144 research outputs found

    Navigation domain representation for interactive multiview imaging

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    Enabling users to interactively navigate through different viewpoints of a static scene is a new interesting functionality in 3D streaming systems. While it opens exciting perspectives towards rich multimedia applications, it requires the design of novel representations and coding techniques in order to solve the new challenges imposed by interactive navigation. Interactivity clearly brings new design constraints: the encoder is unaware of the exact decoding process, while the decoder has to reconstruct information from incomplete subsets of data since the server can generally not transmit images for all possible viewpoints due to resource constrains. In this paper, we propose a novel multiview data representation that permits to satisfy bandwidth and storage constraints in an interactive multiview streaming system. In particular, we partition the multiview navigation domain into segments, each of which is described by a reference image and some auxiliary information. The auxiliary information enables the client to recreate any viewpoint in the navigation segment via view synthesis. The decoder is then able to navigate freely in the segment without further data request to the server; it requests additional data only when it moves to a different segment. We discuss the benefits of this novel representation in interactive navigation systems and further propose a method to optimize the partitioning of the navigation domain into independent segments, under bandwidth and storage constraints. Experimental results confirm the potential of the proposed representation; namely, our system leads to similar compression performance as classical inter-view coding, while it provides the high level of flexibility that is required for interactive streaming. Hence, our new framework represents a promising solution for 3D data representation in novel interactive multimedia services

    Viewpoint switching in multiview videos using SP-frames

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    The distinguishing feature of multiview video lies in the interactivity, which allows users to select their favourite viewpoint. It switches bitstream at a particular view when necessary instead of transmitting all the views. The new SP-frame in H.264 is originally developed for multiple bit-rate streaming with the support of seamless switching. The SP-frame can also be directly employed in the viewpoint switching of multiview videos. Notwithstanding the guarantee of seamless switching using SP-frames, the cost is the bulky size of secondary SP-frames. This induces a significant amount of additional space or bandwidth for storage or transmission, especially for the multiview scenario. For this reason, a new motion estimation and compensation technique operating in the quantized transform (QDCT) domain is designed for coding secondary SP-frame in this paper. Our proposed work aims at keeping the secondary SP-frames as small as possible without affecting the size of primary SP-frames by incorporating QDCT-domain motion estimation and compensation in the secondary SP-frame coding. Simulation results show that the size of secondary SP-frames can be reduced remarkably in viewpoint switching. Index Terms — Multiview, viewpoint switching, SP-frame, QDCT-domain, motion estimatio

    Novel VLSI Architecture for Quantization and Variable Length Coding for H-264/AVC Video Compression Standard

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    Integrated multimedia systems process text, graphics, and other discrete media such as digital audio and video streams. In an uncompressed state, graphics, audio and video data, especially moving pictures, require large transmission and storage capacities which can be very expensive. Hence video compression has become a key component of any multimedia system or application. The ITU (International Telecommunications Union) and MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) have combined efforts to put together the next generation of video compression standard, the H.264/MPEG-4 PartlO/AVC, which was finalized in 2003. The H.264/AVC uses significantly improved and computationally intensive compression techniques to maximize performance. H.264/AVC compliant encoders achieve the same reproduction quality as encoders that are compliant with the previous standards while requiring 60% or less of the bit rate [2]. This thesis aims at designing two basic blocks of an ASIC capable of performing the H.264 video compression. These two blocks, the Quantizer, and Entropy Encoder implement the Baseline Profile of the H.264/AVC standard. The architecture is implemented in Register Transfer Level HDL and synthesized with Synopsys Design Compiler using TSMC 0.25(xm technology, giving us an estimate of the hardware requirements in real-time implementation. The quantizer block is capable of running at 309MHz and has a total area of 785K gates with a power requirement of 88.59mW. The entropy encoder unit is capable of running at 250 MHz and has a total area of 49K gates with a power requirement of 2.68mW. The high speed that is achieved in this thesis simply indicates that the two blocks Quantizer and Entropy Encoder can be used as IP embedded in the HDTV systems

    Seminario sullo Standard MPEG-4: utilizzo ed aspetti implementativi

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    Una delle tecnologie chiave che hanno permesso il grande sviluppo della televisione digitale è la compressione video. La tecnologia di codifica video nota come MPEG-2, sviluppata nei primi anni novanta, è diventata lo standard di trasmissione DTV (Digital TV) sia satellitare sia terrestre in quasi tutti i paesi del mondo. Da allora la velocità dei microprocessori e le capacità di memoria dei dispositivi hardware per la codifica e la decodifica sono migliorate significativamente rendendo possibile lo sviluppo e l’implementazione di algoritmi di codifica innovativi in grado di abbattere significativamente i limiti di compressione dello standard MPEG-2. Tali innovazioni, sfociate nel 2003 nello standard MPEG-4 AVC (Advanced Video Coding), non hanno permesso di mantenere la compatibilità all’indietro con l’MPEG-2, e questo ha inizialmente costituito un limite alla loro introduzione nei sistemi di trasmissione DTV. Tuttavia, negli ultimi anni la codifica MPEG-4 AVC si è diffusa rapidamente, è stata adottata dal progetto DVB, recentemente dall’ATSC, ed è lo standard di codifica nell’IPTV. L’obiettivo di questo seminario, che si articola in due giornate, è quello di presentare lo standard di codifica MPEG-4 AVC con particolare attenzione agli aspetti implementativi del livello di codifica video.2008-11-18Sardegna Ricerche, Edificio 2, Località Piscinamanna 09010 Pula (CA) - ItaliaSeminario sullo Standard MPEG-4: utilizzo ed aspetti implementativ

    Dynamic Switching of GOP Configurations in High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) using Relational Databases for Multi-objective Optimization

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    Our current technological era is flooded with smart devices that provide significant computational resources that require optimal video communications solutions. Optimal and dynamic management of video bitrate, quality and energy needs to take into account their inter-dependencies. With emerging network generations providing higher bandwidth rates, there is also a growing need to communicate video with the best quality subject to the availability of resources such as computational power and available bandwidth. Similarly, for accommodating multiple users, there is a need to minimize bitrate requirements while sustaining video quality for reasonable encoding times. This thesis focuses on providing an efficient mechanism for deriving optimal solutions for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) based on dynamic switching of GOP configurations. The approach provides a basic system for multi-objective optimization approach with constraints on power, video quality and bitrate. This is accomplished by utilizing a recently introduced framework known as Dynamically Reconfigurable Architectures for Time-varying Image Constraints (DRASTIC) in HEVC/H.265 encoder with six different GOP configurations to support optimization modes for minimum rate, maximum quality and minimum computational time (minimum energy in constant power configuration) mode of operation. Pareto-optimal GOP configurations are used in implementing the DRASTIC modes. Additionally, this thesis also presents a relational database formulation for supporting multiple devices that are characterized by different screen resolutions and computational resources. This approach is applicable to internet-based video streaming to different devices where the videos have been pre-compressed. Here, the video configuration modes are determined based on the application of database queries applied to relational databases. The database queries are used to retrieve a Pareto-optimal configuration based on real-time user requirements, device, and network constraints

    Description-driven Adaptation of Media Resources

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    The current multimedia landscape is characterized by a significant diversity in terms of available media formats, network technologies, and device properties. This heterogeneity has resulted in a number of new challenges, such as providing universal access to multimedia content. A solution for this diversity is the use of scalable bit streams, as well as the deployment of a complementary system that is capable of adapting scalable bit streams to the constraints imposed by a particular usage environment (e.g., the limited screen resolution of a mobile device). This dissertation investigates the use of an XML-driven (Extensible Markup Language) framework for the format-independent adaptation of scalable bit streams. Using this approach, the structure of a bit stream is first translated into an XML description. In a next step, the resulting XML description is transformed to reflect a desired adaptation of the bit stream. Finally, the transformed XML description is used to create an adapted bit stream that is suited for playback in the targeted usage environment. The main contribution of this dissertation is BFlavor, a new tool for exposing the syntax of binary media resources as an XML description. Its development was inspired by two other technologies, i.e. MPEG-21 BSDL (Bitstream Syntax Description Language) and XFlavor (Formal Language for Audio-Visual Object Representation, extended with XML features). Although created from a different point of view, both languages offer solutions for translating the syntax of a media resource into an XML representation for further processing. BFlavor (BSDL+XFlavor) harmonizes the two technologies by combining their strengths and eliminating their weaknesses. The expressive power and performance of a BFlavor-based content adaptation chain, compared to tool chains entirely based on either BSDL or XFlavor, were investigated by several experiments. One series of experiments targeted the exploitation of multi-layered temporal scalability in H.264/AVC, paying particular attention to the use of sub-sequences and hierarchical coding patterns, as well as to the use of metadata messages to communicate the bit stream structure to the adaptation logic. BFlavor was the only tool to offer an elegant and practical solution for XML-driven adaptation of H.264/AVC bit streams in the temporal domain

    Interactive Multiview Video System With Low Complexity 2D Look Around at Decoder

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    Multiview video with interactive and smooth view switching at the receiver is a challenging application with several issues in terms of effective use of storage and bandwidth resources, reactivity of the system, quality of the viewing experience and system complexity. The classical decoding system for generating virtual views first projects a reference or encoded frame to a given viewpoint and then fills in the holes due to potential occlusions. This last step still constitutes a complex operation with specific software or hardware at the receiver and requires a certain quantity of information from the neighboring frames for insuring consistency between the virtual images. In this work we propose a new approach that shifts most of the burden due to interactivity from the decoder to the encoder, by anticipating the navigation of the decoder and sending auxiliary information that guarantees temporal and interview consistency. This leads to an additional cost in terms of transmission rate and storage, which we minimize by using optimization techniques based on the user behavior modeling. We show by experiments that the proposed system represents a valid solution for interactive multiview systems with classical decoders

    Algorithms & implementation of advanced video coding standards

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    Advanced video coding standards have become widely deployed coding techniques used in numerous products, such as broadcast, video conference, mobile television and blu-ray disc, etc. New compression techniques are gradually included in video coding standards so that a 50% compression rate reduction is achievable every five years. However, the trend also has brought many problems, such as, dramatically increased computational complexity, co-existing multiple standards and gradually increased development time. To solve the above problems, this thesis intends to investigate efficient algorithms for the latest video coding standard, H.264/AVC. Two aspects of H.264/AVC standard are inspected in this thesis: (1) Speeding up intra4x4 prediction with parallel architecture. (2) Applying an efficient rate control algorithm based on deviation measure to intra frame. Another aim of this thesis is to work on low-complexity algorithms for MPEG-2 to H.264/AVC transcoder. Three main mapping algorithms and a computational complexity reduction algorithm are focused by this thesis: motion vector mapping, block mapping, field-frame mapping and efficient modes ranking algorithms. Finally, a new video coding framework methodology to reduce development time is examined. This thesis explores the implementation of MPEG-4 simple profile with the RVC framework. A key technique of automatically generating variable length decoder table is solved in this thesis. Moreover, another important video coding standard, DV/DVCPRO, is further modeled by RVC framework. Consequently, besides the available MPEG-4 simple profile and China audio/video standard, a new member is therefore added into the RVC framework family. A part of the research work presented in this thesis is targeted algorithms and implementation of video coding standards. In the wide topic, three main problems are investigated. The results show that the methodologies presented in this thesis are efficient and encourage