept formation. A grammar is represented by a self-configuring connectionist network that is analogous to a transition diagram except that it can deal with graph grammars as easily as string grammars. Learning starts with a trivial grammar, expressing nogrammatical knowledge, which is then refined, by a process of successive node splitting and merging, into a grammar adequate to describe the population of input patterns. In conclusion, I argue that the connectionist style of computation is, in some ways, better suited than sequential computation to the task of representing and manipulating recursive structures

    Transition-based combinatory categorial grammar parsing for English and Hindi

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    Given a natural language sentence, parsing is the task of assigning it a grammatical structure, according to the rules within a particular grammar formalism. Different grammar formalisms like Dependency Grammar, Phrase Structure Grammar, Combinatory Categorial Grammar, Tree Adjoining Grammar are explored in the literature for parsing. For example, given a sentence like “John ate an apple”, parsers based on the widely used dependency grammars find grammatical relations, such as that ‘John’ is the subject and ‘apple’ is the object of the action ‘ate’. We mainly focus on Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG) in this thesis. In this thesis, we present an incremental algorithm for parsing CCG for two diverse languages: English and Hindi. English is a fixed word order, SVO (Subject-Verb- Object), and morphologically simple language, whereas, Hindi, though predominantly a SOV (Subject-Object-Verb) language, is a free word order and morphologically rich language. Developing an incremental parser for Hindi is really challenging since the predicate needed to resolve dependencies comes at the end. As previously available shift-reduce CCG parsers use English CCGbank derivations which are mostly right branching and non-incremental, we design our algorithm based on the dependencies resolved rather than the derivation. Our novel algorithm builds a dependency graph in parallel to the CCG derivation which is used for revealing the unbuilt structure without backtracking. Though we use dependencies for meaning representation and CCG for parsing, our revealing technique can be applied to other meaning representations like lambda expressions and for non-CCG parsing like phrase structure parsing. Any statistical parser requires three major modules: data, parsing algorithm and learning algorithm. This thesis is broadly divided into three parts each dealing with one major module of the statistical parser. In Part I, we design a novel algorithm for converting dependency treebank to CCGbank. We create Hindi CCGbank with a decent coverage of 96% using this algorithm. We also do a cross-formalism experiment where we show that CCG supertags can improve widely used dependency parsers. We experiment with two popular dependency parsers (Malt and MST) for two diverse languages: English and Hindi. For both languages, CCG categories improve the overall accuracy of both parsers by around 0.3-0.5% in all experiments. For both parsers, we see larger improvements specifically on dependencies at which they are known to be weak: long distance dependencies for Malt, and verbal arguments for MST. The result is particularly interesting in the case of the fast greedy parser (Malt), since improving its accuracy without significantly compromising speed is relevant for large scale applications such as parsing the web. We present a novel algorithm for incremental transition-based CCG parsing for English and Hindi, in Part II. Incremental parsers have potential advantages for applications like language modeling for machine translation and speech recognition. We introduce two new actions in the shift-reduce paradigm for revealing the required information during parsing. We also analyze the impact of a beam and look-ahead for parsing. In general, using a beam and/or look-ahead gives better results than not using them. We also show that the incremental CCG parser is more useful than a non-incremental version for predicting relative sentence complexity. Given a pair of sentences from wikipedia and simple wikipedia, we build a classifier which predicts if one sentence is simpler/complex than the other. We show that features from a CCG parser in general and incremental CCG parser in particular are more useful than a chart-based phrase structure parser both in terms of speed and accuracy. In Part III, we develop the first neural network based training algorithm for parsing CCG. We also study the impact of neural network based tagging models, and greedy versus beam-search parsing, by using a structured neural network model. In greedy settings, neural network models give significantly better results than the perceptron models and are also over three times faster. Using a narrow beam, structured neural network model gives consistently better results than the basic neural network model. For English, structured neural network gives similar performance to structured perceptron parser. But for Hindi, structured perceptron is still the winner