38 research outputs found

    Interpolation Is (Not Always) Easy to Spoil

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    We study a version of the Craig interpolation theorem as formulated in the framework of the theory of institutions. This formulation proved crucial in the development of a number of key results concerning foundations of software specification and formal development. We investigate preservation of interpolation under extensions of institutions by new models and sentences. We point out that some interpolation properties remain stable under such extensions, even if quite arbitrary new models or sentences are permitted. We give complete characterisations of such situations for institution extensions by new models, by new sentences, as well as by new models and sentences, respectively

    Institution-Independent Logic Programming

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    An Institutional Foundation for the K Semantic Framework

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    Logical Foundations of Services

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    In this paper we consider a logical system of networks of processes that interact in an asynchronous manner by exchanging messages through communication channels. This provides a foundational algebraic framework for service-oriented computing that constitutes a primary factor in defining logical specifications of services, the way models of these specifications capture service orchestrations, and how properties of interaction-points, i.e. points through which such networks connect to one another, can be expressed. We formalise the resulting logic as a parameterised institution, which promotes the development of both declarative and operational semantics of services in a heterogeneous setting by means of logic-programming concepts